Toro (The Hell Yeah Series)

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Toro (The Hell Yeah Series) Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  “Missed me,” she teased, standing sideways, daring him to charge in again.

  Sun from the window illuminated her golden skin and Bull couldn’t help but stare at the curve of her thigh. Isabella’s right leg was turned inward, showing off the curve of her ass, but hiding the treasure between her legs. He wanted to see that treasure more than he wanted to see the sunrise.

  He charged once more, this time halting his progress when she fanned those bright red panties in front of his face. Bull opened his mouth and clamped down on the silky fabric, pulling it out of her hand as she side-stepped him again.

  Isabella put a hand to her chest. “Oh no. My cape!”

  Jerking the panties from his mouth, Bull brought them to his nose, inhaling deeply. “I want the real thing,” he growled, tossing the scrap of red silk to lie by her other garments as he moved toward her with a speed Isabella hadn’t known he possessed.

  As Bull wrapped his big hands around her legs, Isabella raised her arms above her head and placed her fingers on the ceiling for support. She looked down at the man at her feet and her entire body shook. He kissed her right knee first, then let his tongue slide across to her left. He held her legs together firmly, despite Isabella’s need to open them and be touched. She whimpered as he kissed a path up her left thigh slowly, letting his lips linger on her sensitive flesh. The rasp of growth on his face felt like sandpaper on Isabella’s skin and again, she fought to open her legs.

  Looking up at her, Bull asked, “Want something?”

  Isabella nibbled on her lip and placed a hand on the top of his head. Her hips moved forward, the need she felt growing to a fever pitch. When Bull placed his hands on her inner thighs and pushed her legs open, she almost fainted with relief. “Gracias a Dios.”

  “You’re welcome.” He gave her a teasing wink as he licked up her inner thigh and across her mound, only an inch from her swollen clit. Spreading the silken lips with his fingers, he gazed at her velvet folds. “Fuck me, you have got a beautiful pussy.”

  He blew on her parted lips, but didn’t give Isabella the touch of his tongue that she longed for. Instead, he blazed a trail of kisses up to her bellybutton and back down. “Eres el diablo,” Isabella hissed.

  “I don’t know much Spanish baby, but I know that last word.”

  “You could kill a woman, teasing her like this.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  It was the most spectacular type of pain imaginable, being teased by the sexiest man alive. A war raged inside Isabella; she loved the teasing, but she needed relief.

  Bull darted his tongue out and across the pulse of her clit. “That what you wanted?”

  “Oh, yes. God, yes.” Isabella’s knees flexed, the need overpowering. She ground herself down onto Bull’s face and began to tremble. She knew she wouldn’t last, with him she never did.

  He accepted the pressure gladly. Using both hands to hold her steady, he pulled her forward to his waiting mouth. Spreading her glistening lips with his tongue, he speared it up inside of her and swirled it in a circle. Both of Isabella’s hands held Bull’s head and she abandoned the notion of keeping her balance.

  He used the pressure of her weight to get his tongue further up inside of her. Bull had learned one thing quickly with Isabella, he would never be able to get as far inside of her as he wanted to.

  With a gorgeous man at her feet, placing her needs before his, Isabella was lost. The pleasure was outrageous and the feeling of being worshiped set her off like fireworks.

  Bull smiled when she began to cum. “There it is, that’s what I was waiting for,” he said the words between kisses to her clit. “I didn’t want to think I had lost my touch.” Pushing his tongue back in, the circles began again and Isabella’s body quaked in his hands as a powerful orgasm washed over her. Leaning back, he yanked her feet out from under her and Isabella fell to the bed, bouncing once, then laying prone. “More.”

  Isabella was basking in the afterglow. “More?”

  Bull flipped her over onto her stomach. “I want more.” Placing his hands on her body, he helped her until she was on her hands and knees at the end of the bed, her face resting on the soft blanket.

  Isabella had faced down killer bulls that weighed more than cars and even received death threats for her beliefs, but never had she felt more vulnerable than she did right now. “Benedict?”

  Bull slid down onto his knees. “Trust me. I could spend hours doing this to you, Isabella.”

  This time, he pressed his face to her slit and licked her throbbing clit once before taking it between his lips to suck.

  Isabella pounded the mattress with her fists. This man was taking her to places she’d never known possible and ruining other men for Isabella for the rest of her life.

  Releasing her cherry from his lips, Bull pulled his face back and ran his tongue up and down her pussy. “You don’t cum until I say you do,” he ordered when the shaking in Isabella’s legs gave her away.

  “You know I have a short fuse,” she panted.

  Bull chuckled. “Yea, I love that about you.”

  The madness continued for what felt like an eternity. Licking, sucking, and teasing her hungry, little pussy became Bull’s reward. He worked Isabella up to a frenzy numerous times then backed off and warned her not to climax. Then just when she least expected it, he pushed his thumb into her channel as deep as it would go and ordered her to cum for him a mere moment before focusing his tongue back on her clit.

  As she was still vibrating with aftershocks, Bull covered her to position his cock at her opening. He pushed just the tip in and leaned over her back. “This is what you do to me,” he said into her ear. “I can’t help myself around you.”

  “Oh, Dios, have mercy.”

  “No mercy for you.” He pushed the rest of his length into her slowly, allowing Isabella’s body to accept his invasion. He’d primed her well and the exquisite wetness and warmth enveloping his dick bore testimony to that fact. Being inside Isabella was pure heaven. She was so tight Bull couldn’t stand it. He struggled to fight back the inevitable, not wanting to disappoint her by cumming too quickly. Being allowed to pleasure her at his leisure had Bull on the verge of a meltdown.

  Isabella felt his pace slow. “Don’t fight it. Please. I need to feel you inside me.”

  This time it was her who read his body and it was her who made the request. Bull moved in and out slowly, but the time was near. “Fuck!” he cried out his release, masking Isabella’s cries as they finished at the same moment, her clenching around his manhood while Bull shot his seed deep inside of her.

  Afterward, Isabella lay beneath him. The man was so big she could barely breathe, but she wouldn’t have pushed him off if her life depended on it. “Don’t go,” she begged when he started to move.

  “You’re going with me.” Bull slid off her back and pulled her up with him, lifting her into his arms.

  “What are we doing?” she asked when he began to move away from the bed.

  “Shower. I want to get dirty with you.”

  Isabella smiled, more content than she’d ever been before.

  “Wear something pretty, we’re going on a date.”

  Benedict’s words thrilled her. Since she didn’t have to keep two identities separate, she sometimes called him Bull. Mostly, she called him…hers.

  For the past three days, they’d been inseparable. He’d followed through on his promise, taking her to visit ranches and rodeos. “Tomorrow, we’ll go meet the McCoy’s at Tebow Ranch. You’ll really like them.”

  “Oh, is this the Aron who sculpted Toro Roca?”

  “Yes, it is.” Bull shook his head. “You know, that day by the spring seems like another lifetime.” He wrapped his arm around her. “I looked down there at you, sitting by those bubbling waters and wanted you so much.”

  “You’ve got me.”

  “Yes, I have.” Their nights had been amazing. Bull couldn’t reconcile in his mind the difference in his life now and wh
at it was like before Isabella. He hadn’t been living, he’d been existing.

  “Where are we going on our date?” She stood at the closet and stared at the small number of outfits she’d brought with her.

  “I thought we’d stop by Hardbodies for a drink before I take you to my favorite restaurant.”

  “Oh, good!” She pulled out an emerald green dress with a plunging neckline. “Will this do?”

  “No. Too fancy.” He hung the dress back up, then kissed her pouty lips. “I’m a country boy. We’re going to a saloon and a Mexican restaurant. Wear a sexy sundress or something cool. And no underwear.”

  “Okay.” She giggled as she hung the dress back up, then gave him a wicked look. “Your favorite food is Mexican?”

  He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her over his head, high enough so he could fit his mouth over her pussy. After giving her a kiss through the panties she wore, he grinned. “Yep, I’m pretty partial to Mexican.”

  “I’m glad.” As she slid back down his body, Isabella wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you for letting me stay with you, this time is so precious to me.”

  “To me too.” Bull didn’t want to think about her leaving.

  When they were dressed, he escorted her to his truck and they took off for Kerrville. They passed Canyon’s place and Bull saw that he was outside working in his shop. Lifting a hand to wave, he explained who Canyon was to Isabella. “That’s my best friend, I’ll introduce you two when we go to Tebow tomorrow, he’s their blacksmith.”

  “Is he married?”

  Married. “Um, no. Like me, he’s divorced.”

  “There are so many divorces these days, it’s disheartening. My parents were very much in love,” Isabella shared with him. “Why did Canyon’s wife leave him? Did he cheat on her?”

  All this talk of marriage made him jumpy. Not because he wouldn’t want to marry Isabella, but because he knew it wouldn’t last. Nothing lasted forever. With that sad thought in mind, he told her the truth. Canyon didn’t like to talk about it, but Isabella wouldn’t tell anyone. “His marriage fell apart after he and his wife lost a child. A little boy. To cancer.”

  Isabella felt the air leave her lungs. “Oh, no! I’m so sorry! I was being flip, I didn’t know.”

  “I know you didn’t.” He took her hand. “Sometimes marriages can’t survive heartbreak.” He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. “Do you want to know why Carol and I divorced?”

  Isabella did, but considering what she’d just learned, she hadn’t intended to ask. “If you want to tell me.”

  “She cheated on me.”

  His flat statement broke her heart. “She was a fool.”

  Bull smiled. “You’re good for my ego.” Something inside of him craved affirmation. “Do you know what she told me?”


  “I was really bad at sex.”

  “Pull over.”

  Bull glanced at her. “What?”

  “Find a dirt road and pull over.”

  He drove slowly until he could turn down a narrow logging lane. “Did you need to go to the bushes?”

  “No, I need you, Bull Redford. Push your seat back and take your cock out.” Not for one minute would she allow this man to remember the cruel words of his wife without her proving them wrong.

  “Hot damn, you’re one of a kind.” He shifted his seat all the way back and made room for the most delightful armful a man could hold. He’d been hard from the moment she’d said she needed him. Him! Isabella straddled his lap and took him inside of her, sealing her lips to his. “See, this no underwear was a good idea.”

  “Yea, you’re a genius,” she agreed, nibbling on his neck. Twining her arms around his neck, she rode him, rising up and sinking down, milking his cock with every move she made. True to form, she began to cum, multiple orgasms seemed to be her birthright. “Oh, Bull, hold me!”

  He held her with all his might, groaning in her ear as he filled her with his cum.

  Isabella, waiting to catch her breath, laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. “Don’t tell anyone you’re good at sex.”

  “Why?” Bull asked as he nuzzled her neck.

  “There’s no use tempting them with something they can’t have.”

  Bull tightened his grip on her, wishing he could press the moment between the pages of time and keep it forever.

  …In Hardbodies, Bull and Isabella found a table near the stage. No one was playing tonight, but the jukebox was alive and kicking. “What do you want to drink, baby?”

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

  “Are you sure? I’m drinking Shiner beer.”

  “I’ll try one.”

  “Coming right up.” The older woman waiting their table held out her hand to Isabella. “I’m Doris. I manage the place when Isaac isn’t around.”

  “Hello, I’m Isabella Cortez, I’m visiting Mr. Redford.”

  “Good for you, Bull!” She popped him on the shoulder, then greeted Isabella with a smile. “Welcome to the Hill Country. Mr. Redford is a legend in these parts. He’s never met a bull he couldn’t ride.”

  Isabella gave him a sideways glance. “I have heard of his reputation and I’m not surprised. He is very talented.”

  Bull couldn’t stand it, pride just freed his tongue. “Doris, you don’t know who you’re talking to.”

  Isabella realized that he was about to out her, but she didn’t stop him. She was hundreds of miles away from home, in another country, a world away from the bullring.

  “Who am I talking to?” Doris looked at Isabella with interest.

  “This is La Diosa, the most beautiful, brave, fierce matador in all of Mexico.”

  Doris’s eyes bugged. “No! A matador?” She held her hand over her head and snapped her fingers. “Ole!”

  “Please, I’m shy,” Isabella discouraged her excitement.

  Her attempt to quell the waitress did no good. After she delivered their drinks, she stood on the bar and proclaimed the news. In the next few minutes Isabella was introduced to former World Champion cowboy, Josh Long, and his beautiful bartender wife, Emma, who also happened to be blind. She also met the owner of Hardbodies, Isaac McCoy, a biker cowboy. Isabella hadn’t known biker cowboys existed. Isaac seemed nice and his wife was a hoot. Her name was Avery, and Doris told Isabella that Avery wrote romance novels as Sable Hunter.

  Doris told everything.

  More and more people came over to speak to her, so many she lost count. She met more McCoys, Sheriff Saucier, a lawyer by the name of Zane, and a tracker by the name of Bowie Travis. What she gathered after all of this was that Bull was well liked and Kerrville was a friendly city.

  About midway through the friend fest, it occurred to Bull that he might’ve made a mistake. Several people snapped photos of Isabella with their phones and he remembered her attempt to keep her identity secret. Once things quieted down, he apologized. “I’m sorry, that got a little out of hand.”

  Isabella smiled. “Don’t worry about it. I’m far away from home and my lawyer is establishing my claim to Terra Dura as we speak. Hiding my work as La Diosa won’t be as important to me as soon as my uncle no longer can hold his claim to the ranch over my head.”

  “So, Terra Dura is yours?” Bull felt a little dizzy.

  “Lock, stock, and barrel as you Texans would say. My father and mother joined their lands to form Terra Dura. My uncle had no claim other than his relationship to my father. He did everything in his power to convince himself and everyone else that he did, but when I grew old enough to understand, I began the process to strengthen my claim and annul his. If my parents had a will, it disappeared the night they were murdered.”

  Emotions warred in Bull’s head. He wanted her to have what belonged to her, but he had been wishing that she could need him. This woman could probably buy an island with her loose change. What would she need him for? “Terra Dura is in good hands.”

  She shrugged. “Terra Dura has some
great employees. They make my job easy.”

  “What about those who want to hurt you? Did I just put a bullseye on your back?”

  Isabella didn’t want him to worry. She covered his hand. “Actually, I’m thinking about retiring La Diosa. I could help the cause in other ways.”

  A thousand pounds lifted from Bull’s shoulders. “Thank the Lord.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her. “You’ll never know how happy you’ve made me. I’d do anything in this world to keep you safe.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Isn’t it time to go eat? We don’t want to be late for our reservations.”

  “You’re right.” He came to help her from her seat and escorted her out through the admiring crowd.

  “Everyone is staring at us.” She was used to being in the spotlight, but as La Diosa, not Isabella.

  “Why wouldn’t they, you’re a hot Latin beauty and I’m one lucky son-of-a-bitch.”

  “Dose, Perr Fayver,” Bull answered the hostess when she asked, in Spanish, how many would be dining that evening.

  Isabella sent a tiny half-smile to the hostess from behind him. His Spanish accent was atrociously adorable.

  “Very good. This way.”

  “Mooch-ass, grassy-ass, See no-reeta.”

  Isabella followed Bull, who followed their waitress to their table. Being the perfect gentleman, caballero, that he was, Bull pulled her chair out for her, and then joined Isabella across the table. The art and architecture within Fonda San Miguel was exquisitely Spanish, with its tile construct pieces and glowing metal chandeliers. They were momentarily distracted by the atmosphere before their attention relaxed and fell back to the table and on each other.

  “So, guapo, (she emphasized, slowly, for his benefit) do you come to Fonda San Miguel often?”

  “Claire-O, kay see.” Bull thought the website of Spanish expressions, idioms, and basic conversational words was really paying off. He’d spent several hours in the office, learning a bit of Spanish just so Isabella would feel at home.

  She loved it. “Ay, que bueno! How long have you spoken Spanish?”

  “Well, you know,” he said, as he unfolded the napkin, shook it out, and laid it over his lap, “you pick up a thing or two living in Tay-haas, so close to May-hee-ko. I like to consider myself an international man.”


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