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Cassie's New Plan

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by Breanna Hayse

  Cassie's New Plan


  Breanna Hayes

  ©2012 by Blushing Books®and Breanna Hayes

  Copyright©2012 by Blushing Books®and Breanna Hayes

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  Hayes, Breanna

  Cassie's New Plan

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-60968-620-8

  Formerly entitled "The Game Plan"

  Cover Design by Korey M Johnson

  Photo by BigStock Photo

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  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter One

  “I hate these guys! I wish I never moved in with this family!" Cassie fumed, sitting cross-legged on her bed with her chin on her hands. How dare Rob talk to her like that?! Who the hell did he think he was anyway?!

  She heard a heated argument downstairs between two of her roommates, who where also brothers–Rob, the oldest (and most serious) at 33 and Glenn (the funniest and most relaxed), who was the youngest at 21. She couldn’t quite make out what was being said, but she knew that she was the topic of the debate. Bryon, the middle brother at 32 (and always the voice of reason), was still at work as assistant coach of the football team at the local university which Cassie attended.

  She had skipped class and someone had ratted her out to Bryon, who had called Rob. She suspected it was Judy, her arch nemesis. That girl had a serious crush on Glenn and would do anything to earn his attention. The bitch. Glenn was Cassie’s closest male friend and was very close to her and Judy did everything she could to cause them friction.

  Cassie flopped onto her back, staring at the ceiling. She had been ordered by Rob to march her fanny upstairs to wait until his dad, Bill, came home from work as a celebrity sports commentator and national spokesman for the‘Staying In School’campaign. After throwing a screaming fit and telling Rob exactly what she thought of him, the 20 year old girl had stomped upstairs and slammed the door with a satisfactory bang, hard enough to make some pictures fall off the hallway wall.

  Cassie fought back angry tears. This was the first time Rob had really raised his voice to her in such an imposing manner. Most of the time, he just grumped and stared her down until she caved. There was something behind his stare that made her uncomfortable. Bryon called it his‘game face’; it was the look he would give his opponents to make them question their sanity for being on the field with the large, powerful young man.

  In general, the brothers tended to tiptoe around her because of her explosive temper, especially after her mother had passed away unexpectedly one year ago and she opted to stay with them in lieu of being alone. She had known her neighbors since she was eight, staying at their home more often than her own. Bill was the only decent male role model she had. They had met when Cassie was eight and she and her mother had moved next door. Bill, a widower, quickly stepped in to help the two girls and brought with him three large, strapping, well-mannered boys. The family had been good to her and her mom, and they had eagerly embraced them both with love and affection. Bill had been there through thick and thin, simply out out the goodness of his heart, and had tried to provide her with some direction per her mother's request. Cassie had to admit he hadbeen good her, but she never saw him as an authority figure. In truth, like her mother, he had let her get away with murder. Rob, though… He frightened her, he always had, and she didn’t know why.

  Snarling, Cassie threw a pillow at the door. Why should she listen to Rob anyway? It wasn’t his body that made her tremble, but his face. She was used to the boys’heights and physiques; each had played football all through high school and most of college as sons of the famous Big Bill Johnson, star quarterback for the Dolphins. Both Rob and Bryon were huge, like their father, who was well over 6’4”. They had broad shoulders and slender waists, muscular arms and legs, beautiful dimpled smiles, honey brown eyes, and dark brown hair. Glenn was a kicker; he was shorter, long-limbed, slender, and had lighter hair that seemed to match his playful, boyish disposition.

  No, it wasn’t Rob’s size. Bryon was right… It was that‘game face’that changed Rob’s normally warm, gentle gaze to hard, full-blown menace when he was challenged so directly. It clearly spelled trouble.

  Cassie sighed, trying to calm her anger. Truthfully, she wanted for nothing. Since her mother's passing, Bill provided for everything and she didn’t have to worry about a roof over her head, food on the table, or clothes on her back. But she could only view her life in one way; she lived in a gilded cage with pain in the ass roomates who loved to try to control her. Except for Glenn…he understood her.

  Footsteps on the stairs alerted her to Bill’s homecoming. He tapped on her door before peeking in.

  “Cass? It’s me. We need to talk,”the big man said gently, walking in and quietly closing the door behind him. Cassie snarled.

  “There is nothing to say, Bill. Rob already screamed at me.”

  “I heard. And I wouldn’t say he screamed. What happened, kid?”he said as he sat down on the bed to look at her. She fought the sense of guilt. He really treated her well, and was very kind, so why did she like to make him so miserable? She shrugged.

  “I needed a day off to think. No biggie.”

  “You missed a midterm exam.” He pulled out a piece of paper. “Bry says that you are failing history and this was your chance to bring your grade up.”

  “Bry should mind his own damn business. No one else in that stupid school has their roomate pulling their records to check up on them. What do I need history for, anyway? It’s the past and it’s done and over with. I’m a culinary major,”Cassie argued. Bill sighed, putting the paper down.

  “Cass... I know you’re going through a lot. I miss your mom too; we all do. She was a great surrogate mother to the boys and a wonderful, loving, and tender friend to me. She’d want you to go forward and be happy. You need to realize that the boys and I are here to help you, to be part of your life. We love you.”

  “Then tell them to stop butting into my business and leave me alone.”

  “Someone has got to keep an eye on you, Cassandra. Every time I turn around you are giving me reason to get on your case. Obviously, I haven’t been making my point. We need a new game plan,”he said patiently. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to take your car keys this time, hon.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”Cassie glared at him.

  He held out his hand, shaking his head. “You blew it. You are also grounded until your grades come up.”

  “That’s not fair! I am 20 years old and a college student!”

  “Shhh, no yelling. My house, my rules. I’ll tell you the same thing I told my boys. You are an adult and are more than welcome to find your own place and take care of your own needs. But if you choose to stay here and have me provide for you, then there are rules you need to follow. T
he first is your education. That’s very important for your future,”he said calmly, staring into her green eyes. “Baby, I’ve tried to be like a dad to you. I really have. You need to tell me where I’m going wrong. I never had this problem with any of my sons.”

  Maybe because you didn’t desert them like my own father did to me and mom, Cassie thought. She said nothing, just pouted. No one knew how she felt, but the fear of rejection, even from these men, had never left her. She harbored a belief that it was only a matter of time before they hung her out to dry. Her fear and insecurities had erupted in full force after her mom died. She feared that these men had loved her mom but merely tolerated her because they had to. Now there was no good reason to keep her around.

  Bill sighed, patting her leg.

  “Very well. When you think of something, I would appreciate knowing. I also have some important news for you. I’m going to Japan to shoot those commercials then doing a speaking engagement in Europe. Rob will be staying here at the house to help.”

  “NO!!”Cassie barked. It was bad enough he hung out here so much, but to move back in, even temporarily…

  Bill raised his hand in the air. “Yes. Like I said, new game plan. You need someone more responsible than Glenn to keep an eye on you and Bry is out too often with his team. Rob’s doing us a big favor, so please don’t give him a hard time.”

  “He hates me!”

  “Quite the contrary, he loves you very much. I told you, we all do. You just make it really hard for them to show it. You’re too young to have such a hard wall up. Give these guys a chance, please?”

  “How long will you be gone?”she sounded defeated.

  “Three months. I’ll be back in early January. Think you’ll survive?”he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Cassie huffed,“I’llsurvive. I won’t promise you that the boys will.”

  Bill chuckled, holding his hand out again.

  “I’m sure they’ll do fine. Try cooking for them for once; you’d be amazed how compliant they are with good food in their bellies. Your keys, please.”

  Growling, she slapped the key ring into his hand. He kissed her forehead and left the room. Cassie watched him go, his limp evident as he walked away.

  “Just because you took the keys doesn’t mean I won’t drive,”she muttered under her breath, knowing exactly where the spare set was hidden.

  * * *

  Glenn looked up at his father as he came down the stairs.

  “You okay, Pop?”

  “I’m fine, just aching. Weather’s cooling down and the old injury whines about it.” The handsome older man smiled, running his hand over his youngest son’s head. “You’re going to mind Rob, right?”

  “When he’s not being a jerk, sure.”Glenn grinned, kicking his older brother in the thigh.

  Rob smacked Glenn’s foot. “Cut the crap. What are the instructions regarding HER?”Rob asked, nodding towards the stairs.

  “Use your judgment. I took her keys and she’s grounded until the grades come up. I’m sorry to leave you in this predicament, but I really appreciate you being willing to help.”

  “Ah, I know that look. You changed your game plan. Pop, haven’t you realized that she doesn’t follow the rules of the sport?”

  “I don’t think that child knows what rules are. I don’t know how she would survive if she ever ventured out on her own.”Bill sighed and propped his leg on the coffee table. “Do you think you will be okay with her?”

  “No problem. She’s not the only one who needs looking after. Ask HIM about his chem test. Bry called me on that one, too.” Rob pointed to Glenn.

  “Bry’s an asshole. I passed. I’m going to be a sports therapist, not a chemist, so what’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is that I’m paying a lot of money for your education and I expect you to do well. Like I told Cassandra, you have the choice to move out and take care of yourself. That means getting a job. Straighten up, mister. You don’t have that much longer to go,”Bill said firmly.

  Glenn sighed. “Ok, fine. I’ll work harder.”

  “Good. What are YOU looking at, Robert?”

  “I was just wondering why you don’t you use that scarier-than-shit tone on Miss Attitude? Maybe then she’d treat you a little more respectfully. You’re paying for her education, too.”

  “Leave the kid alone, bro. She’s got a lot of issues,”Glenn defended his friend.

  Rob nodded. “I agree. One of which is total disregard for anyone else. You would have kicked our asses if we ever spoke to you the way she does. I seem to remember a very hard and painful lesson about how to speak to my elders.”

  “It’s not the same with boys. Besides, you were raised differently,”Bill argued.

  “Yeah, with a willow switch. Pop, you know that’s no excuse. She’s been around this family for 12 years. She’s spoiled and rude. None of us have done anything to invite it. Not even jerkoff here.”

  “Hey!”Glenn complained.

  Bill shook his head. “I need to start packing. Just get along, please? Glenn, hit the books.”

  “Yes, sir,”Glenn grumbled, leaving to get started.

  Rob watched his brother go. “Pop, I’m really worried about Cass. So is Bry. We both think she’s heading for disaster,”he said quietly to his father.

  Bill nodded, noticing something odd in his son’s expression. “So do I, son. So do I. Make sure you and your brother do your best for her, okay?”

  * * *

  Two days after Bill left on his trip, Cassie decided it was time to escape the hell she now called home. Glenn was out with his friends and Bryon had left for an away game. Rob had ordered her to clean her room and, in response, she had made her famous retreat and slammed the door as loudly as she could. She ignored his calls from beyond the locked door, turning up the headphones so she couldn’t hear his ranting. Rob finally left her alone and slammed his own bedroom door in frustration.

  She waited until the house was quiet and then slipped out of her window and shimmied down the trellis that lined the side of the house. Bill had planted Wisteria there years ago and had made sure the trellis could take the weight of the heavy plant. Cassie had no problem with her get-away; her tiny 5’0”frame weighed no more than a feather and she was agile to boot.

  Smiling, she started down to her friend Gina’s house. Rob would never know…

  * * *

  Rob woke suddenly, hearing a noise coming from outside. He looked out his window to see Cassie trotting down the tree lined street. Growling, he threw on some clothes and followed her. After witnessing her effortless climb up a tree and in through Gina’s upstairs window, he knocked loudly on the door. A man answered.

  “Yeah? Hey Rob, you okay? It’s late.”

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Todd. Sorry about the time. I came to get Cassie. She just snuck into Gina’s room through the window.” Rob rubbed his neck, pointing up.

  He stood in the doorway as the man leaned over the stairs, calling up for his daughter. “Gina! Is Cass up there with you?”

  “Um, no Daddy,”Gina lied, sticking her head out the door as Cassie shimmied back out the window, lost her footing and clumsily fell…right into Rob’s strong, waiting arms.

  “Hello,”he said calmly to her shocked face. Held captive as if by bands of iron, Cassie suddenly felt very small and very vulnerable. She swallowed.

  “Good catch,”she gulped.

  He nodded. “Wide Receiver. You okay?”he asked.

  “I’m fine. Put me down. I’m not a football.”

  “You’re as small as one. No, I’m not putting you down. Not this time,”he responded, nodding his thanks towards the grinning Mr. Todd as he started back to their house. “I also suggest you keep the noise down so you don’t wake the whole neighborhood.”

  “I can walk, Rob!”Cassie started to argue.

  “I don’t think so, young lady.”

  Fuming, Cassie glared at him. His eyes were fixed ahead with an expression of pure determinat
ion, along with something she hadn’t seen before. “Thanks for catching me,”she offered quietly. His face softened as he stopped to look down and study her pretty face.

  “You could have broken your neck, Cass.” He actually sounded upset.

  “Then you would have been rid of the biggest problem in your life. You should have let me fall,”she said sharply.

  Rob wrinkled his brow. “Is that what you think? You are so wrong.” His voice was soft as he pulled her against his strong, solid chest and kissed her cheek.

  “You’re like a kid sister to us, Cass. Yeah, you’re an enormous pain in the ass, but we love you. None of us, especially me, would ever want anything to happen to you.”

  “I’ve been a thorn in your side from the day I moved in next door.”

  “Sweetie, I was 22, finishing college and constantly fighting with my dad about why I didn’t want to play professionally, especially for Buffalo. It’s too cold. Nah, it had nothing to do with you. I swear.”

  “Then why are you always so mean to me?”

  “I‘m not mean, I’m firm. Someone needs to give you boundaries and, for some reason, my dad’s afraid to do it. I care enough to tell you‘no’. I don’t mean to sound unkind, but you just make me crazy with your attitude. I promise, after tonight, things are going to change for the better. You have no idea how much I care,”Rob said, putting her down as he opened the front door.

  She eyed him cautiously. Something was different. She felt her skin crawl apprehensively. “What do you mean?”she queried, allowing him to clasp her small hand and lead her into the house.

  He pulled her next to him as he sat on the couch, nestling her firmly between his open thighs and holding both her hands with a steely grip.

  “What I mean, my little love, is tonight you and I are going to reach an understanding about how things will go in this house for now on. No more fighting, no more sneaking out, no more defiance, no more door slamming. It stops here and now,”he said calmly, looking straight into her eyes, his warm hands loosening their hold and massaging her fingers and palms soothingly.


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