Toro (The Hell Yeah Series)

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Toro (The Hell Yeah Series) Page 14

by Sable Hunter

  Bull hadn’t thought it possible, but she’d just made herself even more appealing in his eyes. If Carmen wasn’t in the picture, he’d snatch this beauty up and make her his, hell or high water.

  After a moment’s rest, Bull convinced her to move up and take a seat in the stands. The ring wasn’t big, but she could imagine a row of cowboys sitting in the steel bleachers watching a compadre try to stay eight seconds on a bucking bull.

  Another loud rumble came from below the stands. “Sounds like he’s tearing out of there. I’d better go check on him. You wait here, Miss Cortez.”

  Isabella wanted to go with Benedict, but she feared she might upset him again if she didn’t do as he asked. She sat on the cool steel seat, her mind racing. Suddenly, a thundering crash sounded from below the bleachers.

  “Oh, HHHHHHHEEEELLLLLLLLLL!” Benedict’s voice was heard echoing through the tunnel he’d just gone down.

  Isabella jumped from her seat when Benedict came running into the holding pen with Hurricane following closely behind. The huge bull was dark red with a thick neck and gleaming white horns. Rarely, had she seen a more intimidating bull.

  Hurricane slid to a stop just outside the gate he’d come charging through. Bull had dropped his hat; his favorite Stetson now lay upside down in the dirt and the beast was sniffing it. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whispered. He was trapped behind the only barrel in the pen and the bull stood between him and the only way to safety.

  “You have to get out of there!” Isabella screamed, looking around for help.

  Bull was hunkered down behind the barrel. “Well shit, don’t you think I know that?” Hurricane’s head turned at the sound of his voice. The beast made no move toward Bull, but he pawed the ground, clearly agitated. “What’s he doing?”

  Isabella stood on the edge of the fence. “Plotting against you.”

  Bull growled. “Well you’re just full of useful information, aren’t you?”

  “Where are your men?” Leaning over the fence, she waved at the bull, but Hurricane only gave her a brief glance. The big animal stood in his spot, his posture menacing, head low to the ground, snorting his hot, angry breath into the dry dirt.

  “They’re all gone but Dax, hauling stock to a rodeo in El Paso.” Bull peeked his head up from behind the barrel. “Maybe you could lure him over toward you. You wouldn’t happen to have a cookie on you or something?”

  Isabella frowned, this was no joking manner. “I don’t think he wants a cookie.”

  “Take your top off, that’d get any man’s attention.”

  The teasing aspect of his remark went right over her head. Isabella knew what she had to do. She didn’t feel like a superhero, but this was a job for La Diosa.

  Once more, Bull raised up from his hiding place to glance around, fully expecting to see the monster bull breathing down his neck. The animal was still in his place, but he wasn’t looking toward Bull. Following the creature’s line of vision, he understood. Isabella was in the process of undoing the top buttons of her blouse. A lacy, baby-blue bra and creamy mounds of sweet woman flesh were clearly visible. “Goddamn,” he almost swallowed his tongue. “Wait! I was kidding, Isabella! If I’m gonna die, that would be a hell of a last thing to see, but I’d much rather just get out of here alive and see it up close. Go find, Dax! He’s showing Armando, the man who delivered this menace, around the place. I’ll just lay low until you get back.”

  Isabella didn’t answer, but all of Bull’s shouting put the beast on the move. He could hear heavy hoofbeats and huffing breaths. “Great. This is how it ends. Me sitting here like an idiot, gored to death in my own ring.” Another snort told him the giant was drawing closer. If he tried to move now, the monster would charge him, but what choice did he have? There was no telling where Dax had wandered off to, Isabella probably wouldn’t find him in time. Bull crossed himself and started to rise. He’d just have to make a scramble for the fence, try to get his wide ass up and over before he found himself stuck on the tip of those long, white horns.

  And then he heard it…his dream come to life.

  “I mean you no harm.” Low and throaty, the voice was unmistakably feminine. The lilt undeniable. A voice he’d longed to hear.

  How in hell had he missed this? Bull felt like a fuckin’ fool!

  Pull up her hair, put on a mask, add some lipstick and eyeliner – voila!


  Rising from behind the barrel, the sight that greeted his eyes nearly knocked Bull back ten feet. Isabella…or Carmen…or whatever the hell her name was, stood resolute, a sexy siren in just her bra and jeans, her blouse in hand like a matador’s cape.

  “Fuck me stupid.” He was thunderstruck by the realization that Isabella was La Diosa.

  Standing right in front of Hurricane, she transfixed the beast, mesmerising it with her fluid movements, taming it with gentle words and a soft voice.

  Bull watched in awe as Hurricane’s head swayed back and forth. “God, baby, if you get hurt, I’ll never forgive you.” The bull’s posture was aggressive, but he didn’t charge. Isabella stayed focused on the colossus. Not once did she break her concentration to look his way. Bull wasn’t even sure if she knew he was still there. He found himself falling under the same hypnotic spell as Hurricane.

  She spoke in Spanish and Bull didn’t understand her, but those sultry, seductive words dripping from her plump lips stopped his world and made his heart race. Hurricane was still under her control, his front legs bending, preparing himself to find the ground and surrender to the enchantress.

  “Get out, Bull.” Isabella said in the same even tone, never taking her eyes off the bull. The beast was on the ground at her feet, laying down fully, all four legs on the ground, the savagery from moments ago nowhere to be seen.

  When Bull didn’t move, his seductress broke eye contact with Hurricane for a brief moment and glanced his way. “Please, Benedict! Go, move slowly.”

  “How in hell do you expect me to leave you?” Bull muttered loud enough for her to hear. “You do know you’re getting your ass spanked when you get out of here.” And that wasn’t all, he had a whole list of things he wanted to do and say to her.

  “I’m counting on it. Now go!”

  Bull’s eyes lingered for one moment longer. Isabella’s skin was covered in perspiration. The diamond prisms gleamed on her exposed body, her chest heaving. Fuck! He remembered having those breasts pressed against him and he was willing to climb right over the prone Hurricane if it meant touching his woman again.

  And she was…his. No matter what the hell she called herself.

  Hurricane made a grunting noise and Bull feared he was coming out of his trance. He’d damn well charge the beast if it looked like Isabella was in danger. When the bull shook its head, lolling it toward the ground, Bull saw his opportunity and moved slowly, easing backward toward the fence, never taking his eyes off the incredible scene still playing out before his eyes. He scaled the fence carefully, his eyes never leaving Isabella.

  Standing so still, Isabella knew she had the appearance of a statue, lacking a heartbeat. Looks could be deceiving, for inside her chest, her heart thundered. She’d felt helpless seeing the man she adored trapped by a dangerous bull and she’d just acted. Benedict had needed her and she would’ve walked through fire to save him.

  “Come to me, baby, it’s time to go. Just turn and run, I’ll catch you.” Bull spoke in a low register. Keeping his calm was a monumental task. She’d saved his life, now it was his chance to return the favor. Every cell in his body wanted to charge in there, scoop that little bit of femininity up in his arms, and carry her to safety.

  Isabella moved away slowly. She’d done this before. Taking a deep breath, she turned her back on the subdued bull and ran toward the fence. Holding her arms up, Bull caught her, swept her up and held her tight. “Do you know how much trouble you’re in?”

  The moment she was out of the pen, Hurricane rose to his feet. He eyed Bull with an evil gleam,
inviting him to return for a different outcome. “Fucking hell that was close,” he growled as he set Isabella on her feet. “Now, what in the hell am I going to do with you?”

  They looked at each other hard, both breathing heavily from the excitement.

  Isabella stared into his eyes and lost her nerve. She could stand up to a monster, but seeing the disappointment in Bull’s eyes was her undoing. Now, he knew his wonderful Carmen was merely Isabella Cortez. Unable to bear his judgment, she turned and fled from his sight.

  “Oh, hell, no.” Bull ran after her, again cursing those daily Oreos, following in her footsteps as fast as he could. She ran like a gazelle, her long, dark hair bouncing to and fro across her back. He would’ve caught up with her, but Dax called out to him.

  “Boss, what happened? Armando and I were coming back from the welding shop and we saw Hurricane had busted out of his stall.”

  “Yea, I went to see about him and he chased me into the holding pen, almost got me too.”

  “How’d you get away?”

  The Mexican, Armando joined them in time to hear Bull’s explanation. “It seems my house guest has a way with animals. She charmed Hurricane long enough for me to get over the fence.”

  “Miss Cortez, you mean?” Dax asked, in disbelief.

  “Isabella Cortez from Terra Dura? She braved Hurricane?” Armando asked, before Bull could answer.

  “Yes.” He didn’t much like these men knowing his private business. “I need to go see about her, she was upset.”

  When Bull found Isabella, she was in his kitchen, standing over the sink, pressing a wet dishcloth to her face. Grasping her by the arm, he spun his beauty around. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Her emotions were running too high, Isabella’s mouth refused to betray her and form words. She stood there in front of him, still taking in big gasps of air, the feel of his grip on her small arm getting tighter.

  “What if you’d been hurt? It would’ve been my fault! How in God’s name could I have lived with that?” Bull scolded, but she remained silent.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were her?”

  Again, he was met with silence, the only response she offered was the blazing hot fire burning behind her dark eyes.

  “Oh, hell.” Yanking her to him, he crushed his mouth to Isabella’s trembling lips, his arms contracting hungrily around her. His bone-shaking kiss was bold and brash, his tongue invading and conquering. He consumed her, possessed her, groaning into her mouth. She moaned and melted into his embrace, her body catching fire so quickly, it was like being tossed into a blazing furnace. She was burning alive, aching, longing, she couldn’t get close enough to him to satisfy. Her breasts ached at the sweet pressure of his chest. Being held against him, devoured by him was paradise.

  “Carmen,” he murmured between kisses, his hands moving from her back to slide down her ribcage.

  Hearing her first name, the name La Diosa had given him, she broke their connection. “Carmen Isabella Mercedes Cortez.”

  “Out of all of those pretty syllables, what do you want to be called?”


  “I’ve got a lot to say to you and you owe me answers, but right now I have just one important question.” He stared at her, holding his breath. “How old are you, Isabella?” He’d had her once and if he didn’t have her again, he would die.


  “Twenty-fuckin’-one!” Bull growled. “A damn fourteen-year difference, at least you’re an adult. Barely.” Isabella was young, but more mature than most women his own age. She’d seen and been through more than most did in a lifetime. Without warning, he swung her up in his arms. “This time I want to be in a bed.”

  Bull carried her through the house like a conquering hero claiming the spoils of war. “This first time will be fast, you’ve kept me hard and hurting from the first moment I saw you.”

  “La Diosa or me?”


  Placing her on the bed, he stripped his shirt off, wishing his body looked like one of those guys who lived at a gym. She didn’t seem to care, her eyes moving appreciatively from his head to his toes. “Like what you see?” he couldn’t help but ask as he removed his boots and socks.

  “Very much.” Isabella trembled as she toed off her shoes and pushed down her jeans, leaving only her bra and panties. “I request equal time to explore you later.”

  Her bold admission rocked him. “Granted.” Going to his knees beside her, he slid the panties from her hips, tossing them to the end of the bed. “Our last time together was amazing, but I didn’t get to look my fill.” A hard shudder ripped through his body like an earthquake. “You’re the most exquisite thing I’ve ever seen.” He was incapable of keeping his hands off her. They roamed across her body, mapping her narrow waist, the flared hips, and the mounds of her luscious breasts. Needing to see them completely, he caressed the smooth finish of her bra a moment before yanking it down and running a finger over one tightened nipple. “You are even more magnificent than I remember,” Bull breathed the words out with hot air against her neck as he bent forward to explore her skin with his mouth and tongue.

  In heaven, Bull kissed Isabella from the tip of her nose to the tips of her toes. This girl made him forget his name when she was around and filled his head with sinful thoughts when she wasn’t.

  Isabella luxuriated in the way he touched her, his hands rough from work. She could feel every ridge and callous on his palm as he rubbed them over her body, prolonging his caress until he had her whimpering and begging for more. “I’m yours, Benedict.” Mindless with pleasure, Isabella hovered on the edge of a cliff, delighting in the feel of his body against hers.

  “Damn right, you are.” Bull tore her bra off with one sharp tug on the front. The flimsy fabric tore in half in the center and Isabella’s magnificent tits spilled out into his hands. Her nipples were like a bullseye and his mouth was on them in an instant.

  “Dios mio,” Isabella groaned. She laced her fingers through his hair with one hand and pulled Bull tight to her chest. The warmth of his mouth on her breasts sent sizzles of longing to spark between her legs.

  While Benedict suckled at her nipples, lavishing one breast with attention and then the other, he unfastened his belt and began undoing his jeans. Hearing the sound of his zipper, she slid her lips from his. “Please. Let me.”

  Bull was eager to let her tame him as she had Hurricane. He moved back to give her room, then groaned when Isabella ran her hand over the length of his cock. It was rock-hard, the tip poking out from the top of his underwear.

  “If you take that out,” he said with a grin. “I’m gonna put it somewhere.”

  “I hope so. I’ve missed you.” She pushed down his waistband and wrapped her hand around him, stroking his shaft up and down.

  Steadying himself with a hand on the wall above her head, Bull gasped with closed eyes. “Fuck, baby, you’re killing me.” Isabella watched his face hungrily, seeing him react to her touch was the most erotic thing she’d ever witnessed.

  “No more,” he groaned, his body jerking. “I don’t want to come in your hand. Let me touch you some more. I want to learn every inch of you.” Isabella released him and he pushed her back on the bed, his body covering hers. She’d thought their first time together had been the epitome of pleasure, but now she realized they’d only scratched the surface. Face to face, Bull kissed her, caressed her, touching her anywhere he desired.

  Rising above her, he gazed at her with ferocious eyes. “I need to be inside you. I literally can’t take this anymore. I’m fucking dying. Can I come in?”

  Isabella bit her lip and nodded. “Please.”

  Kneeling between her legs, spreading her open, he explored her with the tip of one finger. “God, you’re impossibly tight. You’re ready for me, aren’t you?”

  Isabella felt her pussy clench around his fingertip. The tension between them was so great, she couldn’t handle it. “Yes, please, c
ome to me.” Clasping his shoulders, she urged him down, lifting her hips to forcibly join their bodies if she could. She was floundering in a tempest of pleasure so powerful, she thought she might drown.

  “Now who’s impatient?” Bull grinned. Having a woman want him so much was the most amazing thing in the world. “Let’s do it like this. I need to hold you tight.” He set back on his heels and in one powerful move, he grasped her around the waist and lifted her into the air, settling her down to straddle him.

  Her femininity hovered right over his cock and a second later Isabella gasped from the sweet burn as the wide head pierced her soft opening. “Benedict!” Tightening her grip around his neck, she bit his shoulder, letting the sensation of being filled flow over her as his strong hands lowered her down to accept him fully. “Oh, God. Oh, God, Oh, God,” she sobbed as each thrust brought escalating pleasure. He didn’t fuck her, he moved Isabella up and down, letting her fuck him instead. Every time he lifted her, his cock came within millimeters of coming free before he lowered her down again.

  The pace he kept was slow, but her body reacted the same as before. To Bull’s utter amazement, she went wild in his arms. Just like the last time, his beauty was overtaken by an explosive climax, her body writhing in his arms, her tight channel rippling and throbbing around him. Her head fell back and she lay over his arm, panting and crying out his name. “Benedict!”

  Shocked to the soles of his feet, Bull was paralyzed with awe as he watched Isabella explode. He couldn’t believe how she responded to him so completely. He’d convinced himself the time at the bullfight was an aberration, his wishful imagination. No woman would react like that to ole Bull Redford’s touch. But here she was, this perfect goddess, flying apart in his arms. Wanting to give her even more, he lowered his mouth to one rosy nipple and sucked the sweet tip deep into his mouth.

  He began to move, bucking his hips so his cock pumped up inside of her in short, sharp jabs. “More, more, more,” she cried, grinding her hips into his groin.


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