Taken (Breaking the Darkness)
Page 9
He intrigued me. Everything about him was a contradiction. How could he work for those dark and ruthless people? He ran a collection of nightclubs and he loved to dance and ride horses. He was polished smooth on the outside but had a rugged core that I was sure denied weakness. His home was simple but by no means inexpensive. It amazed me that he had the sensitivity to help a lost traveler.
I feared not knowing what his angle was. Not at all did he seem like the type to be all sweet and cozy with random females, especially ones that threatened the security at one of The Taker’s meetings. He was ridiculously hot and ran a nightlife scene of his own. Any array of women was probably at his disposal any time he wished.
My thoughts started to drift into imagining what type of females he might have hanging around when I heard someone coming into the kitchen. A bit of jealousy started to simmer. How unlike me. Lucky for me there was no time to waste that mind power on trivial concerns.
I turned at the sound of both the teapot whistling and Patience rounding the corner. Great, now what was I going to do? Screaming in her face to tell her I was there crossed my mind, but what would that prove? Other than making me sound crazy if Phaela was there. I called out her name instead. “Phaela!”
“Hold your pipes, sweetheart. I’m coming. I don’t move as fast as I used to, you know?”
Before she turned the corner to join us, Patience began to speak. “Hello, child, I’m glad you are back this soon.” She waited for her sister before continuing. “How did you make out? Did you have another visit with Ziona or any others?”
“Well, yes, she came again. This time she brought me a half-eaten apple. She is so good to me.”
“The sarcasm can wait for a day when we can sit together and sip on some tea. What happened when she came in? Did she hurt you again?” Phaela scolded me like a small child.
“No, not really. She just basically threatened me and told me she could help me if I would tell her what she wants to know. Of course, I don’t know much of anything. I’m certainly not going to tell her that I have a way of communicating with the outside world. Who knows what or how she would manage to put a stop to this?
“I wanted to follow her immediately out of the room when she left. The problem is that she manages to distract me enough that I can’t see how she actually leaves the room. I never see the door open. It’s like she walks into the shadows and vanishes.
“It took me a few minutes, but I did manage to get myself into astral form and ready to seek her out. I focused on every bit of her that I know. I found myself watching her lead some sort of business meeting.”
Phaela told her sister the basics of everything I was saying. “Kasha, what was the meeting about?”
“Nothing that interesting. They talked about some stock market stuff, some property management, things like that. What they were talking about was less out of the ordinary than the vibe in the room. Ziona had on an outfit that wasn’t really business appropriate, and she had a few borderline violent outbursts.”
Patience carried over two cups of hot tea to the table before she interrupted me. “Kasha, were you able to distinguish where she is keeping you?”
“Following her didn’t help me at all. The meeting took place in Sedona, but I don’t know if that’s where they’re holding me. At least I’m not that far from home, if that’s the case. There was a lot of commotion at the end of the meeting and she was gone before I had the opportunity to follow her.”
I looked back and forth at Phaela and Patience. It was hard having a conversation with someone who couldn’t see or hear me. Phaela did a good job relaying to Patience what I was saying. It pained me watching the concern in her eyes.
“I know she’ll be back soon. She told me a few hours and it’s been at least that. I would rather be in my body when she gets there this time. Being sucked back from a blow to the solar plexus wasn’t very fun. Please tell me you have some information for me?” I feigned hope.
“We did do some research and asked around a little bit to confirm our suspicions about who Ziona is working with or for. He goes by many names. These days most call him The Taker.” Phaela raised her mug to her lips, but instead of taking a sip, she just blew gentle ripples across the top of her steamy tea.
Patience interjected. “I have read and written many a tale of him. What his true name is I am unaware and am sure that few, if any, know. No one has ever known his location. He moves around often, and the wake of his destruction and misery is left to fill the void of what he has taken from so many.
“He controls a majority of organized crime. All those that choose to live in the shadows of the dark side concede to him. He has found ways to pad his crews with some of the truest of hearts. Those that don’t go to him when he calls are taken. He keeps them for his bidding. What and whom he has no use for are eliminated and discarded.
“He is as bad as they get. There are others that walk in the darkness that have tried to challenge him over the centuries. All have failed. He now, for the first time, is dealing with the challenges of evil contenders growing in his image.” Patience finally sat down with her tea in hand. She looked exhausted from the agony of having to even speak of such atrocities.
Phaela looked down at her sister with what looked more like pity than concern. She walked to stand beside her sister and continued for her.
“We will do our best to help you. We fear for your safety as well as our own. No matter what happens, you are in danger. If you don’t give him what he wants, then you could be as good as dead. If you are as special as we all think you are or will be, he won’t let you go, at least not without a fight.”
My eyes felt like they were going to burst from their sockets. I wanted to pace the room with all the nervousness that just flooded out any hope for good news. I couldn’t move or say a thing. All I could do was stand there looking at nothing in particular.
“Patience has been hitting the books. She’s found mention of a young woman born with extraordinary capabilities. The stories don’t really give great detail as to her time or what gifts she’ll possess. She will be filled with light and test the darkness. She will have the insight or sight. It is hard to tell from the translations what to expect. We think The Taker has been searching for this girl for a very long time. It is likely he thinks you could be her.” Phaela rose from her seat at the table and stood with her sister.
“Me? Why me? I don’t understand. How could anyone think that? Other than the fact that I can all of the sudden astral project, there’s nothing special about me. Why do you even think I could be this girl?” I pleaded with the sisters. It just couldn’t be me. If The Taker thought I might possess that kind of power, no wonder he kept me in his sights. I shuddered at the thought.
“To be honest with you, we are optimistic that it is you,” Patience retorted. “The darkest of forces have been growing. A war may be battled amongst them soon. Heaven forbid the destruction of anything or anyone that stands between them.”
“How can no one know this is going on? What kind of dark forces? What am I supposed to do?” I was a terrified young woman trapped in a cell somewhere and I just wanted to get out to have a cup of coffee with a handsome guy.
“We will do what we can to guide you through whatever transition you may face. The possibilities are endless. Your bloodline carries an untold level of uniqueness. Not knowing who your father is adds to the unknown possibilities.
“We’re going to try and contact your grandmother. She has always had a lot of knowledge about these sorts of things. She is now on the other side and can see and access things we cannot. She also knew many powerful people over the years. She helped a lot of people, shall we say. I know a few mediums. I have put out feelers to them. I’m sure we will be able to get somewhere with that soon.” Phaela sat down and sipped on her tea as if we were talking about knitting or growing watermelons.
My frustration and rage was building. What was I going to do? I had no interest in being an indentured serv
ant to an evil crime lord or whatever. If I fought back against Ziona without knowing what was beyond the doors, I could bring about much worse situations for myself.
“What about my amulet? Have you found out anything about it?” I absently caressed my chest, looking for something to help ease my mental anguish.
“Patience, she is asking about the amulet.”
“My Axel is working on it. You know how he loves some good old-fashioned research.” Patience’s lips thinned out in an attempt to curve up at the corners.
“Great. So where are we, then? I’m still in the same situation. What am I supposed to do or say to this crazy evil woman when she comes back? Nothing I say to her can put me in a better position. This situation keeps getting crappier by the minute.”
They both just stared at me. Or, in Patience’s case, in my direction. I knew they wanted to help, but they might have scared me more than Ziona. I couldn’t stand it for another second. I had to get out of there.
“Good luck with all that research.” I huffed off like the wind.
MY EMOTIONS WERE running rampant. I had nowhere to go and no one to express them to. Most of all, I was riddled with anger. I loved Gram so very much; it was hard to allow myself to be angry with her. The truth was that I was flipping mighty pissed at her. I was angry at my mother for all the obvious reasons. I was even angry at Patience and Axel for not being truthful with me from the beginning. Now was as good a time as any to let those emotions flow. I’d kept them caged up most of my life.
My life felt like a giant lie. I would have loved to deny it, but there was no stopping myself from all the anger I directed internally. It burned a hole to the bottom of my core. It was now hard not to second-guess everything. Everything that Gram said to me and everything I’d ever felt. What did I miss? How did I miss so much?
Graven might be the only person I wasn’t mad at. I didn’t even know him, but so far he was the only one who’d been up front with me. At least he told me there were things he shouldn’t tell me at that time. It might not have been all of the truth, but at least he had the decency to tell me he was keeping me in the dark.
I needed to get back to the room, but I just couldn’t. What would happen to me if I didn’t go back? I guess at the point when someone starts beating the crap out of me again I would’ve been jolted back. That would suck.
I started to just move through space. The anger propelled me faster and faster. The air around me zipped and zoomed, licking at my face. Pain bellowed from the depths of my soul. I became the sound of rumbling air, emitting a noise I’d never heard before. I had no idea where it came from. If I wasn’t so lost in my own distress, it might have scared me.
Reluctantly declining my speed, I eased back and tried to enjoy the glittery lights that danced in the mist. It was like tiny drops of color shooting past me. I felt like I traveled through a glitter-filled cloud.
Letting the steam out of my sails helped me focus on my reality. I only had the option to face it. There was no denying whatever awaited me in the darkness. I chose to accept that no one would come for me or find me. If that were the case, then I had nothing to lose but loss itself.
I was apparently something worth holding on to. Clearly, at this point they felt I was valuable alive. If that weren’t the case, I’m sure I would’ve been dead long ago. My captors didn’t seem the type for pleasantries or asking nicely for things. My level of comfort was sure to be a thing of the past. Ziona made it pretty clear that my chances of cooperating were about to run out.
I was willing to call her bluff in an attempt to escape. If I gave in to her, there was a good chance I would still not ever get out of there, dead or alive. I preferred to get out alive and as soon as possible. It wouldn’t be an easy fight against her, but I was willing to give it my all. I would sooner die than become a slave to the dark and evil empire of The Taker. I knew she wouldn’t kill me. She needed me. And he wanted me.
My eyes opened back to the gloomy nothingness of the black cell. I wasn’t ready to let this become my home. No way could I allow my life to be stolen from me. Certainly not based on a prophecy of me possibly being some super human that was about to transform into an unspoken treasure.
My body was so sore. It had been sitting in lotus pose for hours. Some stretches would go a long way to get the feeling back in my legs. I stood, arching my back and swinging my arms around in circles. It never felt so good. I was going to need to walk off the pins and needles in my feet.
It amazed me how tired I kept getting. Other than my exchange with Ziona and her boots and a few exercises, I’d done very little physical activity. For some reason I kept forgetting how deprived of nutrients my body was. My nervous pacing or leg shaking wasn’t a great means of preserving my energy to take charge of my destiny.
I eased back onto the crappy bed yet again. Rest and the possible chance at a relaxing sensual dream with Kaden would be a welcome distraction. I considered the possibility of focusing on him like I did when I wanted to try and travel to him. I wanted to evoke him into my dreams; I craved him.
For the first time, I embraced the silence. My thoughts faded away into the darkness. Basking in the daylight with a sun-kissed hunk was enough to get through the moments that passed until I drifted off to sleep.
MY EYES OPENED and my heart sang at the sign of a blue sky and white fluffy clouds. I stood amidst a field of wild flowers. While spinning around soaking in all the colors, I noticed the field was encased in giant oak trees. I couldn’t be bothered to wonder about what resided beyond them.
I was elated by the fact that my feet were free from any hindrances. The grass beneath the flowers tickled my soles. The softness soothed my worries away. With my cares left behind in the real world, I took what I could get.
I threw my arms up in the air and tossed my head back and began to spin, dancing about like a little girl. The clouds swirled in the sky above me, and my laughter bounced back off the trees.
“Ah. Are you not a sight of pure beauty?”
I stopped short and lost my balance. I fell to the ground, and the earth around me spun at an angle. The trees took their rightful place back at the edge of the enclosure. I found myself sitting at the feet of Kaden. He took my breath away, not just because he startled me either.
His eyes squinted as his plump lips curled up on one side. His left eyebrow rose and his hand extended, inviting me to take it. With a schoolgirl giggle, I accepted his help and got to my feet.
“We never did get to finish our picnic. Care for a snack? I fixed you something sweet, just like you.”
Really? That was a lame line, but I took the bait. I was ready to sink my teeth into something, preferably him.
We turned back around and there was the same checkered blanket sprawled out, surrounded by a rainbow of colors. This time there were plush pillows around the edges. At the center of the blanket stood two crystal flutes filled with bubbles. There was a plate decorated with chocolate-covered strawberries and a bowl of what looked like fresh whipped cream.
I allowed him to lead me by the hand to our perfect little picnic. Butterflies danced in my belly; they may have carried me to the blanket. This wasn’t a picnic for casual friends.
Sitting on the plush pillow was all the luxury I needed. I rubbed my hand over the satin fabric and enjoyed the silky texture beneath my fingertips. The colors in the pillows only enhanced the beauty of the surrounding flowers. If Gram were here, she would have found a way to incorporate a lesson about the healing components that our surroundings had to offer.
Kaden interrupted my wandering thoughts. “You seem so distracted. Is there something on your mind?” He placed his hand on top of mine. The heat that surged through me was incredible.
“Hmmm… Yeah. I just miss my grandmother. I don’t know if I mentioned that she recently passed.”
“I am sorry to hear that.” He passed me a glass of bubbly. “Were you close with her?”
“Yes, very. She raised me. I lived most
of my life with her.” I took a deep breath. I just sat there watching the bubbles rise up in my glass and disappear. “I always thought we were very close.”
“Why do you say it like that? Why wouldn’t you be close now?” His words were tender and kind, but his eyes told me something a little different.
“It just seems like she kept a lot of secrets from me. I know she always told me I was special, but don’t all grandmothers tell that to their grandbabies?” I wanted to look deep into his green eyes and lose myself, but I watched my finger circle the rim of my glass over and over again instead. Maybe a part of me hoped the slight hum I created would drown out the painful thoughts.
“You’re quite special indeed.” His hand tucked my hair behind my ear. “Your beauty is captivating. There’s something unique about you.” His fingers stroked the side of my face, sending shivers down my body. It was hard to hide the excitement he caused in me.
I could no longer keep my eyes fixed on my glass. I looked up to meet his gaze. “Thank you,” I whispered shyly.
His hand followed down my shoulder and back to my hand. He held it with just the right amount of pressure that I knew he wanted to touch more. Hell, I wanted him to touch my very existence. If only I were able to get lost in the euphoria that I assumed he could offer me.
He dipped a chocolate-covered strawberry in the whipped cream and lifted it to my mouth. I wrapped my lips around the tip and took a bite. Bits of chocolate shell fell from the fruit as he pulled it away. I could feel the wet bit of whipped cream that smeared onto my top lip. Just as I was about to wipe it away, I found his lips draped over mine. He slowly sucked the whipped cream. The connection breaking made a popping sound. “So sweet,” he all but whispered.
I couldn’t help but giggle a little. I could feel my face heat from the excess blood. That might not have been the best reaction. My innocence became much more obvious than I would have preferred. I wanted him to devour me. Instead, he lifted the half-eaten strawberry to his mouth and finished all but the stem.