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Escape to Earth-The Legacy of a Conqueror

Page 24

by Saxon Andrew

  Chapter Twenty

  The meeting room was full. Jinks tried to remember the last time there were this many in attendance and he gave up. The Welken, Johan, and Myot Rulers were present with their Fleet Leaders. The High Leader of the Goran was there along with the leader of his fleets. The entire Leadership Team was present along with the most senior fighting Admirals. Jinks smiled as he remembered Julie as a college junior commanding one of the Gold Star units. Now she was the Mother of two and an Admiral of fifty thousand Barrier Pods. Of course Chad and Loree were also present. He looked at the wall monitor and saw the view of two Silver Ships in orbit above Eden. Piper was one of them and the other was a ship from his relatives at the Grey Planet.

  He looked at the row of chairs along the wall and saw the Droken Ruler. Chris asked him to attend just to keep him updated on what was going on. Jinks suspected it was to also keep him in a high position in the Fellowship. Oh well, he wouldn’t have done it but he knew Chris had a good reason for doing it. He saw many things that Jinks missed. Jinks looked at Lukas. Chris was very much like his father. Michael was there sitting between Stoney and Kathy.

  Jinks sighed. Michael had gone through the metamorphosis from being a child to a mind that was incredibly active. He was ten years old but his eyes showed something else. Those children born with the Welken-Human hybrid brains were really a different species. He wondered if Chris was going to allow Michael to change his DNA. Michael looked at him and lowered his eyes as he smiled. Jinks sighed, he was listening to his thoughts. He tipped an imaginary hat to Michael and he smiled and looked away.

  Eve was sitting beside Salud and Jinks shook his head. She was so much like both of them; the brilliance of her father and the hardness of her mother. Eve looked at him and he looked up at the ceiling. Eve laughed as Jinks thought, “Can a brother have a silent conversation with himself?” Salud looked at Eve and asked why she laughed. She told her and Salud looked at him and started laughing as well. He rolled his eyes and saw Averel laughing as well. He looked at the floor and turned back to looking around the room. So much had changed. So much. Six people nodded at the table. Jinks tried not to but he started laughing. He heard a noise and turned around. Chris and Allison entered the room and everyone rose to their feet. Chris smiled and said, “Please sit down.” Everyone sat down and Allison joined Chris at the center of the huge round table

  “High Leader, I understand one of your scouts has heard the Legends saying they will order an invasion shortly.”

  “That is true, Father.”

  “Then we will commence our attack when they start forming their formations.”

  Kyel looked at Chris, “Why have you waited until they plan to invade?”

  Chris smiled, “That’s a good question Uncle. I thought it might be easier to go after them when they were in one large group rather than having to go ferret them out from thousands of planets.”

  Kyel looked at Chris and smiled, “You make an excellent point.”

  Chris smiled and looked around the table, “This meeting is to make sure all of us know our roles in what’s coming.” Chris looked at the High Leader, “Your forces will go after the Progen ships when they form up outside the edge of M-87.” Chris looked at Vanger, “Are your fleets of Pods ready?”

  The short Goran nodded, “They are. They’re armed, provisioned, mobile, hostile, and agile.” Chris laughed and Vanger smiled, “What I’m trying to say is that we’re glad the waiting is almost over.” A number of Amens followed his response.

  Chris looked at Kyel, “Your battleships will join Vanger’s pods in their attack. Have the two of you worked out a plan on how to work together?”

  Kyel nodded, “Vanger will be in overall command. He will be able to send orders telepathically much faster than I could electronically. I’m thankful for him.” Vanger looked at Kyel and nodded at the compliment.”

  “Jinks, you will be in command of the ships watching for the retaliatory forces that Legend Central might send to support those in M-87.”

  “Kyel, how many battleships will be sent to me?”

  “Half of them?”

  “Are you sure you can afford to send that many?”

  Vanger said, “If we run into trouble, I’ll call them in.” Jinks nodded.

  Chris looked at Jinks, “You are going to have all of the Barrier Pods. If we run into trouble at the Legends’ Planet, I’ll start calling them in by fleet number.” Jinks nodded again. “I’m hoping I don’t have to do it. I’d rather keep them as a surprise to use against the response to our attack. But if they’re needed, I will use them.”

  Everyone heard Piper say, “Are you really worried about their ships?”

  “Piper, we’ve not seen what those new ships the Super Legend brought in can do. Until we do, I’ll be nervous. It would be good for you to not assume anything as well.” Piper was silent and the Grey Leader said, “Arrogance should be checked at the door.”

  Everyone smiled and Chris nodded, “Something like that. I’d suggest not getting too close until you determine what they can do.” Chris looked at Eve, “Have you assigned the targets?”

  “I have, Sir. We’re going after all the ground disruptors on the side of the planet where the Legends reside.”

  “You have a tough task, Eve. If it gets out of hand, take out enough of them so we can skip in the Barrier pods.”

  “I’m checking my arrogance here. I won’t be taking it with me.”

  The group laughed and Chris said, “Pat.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I’ll be taking you with me.”

  “Is that a good idea?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m expendable, you aren’t.”

  Piper said, “I happen to agree with him.”

  Chris’s eyes narrowed and he began hearing others join them in their protest at his going into danger. “A good leader takes the risks of those he commands.”

  Salud said, “Save that mush for someone who believes it.” Chris looked at her and she shook her head, “You and Lukas are so hard headed. Getting you to see your value is just not possible.”

  Lukas said, “Wait a min…”

  Salud said, “Shut up. You know I’m right. We almost had to hog tie you to take you to Eden.” Lukas closed his mouth. Looked at her, turned to Chris and shrugged. Salud looked around the table, “Is there anyone here that would respect Chris any more than you do if he went into combat?”

  The High Leader said, “I’d actually respect him less.”

  Chris’s eyes narrowed, “Why is that?”

  “Because you are what unites us. If something happened to you, it would all unravel. Putting yourself in a position where that is even a possibility shows a lack of respect for those serving you.”

  Chris took a deep breath to voice his opinion and blew it out when Allison said, “You have to know he’s right.” Chris looked at her and she shook her head, “Salud is right. You have no concept of what you mean to those in this room.”

  “What about us?”

  Allison looked up, “And the two of you as well, Piper.”

  Jinks looked at Chris, “So you go dropping on the Legends’ Planet and leave us without overall leadership to coordinate our forces if the other Legends send a huge retaliatory force from the other galaxies.”

  Chris looked at Lukas, “I could use a little help here.”

  “Sorry, I happen to agree with them and I must say I’m starting to understand the problems I’ve cause in the past.”

  Salud muttered, “About time!”

  Chris shook his head with his lips pursed and he said, “Piper, you will not take Pat into combat. You keep him safe until the moment he can safely be taken to the planet.”

  “Of course. As the Leader of my forces, I understand that I have to be in a position to see the overall picture of what’s going on.”

  Chris looked up and rolled his eyes, “Don’t tell me you will stay out that easily?”

>   “Ok, I won’t tell you.”

  Chris laughed and everyone joined him. Chris sighed and said, “All right, I’ll stay in the barrier and move between our forces where I might be needed.” The entire room exploded with applause. “Sarcasm doesn’t become you.”

  Eve said, “Yes it does.”

  Chris laughed and looked around the room, “I’ve brought a list of questions on what ifs. I’d like to know how you would respond to them.” Chris looked at Vanger, “What if the Legends send some of their fleets to organize with the Progen?”

  “That’s when you’ll have Piper send a corresponding number of his ships to join us.”

  Chris nodded, “Very good, Vanger!”

  • • •

  Allison sat in her chair and watched Chris ask his ‘what if’ questions and wondered how she had been so lucky to have ended up with him. She looked at the attendees and saw that the High Leader was right; he was what united them.

  • • •

  Finally, the meeting ended and Chris said, “The Pods and Battleships will leave immediately for M-87 and wait for the Progen to start forming up.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Chris looked at the Welken Royal, “Some Silver Ships and I will be leaving for the Green Civilization.”


  “Don’t worry, I won’t be getting involved in anything that happens there and I really hope nothing does.” Everyone looked at him and he said, “Hey, everyone, chill out. I’ve got the message.”

  Vanger looked at Averel, “What does chill out mean?”

  “It means shut up.” Everyone heard the exchange and the entire room burst out laughing. It took ten minutes to restore order. It could have been done quicker but Chris was laughing as much as everyone else.

  Finally, the meeting ended and the massive forces going to M-87 began moving. The long awaited confrontation with the Legends had finally arrived.

  • • •

  Allison activated her armor and looked at Chris who already had his at full power. He looked at her and smiled, “The new visors are incredible. The tactical is just like seeing everything around our ship.” Allison nodded. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m frightened, Chris. What if after all we’ve done to get ready, it’s not enough.”

  Chris went to her and knelt. He took her hands and smiled, “Then we start over. Winning this is a journey, not a destination. This is just the first step.” Allison smiled and nodded. “We’re not going into normal space or the void. You and I will remain in the barrier and direct traffic.”

  “I know. It’s just…”

  “We could lose a lot of friends in this fight.”

  “So many have died before.”

  “They gave everything so we could arrive at this moment. Now it’s up to us to make their sacrifice worth it.”

  Allison nodded and turned to her console, “The Silver Ships have arrived.”

  Chris turned off the thought blocker and thought, “Are you ready to go?”

  “We are Commander.”

  “Medley, long time no see.”

  “It’s good to be back. How do you want to handle this?”

  “I’ll let you know when to drop out of the barrier and take them.”

  Allison looked up from her panel, “The scouts say the Legends have ordered their tools to form up.”

  “That’s our cue, Medley.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Chris took the controls and pressed the right pedal. The Barrier Pod skipped away from Eden at a speed that was too fast to measure. The pod arrived above the Green Civilizations Capital and hung in the barrier with the hundred Silver Ships around it. He focused on the Leader and heard, “You have been ordered to move your ships to the edge of the Galaxy. The Progen are waiting on you to join their formations.”

  • • •

  The Leader of the Audons shook his head, looked at his Fleet Admiral and Councilors gathered in the room and said, “I am sorry but I must refuse.”

  “YOU WHAT?!”

  “I cannot comply with your orders.”


  The Leader saw the fear of those gathered in the room and he took a deep breath, “I cannot attack the species that allowed my ships to escape.”

  A moment later, fifty huge Black Ships appeared above the planet. “YOU WILL START YOUR FORCES MOVING NOW OR YOU AND EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET WILL DIE!”

  The Leader knew the being said he should wait until the first planet was destroyed before he followed their orders. He never considered that the planet would be his. He looked at the others and saw they had gathered their nerve and nodded toward him. They were willing to die with him. The Leader said, “Die and rot in the underworld!”

  Chris said, “Take them Medley.”

  The hundred Silver Ships came out of the barrier directly above the Black Ships and opened fire with their Dark Energy Disruptors. Forty of them exploded and the ten survivors opened fire on their attackers. The Silver Ships dodged their beams at an incredible speed. Two of them were hit and one of them had its force field collapse. The hull absorbed the beam as the two ships moved out of the fire coming from the Black Ships. The other Silver Ships opened fire on the ten survivors and they exploded.

  The Leader fell back in his chair. The monitor on the wall showed the destruction of the Black Ships in orbit above the planet and he was stunned at how fast they were destroyed. Chris thought to him, “I had to wait and see if you would stand by your choices.”

  The Leader calmed his breathing, “Would it be too much to ask to not cut it so short next time?”

  Chris smiled, “No, we’ll do what we can.”

  “How can I help you?”

  “Stay where you are and move enough of your ships around this planet. If they come back, this is where they’ll come. I would also suggest you and the other leaders leave, board ships and get off the planet.”

  “I won’t run and leave my citizens.”

  “You need to think this through. The building you’re in will be the first target. Leaving your citizens without leaders is something you should not allow to happen. Don’t let your pride get in the way of making good choices.”

  The Leader nodded and said, “We will leave immediately. When will they come back?

  “I’m hoping they are too busy to worry about you. We’ll see how it goes.”

  “What’s happening?” The Leader waited but the being had gone. He looked at the Council and said, “Get on a shuttle and join the fleet in orbit!”

  They rushed out of the room and the Fleet Leader said as they ran out, “What do I do?”

  “Get enough ships here to put a barrier around the planet. If any more black ships show up, attack them and don’t stop.”

  “Yes First.”

  The Leader of the Audons ran aboard the shuttle and flew at high speed into orbit. He landed in the landing bay of the Fleet Admiral’s battleship and saw tens of thousands of battleships skipping in above the planet. In less than twenty minutes, a hundred thousand were forming up above the planet as thousands more continued to arrive. He shook his head at just how large an area a million ships could cover. He activated the general frequency and said, “If a Legend Battleship shows up, every ship above the planet will attack it.”

  He heard the Scan Officer yell, “There’s fifty more of them!”

  The Green Battleships fell on them and all opened fire. More than eighty thousand Green Battleships were blown apart but the Legends were destroyed. Four hundred thousand more Green Battleships arrived and more continued to come. The Audon Leader smiled. Now it was up to that stranger to make this count. He would hold them off.

  Three larger squadrons of Legend Battleships arrived but, after massive losses, they were destroyed. Then…they no longer appeared. The Audon Leader wondered why.

  • • •

  Vanger looked at the massive formations of Orange Ships and smiled. He thought, “Fleet
Leader, if you will move your ships behind their formations, I will attempt to keep their attention directed toward their front.”

  “Skipping now.”

  Vanger thought, “Keep the thoughts of their blaster operators in your minds and act accordingly.”

  “Vanger, the Green Ships won’t be coming, start your attack.”

  “Yes Father.” Vanger smiled and said, “Hit them hard!!”

  Vanger and his body guard of four thousand Pods stayed far out in the void as the gigantic formation of Pods skipped in at an incredible speed, went into normal space and were on the Progen formations before they could react. Vanger moved his formation into normal space and watched his ships attack the Progen formations.

  The explosions in the Progen formations were too numerous to count and they broke formations without concern about the ships around them. The thousands of collisions only added to the total frenzy and confusion around them.

  • • •

  Gelza flew into the giant formation of Orange Ships and listened to the thoughts of the Progen manning the blasters. She left the firing of the disruptors to the computer and she saw what the blaster operators were seeing. One of them was moving his disruptor toward her ship and her computer fired a DM round into it.

  The Progen blaster crew was blown apart by the DM round, hitting the line feeding energy to the blaster. Gelza turned her ship sharply left and a blaster ripped by the bow of her ship. All three disruptors opened fire on the battleship below her and one of the DE beams hit the missile stores. The ship blew up so fast, it was firing beams one second and was a vapor cloud the next. Gelza turned toward another battleship and turned away. Six blaster crews were moving their barrels to fire at her. They missed the pod coming in below them. The battleship blew in half and then both halves disintegrated.

  • • •

  The Greatest Leader was screaming, “GET OUR FLEETS MOVING!!”


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