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Cassie's New Plan

Page 8

by Breanna Hayse

  “You said Bry knows about this?”

  “Bry isn’t quite the clean-cut, all American boy that everyone thinks he is. He has his own interests. That would be for him to tell you if he wants to, not me.”

  “He wants to be my Daddy, doesn’t he?”

  “Where did you get that?”Rob asked, eyes shining.

  She shrugged. “He’s made several comments and, well, it’s all making sense now.”

  “How do you feel about it?”

  “Does it mean I will have to have sex with him?”

  “Not if you don’t want to.”

  “You’d let him?”Cassie sounded surprised.

  “I’d let you, if you wanted to. As long as this,”he touched her chest,“belongs solely to me. So answer me. How do you feel about it?”

  “It sounds kind of nice, especially with Bry,”she admitted. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Just let it happen naturally. It will.”

  Cassie sighed, moving next to him on the patio sofa. He covered her with a blanket and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they watched the rain fall. She closed her eyes, leaned against his broad chest, and dozed peacefully in his hold.

  Rob smiled, stroking her hair away from her face. She looked so content, curled up next to him, her warm body snuggled next to his. His fingers found her right nipple as he stroked her and he very gently started to play with the tight nub, feeling it harden and mold under his touch. She certainly was responsive to him, no matter how much she refused to admit it!

  Rob sighed, stopping himself. Pop would kill him, then disown him, then kill him again if he found out Cassie was taken advantage of in any way. Speaking of which...

  “Hey Pop, how’s the trip?”Rob asked, seeing the caller ID as he picked up his cell phone, which had just started buzzing.

  Bill grunted. “I’m bored to death. I wanna be home. How’s Cass?”

  “She’s fine. We’ve reached some understandings,”he said hesitantly.

  Bill pondered the statement. “Really? What kind of understandings?”

  “I think she’s finally starting to make some responsible choices, that’s all.”

  “I see. Of course, it has nothing to do with her arrest? Robert? Answer me.”

  “No. I took care of that problem.”

  “No, it sounds like Glenn took care of it. Where are you?”

  “At my place.”

  “And Cassandra?”

  “She’s with me. Sleeping, in fact. Pop, we need to talk...”

  “Robert, she is your responsibility! I trusted you to take care of her and not let her get into trouble!”Bill scolded.

  “Hey, I had work I needed to do. What? Did you expect me to take her with me?”

  “Actually, yes. I think it would have been a good chance for you to get to know each other better, away from your brothers. I can’t believe you let that opportunity slip through your fingers, you dumbshit.”

  Rob stared at the phone, dead silent.

  “Robert? Are you still there?”the man’s deep voice asked.

  “Yeah, I’m here.”

  “Okay son, do I have to be blunt about this? You love that girl. You always have. Her mom and I saw it every time you two would fight. It was her mother’s dying wish that you two would marry. So get off your ass and start being a man!”

  “I don’t believe this. Is my life on the big screen for all of you to see?”Rob forced out.

  Bill laughed. “Nah, we’re just more astute than you give us credit for. Son, you gave yourself away. The fact that you brought her to your place before the rest of us proves it.”

  “That was Bry’s idea!”

  “Bry’s a different story altogether. What did she say?”

  “Did you know she can cook?”

  “Of course I did. Her mom taught her and she’s majoring in French cuisine. Listen to me, son; whatever it takes, don’t let her go. I’m serious about that. I don’t care what, just do it. You have all of us behind you. She needs you and you need her.”

  “I keep hearing that. You need to be careful of what you’re telling me. Giving me carte-blanch can be dangerous,”Rob teased, only he was partially serious. There was another factor to the equation that had not come into play yet that would change his father’s mind quickly. “What if she doesn’t want me?”

  “Make her want you. Be prepared for a fight, though. She doesn’t know how to let herself be happy. I’ll talk with you later. Give her a kiss for me, okay?”

  “‘Kay. Bye and… well…thanks, Pop.”

  Well, doesn’t that beat all? Rob asked himself, pulling Cassie closer. She whimpered as her bottom bumped the arm of the small couch. He smiled. Make her want me? I think I can do that.

  “Wake up, sleeping beauty. It’s getting too cold out here. I’ll carry you.”

  “No, I…Rob, put me down!”Cass protested as he easily lifted her into his arms like she was a doll. He placed her gently on the living room couch and went to light the fire. She watched him through sleepy eyes. He was so attentive and gentle one minute, then demanding and harsh the next. What was she to do? The need to run was strong in her. But where?

  “Cass, Pop just called. He knows about us.”

  “Rob, there isn’t an‘us’yet. I just promised to give it a chance. Owe…”she whined, trying to get comfortable. Patting her thigh, the large man excused himself. He returned with a small jar in his hand.

  “Let me take care of you. Lay over my lap.”

  “No! I mean, I’ll be fine.”Cassie flushed.

  Rob shook his head. “Promising to obey me doesn’t mean arguing every time I tell you to do something. I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.”

  Feeling the blush rise, Cassie obeyed. She squeaked as the jeans were edged over her swollen bottom, followed by the pale pink panties. She stiffened as his finger traced the outline of the paddle bruises.

  “I know these smart. Let’s see if this helps. It’s just aloe,”he cooed, rubbing the ointment gently into her aching skin. She felt a new fire start to build as his touch grew more and more insistent, exploring‘unbruised’regions, including that of her bottom hole. He did not penetrate her, merely massaged inside the silky, pink crevice. The delightful tingling grew rapidly, spreading through her entire body.

  “Spread your legs for me. You know this feels good. Don’t be embarrassed,”he urged, nudging her soft thighs apart so he had more room to explore. He dipped his finger deep into her willing, waiting womanhood, caressing her gently and probing her thoroughly. She was so tight and so incredibly wet. Her scent was heavenly, warm and enticing. He couldn’t wait to taste her. She started to squirm against his touch, the heat of her desire building up deep inside of her.

  “I…I can’t,”she whispered.

  “If you really don’t want me to touch you, I won’t,”Rob said, pausing.

  Cassie held her breath. “I don’t know what I want. Please…give me time,”she pleaded.

  With a loud sigh, Rob nodded. “I will never force myself on you. I’m going to grab some wine. Would you like any?”

  “You’ll let me drink?”Cassie looked surprised.

  “Only when you’re with me and I can keep an eye on you. I’ll be right back.”

  Cassie watched him walk out of the large room. She hesitated for a moment and made her decision. She tiptoed, barefoot, to the front door and, in less than two seconds, raced blindly into the cold storm. Cassie didn’t know it, but this was nearly a record low for Miami, the temperature was barely above freezing. Even had she known, she wouldn’t have cared; she simply needed to escape.

  Chapter Seven

  “Cass? Can I get you…Cass?” Rob stood stiffly, holding two glasses of wine and staring at the empty couch. He turned his head sharply as the front door blew wide open and rain splashed in.

  That manipulating little… He thought, putting the glasses down. He threw on a raincoat and rushed outside into the storm. A bright flash of lightening followed b
y an immediate clap of thunder urged him to hurry with the task of finding the girl. And when he did…

  “Cass!”he yelled, trying to follow the muddy trail towards the lake. “Cassandra!” He paused, looking around. Where would he hide if he was acting like a scared eight year old…of course!

  Rob ran at full speed to the small boat house that was attached to the unfinished dock. He put his ear to the door.

  “You really should get more exercise. You shouldn’t be out of breath running 500 yards,”Rob said, opening the door.

  Cassie looked up at him and her stomach turned at the look on his face. She suppressed a laugh as he was framed from behind by a flash of lightening followed by a roaring‘boom of doom’. Yeah, way too many horror flicks with Glenn. A shiver traveled the length of her body. She had been too upset to realize she was freezing.

  The chattering of her teeth caught Rob’s attention and he held out his hand.

  “Come on. Let’s get you warm and dry. I can’t believe you took off in the middle of a storm,”Rob said softly, pulling her up and lifting her easily into the confines of his massive arms. She was shivering uncontrollably.

  Rob quickly made a hot bubble bath for the girl and stoked the fire to heat up the room. She just stood in the center, dripping wet, barefoot and trembling from cold. Her lips were a little blue as well.

  “Get into the tub, Cass. You don’t look well.”

  He caught her as she crumbled to the floor, her limbs cold to the touch. Very gently, he undressed her and placed her carefully in the deep tub. Cassie's eyes fluttered open as he was sponging the hot, bubbly water over her small breasts, his finger capturing a nipple and bringing it to a rock hard bud.

  “I don’t feel good, Robby,”she whispered, not even caring about her nakedness or that Rob had stripped her. He gently rinsed shampoo out of her hair, stroking her face.

  “You don’t look very good, either. How are your chills?”

  “Not as bad, but I’m achy. I’m sorry I ran outside. I got scared.”

  “Of what?”he asked, running the sponge across her back and tracing down her bottom crack with his fingers, pausing to press gently when he found her tight little hole.

  She gasped. “Of you. Of us. Of this. I’ve never, you know…”

  “Yes, I know. Don’t be afraid of that. Be more concerned with this.”He patted her bottom under the water. “Let’s get you out and into bed.”

  Cassie didn’t argue, allowing him to wrap the big, flurry cream colored towel around her after drying her thoroughly. He took the time to admire her pink, naked body, wanting to kiss that beautiful golden triangle between her legs. Right after he shaved it smooth and bald...

  After pulling one of his big t-shirts over her head, he tucked her into the big bed, snuggling her under the feather blanket. She moaned; the bed was perfect and she sunk into the mattress like it was made for her. Rob stroked her hair.

  “I’m gonna get the blow dryer and then you are taking a nap,”he ordered. Cassie closed her eyes as he brushed and blow-dried her long tresses, his hands gentle as they cared for her. He kissed her cheek.

  “Go to sleep, baby girl. I’ll be back to check on you.”

  Cassie found that an easy order to obey.

  Rob returned in two hours to check on her. Her teeth were chattering uncontrollably under the blankets and her face was burning up. Rob cursed and picked up the phone.

  “Hey Bry? Do you have Dr. Thiel’s number? Cass is sick.”

  After receiving the full story of the escape, Bryon gave his brother the number and offered to come over to help. Glenn was out again and Bryon was looking at a long weekend. Rob agreed—he wasn’t as good at this nurturing stuff as Bryon—plus they usually saw things in the same light. Directions were given and, after promising to be very careful, Bryon was on his way. He also planned to stop by the pharmacy for some things.

  Dr. Thiel reassured Rob that the girl would be fine and likely just caught a chill. He was to monitor her temperature and appetite and try to get her to push fluids. Rob called Bryon to add a thermometer and Gatorade to his shopping list.

  “The place looks great, Bro! Man, you went all out!”Bryon exclaimed as he walked in, taking off his coat and wet boots at the door. Rob handed him a towel.

  “Sorry the garage is full. It’s a drier walk that way, but all my tools are in there. Get everything?”

  “Yep. Show me around.”

  Rob proudly took Bryon on a tour around the house and then upstairs to the main bedroom. Cassie was asleep.

  “You old dog…You made this room up for her,”Bryon noticed immediately.

  Rob colored slightly. “Maybe a little. There’s nothing wrong with purple and white.”

  “Oh please, this is her favorite color combination. And it’s lilac and cream.”

  “What’s scary is that you know that. Hey, baby girl, how are you feeling? Bry’s here.”

  “I’m so cold, Rob. I just can’t warm up.”

  “Bry picked up some stuff for us at the pharmacy. Be right back,”Rob said as he went to get the items. Bryon stroked her face.

  “Why did you take off like that? Without a raincoat or shoes? Are you insane?”

  “I can’t tell you...”

  “Let me guess... Big brother here pulled his ownership spiel on you.”

  “You know about that?”

  Bryon nodded, picking up her hand. “Yeah. We both kind of run in the same crowds.”

  “You... You too?”

  “Yeah, me too. Not Glenn, though. He doesn’t know about us.”

  “I can’t even imagine you being cruel!”

  “Is that what you think it is? Have any of us ever been cruel to you? You’ve gotten yourself punished, finally, but it was deserved and fair.”Bryon frowned. He looked up at Rob, who held up the thermometer.

  “This isn’t digital.”

  “It’s all they had. It’s a rectal thermometer,”Bryon announced, ignoring Cassie as her face flushed.

  Rob grinned. “I hope you know how to use it. I’ve never dealt with the old fashioned ones.”

  “I have. On many occasions. I know how to give a very thorough enema as well,”Bryon announced, holding Cassie's wrist as she started to shift away from him. Rob sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “I think you need to do me some learning, little brother.”

  “Sure. But, in turn, you need to make me one of those. It’s beautiful.”Bryon pointed to the large paddle. Cassie slid deeper under the covers, wanting to die.

  “Deal. What’s wrong, Cass?”Rob asked.

  “You are both basket cases! Do you think I’m going to let you put that thing up my ass!?”

  “Honey, letting us isn’t the issue. You either cooperate and get it done, or don’t—and still get it done,”Bryon informed her. “Now, if it were my choice, I would punish you for your lack of cooperation by making you wear a plug.”

  “I like your way of thinking, Bry. In fact…here, I have a few.”Rob grinned, producing a box of brand-new anal toys and assorted plugs.

  Bryon grinned. “It looks like someone was planning on having a play day eventually.”

  “But I’m sick!”Cassie whined, humiliated beyond comprehension.

  Bryon looked at her firmly. “But you feel well enough to argue which ultimately means that you are well enough to be spanked. It’s your choice, Hot Pocket. You can go over my knee and let me take care of you or you can go over my knee for a good spanking first. Either way, I’ll do what needs to be done.”

  Rob watched, feeling the pressure in his pants as he witnessed the interaction between his brother and Cassie. Bryon conducted himself perfectly in his role, taking on a more parental tone. Rob found it interesting and wondered when Bryon would slip fully into his preferred role of Daddy. Watching Cassie’s response was also very arousing. Yes, he would have to adopt some of Bryon’s techniques.

  Whimpering, Cassie reluctantly allowed Bryon to pull her over his lap, his right hand
brushing her shirt up to expose her trembling little bottom. He traced some small bruises with his left hand.

  “Hmmm, did someone get a paddling earlier?”

  “For her little incident.” Rob informed him of the events.

  Bryon patted the girl’s bottom. “You need to learn to stay out of trouble. Okay, this is just my finger. I have some Vaseline on it,”Bryon said, gently probing her anus with his thick digit, encouraging her to relax her muscles and to not be so frightened.

  “That’s not too bad, is it? Now, relax. It’s just the thermometer. It’s a lot smaller than my finger, but I’m going to put it in all the way. You need to stay still for about five minutes.”

  Cassie moaned with embarrassment as she felt the cold, glass rod slide deep into her bottom, and Bryon’s hand lying on top of her upturned bare buns to hold it in place.

  “That’s not too difficult,”Rob announced.

  Bryon chuckled. “Nah, and I’m willing to bet someone might be a little turned on by this, too,”Bryon commented, turning his body towards Rob. Rob stroked the back of Cassie’s thighs and then gently parted her legs to dip his fingers into her hot, very wet pussy.

  “I can’t believe you are doing this,”Cassie groaned, feeling Rob’s fingers tease her clit.

  “You said you wanted to pursue this,”Rob corrected her, licking his fingers. “Damn, you taste wonderful.”

  “With you. I didn’t know Bry would be doing this. Please stop that,”she begged as he continued to play with her moist folds. It was the longest five minutes of her life.

  “Bry is here helping out. Plan on him doing that a lot now. You’re mine, Cass, but I would never refuse my brother if he wants to share in some things. Neither of us will go all the way with you unless you want it, but there are plenty of other things we can do with you together.”

  “You wouldn’t!”Cassie gasped, feeling a second set of hands rub her ass cheeks as Rob stroked her inner thighs.

  “Not up to me. Bry? Whatcha think? We’ve shared before. I told Cassie.”

  “I think we need to let Cassie think about it. I have no objections, but I don’t want Pop hearing a word of this.”


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