Book Read Free

Thanks to You

Page 9

by Kelsey Cheyenne

  “What gives?” I can’t even tell her what I was thinking about.

  I shake my head. “Sorry, I spaced. I didn’t sleep well last night.” I shrug and rush to pack up my things. This is our only class together and now I have to rush off to my organic chemistry lab. Joy.

  “Meet up for lunch?” I pull my schedule up on my phone to see if I can meet her.

  “I have a break at two thirty.” She nods and we plan to stop at our favorite food truck on campus.

  We don’t do anything in lab since it’s the first week of the semester, so I take the remaining three hours to Facebook stalk Chase.

  He’s a calculus teacher now at our old high school and coaches the hockey team. If I had teachers like that in my day, I might’ve been a teen cliché trying to sleep with him. But my teachers were old and most of them were women. Not my style.

  More good news, he broke up with his last girlfriend over a year ago and hasn’t posted anything since to indicate he’s seeing anyone new.

  I get lost staring at the screen, looking into his icy blue eyes, and wishing I could run my fingers through his sandy blonde hair.

  Ever since Hunter first hung out with him when they were in high school I had a crush. But I have a huge red flag looming over my head as the untouchable little sister. Not that Chase has ever shown any interest in me, but even if he did like me, he couldn’t.

  I fall down a wormhole of FBI-level investigating and wind up on his ex-girlfriend’s cousin’s dog’s fan page. My phone ringing pulls me away from the stalking.

  Shit. I’m late for lunch with Kenz. “Hey, girl, sorry I’m late. I’m on my way.” I rush to meet her and find her sitting at a table outside of the business building with two meals in front of her.

  “You owe me.” She smirks, so I know she’s not too mad at me. “What’s with you today? You’re totally spaced.”

  “It’s, um, Hunter. You know it’s his birthday next weekend and I hate not celebrating with him. Ever since that bitch dug her claws into him I’ve barely seen him or even talked to him.” I shrug. It’s not a complete lie. Every word, at least, is true.

  She takes a drink and chews on her straw, lost in thought. I always try to keep her up to date with news of my brother. Mainly because I’m hoping she cracks and confesses she likes him. Hasn’t happened yet, and now we’re both keeping secrets from each other.

  “What do your parents say about her?” Her voice is soft, blowing over her straw enough to create a whistle.

  I smile. She will love this. “My mom loathes her. She’s always polite, of course, but she calls my mom Ronnie. It’s disgusting. My dad is indifferent toward her, ignoring her the best in can, but he’s always got my mom’s back. Considering my mom likes everyone, her distaste for Ali speaks volumes. I don’t know why Hunter stays with her.”

  My parents are the epitome of a sickeningly sweet and so in love couple. They make me believe in true love and more than anything they’ve taught me what I deserve.

  They were high school sweethearts and they still act like they’re in the honeymoon phase. Growing up I felt embarrassed to be around them because they act mushy all the time. Now that I’m older, I can admit it’s the type of love I yearn for.

  My dad has always taken my mom’s side, even over the most ridiculous things. His favorite story to tell about my mom is when she yelled at our old neighbor because their cat looked at my mom funny. She was all out of sorts, in hysterics, with tears running down her cheeks. My dad went to intervene and when he heard what was happening, he said to the lady, “Please, tell your cat to stop staring at my wife.”

  Just like that. No questions asked, he backed her ridiculous story. A couple weeks later they realized she was pregnant with me and that’s why she overreacted. Still, my dad always supported her like a husband damn well should.

  I couldn’t ask for better relationship role models. They even take each other’s sides over choosing me or Hunter.

  In this instance though, where my brother’s fiancée is psychotic, and he seems to be blind to it, my dad has a legitimate reason to believe my mom. We all can’t stand the bitch, but my brother doesn’t come around enough for me to ask him why he stays with her.

  I’d been lost in thought and only snap out of it when Kenzie’s hand brushes against my forearm. “Hello, Earth to Hails? I lost ya for a second there.”

  She grins, and it reaches her eyes, likely from the new bout of information I supplied, yet she probably doesn’t even realize I notice it. “Sorry. I was just thinking something—no, it’s too crazy. Never mind.” I wave my hand in the air as if to say, Forget it.

  “What is it?” Her eyebrows crinkle and her head tilts.

  “Just… this will sound weird but, I was wondering what would’ve happened if you and Hunter ever got together.” I shrug to act nonchalant, even though I’m setting her up here. I want to see her reaction.

  She blushes and her green eyes widen comically. “What? Me and Hunter? Why would you even say that? Ridiculous. He would never—I mean, it’s totally—who even—no. Don’t be silly.” Tucking her strawberry hair behind her ear, she averts her gaze and grabs her phone. “Oh, shit, I’m late for class. Sorry, Hails. We’ll talk more later.” She runs off, not even chancing a glance over her shoulder at me.

  She’s so in love with my brother.

  My phone vibrates as I pack up to head to my last class of the day. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as I read Chase’s name. Calm down.

  Chase: I don’t have school Friday or Monday for Labor Day. Long weekend at Hunter’s? What time should I pick you up?

  Okay, butterflies. Flutter away.



  “What’s that grin for?” I spin around in my chair to see the French teacher, Laila Deveraux, leaning against the doorjamb in an attempt at seduction. She’s been desperate to get her claws into me since I started this job two years ago.

  “Just making plans for the long weekend.” I shuffle around papers trying to look busy. It doesn’t work. She saunters into my space, perching on the edge of my desk where I’d just cleaned.

  She’s pretty, if you’re into women who are fake from head to toe and try too hard. Her long brown hair was short last week, her tits were rock hard when she hugged me after I got hired, and she talks shit about every other employee but is sweet as sugar to their faces. Her lips are plump and always red, her fingernails are long with a new manicure every week, and her heels seem to have gotten higher since I started here.

  She’s got to be in her late twenties, and if I were a student, I would’ve salivated at her feet. But as a colleague, her desperation and overall attitude is a major turn off.

  I look up at her, simmering with impatience and offering no attempt to hide my irritation. A couple of years ago I might’ve fucked her. I would’ve caved to her advances after our first interaction. But that was before everything happened. I’m different now and Laila doesn’t do it for me.

  “Did you pencil me in for any of those weekend plans?” She shifts her hips the smallest bit, but it’s enough to cause her blouse to stretch over her ample chest, offering me a view of the black lacy bra underneath.

  Who even says ‘pencil me in’ anymore? I lean back in my chair and it squeaks under my weight. I clear my throat and close my eyes so she doesn’t catch me rolling them at her.

  “Sorry, Deveraux, going to visit my buddy a couple hours away.” In athlete language, calling a girl by her last name signifies she’s one of the guys and not someone I want to fuck.

  She pouts, actually fucking pouts, and bats her eyelashes at me. “That’s okay, maybe another time.” She pushes off my desk and struts out of the room. I don’t watch her leave, though I’m positive her pencil skirt is snug around her ass.

  I run a hand through my hair in frustration. I’ll have to nip that in the bud eventually, but I’ll worry about her later. For now, I have to plan my weekend with Hailey. My best friend’s little sister. What the hell am
I doing?

  Hailey: Pick me up at 2 and we’ll get there around dinnertime.

  I smirk at her response and how she thinks she’s running this show, making these plans. It’s cute.

  My attraction to her was rapid and unexpected. She’s always been Hunter’s little sister to me, but when we ran into each other at Starbucks, something shifted.

  She sat in a corner, picking at a blueberry muffin with a coffee cup sitting in front of her, light pink lipstick staining the rim of the paper cup.

  The sun was framing her face and I could see how she was biting her lip while reading through a textbook. She had multiple highlighters scattered around in some particular pattern that no one but her could decipher.

  “Hailey Blake,” I said, drawing out her name. I couldn’t help but talk to her with the angelic way she looked.

  She looked up, confusion resting on her feature for a brief moment before recognition took over. “Chase? I haven’t seen you in forever.” A light blush rose up from her neck and her green eyes sparkled as she spoke. “Please, sit down.”

  She folds up her notes, shoving papers into her textbook and putting everything in her book bag to make space for me. I take the seat opposite her and make myself comfortable, crossing my ankle over my knee.

  “How’ve you been?” I smile, using my charm on her for the first time.

  “Busy. I have all this work to do and the semester hasn’t even started yet,” she rambles on, doing and redoing her ponytail multiple times. My mouth quirks up listening to her tangent. “What? Oh my God, I’m sorry, you don’t need to listen to me complain.” An embarrassed chuckle slips from between her lips and she looks down at her lap.

  “No, it’s fine. You look good, Hails. How’s Hunter doing?” Her eyes snap back to me and her cheeks flush adorably once more.

  “I haven’t talked to him much lately.” She shrugs, and a sadness appears in her eyes, making them watery. It seems her relationship with his is as strained as mine is. I change the topic away from her brother.

  I grab her phone and program my number into it. Then I shoot off a text to myself so I have her number as well. I don’t know what made me do it, but it felt like something I needed to do.

  “I have to get to work. There’s a ton of meetings before school starts, but it was great to see you. We should catch up sometime.” I stand and rap my knuckles on the table twice before strutting out. I throw her a look over my shoulder and wink as I catch her watching me leave.

  Since that brief interaction, I haven’t been able to get her out of my head. She looked so hot in her gray crop top and jean shorts. So simple but it worked for her. It worked for me. I’ve had a metaphorical—okay, and literal—hard-on for her ever since.

  I don’t know whether we’ll be able to stay with her brother or not considering he lives with Alison and she never approved of my friendship with him. It’s why we drifted apart. She’s caused nothing but trouble in his life. I can’t begin to fathom why he proposed to her. It’s another thing I hope to get to the bottom of next weekend.

  I have a break this period and I book a hotel for Hailey and me. Well, I book two rooms but I make sure they are adjoining just in case.

  I plan to talk to Hunter about my feelings for his little sister while we’re visiting him too. Hopefully Hailey will give us guy time so I can broach the subject with him. I’m sure that’ll be a fun conversation.

  The bell rings and students file into my room. I love my job and I like most of my students, but this next week is bound to be torture when the countdown leads me to her.


  “Hey, man.” I give my best friend a call on Sunday to let him know I’m coming up and bringing a surprise for him. I don’t want to tell him about Hailey for a few reasons.

  I have no doubt he’ll be confused about why I’ve been in contact with his little sister, and frankly, I’m not ready to explain it to him. Also, I’m afraid he might tell me not to bring her. I’m not willing to cancel on her, which means she’ll stay a surprise for now. It’s not like he’ll send her home once he sees her.

  “Yeah, uh, man, about that—”

  “Whatever you’re going to say forget it. I’m coming to see you whether I have permission from your ball and chain or not. How long has it been since we’ve hung out? It’s ridiculous, dude. Separate yourself from the pussy for one weekend. I don’t care how good it is.”

  “What the hell, dude? It’s not that. I was going to ask if you booked a hotel for the weekend. Ali isn’t cool with guests right now…” His voice is strained and he leaves the sentence hanging mid-air.

  “Yup, all set. I plan to get there around dinnertime on Friday if you wanna grab a bite then?” I grin because I’m remembering Hailey’s message and how she thought she could make the arrangements and boss me around.

  “About that,” I roll my eyes as he starts, “Ali and I have dinner plans with her parents Friday night, but after that, I’m all yours.”

  I could get upset, but this is the perfect opportunity to get extra alone time with his sister and take her out to dinner. This actually works in my favor. “Whatever, man, I’ll see you then.”

  I don’t know what that leech Alison has on Hunter, but I plan to find out next weekend.



  I’m running around my room like a crazy person let out of the asylum while attempting to pack by myself. I can’t tell Kenzie why I’m panicking over this trip because I’ve already lied to her once. She has no idea it’s about Chase, and although lying to her turns my stomach, it’s too late to do anything about it now.

  I still can’t shake the feeling I’m abandoning her. It’s a long weekend and normally we’d be heading back to my parents’ house for the entirety of it. I’m leaving her my car since Chase is driving me, but I lied to her again, saying I’m taking a train up to Hunter’s place. I don’t even know if a train actually runs up there.

  It’s Thursday night and my weekend with my dream man starts tomorrow. I am freaking the hell out. What am I going to wear on the ride up? I want to be cute yet comfy. Do I opt for leggings or a dress? Is a dress trying too hard? It’s not like he’ll notice anyway.

  This entire trip still doesn’t exactly make much sense to me. I plan to ask Chase about it if I can build up the nerve. I tend to stick my foot in my mouth and overstep my boundaries, and I don’t want to look like an idiot in front of him, though that’s inevitable.

  “Hails!” The apartment door slams and I react by trying to stuff my suitcase under my bed, which doesn’t even make sense since Kenzie knows I’m going away. Instead, I make a huge mess, dumping the contents all over the floor.

  And yes, I know I’m only going for a weekend but it’s a long weekend; therefore, I need an entire suitcase. That’s what I plan to tell my hot chauffer tomorrow, anyway.

  My bedroom door slams opens and my best friend stumbles in with a bottle of wine. She only drinks in excess when she’s working through something, and I can tell she’s already pretty far gone. I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with Hunter, but that could all be in my head.

  “Wanna get drunk?” I can’t drink tonight. I need to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed tomorrow to try to somehow, maybe, potentially, hopefully attract the attention of my road-trip partner, but for some reason, my best friend is hurting. I don’t intend to let her suffer alone.

  “No, but, for you I—”

  “Oh, what’s this? Plan to steal Hunter away from that hag? No, wait, that’s your brother, never mind.” Kenzie’s holding up my black satin and lace romper I wear to bed on special occasions.

  I shudder as I realize what she said. “Ew, perv. No, it’s just comfy.” Okay, yes, I packed it in case there’s a midnight emergency and I have to wake up Chase to save the day.

  I’m grateful my best friend is too far gone and drops the topic as quick as she brought it up. “You clean this mess; I’ll get you a glass.” Kenzie says, so I haphazardly throw my
belongings back into my suitcase and join my boozy bestie in our living room.

  Curling up on the couch, she brings me a glass while she drinks straight from the bottle. “Spill. What’s going on?

  “What? I didn’t spill?” She’s looking around to find a wine stain. She’s in worse shape than I thought.

  “No, you didn’t spill; I want you to tell me what’s going on.” I motion up and down to the current state she’s in.

  She leans her head back against the couch and the wine bottle tilts to where she almost spills, for real this time. It’s emptier than I realized because nothing leaks out. She hasn’t drunk like this for the hell of it since her parents passed away a couple of years ago.

  Her head lolls back and forth. I can’t tell if she’s shaking her head no or if she’s too tipsy to control her own body.

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” She offers me a small smile, so whatever it is must be really upsetting her. My heart clenches in my chest knowing I can’t help her.

  I do what any best friend would do in this situation. I open another bottle of wine and put on The Office pre-Jim-and-Pam days in case Kenzie is upset about a guy, err, my brother.

  As the theme song fills our living room at the start of the third episode, I look over and find my best friend passed out, slack-jawed, and cradling the bottle of wine like it’s her baby. I chuckle and throw a blanket over her before making my way to my bedroom.

  I’m a little tipsy but nowhere near drunk. I finish packing and collapse on my bed, eager for tomorrow to come and my weekend with Chase to begin. Oh, and I’m excited to visit my brother, but he’s not the one causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach.


  I’m a ball of nervous energy as I roll out of bed just after eleven. The apartment is still and calm meaning Kenzie likely high-tailed it out of here to avoid talking about last night.


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