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Escape to Earth-The Legacy of a Conqueror

Page 21

by Saxon Andrew

  Salud leaned forward, “What do you mean?”

  Chris looked at Salud and smiled, “Professor, I need you to come up with an instructional program.”

  “Say what?”

  “You are going to collect the recordings of everything that has happened to our species since Lukas arrived here on Willow up to the scouts that went out and found the galaxies the Legends control. You will narrate the final recording and describe how we have managed to develop our technology each time to confront our attackers. You will describe everything our ships were able to do in the past as well as what they’re capable of now. You will include what I did to M-84 and the horrible mistake I made.”

  Salud shook her head, “That’s not a good idea. It gives the wrong impression.”

  “You will not attempt to justify what we’ve done. You will simply explain what happened without explanation. The recording will not be propaganda.”

  “What do you intend to do with this?”

  “I am taking it to Piper and ask him to deliver it to the members of his species that are on the force field protected planet.” Everyone stared at Chris in silence.

  Salud shook her head, “What do want to happen?”

  Chris looked at the star map with the thousands of flashing lights and said, “I’ve really felt bad for things we caused that led to the deaths of others.” He turned and looked at the group, “I felt that we had caused the Invaders to come and attack our galaxy. But I was wrong. They are coming here no matter what we’ve done in the past or what we do in the future. The only issue that has to be resolved is whether or not we meet them united or fall individually. There’s really no other question.”

  Salud nodded, “The recording of what you just said will end the documentary.”

  Lukas nodded and said, “So what do we do now?”

  “Is the force field active at Eden?”

  Julie said, “Not yet.”

  Chris looked at Lukas, “Make it happen, quickly.” He looked at Jinks, “Where are we with the simulators?”

  “They’re really good. The new pilots are doing a great job when they get their ships.”

  “What are you doing with the ships they left behind?”

  “Nothing, at the moment.”

  “You will find pilots from them. We are going to need every ship we have to meet them. I know our older models won’t match up to the Legends’ Black Ships, but the Legends won’t be coming alone. They’ll be bringing all the tools they have with them. Our older models are not something to ignore. They can still take on and destroy the new Orange and Green Civilization’s Ships. They’ll need to do that while our Barrier Pods take on the Legends’ fleets.”

  Chad looked at Chris, “Do you honestly think this will make a difference?”

  “Before I stopped prying in everyone’s mind, I took a look at Jason Goddard’s. He had a conversation with Piper when they first met and Piper told him there were more than a billion of his species scattered around the universe. If they agree to join us, what do you think?”

  Chad shook his head in wonder and said, “But are they able to stand up to the Legends?”

  “After we give them our Dark Energy and Barrier Drive, I suspect they’ll give a good accounting of themselves.”

  Chad’s face became anxious, “Chris, they were going to force us to leave Andromeda. If we give them that technology, they could conquer Andromeda and the Milky Way!”

  Chris smiled and shook his head. He looked at Lukas, “Do you think the same?”

  Lukas stared at Chris and then looked at Chad, “The only way that would happen is if we put our technology in the hands of a conqueror. The Silver Ships could have conquered Andromeda long before we showed up but they didn’t. They chose to go out and see the universe instead. I would guess that conquering a galaxy would seem like picking up a grain of sand on the beach and acting like it was a grand accomplishment. Once you see the universe, conquest is silly. You could never…ever…get it all.”

  Stoney shook his head, “Then why would they be even slightly interested in joining us if they are so far removed from war?”

  Chris smiled, “Because members of their family live on a planet in Andromeda. You never outgrow love, Dad.” Stoney smiled and then nodded.

  Salud looked up from the notes she had been making, “Is there anyone else you intend to send this to?”

  “I am going to take it to the telepathic species in M-84.”

  Everyone grew silent and finally Lukas said, “Why?”

  Chris looked at Joey, “How do you see our shipbuilding coming along?”

  “It really started slow but it’s picking up speed. I’ve had four more construction facilities built and they’re starting to really deliver. By the end of sixty days, we’ll be churning out more than six thousand a week.”

  Chris looked at the group, “At that rate, all of our older ships will be stripped of their crews and we will have difficulty finding the number needed to fly them. Remember, Eden’s population is under a billion and a third of them are children. Those telepaths can pilot our old ships as well as the new ones.”

  “Chris, you can’t trust them with our weapons!”

  Chris looked at Sarah, “Possibly not. But I intend to go and really take a good look at their hearts. I didn’t do it the last time I was there.”

  “They hate you!”

  “And I felt the same about them.”

  Everyone didn’t like this development, but the First Commander had decided.

  • • •

  “Alley, have you installed Piper’s module.”

  “I have. I have to say that this is something that is going to take some getting used to.”

  “Why is that?”

  “The range of my telepathy is huge. I can hear thoughts from all over the galaxy and it is one big intermingled conglomeration of mush.”

  “You should contact Willow and get her to help you learn how to focus on individual terms you might be searching for.”

  “I’ve already had her assistance. I think the real issue is that Willow is much further along than I am in my development and she had the intellect to make it work. I’ll get better after some time has passed.”

  Chris looked at Allison and she shrugged. Chris sighed, “Alley, we’re going to depend on you to help us avoid trouble.”

  “I know. I’m probably going to be much better at this when we’re outside a galaxy. Just trust me, I’ll get better.”

  “Gene, have you pulled up the coordinates of the Leader’s planet in M-84.”

  “I have. And they call themselves the Gorans.”

  Alley said, “That’s a funny name for a species.”

  “Actually, it’s the name of the planet where they evolved.”

  Allison smiled, “We did the same thing, Alley. We call ourselves Earthlings.”

  “Uhhhh, I thought you were called human beings?”

  “That, too.”

  “Alley, try an experiment. Think of Goran Leaders and see if they hear you.”

  Allison looked at Chris and he shook his head. After a moment Alley said, “Holy guacamole. One of them answered.”

  “Ask them if we have their permission to come speak with them.”

  There was a pause and Alley said, “The Goran Leader said and I quote, “Do we have a choice in the matter. I’ll call all of the others in.”

  “They don’t sound happy about us visiting, Alley.”

  “This one wasn’t, Allison. I did hear that it’s going to take about an hour for all of them to arrive at the government center.”

  Chris sighed, “Why don’t we go back in the main building and get something to eat.”

  “Sounds good to me. We’ll be back shortly, guys.”

  “I’ll let you know if they call.”

  “Don’t get a big head about contacting them, Alley.”

  “You’re just jealous you’re not telepathic.”

  “Probably, but you sounded rather smug.”<
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  “I did feel kinda proud I could contact them that far away.”

  “Alley, was it you or are they that good?”

  There was a pause and Alley said, “I don’t know, Gene. If it wasn’t me, then that seems to say they can watch us from their galaxy.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Then what?”

  “They sent scouts, Ally. If they could observe us from that far out, they wouldn’t have had to send them.”

  “You’re right. But they heard me!”

  “I suspect they can hear a thought with their name in it. Let’s make sure we get Chris to ask what their capabilities are.”

  “Gene, it was them.”


  “I’m focusing on them and I’m not hearing anything. It had to be them.”

  “I think I know why they had to send scouts.”

  “Why is that, Gene?”

  “Hearing thoughts doesn’t really give you a map or visual of where they’re located. If the being you’re listening to isn’t looking at a map, you don’t really get a view of the territory and you’d need that to launch an attack.”

  “That makes sense. Uh oh!”


  “They’re all there now.”

  “Contact Chris and tell him.”

  • • •

  Chris sat in his command chair and looked at Allison who nodded. “Alley, take us there and land just outside the center.”

  They arrived in five seconds and took two minutes to make it down into the atmosphere. The Barrier Pod landed outside the government center and Chris stood up, “Aren’t you going to wear your armor?”

  “Not this time.”


  “Allison, I’ll go armed and I’ll know if anyone is planning an attack.”

  Allison nodded and pulled a blaster out of the arm on her command chair and put it in her holster. She followed Chris out of the Pod’s port and walked up the steps to the tall building. “They’ve done a remarkable of repairing it.” Chris nodded and looked at one of the Goran Leaders standing at the top of the stairs waiting for them. They arrived at the top and the Leader turned and led them into the building.

  Chris followed him into the building and Allison didn’t need to be telepathic to see the guards they passed weren’t at all pleased to see them. She looked at Chris and knew he was hearing their thoughts. She sighed and followed the Leader into the chamber where Chris had killed their Supreme Leader and threatened all of them.

  They stopped directly in front of the nineteen leaders and the Female Goran that had come to Earth stepped forward, “I’m going to speak so your new companion can hear what we’re saying.”

  Chris nodded, “Thank you for that courtesy.”

  “It’s not for you, it’s to show her our thankfulness.”

  Chris nodded, “I understand.”

  Allison shook her head, “I don’t.”

  The Female looked at Allison, “When he came here, all of us could see the rage in his mind. His joy at killing our supreme leader was almost orgasmic for him. When he ordered all our people on this planet killed and he pulled his blaster, all of us knew we were dead. His mind was completely consumed by his rage at our killing his mate. We knew nothing would stop him.”

  Chris nodded, “You are right. That is exactly how I felt.”

  The Goran looked at Allison, “But you stopped him by pointing out the example he was setting for his child. We saw his rage pointed toward you and when he grabbed your throat, he was going to kill you. But…he saw your courage and your eyes never wavered from his. It made him start thinking and when he threw you back, he was still determined to kill us.”

  The Female looked at Chris, “It was me attempting to hide my child that stopped you.” Chris nodded.

  The Female turned back to Allison, “We all know that you did what you did to save him, not us. But it took remarkable courage to do what you did and we were saved as a result. It doesn’t matter why you did it. It stopped him from exterminating all of my species.”

  “He still suffers from what he did to you.”

  All nineteen leaders turned and looked at Chris. The female said, “Why are you hiding your thoughts?”

  “Because I’ve come to ask you to do something and I don’t think my feelings have anything to do with the decision you’ll make.”

  “What is it you want?”

  Chris handed her a data cube. “Will you look at this?”

  The female took it and frowned. She turned and handed it to a Goran wearing a white robe. The being took the cube and inserted it into a panel beside the Leaders. Chris pressed his wrist unit, “Alley, please convert the narration to thoughts.”

  “Will do.”

  • • •

  A huge monitor to the right of the Goran Leaders illuminated and everyone saw millions of warships outside the Solar System following Earth as it orbited the sun. The Narrator began, “The Fellowship pursued a Welken Warrior and his escape pod to our planet.” Chris and Allison sat down in a chair in front of the seated Goran Leaders and waited as the recording played. Four hours later, it ended with the star map filled with red lights.

  The Female stood up and looked at them, “So you are here to ask us to help you against the Loud Thinkers?”

  “The what?”

  “That’s what we call the ones you call Legends. Their thoughts are easily heard.” Chris nodded. The Female turned and looked at the other Goran Leaders and their expressions pretty much said it all. She shook her head, “I’m probably the only one here that has even small positive feelings for you and that is because you didn’t kill my son. But you did kill my mate. You have a lot of gall coming here asking us to do anything!”

  Allison looked at her and then looked at the leaders. “When I was twelve years old, my parents took me to a family that had boarded a starship heading for a planet where Earth was sending some of its population to save the species. I fought them tooth and nail. I refused to leave my parents behind. I lost and was taken away.” The Goran Leaders stared at her. “I was willing to give my life if someone would just kill the family that took me away.” She looked at Chris, “That’s how you feel about him, isn’t it?”

  The Female nodded, “Yes, I guess it is. However, I see in your thoughts that if you had stayed, you would have died.”

  “But I would have died with my family.” The Gorans stared at her and Allison sighed, “Now, I see that they took me because they loved my parents. And I’ve found a new family and love. I was wrong to hate them for so long.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Allison turned to Chris, “Open your mind!” Chris shook his head, “If you want them to understand, they have to see, OPEN YOUR MIND!” Chris looked at her and shook his head. He lowered his head and closed his eyes.

  Every one of the Goran Leaders flinched as they received Chris’s thoughts. The Female shook her head. The Leaders looked at each other and Allison knew they were communicating. The Female looked at Allison, “You were right to stop him.”

  “I should have done it sooner. The damage was done.”

  “I can see his pain for his actions…but how can we do anything that would help his species? You killed trillions of our people.”

  “How can we not?”

  All of the Goran Leaders turned to a Leader standing in the rear. The Female lowered her head and said, “High Leader, how can we?”

  “I ask you again, how can we not?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You need look no further than the recording we just witnessed.”

  The Goran Leaders looked at each other and a tall Leader in the front row said, “What have I missed, High Leader?”

  “Did you not hear this human tell our scout that if we sent a ship back to his galaxy, he would come here and eradicate all of us? Or did you not hear it that way?” The Goran Leaders said nothing. “Did this being not do exactly what he said would hap
pen? Do we not accept the consequences of our decisions anymore?”

  “But High Leader, it was Vezal that sent the ship!”

  “So you’re saying decisions made by our leader has nothing to do with the rest of us? All of us knew that sending that ship would cause retribution, but we didn’t remove him for his position. WE ALL ALLOWED HIM TO DO IT! We are all responsible for what followed.”

  The tall leader looked at Chris, “Even so, how can we do this to help the one that killed so many?”

  “Because he didn’t do what he threatened. He managed to stop himself. Can we say the same about us when we invaded the Green Civilization?” Every one stared at the new High Leader. “We invaded and we destroyed planets until we were forced to flee. Left alone, we would have killed them all. All of you know I’m right. None of us gave a second thought to the trillions of innocent babies and children we were killing.” The High Leader pointed at Allison and Chris, “They did and they still do!”

  The female looked at Chris and then turned to the High Leader, “Are you saying they are better than we are?”

  “Isn’t it obvious!?” The other Leaders stared at him. “You’re looking at him and seeing all those that died. We all were on our faces begging him for mercy and miracles of miracles, he granted it. You should look at all those that he allowed to live. He had the means and capacity to kill every one of us.”

  Chris sighed and Allison took his hand. The High Leader said, “All of us can see the love the two of you now share and I am truly thankful the God of your species has granted you a new one.” He turned to the other leaders, “Besides, we wouldn’t be doing this to help him or his species.”


  The High Leader turned back to Chris, “You’re doing this to make sure we’re defended in the event something happens to you and your species.”

  The other Leaders all turned as one and looked at Chris. “I’ve promised to defend you after what I did. I’m worried that if my civilization dies in the coming war, there won’t be anyone to protect you.”

  The High Leader nodded, “And that is the real reason you came here to ask us. You’re not doing it so we would help you.” Chris nodded. The High Leader looked at the others, “If it were us that came in his place to attack, would we have allowed any to survive?” The Leaders looked at each other and after a few moments, they lowered their heads.


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