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Alluring Tales

Page 5

by Vivi Anna, Sylvia Day, Delilah Devlin, Cathryn Fox, Myla Jackson, Lisa Renee Jones

  Stones skittered behind her and she spun to find a large, male figure standing on a rocky knoll. At least the program had gotten that much right. The Ice Man’s incredible, burly physique was nude except for a furry loincloth that draped from a slender cord at his waist, leaving the sides of his tanned hips and his massive, sleek thighs bare.

  The breeze ruffled his pale hair as he strode toward her, his sharp gaze sweeping down her body, a predatory gleam in his eyes.

  Kili’s heart thudded and her nipples tightened, the sensitive tips pressing into supple fabric. She glanced down and noted she too wore an animal’s skin, tanned and buttery-soft. The miniscule top barely covered her breasts and was knotted between them. Another soft garment draped around her hips, and the breeze licking up her thighs revealed she was totally nude underneath the crude clothing. “Now, that’s attention to detail,” she murmured. But if this was her fantasy, why weren’t her hips slimmer?

  When she brought up her head again, Ice Man’s attention was directed behind her and his entire body tensed. He hefted a spear in one hand, holding it above his shoulder.

  She followed his gaze and saw an enormous creature crouched low in the grass staring back at them, catlike with long fangs curving like tusks from its gaping mouth.

  Before she could gasp a warning, Ice Man let loose his spear and snagged her wrist, dragging her behind him as he ran back up the knoll.

  A hideous, snarling scream erupted, and Kili forgot that none of this was real—her heart accelerated and her breath rasped as she ran like the wind, flying up the rocks behind the gladiator, grateful for the fur-lined booties that shielded her feet from the harsh terrain.

  Just as they crested the knoll, the sound of heavy paws thundered behind them. She didn’t dare look back, but Ice Man dropped her hand and drew another spear from the leather sheath strapped to his back. With a lithe twist, he turned and launched the spear straight into the large cat’s chest.

  The animal dropped like a rock without a sound, dead before it hit the ground.

  Kili shivered and reminded herself, This isn’t real. All that blood spurting in a gurgling stream from the creature’s gaping wound was just part of the program hooked up to her brain-waves to deliver a virtual adventure. She’d never really been in danger, but her racing heart didn’t seem to know the difference. The trembling that shook her body felt authentic, as did the excitement that thrummed through her veins.

  She drew a deep, steadying breath and lifted her head to find Ice Man’s gaze leveled on her.

  His chest gleamed with sweat, his jaw was taut, and hunger glinted in his hard eyes.

  “I’m guessing this is where we’re supposed to share celebratory sex, huh?” she quipped, already feeling her body soften and moisten in anticipation.

  A slow grin stretched his sexy mouth, revealing a flash of startling white teeth. His arm snaked around her waist and pulled her close, his mouth descending toward hers.

  Kili let her eyelids droop, shutting out everything but the curve of his firm lips as she tilted back her head to await his kiss.

  When his breath brushed her mouth, she shivered and snuggled her aching breasts against his naked, sweaty skin. He smelled earthy—of wood smoke and healthy man!

  A masculine growl rumbled from deep inside him, and he paused, opening his mouth to speak.

  Kili melted, clinging to his rock-hewn arms, a breath away from heaven.

  He inhaled, pressing his brawny chest ever closer, and said, “Ugh!”


  Gunnar jerked back his head and tried again. This time, “Urgha!” was all he could manage to cram past vocal chords that had forgotten how to function. Fuck! Now, how was he supposed to convince the woman he was smarter than the average caveman?

  Kili’s lips stretched into a grin, and a wicked light danced in her dark eyes. “They must have downloaded my personality profile,” she murmured. “Do they know what I want or what?”

  He almost dumped her on the ground, but their bare midriffs were fused by sweat, and his barely clothed cock snuggled in the well of her soft belly—the possibilities were way too tempting for him to overlook for pride’s sake.

  Besides, “Little Gunnar” didn’t seem to care that Kili thought he was the brains of the operation and unfurled beneath the loincloth, straining against the contrary woman’s body.

  Big Gunnar hoped like hell his southern brain hadn’t forgotten how to function, too, because it sure looked like she was warming up fast to the idea of that celebratory sex.

  Her palms molded the contours of his chest, and she rose on her tiptoes to glide her lips along his chin. “Mmmm, I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I saw you clobber the Zoltan Twins in the ‘Rumble in Orion.’” Her arms encircled his shoulders as she strained upwards.

  Aware more beasts might be lurking in the grass, Gunnar knew he had to take the party indoors. He silently cursed the idiot who thought a caveman fantasy was the way to turn the tables on the woman. Never mind he’d bribed the tech to place them in the scenario of his choice. At this point, he figured he’d earned a little reward for all the earlier aggravation she’d put him through.

  The same program that had robbed him of speech flashed a picture into his mind of a route to his abode. He gripped Kili’s hair to get her attention, and then took advantage of her gasp to kiss her mouth hard, stroking inward for a quick taste of what was to come.

  Jesus, she was sweet—and hot! She mewled and rubbed on him like a kitten, until he seriously considered lifting her to fuck her where they stood.

  Her mind must have traveled the same sexy path, because she hopped up and wound her legs around his waist before he had a chance to come up for air.

  Unable to resist a quick feel, he slipped his hands beneath her suede skirt to clasp both bare cheeks. Her ass filled his palms—soft and round, yet surprisingly muscular. He clutched it tight and ground his cock against her open sex. Now, only the supple hide of his loincloth separated him from heaven.

  A distant roar reminded him they needed to find shelter. “Nnnnn,” he protested, as he let her slide down his body.

  Swaying, she held onto his arms for a moment then stepped away, her eyes blinking. “All right, I’m thinking they should have given me at least a few verbal commands you would understand. How do I say ‘fuck me’ in cave lingo?”

  Gunnar growled his frustration, and then quicker than she could gasp, he bent and shoved his shoulder into her abdomen, forcing her to fold over his shoulder. If he was doomed to play a ravaging caveman…

  Kili screeched and scissored her legs. “Put me down, you Neanderthal!”

  Grinning, Gunnar reached up to swat her delectable bottom, and took off in the direction of the cave just beyond the next rise. With the sun resting on the horizon, he broke into a lope, not wanting to be caught in the dark with whatever creatures the program had decided should populate their adventure.

  As a bonus, Kili stopped her caterwauling and held on for dear life, grunting softly as her stomach bounced on his hard shoulder. However difficult their communications issues, she understood he meant business. Nothing was going to get in the way of his seduction now.

  The ground beneath them blurred as Ice Man picked up speed. Kili grabbed for his waist to save more abuse as she flopped like a rag doll.

  Thank God, this was a fantasy! The last rays of the sun struck her naked upended bottom, but thankfully there was no one around to witness the sight. She could just imagine how ridiculous she looked from a frontal view—all wide, glowing ass cheeks. “Twin Moons over the Savannah” could have been her pitch line.

  At the base of a tall rock outcrop, they passed an open fire where the grisly remains of some small creature roasted on a spit. Suddenly, he slowed and ducked low, scraping her ass along the roof of an overhanging rock.

  Kili gasped, and then let loose a shrill shriek when he dumped her onto a bed of furs. Tossing back her hair, she came up on her elbows and glowered.

object of her “Fantasy-Gone-Wild” grinned, looking entirely too pleased with himself as he pulled the strap of the spear case over his head. Not that she could blame him. He had her exactly where he wanted her, and she was hotter than a rocket in reentry.

  And that was before he reached for the knot at the side of his loincloth.

  Kili almost opened her mouth to give him a scathing set down just to keep him humble, but remembered he probably wouldn’t understand a word. Plus she’d just paid half a week’s wages for the privilege of taking a look beneath that furry flap. She licked her lips and stared as it slid down his thighs to pool at his big feet. Then she took a deep breath and followed the length of his braced legs back up to their juncture. “Wow!” she whispered.

  His cock was as thick as her wrist and slightly darker than his bronzed skin. Uncircumcised. That wasn’t something you saw very often, except in men from the farther reaches of the galaxy. Primitive, barbaric men.

  Her body expressed its enthusiastic approval with a wash of silky delight. But that wasn’t the end of the spectacular show! His glorious cock rose slowly as though hoisted by an invisible crane. No way should something that heavy lift under its own steam. And holy shit! It was still expanding—in both width and breadth.

  “They didn’t have to exaggerate that much,” she said, feeling a little breathless. “I was all ready to be impressed—but wow!”

  “Hrmph!” He snorted, bringing up her gaze to find him staring at his cock with a frown on his face.

  “I’m thinking I’m glad this is my fantasy, because that’s actually going to fit, isn’t it?” she said, gulping.

  Ice Man’s gaze returned and one dark brow rose—mocking her unease. His glance dropped to her breasts, lingering for a moment before sliding down her body to rest on her legs.

  A thrill of excitement poured into her loins, a pure adrenaline rush of super-heated lust. “I’m thinking I’m overdressed.”


  The man certainly had a way with snorts. His hands went to his hips in a universally male “I’ll give you five seconds to start stripping” pose.

  “Well, this is what I came for, right?” she said, her confidence lagging by the second at the heat staining his face and the sharpness of his gaze.

  This was her fantasy, so naturally he’d be just as impressed with her overblown physique or her money back! However, her ass-nemesis made it impossible for her to feel comfortable stripping in front of perfection. But how could she distract him as she shimmied out of her clothes? “Maybe…we should have some of that…roast meat, before we—”

  Ice Man stepped over her, placing his feet on either side of her hips. The man obviously had no body-part-nemeses to give him any insecurities.

  As well, he seemed awfully proud of the cock-that-could-choke-an-elephant. This close, it seemed to stretch above her—endless, and well, damned intimidating.

  “You know, I’m thinking we should take a little time to get to know each other first,” she babbled, alarmed when he dropped to his knees and leaned forward on his arms, his wagging appendage tapping her belly before he eased down.

  Closer now, she noted the flare of his nostrils, like he was taking in her scent. Was scenting a stone-age mating ritual or was he sniffing out his next meal? Her nerves jumped when a low growl erupted from deep inside his wide chest, and he leaned down.

  Her hands shot up and braced against that wall of solid muscle, but he seemed as immoveable as the rock ledge on which she lay. “Um, I don’t suppose you’re the kind of guy who just likes to lick his food first, huh?”

  The corners of his lips twitched, making her wonder if her expression had clued him in to her nervousness. His downward momentum didn’t stop until he lay on top of her—every overwhelming inch.

  She forgot how to breathe. Instead, she wheezed, afraid to inhale too deeply and accidentally press upward against the long erection. Already, it burrowed between her legs and lapped over the top of her miniscule mini.

  The fat, bulbous tip of him burned her quivering belly. “This is nice,” she said quickly. “Maybe we could stay like this for a little while?”

  “Uh ugh,” he murmured, and dropped his head to nuzzle her neck. Again, he inhaled, sniffing her like she was a tasty treat. A thick thigh nudged between hers.

  Despite her misgivings, her nipples dimpled and she relaxed her knees to let him slip between them. The base of his cock settled against her pussy, and she couldn’t help the little gasp that escaped her lips or the liquid pleasure that bathed his heavy sac as he rubbed against her. Her body softened instinctively beneath his.

  No less breathless, now she opened to him, lifting her knees on either side of his hips to help him snuggle closer to the part of her drowning in excitement. “Maybe you are the kind of guy who licks first, hmmm?”

  As though he understood her need to slow things down, he nudged beneath her chin and mouthed her skin, sucking softly as he followed the column of her throat.

  “Yes, please. Just like that,” she whispered, her arms creeping around him to slide her hands up his neck and into his thick, blond hair.

  She’d never considered herself easy, exactly, but going with the flow of this fantasy felt natural—even right—and if The Lunch Break had conjured the object of her daydreams to deliver the ultimate lunchtime getaway, why should she resist?

  Slowly, Ice Man worked his way to the bare expanse of her upper chest, sliding his body downward so she missed the feel of his balls nestled against her pussy. She may even have moaned a protest, but he quickly substituted new delights that blew the loss right out of her mind.

  His wicked mouth suctioned and nipped at her mounds until she gasped and moaned according to his will. Soon she was mad for him to remove the garment knotted between her breasts. Her nipples swelled and tightened, aching for his caress.

  However, he seemed content to trace the edges of the garment with his tongue, licking over the tops of her breasts and between, then nosing the spiking nipples pressed against the thin suede fabric. When at last he sucked them through the cloth, her belly jumped and quivered, and moisture seeped to wet her swelling labia.

  But it wasn’t nearly enough. “Please,” she moaned and tugged at his hair, trying to gain his attention, trying to urge him to get to “the points” a little faster now.

  Rather than unknotting the garment, he tugged it lower, freeing her breasts, but trapping them above it, so they were squeezed over the top.

  The constriction excited her almost as much as the heavy-lidded look he gave her rosy, dimpled areolas. Each shallow breath she managed to drag into her air-starved lungs lifted the distended tips like offerings.

  Please, please suck them! She’d never known her breasts could be so sensitive, so attuned and eager for one man’s attention. Foreplay involving her breasts had always been nice, but only an appetizer.

  Now, she’d gladly skip the main course if he’d just suckle—his wicked mouth to her taut stems.

  His fingers closed around one peak, plucking, squeezing, twirling—igniting a firestorm that raced from her breast to her womb.

  Kili’s breaths shortened, each exhalation a soft groaning sob as her body undulated, seeking to bring him toward her center. Her fingers threaded through his hair and wrapped tight around his skull as she tried to pull him down and bring his lips to her throbbing crests, but he resisted.

  Frustrated, she curved her belly, craving more connection, and ground her mons against his belly.

  Motionless, he stared at his fingers plucking her ripening nipple. Finally, he grunted, a harsh and fiercely masculine sound, and swooped down to take her breast into his mouth, drawing so hard her toes curled into the furs.

  He didn’t stop suctioning—not when she keened high and sharp, not when she clamped her legs around him and bucked, her belly shivering and jerking as he tortured her.

  Kili stared at the jagged ceiling of the cave and savored the sensations of the rhythmic pulls of his mouth, the w
eight of his solid body pressing her into the fur, and the coiling heat building deep inside her. She thought she might come from just his mouth on her breast—a first.

  But he released the tip and glanced back up at her face. The darkness creeping into the cave painted deep shadows beneath his sharp cheekbones and cast his eyes in an almost sinister light. Again, he seemed a predatory animal, pausing to gauge whether the mouse he teased still had the strength to play.

  Kili panted, unable to rally her mind to wonder what he planned. She trembled, anticipating what he’d kiss next and hoping for something even more breathtaking than what she’d already experienced. “Please, Ice Man.”

  Perhaps her urgent tone and the way her nails dug into his flesh gave him the message. The corners of his lips curved upward, forming a slight, satisfied smile. Rather than moving lower down her belly, he simply switched to the other breast, clamping hard on her ruched nipple.

  Her back bowed beneath the unrelenting pressure of his lips. Her head thrashed, every sensation painfully intensifying. His hot mouth surrounded her; his teeth grazed and chewed the hard, swollen tip. Even the fur beneath her felt erotically charged—soft, yet prickly on her back and bottom, a counterpoint to the sleek, smooth chest and belly pressing her deeper into the bedding.

  She was so wet—so unbelievably hot! Everywhere! Moist, humid heat. Sweat, slick and searing, bonded their bodies where skin met skin. Her sex wept, the swollen folds clasping around nothing, aching to be stretched and filled with his cock.

  Teeth bit into her nipple and Kili arched her back, crying out. Ice Man wasn’t just a gladiator—he was a love god!


  Gunnar ground his cock into the fur and groaned. Sweet Kili was killing him—coming apart in his arms—and he hadn’t even entered her yet.

  Her body shuddered, and she was making those kittenish sounds again—the ones that made his balls so hard he thought he’d explode. Each little jerk and rolling wave of her hips had him ready to slide back up and slam inside her tight, hot cunt. Well past ready, she was hotter than a saber burn.


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