Toro (The Hell Yeah Series)

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Toro (The Hell Yeah Series) Page 13

by Sable Hunter

  “This isn’t how a good host treats a guest,” Isabella yelled down the hallway after him. Frustrated, she flopped down on the couch. Isabella had worn the tightest pair of jeans she owned and left her bra in her bag. She’d been so sure they’d shared a moment in the kitchen and she wanted to regain it, but Bull had run, leaving her by herself. “Screw this.” She tossed the remote down on the couch beside her.

  How could Isabella get Bull to see her as a desirable woman, a woman as desirable as La Diosa, if she couldn’t get him to stay in the same room with her?

  Dang it!

  If he wasn’t going to entertain her, Isabella would entertain herself.

  From the very first, she’d longed to learn everything there was to know about Benedict Redford. Since she was here in his home, this was the perfect opportunity to do so. Rising from the couch, she set out to investigate her surroundings.

  The living room was like the rest of the house she’d seen so far, quaint. Large built-in cabinets adorned the walls, made of oak and stained dark brown. Isabella thought the color too dark for a house this size, but they were unmistakably masculine and suited Bull to a T. If she’d ever doubted his claims of former rodeo glory, Isabella only needed to look at the many photos and trophies that filled the shelves of those bookshelves to be convinced. There were numerous tall trophies with bucking bulls on top and the word Winner or Champion etched on the plate, right next to his name.

  There were also some candid photos of him riding a bull, his arm held high in the air. Another photo showed him being carried off on a stretcher, blood clearly covering his white shirt. Her heart pounded at the sight. Yet another photo pictured him with a small boy. “Luke,” she whispered, the look of love on Bull’s face was unmistakable.

  Among the trophies and personal memorabilia, there were also accolades for his generosity to several organizations. Cancer research. Rascal Rodeo. Angel House Homeless Shelter. He was certainly a valued member of his community and these awards attested to his worth.

  “What’s this?” she murmured. Tucked behind a photograph of Bull riding in a rodeo parade, she found a silver frame. In her mind, placing a picture in front of another was the male equivalent to throwing it out. When she brought it into view, what she saw told her volumes.

  A wedding portrait.

  The groom was her Benedict, looking as happy as she’d ever seen him. Cradled in his arms was a woman with pale hair, sharp facial features, and what Isabella would call a fake smile on her face. Despite her harsh critique, the woman was undoubtedly beautiful. Fair skinned with golden hair. She knew they were no longer together, but that fact didn’t help her feelings. This was the woman Benedict had chosen to marry. Jealousy reared its ugly head and Isabella’s heart sank.

  Placing the picture back where she’d found it, Isabella hoped Bull wouldn’t notice it had been moved. “I’m not doing this to myself. I came here to find out if we belong together and I’m going to do it.”

  Needing something to distract her from the old wedding portrait, Isabella wandered into the kitchen to look around. The refrigerator was rather barren except for a few staples. Milk and butter. There was also some type of leftover takeout. When she pulled back the top and looked inside, she shut it quickly. “Dios!” This might not be her house, but Isabella made the executive decision to throw it out. “I may have saved his life,” she muttered.

  The cupboards were a bit fuller. She found plenty of spices, some canned goods and a few more staples, but that was about it. There was a slight possibility that a meal could be made from the contents of the kitchen, but the cook would have to be very creative. Unless Bull had a stockpile of canned beans out in the barn, Isabella wasn’t sure how such a big man could survive with nothing to eat in the house.

  Standing at the sink, Isabella tapped her finger on her bottom lip. “Surely a cowboy has some beef in the house.”

  With a little more exploring, she found a chest type freezer in the laundry room behind the kitchen. Upon raising the lid, she found several half-full bags of green peas and a few nearly-empty ice cream containers. Apparently, Bull was a sucker for Neapolitan ice cream. Isabella couldn’t believe how many ice cream containers there were. When she opened one she noticed there was still a big chunk of pink left in it. All the others contained similar remnants. “Not a strawberry fan, I guess.” Pushing aside a bag of frozen spinach with about an inch of ice on it, she found what she was looking for. “Exito!”

  Taking a large beef steak, enclosed in a Ziploc bag, Isabella placed it in a bowl of water to thaw. “He can’t just have meat for dinner. What else?” She’d seen lots of frozen vegetables in the freezer and a few cans of corn and peas in the cupboards, but if she were going to cook for this man, Isabella wanted to do something a bit more impressive then dump a can into a pot and season it with salt and pepper.

  With fingers crossed, she left by the back door to do a little more exploring. Just as she suspected, Benedict kept a small vegetable garden behind a tall wire fence. The plants were scruffy and a bit unkempt, but she found tomatoes, potatoes, and green peppers aplenty.

  Back in the kitchen, she stood at the sink and scrubbed the dirt off the potatoes she’d dug out of the ground with her hands. The picture of the blonde woman she’d found earlier wouldn’t leave her head. She wondered if his ex-wife ever cooked for him? With her competitive juices flowing, Isabella was determined to make a meal that would impress him if it was the last thing she did.

  An hour later, Bull pulled into his driveway. He’d driven over to Canyon’s and talked the poor man’s ear off, doing what he could to calm himself and get Isabella off his mind.

  “What’s all this?”

  Isabella looked away from the stove. “Great. You’re just in time.”

  “For what?”

  “Dinner. Please sit down.”

  The kitchen table was set for two. Somewhere, Isabella had found some fancy white napkins Carol had bought but never used, she’d even found the silver napkin rings. All in all, the table looked nice. “You sure make yourself right at home, don’t you Miss Cortez?”

  Isabella came to the table and placed a cold beer can on a coaster in front of him. She wore an apron Canyon had given him for the gift exchange at the Tebow Christmas party. The apron was white with the words Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy emblazoned across the front in bold brown letters. He didn’t know if she’d put it on to keep her clothes clean, or if she wanted him to think about her riding him in bed.

  Guess what he was thinking about?

  Isabella rearranged the cutlery at his place setting. “I wasn’t sure when you were coming back, but your timing is perfect.”

  Bull cracked the tab on his can. “I finished with my business a little early.”

  Isabella opened the stove. “How did it go?”

  “Good.” He didn’t know what she’d made for dinner, but the aroma was incredible and Bull found himself to be starving. “What are we having?”

  Isabella looked over her shoulder and gave him a wink. “That’s a secret.” She fussed around for a few more minutes and it wasn’t lost on Bull how good she looked in his kitchen. “It’s almost ready,” she said, coming over to him. “Do you need another drink?”

  Bull put a hand over the top of his can. “No, I’m good, thanks.” He’d need to keep his wits intact with this temptress around. “Can I do anything to help?”

  “You just sit and rest. I’ll take care of everything.”

  She opened the oven and pulled out two large casserole dishes, one contained a simmering, succulent, piece of beef surrounded by sautéed peppers, onions, and tomatoes. The other casserole dish held two large baking potatoes. “I’ll fix you a plate.”

  When she placed his dinner in front of him, he saw a plate full of steak and vegetables, accompanied by a generous sized potato, sliced down the middle and filled with sour cream and shredded cheese. His mouth watered just looking at it and the aromas made his stomach growl.

What are you doing?” Isabella asked Bull when she returned with her own plate.

  He was standing at the pantry with the door open. “I’m just gonna grab the steak sauce and some salt and pepper.”

  The emotional shift was visible on her face. “You most certainly will not.”

  “I won’t?”

  “I cooked this meal for you, Mr. Redford. I have personally seen to the seasoning and flavors of the food and I can assure you that neither steak sauce, nor salt and pepper are required.” She pointed to his spot. “Now kindly take your seat and eat your dinner.”

  He was taken aback by her attitude. “I apologize, ma’am,” Bull said as he took his seat.

  Isabella cut a large piece of pepper on her plate. “And take your hat off at the table. Were you raised in a barn?”

  “No, ma’am.” Bull did as he was told, placing his hat on the bench under the window behind him. “Well, not officially, but I did spend more time in a barn than I did in a classroom.’

  Isabella looked at him. “Eat.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  To say he was shocked that she’d cooked for him was an understatement. Bull knew his kitchen wasn’t exactly stocked with food. “Where’s your steak?” He’d taken a few bites of his own food before he realized her meal was incomplete.

  “There was only one steak in your freezer. I’m fine, though. The potatoes are quite large.”

  Bull cut a large chunk off his own steak and speared a piece with his fork. “Here, take some of mine.”

  “Oh, no, thank you.”

  “Oh, don’t be pullin’ that girly crap with me.” He took the plate from in front of her and placed the beef on it. “That’s the finest beef you can get, little lady. You want the full Texas experience? Well, this is it.” Bull put the plate back in front of Isabella. “One hundred percent, grade A, American beef.”

  Isabella was smiling back at him. “Just like you.”

  Whoa! His cock twitched between his legs. Wanting to change the subject, Bull stuck a forkful of potatoes in his mouth and complimented her on the meal. “Did this all come from my garden?”

  “Yes, but your garden is in much need of some tender loving care.”

  Bull sipped his beer. “You are absolutely correct. There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day.”

  “I’ll be glad to tend your garden while I’m here, Mr. Redford. Maybe you could do something for me?”

  At that very moment, Bull felt something slide down his leg under the table. Since they were the only two present, it could only be Isabella’s foot. He took another sip of beer. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Isabella looked at him with a mischievous grin. “What?”

  “You know what I’m talking about.”

  “Oh, Benedict, don’t be such a stick in the mud. No one is around.”

  “How did you know my name?” Hearing her say it, reminded him of Carmen.

  Isabella’s eyes widened and she had to think fast. She wasn’t ready to reveal her secret. “It’s on your check.”

  “This is not why you came here, Isabella.” He pushed back from the table and crossed his arms.

  “You are right.” Isabella placed her utensils on her plate. “I have misbehaved. You better spank me, Mr. Redford.”

  Bull didn’t know how to respond. She was right, she did need a spanking, right on that tight, heart-shaped ass of hers.

  Suddenly, the phone rang in his study upstairs. If not for the stone-cold silence between them after her outrageous comment, he never would’ve heard it. Bull used the convenient call as an escape. “I have to get that.” He hurried from the table and up the steps, leaving Isabella at the table to pout.

  She finished her meal and took his plate up the steps so it wouldn’t get cold. Knocking on his door, Isabella was uncertain how he’d respond.

  “Come in,” Bull called.

  When she opened it, he was on the phone at his desk. “I brought this for you to finish.”

  Bull put his hand over the receiver. “Thank you. I’ll finish it when I get a chance. Set it down on the coffee table.” He’d been so close to taking her up on her playful suggestion to spank her that Bull was grateful Rodrigo Esteban had called him. “Miss Cortez?”

  Isabella turned, hoping he was going to ask her to have a seat and wait for him. “Yes?”

  “Thank you for dinner. It was delicious. I need to tend to things here. Please feel free to watch television or find something to do. You may retire when you’re ready.”

  Isabella slammed the door on her way out.

  Bull breathed a sigh of relief. “That was close.”



  After spending the evening alone, Isabella slept restlessly. Her visit wasn’t going exactly as planned. Benedict was pushing her away instead of pulling her close. After dressing for the day in a pair of jeans and a plain tee, she went downstairs to find him. The hour was early, she hoped to catch him before he left for the day. Padding to the kitchen in bare feet, she half expected to find him drinking coffee or eating breakfast. She didn’t expect him to wait on her. After all, she’d arrived uninvited and he didn’t run a B&B.

  The kitchen was empty and there was no sign of him other than an empty coffee cup and a cereal bowl sitting in the sink. Glancing out the window, she saw no activity. Isabella knew his business as a stock contractor took him all over the country. Surely, he wouldn’t leave without telling her. After the way she’d pushed him yesterday, he might’ve picked up and left, hoping she’d take the hint and be gone by the time he returned.

  “Well, sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Bull. I just don’t scare away very easily.” She made a piece of toast in the toaster and ate it dry. Coffee wasn’t necessary for her, she’d never drank enough to get dependent. “All right, ready or not, here I come.” Pulling on a pair of flats, she headed outdoors to locate her reluctant host.

  When she found him, he was herding horses out of a holding pen and through a chute to a bigger paddock. To Isabella, he looked good enough to eat. “Quite impressive.” Isabella looked up at the metal stands.

  “Morning, Miss Cortez.” He cut a quick glance her way. “Well, it’s not as nice as your uncle’s facility, but I have to have somewhere to train my broncs and bulls.” Bull pulled open one of the gates and stepped inside the main ring. “Don’t mind the smell.”

  Isabella followed along behind him, excited to be with him while he worked. “I’ve been stepping in cow manure my entire life, Mr. Redford, it just smells like money to me.”

  Bull gazed at her while she checked out her surroundings, his eyes locked on her body. Damn, it didn’t matter what she had on, she’d be beautiful in a burlap feed sack. “Hot today, isn’t it?” he murmured, taking his cowboy hat off and wiping the sweat from his brow with a red bandanna he’d remembered to stick in his back pocket.

  “It’s not too bad. Aguascalientes will be warmer than this soon.” Isabella fanned herself, but it wasn’t the temperature heating her blood. Every time she glanced his way, Bull was looking her up and down. He felt something for her, she knew he did. If only she could make him act on his desires.

  The inside of the arena was lined with white metal panels, tall enough to keep the animals from jumping over. Isabella made a move toward the viewing stand. “Do you mind if I sit up here to watch the action?”

  The sway of her hips kept him mesmerized. “Fuck me,” Bull mumbled under his breath.

  “What did you say?”

  “There won’t be any action today, I’m just going to turn a bull loose in this ring to get a look at him. Just try to stay out of the way, he’s dangerous.” Stifling his desire for her was fast becoming the most monumental task he’d ever undertaken. “I’ve got enough to worry about today, I don’t need to worry about you.”

  Isabella raised her eyebrows, but said nothing. She walked slowly along the perimeter, running her hands over a rail. Her fingers slid over the scraped paint and dent
ed metal. This ring may pale in comparison to the one at Terra Dura, but it had seen its fair share of thrashing and crashing.

  The thunderous sound of a fence being hit boomed through the air. Isabella turned to look at the object of her desire. “He sounds restless. What breed is he?”

  “He’s a Beefmaster/Longhorn mix, a humongous bull.” Snarly as a wolverine, Bull knew Hurricane had a short fuse. He felt lucky to have the opportunity to test the animal’s bucking skills. If the beast had some good moves, he expected to make a lot of money from the deal. “Rest assured, I’m known for my expertise in this area. Where do you think my nickname came from?”

  “From your physical attributes, perhaps?”

  Instead of picking up on her teasing, he focused on the perceived insult. “You think I can’t manage my animals, little girl?” With flushed face and flaring nostrils, Bull Redford seemed to have grown six inches. His chest swelled with power, he looked strong enough to lift a tractor with his bare hands.

  “I apologize, I meant no offence.” Benedict was visibly vexed and she had no idea why he was in such a bad mood. She was quite sure it had something to do with her. What was even more perplexing, was the fact that seeing him so worked-up turned Isabella on. Closing her eyes, she envisioned him standing over her, eyes blazing, every muscle in his big body flexed.

  “Are you okay?” Bull stepped closer to her when he saw her sway a bit. He was peeved, but more at his unwanted attraction to her than anything else.

  Isabella took advantage of the situation and placed a greedy hand on his shoulder. God, the man was solid. “Yes, I’m fine. Like you said, it must be the heat.” She wasn’t bold enough to admit it was the thought of him pinning her to the wall that had loosened her knees. “I just need to sit down for a second.”

  Clasping an arm around her waist, he pulled her to him. Just as he suspected, it was heaven to touch her and he didn’t want to break the contact. Flipping a latch, he opened a gate to the stands. “Let’s take a seat for a bit.”

  Isabella didn’t go all the way to the metal bleachers. Instead, she sat right down on the ground next to a fence post. “Raised on a ranch, Mr. Redford,” she said with a grin when he looked down at her with surprise.


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