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Exposed Affections

Page 6

by Rene Folsom

  I insisted on sitting in the back seat by myself. I needed a little space. Thankfully, the guys didn’t fight with me about it.

  Aiden and Coda didn’t even want me to attempt to drive my car because they were worried Rob might have tampered with it. What was really depressing about it was they were right. It was entirely possible Rob would pull something like that. He was ruining my life all over again, and I hated him for it.

  One single tear slid down my cheek as I stared out the car window.

  “Julia?” Coda asked from the front-passenger seat.

  I just looked up at him, my expression unchanged.

  “May I come back there with you?” he asked with sorrow in his eyes.

  I just nodded and turned to look back out at the passing cars—all so happy and oblivious to the lurking dangers around them.

  Coda climbed into the back seat of his Impala and grabbed my hand. He didn’t try to hold me or make me talk. He just held my hand, firm and loving. I squeezed in return—a gesture to let him know I appreciated his sentiment.

  The diner was loud and filled with chatter. Clanking of dishes and utensils scraping against ceramic filled my ears. Coda talked about fishing and Aiden talked about my photography, I’m guessing to get me into the conversation somehow. I responded when asked a direct question, but otherwise, I just kept to myself.

  How could I be so high on life one moment and so utterly miserable the next? Did I need to figure out a way to afford the therapist again? Well, if I had to move, I sure as hell wouldn’t be able to afford a therapist.

  “Julia? Julia?” Aiden called, attempting to get my attention.

  “Juliana?” Coda said with a shake to my shoulder.

  I snapped my gaze up to them and just stared.

  “You haven’t touched your food. You feeling okay?” Aiden asked, worry clearly etched in his face.

  “Detective Gowan said he’d have to call me back later. He’s busy with several other cases and doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to look into it,” I rattled.

  “Fucker,” Coda mumbled.

  “Did you explain to him there might be prints?” Aiden asked.

  I shrugged. “He should know that. It’s his job to know that.”

  “She’s right, Aiden. He should know damn well to come out and dust for prints right away. He’s pushing her off like her case isn’t important. Maybe I should go have a talk with this det…”

  “Don’t bother, Coda,” I cut him off. “I’m not going back there.”

  “Back where, Angel? Back to the police station? We won’t make you go back. We’ll make him come to you,” Aiden consoled.

  “No, back to my apartment. I’m not going back.”

  Chapter 9

  “What will she think of me if I’m banging both her sons?”

  Aiden and Coda argued with me, but there was no use. I wasn’t going back to my apartment, and I was even contemplating quitting my job. I couldn’t just drop school though. I was so close. But, really, what life would I lead if I had to be escorted to class every day?

  When we arrived back at Aiden and Coda’s house, I went straight to the bedroom. The guys said they were going to watch a basketball game down in the den.

  I sat down on the large chair in Aiden’s room and opened my laptop. Maybe checking my email and social profiles would help get me out of this funk.

  No such luck. As soon as I opened my computer, I saw a barrage of images—surveillance photos of me in the club, outside the club, outside of my apartment, getting undressed, at school…

  “Oh, God.”

  He had them plastered all over my screen’s background with a message in the center that said: I see you.

  I picked up the laptop and hurled it across the room. It hit the hard, wood edge of the bed before it clattered to the floor.

  The bastard actually got into my apartment. I just buried my face into the arm of the chair and cried.

  Moments later, Aiden and Coda came bursting through the doors. I imagined it was because they heard me throw a large chunk of machinery across the room.

  Aiden kneeled in front of me and put his hand on my back.

  “Angel, what’s the hell is wrong?”

  “Aiden? Here. Now,” Coda demanded.

  Aiden reluctantly got up and went over to where Coda stood holding my laptop. I guess I didn’t break it because they were able to see what upset me.

  I’m not sure how long I sat there with tears in my eyes, but after a while, Coda came up to me and said, “Julia, this is proof. This is just the proof that detective needs. Don’t you worry. We’ll get him.”

  I just lunged myself into Coda’s arms and sobbed, “I can’t believe he’s fucking up my life again. I want to be able to live without fear of him being around every corner. I don’t want to run away again.”

  “Shh. You don’t have to run anywhere, Julia. Trust me,” Coda consoled.

  I looked up to Aiden, who was standing right next to Coda. “I wish we could go to North Carolina early. Just to get away for a little while. Damn Spring Break can’t come soon enough,” I said with a sniff.

  “And when were you all gonna invite me on this trip, huh?” Coda asked with humor in his tone.

  “Since when do you need to be invited to visit Mom, Bubba?” Aiden made fun.

  “Bubba?” I said with a slight smile through my tears.

  “Ha! Aiden couldn’t say my name when he was little. I guess Bubba is a mixture of Brother and Coda.”

  “That is awfully cute,” I said, a smile starting to dry my tears.

  “Know what, Angel? Spring projects are due on Wednesday. Maybe we could just take off Thursday instead of waiting till the weekend?”

  “I’m kinda serious. Am I allowed to come on this little adventure?” Coda chortled.

  I laughed. He was so damn cute.

  “Wait. If we’re going up to see your mom, what will she think of me if I’m banging both her sons?” I asked.

  “I think we’ll have to cross that road when we get to it, Angel,” Aiden said kindly. “And, yes, Coda. I want you to come if you can get away from work.”

  “Okay, I’m going to call the detective about all this shit now. He’ll listen to a lawyer. He may not like it, but at least he’ll listen,” Coda said with fierceness in his eyes.

  Before he could walk away, I grabbed his hand and said, “Thank you, Coda.”

  He bent over, gave me a sweet kiss, and said, “Anything for you, love.”

  After Coda talked with Detective Gowan, we all just sat around and vegged while we watched TV, ate pizza, and played cards. Even Tanya joined in on the fun. I was really beginning to like her.

  I spent a little time responding to text messages from Sid and Maddy, letting them know I was okay. I called Sid and updated her on the whole Rob incident and asked her to stay away from the apartment for a little while longer. She agreed, thank God.

  That night, I told Aiden and Coda I didn’t feel up to having sex. I just wanted to cuddle. As we all lay in bed, Aiden’s phone buzzed with a new text. He brought it from the nightstand and unlocked the screen.

  On his background, there was a beautiful photo of me laying on the rock in the butterfly garden.

  “Damn, Aiden. You’ve been holding out on me. Can you text that photo to me?” Coda asked.

  I just looked over at Coda and smiled.

  “Yeah, I have a ton more too. I went a bit shutter happy with her. Hard not to though. She looked absolutely stunning in that garden,” Aiden explained.

  “Is that the garden behind Pat’s store?” Coda asked. “The same place you got Julia’s mirror?”

  I looked over at Coda once more with bewilderment in my expression.


  I cut Aiden off. “Wait a minute. How do you know about Pat’s store and my mirror?”

  Both men chuckled as Coda answered, “Because we talk about everything. Aiden called me the moment you left him all cock-throbbed in his classroom.” />
  “Well, Coda, you’re the one that called me, if I recall.”

  “That’s right. I was picking up on those delicious feelings you were having about Julia’s ass,” Coda joked with a wink in my direction.

  “Thanks a ton for ratting me out, ass. Anyway, I also have a few prints of another shot where she’s smiling at me. I’ll give you one for your wallet,” Aiden said, changing the subject slightly.

  “And my car, and my office, and my Jeep, and my room… let me think… I might need you to make quite a few prints,” Coda joked.

  “C’mon guys. I don’t need my photo plastered everywhere,” I said with all seriousness.

  “We do,” they both said at the same time, giving each other a high five at the obvious twin-ESP moment.

  I just laughed as they continued to talk softly about the different photos Aiden saved on his phone. I began to drift listening to my two favorite voices.

  Thankfully, I only had one nightmare through the night. It was pretty much the same type of thing, only this time Rob was coming through a window at me. Coda about shit his pants, and I felt so bad for burdening them with my horrible recurring nightmares.

  Aiden’s alarm went off at six, causing me to moan and hide under Coda’s arm.

  “Time for our morning workout, Julia,” Aiden said all too cheerfully for six in the morning.

  “And you’re coming with,” Coda said with a slap to my ass. “So, c’mon, beautiful. Rise and shine.”

  “Oh, my God! Y’all are way too cheery in the morning,” I groaned.

  “Only because we woke up next to the most beautiful woman in the world,” Aiden said against my lips. “Now, get up or I’m gonna have to drag you out of bed.”

  “And he’ll do it too,” Coda hollered from the bathroom where I could clearly hear he was peeing with the door wide open.

  “Not too modest there, eh?” I teased loud enough so hopefully Coda could hear.

  “Do I need to start dragging that pretty little ass of yours?” Aiden threatened.

  “Okay, I’m up! Damn,” I exclaimed as I flung the covers off my naked body and climbed out of bed. “So, what are we doing?”

  Coda piped up as he walked out of the bathroom. “I was thinking we could go for a swim this morning,” he deadpanned.

  “Are you crazy? It’s like, sixty degrees outside right now. The water alone will be freezing.”

  “No worries, Angel. We have an indoor heated pool. It’s a balmy eighty-six degrees in and out of the water,” Aiden nonchalantly said.

  “Well, damn. When were you planning on telling me this? I would have been down there every minute. I love to swim. But,” Gah. Why didn’t they tell me? “I didn’t bring a suit. I never anticipated swimming.”

  “I’m sure Tanya probably has something. If not, you could always skinny dip. I wouldn’t mind seeing you swim in your birthday suit,” Coda said with a wink.

  “First of all, Tanya’s tits are probably two cup sizes smaller than mine, not to mention her ass is considerably smaller. I doubt I’ll be fitting into any of her suits. And second, I’m not getting caught swimming in the nude by my boyfriend’s wife. I think I’ll find a bra and panties to go in.”

  Both magnificently naked men laughed at me as I stomped over to my bag. I found a pair of gray boy shorts to match my gray sports bra. Perfect.

  After doing my business, taking my pill, and getting my undergarments on, I walked out of the bathroom to two men lying in wait.

  “Wow. You’re even stunning in your underwear,” Coda said with wide eyes.

  Aiden hit him on the back of the head and said, “Cut it out or we’ll never get our workout in.”

  “I can think of many other things we can do to work out,” Coda joked as he rubbed the back of his head where Aiden hit him.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll give her a good fucking before we leave the house this morning. Otherwise, I won’t be able to make it through the day in the same classroom with her,” Aiden said in all seriousness.

  “Don’t I get a say in all this?” I asked with an innocent bat to my eyelashes.

  Aiden and Coda just laughed at my absurd question as I followed them down the hall.

  Chapter 10

  “The only thing they didn’t share was a bed, and with the most recent events, that even seemed debatable.”

  The pool was paradise and large enough for all three of us to swim laps. The guys started out swimming in synchronization, probably to get a chuckle out of me. It was cute.

  We only swam for probably about a half hour before we were all over each other in the water. Making out with two hot brothers in a perfect temperature pool was muy caliente.

  Coda didn’t want to stay in the water long, so we headed back up toward Aiden’s room. As we were walking down the hall, I realized something.

  “Coda, I’ve never seen your room. Which one is it?” I asked. There were five rooms on the second floor and Aiden said Tanya’s room was on the opposite side of his, so Coda’s had to be one of the three center rooms.

  “This one here, next to Aiden’s,” he said as he opened the door and flicked on his light. His room was a bit smaller than Aiden’s, but decorated nearly the same. He didn’t have a desk or sitting area like Aiden did and I wondered if he even had an attached bathroom.

  Instead of just poking my head in, I decided to walk all the way inside and make myself at home.

  “Is this the door to your bathroom?” I asked pointing to a closed door.

  Coda just nodded with a look on his face like I was a silly child for asking. I opened the bathroom door and confirmed my suspicion. It led to Aiden’s bathroom.

  “Wow. I never noticed this door before. Your bathroom is joined together.”

  “And so is our closet,” Coda chimed. “Like we said, we pretty much share everything.”

  They weren’t kidding either. The only thing they didn’t share was a bed, and with the most recent events, that even seemed debatable.

  I quickly shredded my wet clothes and sat down on Coda’s bed.

  Coda watched me from the doorway with an amused expression on his face.

  After a few moments, Aiden poked his head around the doorframe and said, “Well, I guess we’re making love in here this morning, huh?”

  Aiden pushed past Coda, shimmied out of his swim trunks, and sat on the bed next to me, nuzzling my cheek and neck.

  “Well, hell. I guess we are,” Coda said as he shut the door and got naked.

  “I know it’s kinda late to ask such a thing, but you are on birth control, right, Julia?” Coda asked.

  “Oh, geez. I thought Aiden told you. Yes, I’m on birth control and I was tested shortly after… well, I was tested, anyway. So, you have nothing to worry about from me,” I said with a smile.

  “Sounds like my kinda girl,” Coda said, grinning as he sat on the bed to the other side of me.

  I laid back on the bed, my knees still dangling over the edge, as both men leaned down beside me, propping themselves up on their elbows.

  “Julia, have you ever had anal sex?” Aiden asked.

  “Um…” I hesitated. “Don’t get upset, okay? Promise me?”

  “Of course not, Angel. I would never be upset,” Aiden consoled.

  “I’ve never… willingly… had anal sex. I’ve heard it can be enjoyable, but I wouldn’t know. Honestly, it is a little scary to me. It has always hurt way too bad for me to even dream of it being gratifying.”

  “Well, shit. Hard not to get upset about that,” Coda grumbled. “Not upset with you, love. Don’t you worry,” he said as he touched my cheek and kissed my lips.

  “We won’t ever force anything on you, Julia. The only reason I asked is because it is enjoyable, very enjoyable, if it’s done right and you’re properly prepared. Let’s just say you’ve never done it because against your will does not count in my book. If you ever do want to try it, I promise you, we’ll be gentle. As long as you communicate, you’ll be fine,” Aiden explaine
d politely.

  “I… I think I want to. I was remembering something Sid said to me after I talked to her about you holding my arms and how I felt. She explained that those are things I should be able to enjoy. And she said she hopes someday I will find someone I trust enough to explore the pleasurable things I currently associate with pain.” I lay quiet for a moment before I grabbed both their necks and pulled them close as I said, “I trust you. Both of you. I trust you with everything. So, I’d like to try. As long as, if I ask for you to stop, you will? If it’ll be too difficult for you to stop, then maybe it’s not such a g...” Coda stopped me with two fingers over my mouth.

  “Shh. You talk too much,” he said with a laugh. I just chuckled along with him, thankful that he shut me up.

  Coda leaned down and kissed me hard—his tongue exploring my mouth as if it were a gold mine. I moaned and leaned up into his hard chest, skin to skin.

  “Scoot back a little,” Aiden said, wanting me to reposition so I was completely on the bed.

  I lifted my ass and scooted myself back while Coda moved down to my breasts. Within moments, Aiden was leaning over me, kissing his way up the column of my neck before consuming my mouth, molding my lips to his, and leaving me completely breathless.

  Coda laved at my nipple, causing it to perk up and harden. He used his other hand to drift down my belly to my center, separating the folds of my pussy with his fingers in order to gain better access to my clit.

  Just when Coda’s finger began pulsing against my clit, Aiden sucked my other nipple into his warm, luscious mouth. I cried out at the twin sensations bombarding my body.

  You’d think I would start to get used to the glorious attention they provided, but every time they touched me, it took my breath away. Their mouths, so slick and warm, felt heavenly on my sensitive buds.

  Suddenly, Aiden rolled over and took me with him, so I was straddling him. He kissed me gently, reverently, just like a man who was in love would kiss his woman.

  As Aiden kissed me and caressed my breasts with his hands, Coda reached under me and began rubbing at my clit again. After a few minutes of prepping, he finally slid his cock into my pussy, eliciting a delightful moan from me, which was quickly swallowed by Aiden’s invading tongue.


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