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Escape to Earth-The Legacy of a Conqueror

Page 18

by Saxon Andrew

  “It actually sounds too good to be true.”

  Chris paused and forced his face to remain neutral. He smiled and said, “Let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth.” He said, “Barbie, the ship is yours; take us home.”

  The Pod’s thrusters ignited and they were in orbit above Earth in a few seconds. Allison sent the recordings to Fleet as Chris collected his things and left the ship to get Michael. He thought about the giant black Legend Warship but the memory of Allison crying in his arms kept interrupting his thoughts. His arms still tingled when he thought about it.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Greatest Leader slammed the side of his tub with appendage after appendage. One would appear and hit the tub’s wall as another appeared to hit it again. The force of the strikes rocked the entire assembly the tub was hanging from. The other Leaders stayed in their tubs and waited for his rage to diminish. They understood his anger. The Legends had sent a ship that witnessed one of their newest warships in action. Now they were ordered to send the new technology to the Green Civilization. Their probes did not detect the Black Warship and the Legends wasted no time contacting the Greatest to issue their orders. The Leaders waited and knew they had no choice but to comply. The Audons were going to get their hard work and there was nothing they could do about it. They waited as the room reverberated with the blows of the Greatest against the walls of his tub.

  • • •

  The High Leader looked around the chamber at the new members of his civilization’s ruling council. Most of them served with him in the Fleet. They understood the dangers of being a Legend Tool. The Leader responsible for communications raised a large tail over his head, “It does appear to be true, First One. Our engineers have received the building plans for the new Progen Battleship and they agree that they are as far ahead of our ships as the Legends ships are ahead of them. We would stand no chance against this new warship they’ve built.”

  The Audon Supreme Leader looked at the Council Member in silence as his tail moved up and down behind his body. It stopped for a moment and he said, “Do you think they sent everything to us?”

  The Councilor shrugged his lower shoulders, “They have analyzed the plans and there are no holes in the systems. They all appear to be interconnected and nothing is missing from the circuitry. I also firmly believe that, even they, would not withhold anything. The Legends would see a difference in our ships from theirs and their Greatest Leader would pay the price for any omission.” The councilor looked up at the Leader, “The Legends have ordered us to rebuild our ships with this technology and to waste no time making it happen.”

  The Leader’s tail disappeared, “Read exactly what their order says.”

  “You will take the Progen Technology and update all your ships immediately!”

  The Leader started nodding and the Councilor responsible for ship construction looked at him, “What are you thinking, First?”

  “Did you get a printout of the power of the beams the Progen developed?”

  “I did.”

  “How does that beam compare to the beams used by the ships that attacked us during the invasion attempt?”

  The Councilor shook his head, “It’s nowhere near as powerful.”

  The Leader smiled, “Why do you think the Legends want us to update our ships?”

  The eight Councilors stared at him in silence until the Political Councilor said, “They’re planning another invasion of the spiral galaxy.”

  “Very good. And what do you think will happen if we participate in that invasion?”

  The New Fleet Leader went to all fours and sat on his bottom arms, “With our combined forces, we will probably prevail against them but there will be massive losses in the process.”

  The Leader nodded, “And with the Progen in command, whose vessels will lead the attack? How do all you feel about that?” His question was greeted with silence. The Leader’s tail reappeared behind his head and fanned out as it moved quickly side to side, “If I can’t depend on you to speak honestly with me, then I need others to lead!”

  The Political said, “I say the Spiral Galaxy should be left alone.”

  The Fleet Leader moved his head left and right and his deep-set yellow eyes took in the entire group, “They could have destroyed all of us if they chose but they allowed us to return and defend our planets. I have no taste to repay them by attacking them.” The Leader stared at him as he looked around at the other leaders, “I also suspect that it wouldn’t matter how many ships we send against them, they would maul us.”

  The Leader’s tail slowed as it moved side-to-side showing his agreement, “Do any of you see anything different from this opinion?” All of their tails moved directly over their heads showing they didn’t.

  The Council’s Communicator looked around and turned to the Leader, “What are we going to do?”

  “Exactly what they’ve requested.” The Councilors looked at each other and the Leader said, “Order all of our ships to our construction facilities for the modifications.”

  The Fleet Leader’s tail disappeared behind him, “Did I hear you say all of them?”

  “You did and I want one system installed at a time. When the first one is completed, install the second.”

  “But that will extend the build time…tremendously.” The Leader looked at the Construction Councilor and after a moment the Councilor smiled, “It will take a very long time to update our fleets.”

  The Fleet Leader stood up on his lower arms and the talons made a scrapping sound on the floor, “And what happens if our planets are attacked again?”

  “Where will all our ships be located?” The Fleet Leader stared at him and then smiled. “There will be many ships waiting to be updated. Those ships can defend us against an attack. However, all of you have seen what the ships from the spiral galaxy did to the civilization that attacked us. I don’t expect another attack from them.”

  “What about from the spiral galaxy or the conquered galaxy?”

  The Leader shrugged, “I would guess that the conquered galaxy has a much bigger issue with the Progen than us. Their heavy-handed tactics there will make them the target of that galaxy. I believe the spiral galaxy will see that we’re not involved in an attack on them and also ignore us.”

  “And if they don’t?”

  The Leader shrugged, “I’ll ask them to ignore us.”

  “Do you think they’ll listen?”

  “They have once.”

  “And what happens if the Legends grow impatient and demand we send our ships to participate in an invasion?”

  “We’ll tell them that we’re following their instructions and that every one of our ships are being modified and are unable to fly.”

  The Political smiled, “That strategy will probably work. They already think we’re stupid. They can’t do anything but see we’ve done exactly what they ordered. They’ll have to blame themselves for not giving us more detailed instructions.” The Leader nodded.

  The Religious Councilor lowered his head into the green feathers on his chest, “This will only delay the inevitable. We will eventually have to join in the invasion.”

  The Leader nodded, “The Legends have never shown patience and I suspect they will go ahead without us. This will give us a few years of being left alone. They’ll know we aren’t available to carry out their orders. This is worth doing if for no other reason than showing them our tails for killing our Hero.” The Councilors all raised their tails to the Leader’s comment.

  • • •

  Chris woke the next morning with Michael jumping up and down on his bed, “Fort, fort, fort, fort…”

  Chris rolled over, “What time is it?”

  “Time to build a super fort. The sun is up!”

  Chris picked up his wrist unit from the bedside table and shook his head; it was six-thirty in the morning. He scrolled and pressed a button, “Are you up?”

  “I’ve been up for an hour.”

  “Can y
ou hear Michael?”

  Allison listened closely and heard, “Fort, fort, fort…” in the background and laughed, “I’ll change and be there shortly. You might want to order us something to eat before we start.”

  “I’ll have it waiting on the beach.” The image disappeared and Chris struggled out of bed. God, where did he get the energy?

  • • •

  By noon, the fort was bigger than the first one they built. Chris was amazed at the effort to build it and was more amazed that Allison kept pace with Michael. The orderlies had come and removed the remains of their breakfast and replaced it with a lunch. He looked at the two builders and yelled, “Hey, take a break and let’s eat.”

  “Awww, Dad!”

  “You can go back after lunch.” Allison took Michael’s hand and walked with him over to the table. Chris laughed, “Both of you need to hit the water jets and wash the sand off.” Michael looked up at Allison and she said, “I’ll hold the hose first.” Michael nodded and sprinted up the beach to the spray pole next to the dune. Allison smiled and walked behind him.

  Chris turned and looked out at the ocean. He had tried all morning to see the pink and blue sail and failed. All he could pull up was the darkened force field that slammed down. He shook his head and quietly whispered, “You’re punishing me for what I did.”


  Chris looked up and saw Allison and Michael standing next to him. Allison’s bathing suit was pink and blue. Chris shook his head, “Nothing. I was just thinking out loud.”

  “When you start answering yourself, I’m going to start worrying.”

  “It’s ok to answer yourself, just don’t ever say ‘huh’.”

  Allison laughed and picked up a sandwich. Chris sighed and watched Michael dig in to the plate of chips, “Hey, hey, eat a sandwich with those!” Michael sighed and picked up a baloney sandwich. They ate in silence as their mouths were full of food. Afterwards, Michael and Allison ran back to the fort. Chris watched them for a few minutes, then looked out at the ocean again, and stood up. He walked over to them and picked up a bucket and shovel. Michael looked at him and Chris said, “Hey, can you use the help or not?”

  “Dad, this is our fort. You can help build the next one.”

  Chris looked at Allison and she nodded, “It’s like us carrying heavy loads and you come in to help lift the last two bags.”

  Michael nodded, “EXACTLY!”

  Chris saw Michael’s stern expression and he burst out laughing, “Ok, ok. I know when I’m not wanted.”

  “It’s not that, Dad. It’s finishing what you start.” Chris and Allison looked at Michael and then at each other.

  Chris nodded and said, “I get it. Make me proud of what you build.”

  Michael picked up a shovel and started shoving sand into a form, “We will!”

  • • •

  By mid-afternoon a crowd had gathered around the fort as Allison and Michael finished the wall around the buildings in the center. It was four feet tall and Michael wanted to make it higher. Chris looked at the crowd and said, “If you do that, none of these fine people will be able to see over the wall. They’ll miss the giant city you built in the center.”

  Michael looked at the people watching them and he looked at Allison who said, “Hey, you’re the general contractor. I’m just a sub.”

  He turned to Chris, looked back at the fort, and then looked at the crowd. He turned to Allison, “The city is the best part!” Allison smiled and nodded. Michael looked at the crowd and bowed, “Our fort is done.” The crowd broke out into cheers and Michael turned red. He took Allison’s hand and said, “Bow.” They both bowed and the cheers grew louder.

  • • •

  The sun was setting and Michael was asleep in Chris’s arms. He looked over at Allison and said, “Am I going to have to carry you up the hill, too?”

  Allison didn’t open her eyes, “No, pieces will fall off if I move too fast, though.”

  Chris laughed, “Come on, I’ll give you a hand.” Chris stood up with Michael and offered Allison a hand. She took it and he pulled her out of the chair and heard her moan. “You should have let me help.”

  Allison stumbled up the beach and said, “Not on your life. This was something between Michael and me.” Chris saw her fatigue and he took her to her door first. She opened it and she stumbled inside, “I’ll see you in the morning.”


  “The Leadership Team has called for the meeting to discuss our findings.”


  “I’ll postpone it until eleven.”


  Chris pulled the door closed and carried Michael to their quarters. He looked out on the beach and saw the huge fort they built. It was really something special. The high tide would wash out most of it but it would never wash out the memory of that day. He was certain that Michael would never forget it. He put Michael to bed and took a shower. He went to bed and looked up at the ceiling. He wasn’t the only one that would always remember it.

  • • •

  The next morning Chris contacted Allison on his wrist unit, “You can sleep in.”

  “Why, is the meeting delayed?”

  “No, Loree’s ship just arrived. She had to fight it out with one of the Black Ships and the Team wants to hear what happened before they make any substantive decisions.”

  “I’m going!”


  “I need to hear what happened.”

  “I’ll pick you up. They’re starting in thirty minutes.”

  “Give me twenty and I’ll be ready.”

  • • •

  Lukas lowered his wrist unit and said, “We’re going to delay the meeting for a few minutes to allow Chris time to arrive.” Everyone nodded and turned back to their conversations. Six minutes later, Chris and Allison walked quickly into the room. “Sorry I’m late.”

  “It was my fault.”

  Lukas looked at Allison and once again marveled at her hair. “Let’s get started.” Everyone moved to a chair and Lukas looked around the room. Everyone grew silent and he looked at Loree, “Why don’t you fill us in on what happened.”

  Loree looked around the room and then began speaking, “I lost twenty-one of my battleships to the Black Ships. I ordered all my scouts to escape and those that were the furthest from the Legends’ Planet managed to get away. Twenty-two of us were on the Legends’ side of the galaxy and weren’t able to escape before they saw us. I had a Black Ship blow past my ship at an incredible speed and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to outrun it. I ordered my ships still in the galaxy to use their dark matter clouds to hide them. The twenty ships that were destroyed had to slow to prevent the clouds from being stripped away.” Loree looked around the room, “They could see the cloud if the ship was moving.”

  Jinks said, “How do you know that?”

  “I’ll explain in a moment.” Jinks nodded. “My ship had run to a dwarf galaxy circling M-87 but I was followed there. The Black Ship was making a turn to come back at me just as I ordered the ship into normal space. We emerged into a planetary system and I ordered the pilot to land on a small moon that was close by and take the ship into a crater. I knew the Black Ship would have to come back to where we entered normal space to be anywhere near our exit point. My pilot did an impossible job of landing the ship in a huge crater just as the Black Ship entered normal space and started looking for us. The black cloud was still being emitted and my ship was almost covered but not before I saw the Black Ship fly over the crater. The cloud covered us and we waited to be attacked. All of us were frightened out of our wits and we remained in that crater for three days. I had an antenna extended beyond the cloud and saw on our passive sensors that the Black Ship was still holding orbit above the moon. The ship’s power had been shut down and we were all living in our armor. We were too frightened to do anything but time was running out on us. We had to turn on the environmental systems or we were going to run out
of power in our suits and die.”

  Lukas looked at her, “How did you escape?”

  “Actually, we didn’t.”

  Allison said, “Before you continue, Admiral, you mentioned that all of you were frightened?”

  Loree looked at her and nodded, “We all knew that we were going to die. There was no way to escape.” Allison nodded and Loree said, “We were saved by my Aman, my weapons officer.” Loree took a breath and smiled, “I think he took all he could take and couldn’t take it anymore.”

  Jinks said, “What did he do?”

  “He turned every disruptor on top of the ship toward the Black Ship and opened fire.” Loree took a breath and slowly exhaled, “I was ready to strangle him but the disruptor beams blew through the black ship. It didn’t die before getting off two shots at us and it couldn’t miss. We were a sitting duck in that crater. Once again, it was Aman’s fast thinking that prevented our destruction. Immediately after he fired he activated the force field to full power. The first disruptor beam was slowed by the force field and the silver coating stopped the second. The coating was melted but it stopped the beam from penetrating our hull. The black ship blew up in a massive blast before it could fire again. I ordered the ship to full power and we got out of there in a big way.”

  Stoney said, “Did you reprimand Aman for his actions endangering your vessel?”

  “No, I’m putting him in for the Fleet Crescent.” Stoney’s eyes narrowed and Loree said, “I wish I could describe the emotions we were all experiencing. None of us were thinking clearly and we probably would have died there doing nothing. He saved us.”

  Chad said, “Admiral, First Commander Stone has postulated that the Legends are able to generate a field of some sort that amplifies emotions to an unbearable level. Your experience would appear to confirm that idea.”

  Allison said, “Admiral, did your fears start to go away after you fled?”

  “We destroyed that attacker, so there was nothing left to fear.”


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