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Toro (The Hell Yeah Series)

Page 12

by Sable Hunter

  Again, he caught himself in a moment of jealousy that he didn’t feel comfortable with at all.

  Carmen. Carmen. Don’t forget Carmen.

  “Could you excuse us a minute?” he asked the driver, taking Isabella’s arm to move her to one side so they could talk.

  “Chatty fella,” Bull commented as he and his unexpected guest stood in the driveway. “What are you doing here, exactly?” It was best if she didn’t realize exactly how glad he was to see her.

  Isabella recoiled a bit at the gruff question. “I see the custom of greeting a guest is different here in America.”

  “And I see the custom of phoning ahead to announce one’s arrival is different in Mexico.”

  Already they were butting heads.

  While they stared daggers at one another, a truck and trailer came rumbling up the road. “Ah, there they are,” she said, pointing to the approaching rig. Isabella was surprised, yet relieved by their fortuitous arrival. She’d expected Juan to beat her to the ranch due to her side trip to Veracruz. Perhaps he’d been delayed in customs longer than expected. “Perfect timing.” Seeing the frown on Bull’s face, she attempted to quell his displeasure. “I told you someone would accompany the delivery. These animals must be handled with great care. They were sedated for the airline trip and I wanted to be here to insure their good health.”

  The one-ton truck pulling a gooseneck trailer backed up to the barn and Dax ran out to meet them. Bull was glad, because he had his hands full with Miss Cortez. “I appreciate that, Isabella, I just had no idea you’d be the rep.”

  “Don Luis was otherwise occupied and I’ve always wanted to see Texas. You may treat me just as you would my uncle.” She didn’t bother to tell him about the argument they’d had over her coming, this was not the time.

  Soon, she would explain everything.

  “Fat chance.” The inner dialogue just slipped out of his mouth.

  “Pardon me?”

  “Nothing.” Bull couldn’t envision a time when he would ever feel the desire to put Don Luis over his knee and spank his ass like he wanted to do to Isabella. “You look nice, by the way.”

  Isabella’s heart swelled. “Why, thank you, Mr. Redford.”

  “I think that’s the most clothing I’ve ever seen you wear at one time.” Again, she needed to be kept at a distance.

  The smile dropped from Isabella’s face. “Am I catching you at a bad time, Mr. Redford?”

  “No. Why do you ask?”

  “Well it appears you have been in a scuffle. I presume you prevailed?”

  Bull looked down at his pants with their streaks of blood. “Oh yeah. You should see the other guy.”

  “Let us go welcome your newest acquisitions.” Before he could move, she started off toward the barn. “They made the journey with no problems. I would advise having a veterinarian check them out, just to be sure. If you do, I’ll gladly pay the fee. Terra Dura stock is guaranteed.”

  Bull fell in step beside her. “All right. I’ll have Dax call our local vet.”

  “How is Luke?” she asked with sincere concern in her voice.

  “He’s good as new.” A noise behind them alerted Bull to the fact that Isabella’s driver was leaving without so much as a goodbye. Oh well, she had a ride with her employee to…wherever. Her plans were none of his business.

  “I’m glad.”

  By the time they walked the short distance, the bulls were unloaded and his foreman was having an animated conversation with the man Bull remembered as Juan. “What are they saying?”

  Isabella laughed. “Your man is giving Juan recommendations for the best place to find Texas BBQ.”

  Bull bypassed the duo to check out his expensive purchase. “My, my, these are fine specimens.” He admired the bulls as they drank from a large tub. “I have your check already cut and I added in enough to cover the plane ticket.”

  “That wasn’t necessary, but thank you.” She joined him, running a concerned hand down Feroz’s back. “You will be happy here. Mr. Redford will be kind.”

  While Isabella inspected her charges, Bull gave Dax instructions on the vet and where he wanted the bulls housed for the night. “After they’re acclimated, we’ll turn them out in their respective pastures.”

  Isabella took a moment to converse with Juan, taking some papers from him. Once she was through, she approached Bull. “Could I possibly freshen up, Mr. Redford?”

  “Of course, right this way.” When he witnessed Isabella’s employee climbing in his truck to leave, a truth which should have been obvious hit him square between the eyes. “You think you’re staying here? With me?” He’d assumed she was here to supervise the delivery, then off to Neiman Marcus or wherever rich women go when they visit Texas.

  “Why, yes, I am.” Isabella mentally crossed her fingers, hoping he wouldn’t send her back where she came from so soon. “The price you were given for the animals was a discounted one, due to the promotion you offered Terra Dura. I am here to help plan that program to my satisfaction. This deal hinges on your cooperation, Mr. Redford.” She gave him a saccharine sweet smile. “We’ll have fun, si?” Without waiting for his response, Isabella picked her suitcase up and started up the steps to his small house.

  Well, fuck. Talk about being between a rock and hard place. Shit. Bull grabbed her luggage with a grumble. “I’ll carry that.” She looked at him questioningly. “You’re a guest in my house.” Albeit uninvited and unwelcome. He held out a hand in gesture. “After you, Senorita.”

  “Such a gentleman.” This time it was Bull’s heart that swelled at her compliment. “When did that happen?”

  The smile dropped from his face. She may have gotten her shot in, but in the end, he’d won, because she was the one walking in front of him and he was able to enjoy the view as she climbed the steps.

  The front door was wide open. “I see you are very trusting.”

  Bull placed her bag down on the floor. “True. This is rural Texas ma’am, nobody locks their doors. Anyone foolish enough to break in would be met with an unpleasant surprise. Everybody is locked and loaded in the Lone Star state.”

  Isabella gazed around the front foyer. The house was clean, but modest.

  Bull watched her face closely. “Not to your liking?”

  “It’s very nice.”

  “Nothing like Terra Dura.”

  “No, nothing like Terra Dura,” she agreed simply. “Much smaller. Not as lavish.”

  The hurt was visible on his face. “I’m so sorry my home doesn’t come up to your standards. If you’d prefer to leave, I can have you at an airport within the hour.” No, he didn’t own Southfork Ranch, but Bull thought he lived a damn good life.

  Isabella shook her head. “I prefer to stay. I’m much more interested in the man than what he owns.”

  Her response took him by surprise and her next words shocked the hell out of him.

  “Now, take your pants off.”

  “What? Jesus, lady.” Her suggestion both unnerved and excited him. He shook his head and took a few steps further into the house. “You’ve been pretty brazen so far, but this is damn ballsy.”

  Isabella continued across the foyer. “Oh, don’t flatter yourself, cowboy. Your virtue is safe with me.” At least for now. Although, she had to admit the thought of Benedict naked made her tingle.

  “Well, why in the hell do you want me to take my jeans off?”

  “The stain.” She pointed to his crotch. “Blood. It looks fresh. Better to deal with it right away or it’ll never come out.” Isabella stuck out her hand, palm up. “Hand them over, Mr. Redford.”

  Bull balked, surprised and confused. This woman was tying him up in a knot. “What would a pampered girl like you know about doing laundry?”

  Isabella brushed her long dark hair off one shoulder. “You try keeping a flamenco dress clean.” She snapped the fingers on her right hand. “Let’s go. You can run to the little boy’s room if you’re shy. Which way to the kitchen?”
  Bull let the little dig get his goat. “Fine.” He unfastened the buckle of his belt, then proceeded to undo his jeans and pull down the zipper. If this little sweetie wanted his pants off, he’d take them off for her. secret she was hot for him and he could damn sure be just as big of a tease as she could.

  Isabella couldn’t look away, she hadn’t known he would strip in front of her. She pressed her lips together as his jeans slid down his legs to pool around his boots. So far, her little trip was a success. “Nice legs.”

  “Thanks, comes from busting broncs, especially the feisty fillies. Here you go,” he said with a sly grin. Holding his jeans out to her, he made a show of adjusting his cock in his briefs.

  Isabella’s pupils swelled at the sight. She couldn’t deny that she was enjoying the show. “Mucho grande,” she whispered. Although she knew intimately how good he felt deep inside of her, she hadn’t been granted much opportunity to check him out. The way Bull’s snug underwear clung to his groin, she could see every inch of his considerable endowment.

  That’s right baby. Bull thought to himself. You wanna play around, I’ll be glad to show you what you’re missing You don’t mess with the Bull.

  The moment grew heavy between them. The raven-haired senorita wasn’t the only one who was having lusty thoughts. No one had given him head in years. Carol had been too stingy, claiming he was too big for her to handle. He had visions of Isabella on her knees in front of him, something told him she’d be more than glad to give him pleasure.

  The thought made him crazy.

  Carmen. Remember Carmen!

  He was trying hard to hold onto thoughts of the lovely matador, but this vixen was testing his resolve.

  “Where’s the meat tenderizer?”

  Her question surprised him. “What?”

  “Meat tenderizer. To remove the stain.” She held up the bloodstained jeans in her hand.

  Suddenly Bull felt exposed standing there in his skivvies. “Oh, yeah.” An awkwardness settled in between them. “I forgot. Uhhhh. Kitchen is this way. After you.”

  Isabella stepped out in front of him. Bull wasn’t sure anymore if the way she walked was all for his benefit, or if her graceful seductiveness just came naturally. All he knew was that the sway of those hips was something he would never get tired of seeing. He showed her to the cabinet with all the spices. “I’m gonna go put on another pair of jeans. I’ll be right back.”

  Damn! She’d been enjoying the view. “Okay. I’ll see what I can do.” Isabella had to admit she was feeling a bit guilty. His allegiance was to La Diosa. Since she was Carmen, their teasing didn’t seem wrong to her. To Benedict, it would be another matter.

  She’d have to tell him soon. At just the right time.

  When Bull returned a moment later wearing a fresh pair of jeans, he found Isabella standing at the kitchen island. She was stirring something in a glass bowl. “What are you doing?”

  “Adding the meat tenderizer to a small amount of water.” She glanced at him, the sight of the big cowboy always made her feel weak. “I hope you don’t mind, I needed a bowl to make the cleaner.”

  “No, of course I don’t mind.” Actually, he was mesmerized by the sight of her in his kitchen. She didn’t seem to mind the lack of luxury at all.

  “My mother taught me this trick.” She mixed the water and tenderizer together into a paste. “Too much water and it becomes useless. Too little water and the blood won’t absorb it.” She gave it one final stir and then lifted the fork out of the bowl. They both watched the white concoction fall off the end of the fork’s prongs and into the bowl. “There.” She smiled at him. “Perfect.”

  Just like those big brown eyes of yours, Bull thought to himself. He was fascinated by what she was doing.

  Isabella dipped a finger into the bowl and coated it with the mix. Taking the jeans in hand, she dabbed at the stain, making sure to cover it from edge to edge, rubbing her finger in a circle.

  “And this works?” Bull asked.

  “Oh yes, of course it does. The meat tenderizer breaks down the protein in the blood.” Suddenly, she felt silly. Benedict lived on a ranch, this was probably nothing new to him. “I’m sure you know all of this.”

  “No, I didn’t. It makes sense, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone do it. What’s next?”

  She couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride. Somehow, she’d impressed him with this small thing. Isabella, literally, bounced up on the balls of her feet a bit. “We leave it for about half an hour, then rinse the spot with cold water and run the jeans through the laundry on their own. If the stain is still there after it comes out of the wash, we can try more tenderizer.”

  “Amazing.” She blushed at the wonder in his voice and Bull reached a hand across and placed it on top of hers. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I guess there’s a lot I don’t know. Sometimes, I’m like a big kid. Cowboys never grow up, do they?”

  “You look very grown up to me.”

  “Ummmmm,” he mumbled. Isabella had claimed the upper hand again. “Why don’t I show you to your room?”

  He gave her a quick tour of his home, nothing too extensive, just letting her know where the important stuff was located. He knew his humble abode must seem tiny compared to the hacienda she called home. “And here is where you’ll sleep.”

  He opened the door to reveal a queen size bed sitting in the middle of a room with white wainscoting on the bottom half of the walls and flowery pink wallpaper above it.

  “It’s very nice.” Isabella said, taking it all in.

  “I guess. Trust me, this isn’t my style. I just didn’t feel like arguing with the person who decorated it.” Carol had gone through a period where she was obsessed with everything French and she’d done the room up in her version of Parisian-chic. Bull had removed the old bicycle and the wrought iron bistro set that she’d bought at a flea market for way more than anyone should ever pay. He remembered well the fight they’d had that day. He’d fussed about the money and Carol had argued how French style was all the rage, so he’d just given in to keep her happy. “I apologize for the room, but it’s the only guest room I have.” There was Luke’s room, but Bull hadn’t touched it, leaving his space exactly how the little boy had left it. He wanted it to be ready for him when he came back, toy soldiers spread out over the floor and all.

  Bull placed her luggage on the floor by the dresser. “Ignore all those frilly pillows on the bed, it’s actually pretty comfortable.” He took a seat and the bed springs squeaked. “A bit noisy, aren’t they?”

  Isabella opened her mouth to reply, but was struck dumb when she saw the look on Bull’s face. Just like her, he was thinking about fucking her on the bed, imagining the rusty squeal of those springs as he laid on top of her and pounded until the bed broke.

  The sexual tension was so thick you could’ve cut it with a chainsaw and Bull needed to get out while he still could. “Well. I guess I’ll leave you to get settled.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Redford. I’d like to have a quick shower and freshen up, if you don’t mind.”

  “Make yourself at home, you know where the bathroom and towels are. I’ve got some paperwork to do and I’ll start setting up that tour for you. Do whatever you need to do and I’ll meet you downstairs when you’ve finished.”

  “Very well.” She nodded her head. “I’d like to thank you for your hospitality. I know you were expecting my uncle. I hope my coming did not disturb you too greatly.”

  “Not at all, Miss Cortez.” A lie. She did disturb him. Greatly. “Enjoy your shower.” With that, he rose and left her.

  Needing some distance, but feeling compelled to stay close by, Bull gathered several folders from his office and set up a makeshift work area in the living room. Sitting on the couch with his papers spread over the coffee table, he tried his best to concentrate on business - anything to get his mind off the thought of Isabella as she bathed. He found the check he’d written Terra Dura, then trie
d to focus on the papers in his hands. Invoices. Stock inventory. Blah. Blah. Blah. None of it made sense, all he could see in his mind’s eye was the beautiful woman who was, even now, slick with soap in his shower. When he heard the noise of Isabella leaving the bathroom, he made his escape to the kitchen to wait for her.

  A few minutes later, Isabella came bounding down the steps. The shower seemed to have done her a world of good. “Is it working?” Isabella asked enthusiastically when she was in the kitchen.

  Bull had been studying the stain on his jeans. “It seems to be. Here’s the payment for Valiente and Feroz, plus the airfare.” He handed her a check.

  “Thank you.” Without looking at it, Isabella slipped it into the pocket of the pants she was wearing, a pair of dark, denim jeans that appeared to be painted on her skin.

  “Ye gods.” Bull’s tongue nearly fell out of his mouth. This girl had to go before he lost control. If he was smart, he’d show her the door right now. The only thing holding him back was messing up the deal with Don Luis. “Look, Isabella, I got a call while you were in the shower.” It was a total lie, but he needed to get away from her for a while. “I have to tend to some more business.”

  “May I join you? If we’re going to be partners, I’d like to see everything.”

  “No, no. This is nothing about the stock operation…it’s personal.”

  Isabella’s face fell. “I see.”

  “Take one of the ranch trucks and go shopping in Austin, if you’d like. They’ve got some great shops on Congress that I’m sure you’ll love.”

  He was ditching her. “I didn’t come all this way to go shopping, Mr. Redford.”

  Bull steeled himself to resist her. “Miss Cortez, I didn’t even know you were coming, so you can’t expect me to drop everything to entertain you. I’ll make sure you have the information you need before you go. Dax will be glad to show you around.”

  “Dax? You’d foist me off on your foreman?”

  “Here.” He handed her the television remote. “Watch some TV.” Bull headed out of the room with a stack of papers in his hand. He didn’t have anywhere he needed to be, he just needed to not be around her.


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