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Cassie's New Plan

Page 6

by Breanna Hayse

  “You do? How?”

  “Glenn told me. Hey, before you pop an artery, hear me out. I’ve seen how she affects you. She needs you in her life and, Rob, you need her. Don’t hide from this.”

  “What she needs is a good paddling.”

  “I don’t disagree. But she also needs the kind of love and attention you can give her. A strong hand and an open heart. Listen carefully…if she didn’t feel something for you, she wouldn’t have been so upset with you storming out of here. Right?”

  “She probably felt abandoned again, like what her asshole father did,”Rob said quietly, feeling guilty.

  “Yeah…but think this out. She needs you. Her asshole father never came back for her. You will. And you’ll win her over. Give it a chance. You trust my judgment, right?”


  “Don’t change anything. Be firm, be consistent, and just watch your words. You know where I stand with you two and that I’ll be there to support you like I always have. Now, change the subject. When do the rest of us get to see your new place? Are you done with the renovations?”

  Rob happily described the changes he had made, promising to have the family over as soon as the dock was finished. The brothers chatted for a while longer and then Bryon had to excuse himself to go to work. He ended with a suggestion. “Why don’t you pick up Cass and bring her over there? Let her be the first. It would make her feel special.”

  “I owe her a serious hiding for this weekend, Bry…I don’t think…”

  “No, don’t think. Just do it. It will make you both feel better,”Bryon ordered. Rob sighed, promising to think about the suggestion. Satisfied, Bryon said his goodbyes and hung up the phone.

  Cassie was still in bed when Rob showed up. He marched upstairs, turned on her lights and opened the curtains.

  “Huh? Rob? You okay? It’s early!”she groaned, hiding her head under the pillow.

  “It’s not early, it’s 9:30. Get up and get dressed. We’re going out,”he commanded.

  Cassie sat up, rubbing her eyes. “I thought you were mad. Why would you want to go anywhere with me?”

  Rob muttered something and left the room abruptly. Thinking better than to test him while he was in this mood, Cassie showered and dressed in jeans and a light green sweater. It was a gloomy, damp mid-October day, promising rain. She sighed, pulling on her Uggs. The bed looked more and more inviting and she put her head back down on the pillow.

  “I told you to get up, Cassandra. I didn’t mean tomorrow!”Rob said gruffly.

  “I’m tired. I got dressed…OOOWWWW!”Cassie yelped as his large hand cracked the back of her jean-clad thigh. She sat up quickly, glaring at him. “How dare you! Why are you being such a fucking asshole!”she hissed, her green eyes flashing from under strands of loose, blond hair.

  Rob pointed at her. “Watch your mouth, young lady, or I swear, you will be eating soap. Now stop stalling and get your little butt downstairs. We’re leaving in ten minutes.”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere with you!”Cassie yelled, hugging her pillow.

  Rob stood with his hands on his hips. “I didn’t ask you. Ten minutes. Don’t make me come back up here,”he growled, leaving the room.

  Cassie glowered. That was more like the Rob she knew. In a way, it was comforting, but it was also disconcerting. How far did she dare push him? Well, after last night, she would dare quite a bit. She flipped him off, unseen of course, then climbed back into bed. Fuck him, anyway.

  True to his word, Rob returned in exactly ten minutes to find her sound asleep. Snarling, he grabbed her mattress and effortlessly lifted it from the bed, dumping her unceremoniously on the hard floor.

  “You son of a bitch!”Cassie yelled, glaring at him with hate in her eyes.

  Rob pointed at her again. “I warned you about your mouth. You have the choice. You get soaped now or when you get spanked. Answer me!”

  “I am NOT a child! You can’t…stop it!”she shrieked, kicking at him as, with one arm, he lifted her off the ground and held her by the waist at his hip. She found herself dangling as he placed his left foot on the frame of her bed and held her across his thigh.

  “You will NOT—”SPANK! “—speak to me—”SPANK! “—or anyone else—”SPANK! “—like that—”SPANK! “—again!”He punctuated each word with a sharp, heavy smack across her sit spot. Cassie wailed, unable to escape and fearful of being dropped on her head. “You are a rude, obnoxious little brat and that—”SPANK! “—will stop—”SPANK! “—now!”

  Rob’s hand repeatedly found its target; he landed spank after spank on the tender crease where her bottom met her thighs. He longed to see the redness, but that would have to wait. Right now, she needed to see that he was in charge and would tolerate no further defiance from her.

  Cassie struggled not to cry. She was angrier than hell and felt nothing but hatred for this man who treated her so carelessly. How dare he! She kicked and twisted, but the spanking only grew in intensity. What made it worse was that his spanks never once left her sit spot. Finally, she could no longer hold back, and a loud cry unwillingly escaped her lips. Her bottom felt seared and her emotions raw.

  “I’m sooooorrrry! Robby, please…I’m so sorry!”she bawled.

  With three final spanks, Rob stopped and stood her up before him. “Wipe your face and get downstairs this minute,”he ordered, turning on his heel and leaving her room.

  Cassie fled to obey his instructions, perplexed. Why didn’t he hold her? He had comforted her after the last spanking he had administered. He must really be mad, she concluded. Her mind went even farther. He doesn’t love me anymore! How could I ever hope he would? Cassie realized that she would have done anything to get him to love her and believed she had somehow destroyed her one chance.

  Depression set in immediately and Cassie felt broken, hopeless. Rob noticed her pathetic slouching but said nothing as he held the front door open for her. He assumed it was because she had finally yielded to her punishment.

  “Get in the truck and put on your seatbelt,”he commanded softly, watching her demeanor. Had he gone too far? No, it was just a little spanking.

  Nothing was said as he drove towards his place, which was about 40 minutes from his father’s house. He had wanted to bring her there on better terms, but she had set the play in motion. Tired of the silence, he spoke up.

  “Are you hungry? I know a great place for breakfast.”

  Cassie shook her head, squirming on the seat. She could not get comfortable and sure as hell did not want to sit at a restaurant on a hard bench. Especially with him.

  “Okay, well, I’m hungry and I’m stopping. You will be joining me, got it?”

  “Why are you being such a bully?”Cassie demanded. “Can’t you see I’m in pain? I can’t sit to eat.”

  “Oh, yes you can. It won’t be comfortable, but you can and will do it. Do I need to remind you about the cost of disobeying me here in the parking lot?”

  “I hate you,”Cassie hissed.

  Rob shrugged. “Too bad. You’re still coming inside,”he said coldly. Cassie glared at him as he opened the truck door for her and waited patiently for her to exit. She bit her lip as her bottom dragged along the seat as she pulled herself out. He held his arm for her to take, pleased that she decided to comply. He patted her hand and led her inside.

  Chapter Five

  The little diner had been there for years, tucked away under the protective branches of the old, gnarled oak trees. The waitress greeted them and showed them to a table. Cassie winced as she slid into the booth.

  “How are you doing, Rob? It’s been a while.”

  “Been busy, Tess. This is Cassandra, my…friend,”he said.

  Cassie looked surprised. He didn’t introduce her as his roommate!

  “Good to meet you, Cassandra. Are you okay?”Tess frowned, noticing the girl’s discomfort.

  Cassie nodded. “Please call me Cassie. I hurt my back last night and this weather had my allergies in an

  “Yeah, it looks like we might have a big one coming in. What can I get you two?”

  “Let’s start with your famous latte, okay?”Rob said pleasantly.

  Cassie waited until the woman departed. “Your friend? What is that about? Are you ashamed to be related to me?”

  “Will you please cut it out? I know you’re mad; so am I. But let’s work through it. Cass, I’m sorry about what I said last night. It was wrong of me. I felt, well, insecure.”

  “You? Insecure? You are one of the most arrogant and self-righteous people I know! How the hell could you possibly feel insecure about anything?”

  “Gee, why don’t you tell me what you reallythink about me?”Rob forced a shy smile. “But, you’re right. You make me feel that way. You’re the only one who ever has.”

  Cassie was silent, staring at him. She thanked Tess for the coffee and took a sip. Mmmm, it was hot, creamy and smooth.

  “Good, huh?”Rob asked, seeing her response. She nodded, happy to change the subject.

  “I’ve never had anything so yummy.”

  “I bought a cappuccino machine for the house. I gotta learn how to use it,”Rob said, making small talk. Cassie smiled, looking at her cup.

  “I’ll show you how. It’s not that hard. Except for an architect, of course.”

  “Smart ass.”Rob smiled, relaxing. Tess brought their breakfast and Cassie gasped.

  “Are you feeding an army, Tess?”

  “Nope, just your man here. These Johnson boys can pack it away. You better learn how to cook if you decide to stay with him.”Tess winked, placing the platters laden with thick French toast, scrambled eggs and Canadian bacon in front of them.

  “She cooks great. Where’s hers?”Rob asked, grinning as he reached for the platter. Tess smacked his hand.

  “Didn’t your father teach you any manners? Here are your plates. Fill the lady’s first,”Tess ordered.

  Rob chuckled. “Yes, ma’am! Is that enough, Cass?”

  Cassie just nodded, feeling a little overwhelmed.

  “How do you know her?”she asked after Tess left.

  “Her dad played linebacker and retired a while ago. She’s met Bry, but not Glenn. Eat. It’s real good.”

  Cassie took a bite before launching into the meal. He was right, it was delicious. She made a mental note to add nutmeg to her French toast recipe.

  “And a touch of amaretto,”Rob added, seeing her trying to decipher the ingredients.

  “You like to cook?”Cassie asked, surprised.

  Rob nodded. “Yeah, it’s fun. I got tired of takeout real fast. Wait until you see my new kitchen. It’s a gourmet’s dream.”

  “I’ve never seen your house,”Cassie said quietly.

  Rob’s eyes twinkled. “No one has. You will be the first. In fact, let’s stop by the market and pick up stuff. We can make dinner together.”

  Cassie eyed him suspiciously. He was like hot and cold running water.

  She swallowed nervously. “Are you going to, well...”

  “Yes, I will be punishing you. I’m sorry, but you deserve it and I care too much about you to have you put yourself at risk again. But it will be done and over with and we can go forward,”Rob said firmly, meeting her eyes.

  “I don’t want you touching me again like that. It makes me feel disposable,”she whispered, hanging her head.

  Rob frowned, reaching for her hand. “What do you mean? If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t put the effort into correcting you.”

  “You were mad, and you didn’t even…”She fought back tears.

  Rob bit his lip, realizing his mistake. “I didn’t comfort you after. Gosh, Cass, I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. I forget that you have different needs than us guys. You would think, at my age, I would have my shit together. I’m not perfect.”

  “I’m sorry I’m such a burden to you...”

  “I swear, if I hear you say that one more time, you will be going across my knee.”Rob’s eyes darkened. Cassie blushed, looking around. Several people had heard him and were chuckling. He lowered his voice.

  “I never want to hear another derogatory word about yourself coming from that sweet little mouth of yours. Ever. I love you, Cass. More than I care to admit. And NOT as a roommate or a neighbor,”Rob forced out. She blushed again, hanging her head. He cleared his throat, plopping some bills on the table. “Come on, let’s get out of here before the storm hits. Tess was right, it’s gonna be a doozy.”

  Cass remained silent as they stopped by the market to get food for the house, watching as he selected the ingredients to make pork tenderloin. He asked her opinion and she smiled shyly, adding other ingredients to the shopping cart. He purchased them without question, not missing the baking chocolate and promise of another cake.

  Fat rain droplets started landing upon the windshield as they drove another twenty minutes. Cassie glanced around; the area was well wooded with dense thickets and occasional copses of cypress and willow trees. A haze settled over the grounds, giving off an eerie appearance. It was an abnormally cold day for this part of the country. Rob glanced at her with a smile.

  “This is part of my property. Got a small lake behind the house. Like it?”

  “It’s pretty. You must love bugs,”Cassie grinned, swatting a mosquito.

  “Part of living in Florida. I have misters to keep them out of the house. I also checked, and there are no gators or snakes in the lake.”

  “Good, because I hate both. Except fried,”Cassie giggled. Rob pulled up to a stone and red wood, two story farm house that was nestled in the center of an oak grove, with a small orchard of avocado and orange trees to the side.

  “This is beautiful! Wow, did you do it yourself?”she asked, getting out of the truck and admiring the structure. Rob nodded proudly.

  “Yep. Come in, I’ll show you around.”

  He put the groceries on the island in the kitchen, showing off the high end appliances, ovens and storage. Cassie clapped gleefully.

  “I can’t wait to cook in here. This is incredible!”she squealed.

  Rob was pleased and eagerly escorted her around the rest of the house. The living room had high ceilings with polished dark wood flooring, a large fireplace and sectional couch. Cassie laughed; the centerpiece, of course, was the 72”plasma TV. Men.

  There was an office, two large guest bedrooms and a full bathroom downstairs, each reflecting Rob’s personal style and masculinity. Warm woods, cranberry tones and a sense of safety. Cassie felt that vividly. Finally, he took her upstairs to the loft master bedroom which occupied most of the upstairs space. It was HUGE.

  She gasped. “This is perfect,”she whispered. The room had a large wall length window that overlooked the lake. The vaulted ceiling was made from cedar wood planks and had a fan hanging from the center, and the king sized bed was made of carved cypress knees and raised high off the floor. The floors were polished hardwood and covered with thick, soft area rugs. Finally, an antique iron pot belly stove rested on a brick platform near the bathroom door. What really surprised her, though, was the color scheme. It was old-fashioned and unusually feminine—lilac and cream, her favorites. In fact, the whole room had a soft quality to it, despite the heavy furnishings. It was almost like he had designed it with her in mind. No…impossible.

  The bathroom complemented the decor, with a high claw-foot tub and hand held shower. The old-fashioned toilet with a pull down chain was in a‘water-closet’and the dual sinks were deep. Cassie did not fail to notice the amount of counter space and cabinets, including a colossal walk in closet and dressing room. The upstairs and downstairs were like Rob’s personality. Downstairs, for the view of the public, had been very modern and up-to-date while the upstairs was old fashioned and a step back in time.

  “Did you make these?”Cassie asked, running her hand along the dresser. Rob nodded proudly.

  “Almost all the furniture in here. I wanted this room to be special for the day I would bring my future wife here,”he
admitted quietly. Cassie looked at him, not commenting on his statement.

  “I never knew you had this type of creativity. It’s amazing. You really did this?”she whispered, running her hand along the large dressing mirror whose frame was carved from a single slab of cypress. She went to the roll-top desk with straight backed chair. “And this?”

  “No, that I refinished. It has a special purpose. Open it.”

  Cassie complied, blushing when she saw her essay lying under the desk top. Rob pulled the chair out. “Please sit down and read it to me,”he requested firmly. Slowly, Cassie sat in the hard seat, wincing. Her bottom was still so tender from that morning!

  “Rob, it hurts...”

  “That’s why I have that chair. It’s perfect for me to sit in while I warm a naughty bottom, and later it can make that same bottom remember why it was warmed. Now, read.”

  Cassie fought back tears as she obeyed. Things were going so well and now Rob had to turn it around to be a jerk again! He sat on the chaise lounge to listen attentively as she read about trust and what it meant to her. He sighed, knowing it would take a long time for her to accept that she could trust him on every level. She was sniffling when she finished.

  “Come here, baby girl,”he ordered, patting his lap. Reluctantly, Cassie approached him and he pulled her onto his lap, holding her snugly.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t cuddle you after your punishment this morning. I won’t do that again. I promise.”

  “You won’t spank me again?”she asked hopefully.

  “No way. That will happen many, many times in our future, I’m certain. No, I promise not to neglect comforting you afterwards. You’re my baby and deserve lots of cuddles,”he chuckled.

  Cassie slumped, her hopes dashed. She winced as a sudden clap of thunder shook through the house. “That was LOUD.”She grimaced, seeing the downpour begin.

  He nodded, holding her close. “I like storms. They muffle the sound of crying.”He smiled, feeling her tense.

  “Mycrying, you mean.”

  “Yes. Let’s take care of this unpleasantness so we can enjoy the rest of the day.”


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