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Immortal Beauty

Page 31

by Thomas McDermott

  “Oh really?” Celine walked calmly into the lab. “Who was he?” she sounded as casual as if she were at a cocktail party instead of a crime scene.

  “I don’t know. He jumped me from behind and asked some questions about Ellen and then tied me to the chair and then left.” He swallowed hard knowing that his life was still in danger.

  “Left? How could he have left?” She stared at the frightened man menacingly. “The door could not have opened without you. You said he tied you up first and then left.” She paused dangerously before shouting out at one of the guards. “You! Check the console to see how he got back out the door, and you!” She pointed to another guard. “Arm yourself. I believe we are still in danger.” The man pulled out a slim and shiny gun from his belt. It had a silencer attached to the end of it. He stood in front of Celine. Taylor knew that in a few moments they would realize that he was still in the room. He decided the element of surprise was the only thing in his favor. He closed his eyes and began to concentrate with every thing he had left. He silently chanted the words that he remembered from so long ago. He could feel the energy pull up from the earth below and began to draw on it like a siphon. He focused on the house. He pictured it in his mind and called the powers of the heavens to come crashing down on this fortress of evil. He remembered the large electrical unit outside. It must be the generator for all of this power. He focused on that alone and let the force flow from his body. Even far below the ground they could all feel and hear the sound of multiple lightning strikes closing in on them. The lights flickered for a moment and they were plunged into darkness. Taylor jumped out of his hiding place and stabbed the guard in the jugular vein. Next he spun around and cut the tendons on the other guard’s heels who fell to the ground screaming. He was about to slit Celine’s throat when he felt the air dissipate from the room. He couldn’t breathe. Something was happening to him and he couldn’t stop it. He knew that it must be the red headed fiend who called herself Ms. D’Aumont and used the last of his energy to knock her to the ground. The air returned to the room and Celine screamed in fury. Taylor grabbed a female scientist and held the sharp blade to her throat.

  “Get me out of here and you may live.” The woman was sobbing and tried to speak.

  Without power…we can’t….leave.” The words were punctuated by sobs. He knew she was lying and pushed the scalpel into her flesh drawing the smallest amount of blood.

  “You’re lying to me. Open the God damned door!” She continued to sob until he screamed into her ear. “Do it!” She cried out again but this time her feet began to lead Taylor to the door.

  “Michelle, don’t do it!” Celine was regaining her stature as she got off the floor which was now slippery with blood. “I’ve got it under control. In a few seconds he will be disarmed.”

  “In a few seconds you’ll be dead!” Taylor moved the scalpel again causing the woman to cry out yet again. She led him to the panel and took a metal key from around her neck and placed it into the panel. Taylor felt the air disappearing around him again. He took his last surgical knife and threw it at Celine. It struck her in the eye and she howled in pain and fury. The air was back again and he pushed the woman through the door and away from Celine and her terrible power. He had underestimated her ability. It would only make sense that she would have some sort of special powers as well. He let go of the woman and said quickly. “I’m sorry. You’ll be alright.” He quickly ran toward the spiral staircase. The woman looked at him while holding her hand to her throat.

  “You had better hurry.” She whispered with a trembling voice. “He will be coming for his mother. He must have heard her scream.” She was glad that someone had finally come to put an end the this nightmare she found herself in. She was a scientist and was not comfortable at all in a world where monsters roamed freely.

  Taylor knew that she was talking about the creature in the forest. He had no desire to battle that beast and ran up as quickly as he could. He ran to the front door and punched the code opening the portal. A backup generator kicked in and the lights were coming back on. Taylor did not run out the front door. He only wanted to give the impression that he did. The house was large and full of hiding places. He needed to become invisible again. He had only just begun to work his plan. He wanted to frighten Celine and let her know that he was on to her. He wanted her to know that she was not unstoppable nor was she all powerful. She had enemies now who were not going to let her rest for one moment until they brought her down. He wanted to shatter her enormous ego and sense of smugness. He was positive that tonight did just that. He had successfully rattled her cage and now if he could only find Sasha everything would be alright. He ran up and up the flights of stairs knowing there must be tons of attic space. He would hide himself away until he learned what he needed to know. It wasn’t much of a plan, but it was a start.


  Sasha retired to her room after sitting on the terrace for hours listening to the others plan against Celine. She was weary all of a sudden and excused herself to find solace in isolation. The room was just as beautiful as before and she began to remember this room from another lifetime. How many times had she lived? How many lifetimes would she eventually remember and she wondered if they all ended tragically. She took a long hot bath in the large porcelain bathtub soaking quietly with the rich soaps and toiletries that were in the room. She glanced around to see once again all the resplendent furnishings of the home. How many of these things had she known before? She had no idea, though many things like the silver hand mirror seemed vaguely familiar. She stayed in the water until it became tepid and roused herself into action. She went to the closet to find a myriad of dresses and suits all in her size. Marcus had been expecting her. She chose a professional looking suit of dull red with a trim skirt and was pleased with the effect. She looked like a working woman of Paris. That is how she identified herself before all of this madness and it was role in which she was comfortable. It was a role she knew how to play to perfection. She chose a pair of shiny black pumps and a small black handbag to complete the ensemble. Smoothing her hair back into a severe ponytail, she secured it with a clasp made of countless rhinestones, or were they diamonds? Marcus was truly wealthy and could afford all of this and so much more. She couldn’t even begin to wrap her mind around how much money he must have accumulated over the last four hundred years. It was incredible to believe that he had been alive for all of this time and that Celine had been around much, much longer. Maybe that’s why she was insane. We were not meant to live this long and Sasha wrinkled a frown at the thought. She couldn’t think about living forever. She finally left the room after approving of the white blouse and red outfit that did nothing but show off her legs. She was a little hesitant to leave as she felt so very safe and comfortable in the impossible room of luxury. She knew that danger lay outside these doors but this time she was a little more prepared for trouble. God help anyone who tried to mess with her as she absolutely had the upper hand now. Her life as a samurai was very clear to her and she could remember it as if it were yesterday. For now she had to focus on Taylor, not that she was worried that he couldn’t take care of himself as Frankie had suggested, but she wouldn’t feel good again until she saw him in the flesh. An idea began to formulate in her mind. She left the room in search of Marcus. As she slowly glided down the stairway she was breathless at all of the magnificence of the chateau. It was too bad that this fairytale included an evil witch who was hell bent on destroying them. This time, however, Snow White was going to shove the apple down the Queen’s throat!

  Marcus was back in his study at his desk this time which was covered in numerous papers and folders.

  “Are you busy?” Sasha asked as she entered the room. He looked tired and Sasha wondered how tired his soul must be. She remembered that there was time that he had loved Celine, but that time was long gone.

  “Oh, it’s nothing that can’t wait. Just a bit of real estate I am thinking of buying.” He held up a photo of a
pristine white home on the hill with the deepest blue sea in the background. “Santorini. I’ve always had a fondness for the sun and the sea. I was thinking it might be nice to have a place to go to when I’m tired of Paris.” His feeble smile moved her greatly as if she had somehow caught a little boy daydreaming of better days ahead.

  “Oh, it’s beautiful.” She murmured taking the photo from his hands. It was like a little paradise and it would be easy to pretend that nothing was wrong in the world in such a place. “I wanted to let you know that I’m going back to work.” She waited for him to respond not knowing if he would object or not.

  “Of course you are free to do as you please, but I appreciate you letting me know. Are you sure you want to do this?” He took the picture of his sunny dream back from her and placed it lovingly into a manila folder.

  “I am sure.” She gently placed her hand on his shoulder. “Celine has no idea that I remember anything and I can still get away with playing dumb. I might be able to learn some things from the inside. I can play Mata Hari for a little while longer until we decide on something concrete.” Marcus remained silent. “Are you alright?” She was genuinely concerned.

  “What? Oh yes my dear just fine. I was just thinking that I have been waiting so long for you to return home and now you are leaving us already.” He smiled up at her with his deep black eyes.

  Oh don’t worry Marcus. I’ll be back. I don’t think that I should be at my apartment. I will stay here until this is over. That will be alright, won’t it?” Her voice sounded as if it were going to break.

  “Oh yes, that would be more than fine Sasha. I know that I’ll sleep better now that you are with us again..” He looked at her in the way a father looks at his favorite daughter. Sasha removed her hand from his shoulder. She was beginning to remember just how much they had meant to each other and found it hard to leave this al behind. But she was determined that when this was over she would be through with all of them as well. More than anything else, she wanted a normal life and it all had to do with the train and seeing the beautiful countryside and the lovely little homes and people very much like her honest and simple mother must live in such charming houses. She ascended the impossible staircase and walked down Rue Raynouard, conscious of all of the city sounds around her. Her feet found their rhythm and she rapidly walked down the street enjoying the sharp click her heels made as they came into contact with the stones. This time she found the Metro without a problem and walked down the steps to death a train that was just pulling in. She was thinking of a story that she would be able to tell them at work hewn she retuned after being missing for three days. It wouldn’t matter to much. She knew Celine wouldn’t dare fire her. Celine had wanted Sasha near her all this time and sought her out all those months ago. That had been no coincidence. Celine had played her knowing that she had no idea who she really was. Her anger and hatred toward the woman began to rise to the surface and she knew that when the time came that she would deliver the final blow that would bring Celine down once and for all and that it was going to give her much pleasure. It was funny how just a few days ago she was simply a representative for a beauty company, and today she was an immortal creature with some killer skills! The train continued on its indifferent way and Sasha had to make a change at Invalides to get to work. She decided not to give her boss a story at all. She started thinking of a new plan and her lips curved into a smile at the thought of how it was now her turn to play Celine. She remembered a friend of hers from college always used to say: “Revenge is better than Christmas!” The phrase now had an entirely new meaning.

  Once she got to the enormous building she flashed her pass to the guard and walked arrogantly to the elevators that would sweep her up and into the heart of the beast. She got off on her floor and Sandrine, a lovely young photographer came running up to her. She was a splash of lime green and yellow in a funky modern mini-dress. Her large and dramatic eyewear made her look like an owl.

  “Where have you been? They called the police and everything! It’s been quite a scandal.” She was all breathless and excited. Sasha did not break her stride and Sandrine had to run with her little legs to keep up. “Was it a man?” She whispered in dramatic tones. “Did you meet someone? Oh please tell me it was something exciting! You have no idea how boring my life is!” She was being loud on purpose as she wanted everyone to see them together as if somehow that made her more interesting. The corporate world was strangely like 8th grade in so many ways. Now Sandrine was friends with the shocking American girl that no one liked who had not even bothered to call in while taking three days off.

  “Sandrine, I wish it had been a man! At least that would have been fun. Well, actually it was three men!” She laughed knowing the gossip that one sentence would generate. She saw her boss walking toward her with an angry scowl on her face. She was an older and very traditional French woman trained in the ways of Coco Chanel. There was no room for mistakes in this woman’s department. Mistakes were crumpled up and thrown away and this domineering woman had been waiting for this very day when she could toss Sasha out of her company, for she thought of Celgen as such, once and for al. Her hair was as black as her suit making her skin look unnaturally white.

  “Miss White.” She sounded exactly like a school teacher. “Just what do you think you are doing?” Her shrill voice lifted up at the end of her question accusingly. “You cannot just come and go as you please. Celgen has very high standards which you have continually failed to uphold. I’ve already begun interviewing for your replacement and I certainly don’t want you sticking around to impart any of your bad habits on my new hire.” She was gloating and Sasha felt like the mean girl in the cafeteria had just knocked over her tray, but this time she could care less.

  “Interviewing for my job?” Sasha sat at her chair as if it were just another work day. “Don’t you think that’s a little presumptuous Mrs. Olivier? Why don’t you ask Celine where I was? She’ll be more than happy to tell you, if she has the time, or have you forgotten about our upcoming launch of L’Eau Jeunesse? She turned on her computer and started typing away. “Now, if you’ll excuse me I have oodles of work to do!” She dismissed the woman with a wave of her hand which she knew would infuriate the older woman.

  “Celine? You call her Celine?” She was in shock and pulled a black lace cloth out of her breast pocket and held it up to her nose. She was seriously old school!

  “Of course I call her Celine Mrs. Olivier. She’s the one who sought me out and practically begged me to come work here. I didn’t really want to at first you know, I had my sights on a larger company.” Now Sasha was just being mean and realized if she didn’t stop soon she would lose her focus. “But if you want to give my job to someone else you should probably tell Celine first, she just gave me a promotion and a raise. I would hate for anything terrible to happen to you.” She smiled in the most unbearable way she could. She started working and acted as if her boss had already left her desk. Sasha knew that everyone was listening and that they were just as shocked as poor Mrs. Olivier. This was the quiet American girl who had always been so amiable and pleasant and eager to please. What on earth could have caused such a dramatic shift? The woman in black simply stood in place not quite knowing what to do. Sasha looked up in faux surprise. “You’re still here? Oh good, I’ll call Celine myself and you can talk to her.” Sasha punched some numbers and waited a few seconds before speaking. “Yes, please tell Celine that Sasha wants to speak to her. You know what? Please tell her that I remember everything…yes that’s right.” The look on Mrs. Olivier’s face was priceless. “Yes, I’ll hold.” She placed her had over the phone and whispered loudly, “It’ll just be a sec.” The older woman could not believe this. She didn’t even have to say her proper name! She had underestimated Sasha White in this company. It had almost been a mistake that could have cost her very own career. She listened attentively for Sasha to continue. “Celine? Sasha here. Oh, great….you? Perfect! It seems Mrs. Olivier has begun int
erviewing people for my position here at Celgen. Is there something I need to know? Is this because of my promotion?” There was a long pause. “Oh no! Don’t do anything like that! I adore Mrs. Olivier, she’s been like a mother to me!” She saw the expression on the woman’s white face go from horror to relief. Sasha was done playing with her. Her only crime had been meanness and she had no part in this dangerous game at the heart of Celgen. She place her hand gently on Mrs. Olivier’s shoulder and said. “As a matter of fact, I was just going to suggest that it is high time we honor Mrs. Olivier for all of her efforts. Yes, a bonus was just what I had in mind and perhaps a company dinner?” She smiled at the old woman and suddenly wished they had been nicer to each other all this time. “Of course I can meet you for lunch today, nothing would make me happier! Yes, she’s right here.” She handed the phone over to her boss and stood up abruptly. “I’ve got to meet Celine for lunch. I’ll see you later this afternoon.” She walked out of the office not looking at the stunned woman’s face who was staring at the phone as if she had never seen one before. All Sasha was aware of was that clicking sound her heels made that she loved so very much.

  The café that Celine had chosen was a small discreet place where they would not see anyone they knew. Sasha found it as she walked a few blocks from St. Michelle. She stopped to look at the statue of St. Michael defeating the dragon. She had seen it a million times before but it never held as much meaning as it did today. It was at this spot that the Germans were forced to surrender because of the heavy symbolism. St. Michael had a long sword pointed at the beast. Sasha wondered if her sword was still in that old house. She would have to practice with it before she dealt with Celine. She passed a few antique stores and looked in the windows at the lovely ancient things. There were two cat statues from ancient Egypt. She wished she had time to shop leisurely but knew that a part of her just wanted to stall this meeting. She decided to force Celine’s hand. She wanted her to know that if she did anything to Taylor that Sasha would slice her into a thousand little pieces. She was going to make a deal with the devil and she wasn’t too happy about tit but felt that she had no other options. She didn’t care who controlled the waters and was beginning to think all of this was an ancient love spat between Marcus and Celine. But, she didn’t care anymore, she had to remind herself as she spotted the little café on the corner. All she cared about was Taylor and that was the reason she was getting ready to sell her soul. The place was fairly empty and very dark. She couldn’t imagine Celine setting foot in here without having someone wipe down every surface. Sasha was the only customer and sat down in the farthest corner and ordered a mineral water from the slight man who seemed thrilled that finally there was something to do and he smiled and flirted with her but she found even the slightest effort to be pleasant was too taxing. She was about to have lunch with the enemy. Not long after her water arrived Sasha watched an old woman with an umbrella come in and take a seat at the bar where they served coffee and such. She was dressed in a very provincial manner of an old woman in France. It was almost a uniform with the bundled sweaters and the obligatory umbrella to use against the weather as well as her fellow citizens who might try to bully her or cut in front of her in the line at the market. Sasha found herself envying the woman. Here it was again. The urge to live a simple life that kept returning to her. Then Celine walked in and all such thoughts vanished in the dazzling creature standing before her. She had large dark sunglasses, Audrey Hepburn style, and a dark green scarf wrapped around her head. She had a beige trench coat on and looked like a ridiculous spy glancing left and right to make sure no one knew who she was. She stopped directly in front of Sasha who had not moved at all. Slowly, a controlled fixed smile appeared on Celine’s face. She could tell that Celine enjoyed this little game. She was getting off on it and that made Sasha hate her even more. She was so smug.


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