Toro (The Hell Yeah Series)

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Toro (The Hell Yeah Series) Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  “I’ll give you everything I have,” he groaned as he stilled her thrashing body and fucked her with long, hard thrusts.

  Isabella was out of her head, locked in an earth-shattering swarm of orgasms. As the strokes of his cock filled her body over and over again, she just kept coming. He drove her on and on, farther and farther with no let up, no downtime to catch her breath or find her sanity.

  Loving every second of this miracle, Bull lifted her up and slammed her down on his thick cock. “Like this? Is this what you wanted?” he whispered into her ear as he pounded into her, his body rejoicing in what it felt like to give a woman ecstasy. “All those times you teased me? All those times you tried to entice me, little girl? Is this what you wanted?”

  “Yes, Dios mio, yes!” she cried in anguished rapture, her nails biting into his back.

  Her words were like rocket fuel to his ears and Bull could feel his own eruption building in his balls, his muscles bunching, his self-control cracking wide open. “That’s it, scratch me, hold me, claim me.”

  “Benedict!” She shook in his arms, the ecstasy so great that she wept, totally at the exquisite mercy of the fierce, thrusting rhythm of his hips. “My Benedict!”

  He froze, his cum boiling up from his balls, then he suddenly convulsed with such power that he thought he might not survive.

  Isabella held onto him, so much a part of him that she could feel his pleasure and it magnified her own. Her eyes ate him up as she saw his jaw clenching, his eyes rolling back in his head, his lips pressing together in the agony of ecstasy. As he moved helplessly within her, she clutched him close, relishing the last tiny bursts of her millionth climax. “Oh, that was worth the wait,” she whispered, kissing his damp shoulder.

  Bull felt as weak as a kitten as his body relaxed. Pulling her down to his side, he whispered in a shaking voice, “How in the hell did I keep from doing that to you for so long?”

  “Don’t blame me.” Isabella snuggled into his shoulder. “I did my best to seduce you.”

  “Yea, you did.” Rising from the bed, he left her.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I just need a quick shower.” What he really needed was time to think.

  “Do you need company?” she asked, with erotic intent.

  “No, you rest. My old body needs time to rejuvenate.” His words were proved to be lies when she rolled to her tummy and kicked a leg in the air, giving him a sexy little pout. Her rounded, epic ass looked like the sweetest invitation.

  “When you return, I’ll sing praises to your body,” she promised him, adoration in her eyes.

  Bull had to force himself to walk away from her. The events of the last few hours seemed surreal.

  Isabella and Carmen were the same person? What did this mean?

  He strode to the bathroom, flipped on the light, turning on the tap. Since he was naked, he didn’t need to disrobe. He took a piss, then stared at his face. He could see every year he’d lived etched in the lines around his mouth. The crow’s feet. The knowing skepticism in his eyes. “What does that delectable woman lying naked in your bed see in you?”

  He had no answers.

  But when he stepped beneath the hot water, an undeniable truth hit him right in the gut. Contrary to the logic of the matter, there was a delectable naked woman in his bed – waiting for him.

  Bull took the shortest shower in history.

  Isabella hadn’t moved. She had no desire to, she was right where she wanted to be. Yes, they had a lot of things to talk about, but she was ready to tell him everything. This was the man of her dreams and now that she was here, in his bed, an old American adage came to mind.

  Possession was nine-tenths of the law.

  She wasn’t sure what that meant, or if US law would apply to her, but it sounded good. She was here with Benedict and it would take a team of wild horses to drag her away.

  A noise at the door leading to the hall caused her to raise her head.

  He was back. “I need to get some underwear.” He pointed to the dresser.

  Isabella rose and came to him. “Don’t get dressed on my account.”

  Standing before her, naked as a jaybird, Bull felt self-conscious. He wasn’t ripped, he didn’t have a six-pack, he barely had a two-pack. He was stocky, barrel-chested, and carried around a battered self-esteem with the twenty extra pounds. “Clothes cover up a multitude of sins.”

  “You have no sins to cover, mi amor.” She placed a hand on his midriff and walked around him, admiring every facet of his body.

  To have this woman, who’d put most centerfolds to shame, inspecting him so closely caused Bull to blush all over.

  “I love your body, Benedict Redford.” She trailed her fingers down his side, her nails raking over the skin of his buttocks. “Your chest is wide; your back is strong.” She went to her knees behind him. “You have the most unbelievable butt I’ve ever seen.”

  Bull almost choked.

  Her palms soothed up and down his legs. “Your thighs are like tree trunks.”

  A tiny nip on his ass caused every muscle in his body to jerk. “I was wrong,” he growled the words.

  “About what?” She began raining kisses over his shoulders, coming around to the front to wrap a hand around his cock.

  Bull groaned, throwing back his head. “I’m not as old as I thought I was.”

  Isabella let out a small giggle as she stroked him. “Let me see.” She raised up to kiss him deeply, not giving him time to commandeer the embrace. “I love your chest, it’s so sexy.” Releasing his cock, she lifted her breasts in her hands, rubbing them on his chest, moaning as her nipples brushed against his skin.

  “Carmen…Isabella….” He didn’t know what name to use. “I don’t know what to call you.”

  “Call me…yours.” She sank to her knees and took him in her mouth and Bull had to grasp the wall behind him, staggering a step back to lean against it. Isabella moved with him, never breaking contact. She held him in her hand, pumping the shaft up and down as she kissed, sucked, and worshiped the head of his cock.

  “Fuck, I won’t survive,” he sighed the words, his hand resting on her head. A few weeks ago, he longed for someone to want him and now his every wish had come true. What had he done to deserve this?

  He couldn’t think of one damn thing.

  Isabella reveled in her chance to touch him. She trailed her fingers up and down his legs, played with his sac, then grasped his butt cheeks as she took him deep. After craving him so long, she couldn’t get enough. She lavished his cock with sucks and kisses, deep-throating him until he cried out, jetting hot spurts of cum down her throat.

  Bull didn’t think he could move. “You slay me,” he muttered. “You’ve got me twisted up in knots. I don’t know what’s real and what’s not.”

  Taking him by the hand, she led Bull back to sit on his bed. She opened drawers until she found the right one, taking out a pair of briefs and handing them to him. “I’m real.”

  “Are you?” He pulled on his underwear, then the rest of his clothes. “Get dressed, beauty, we need to talk.”



  Chewing on her lower lip, Isabella sat at Benedict’s dining table, holding a cup of coffee. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Their coming together had been explosive, but he had questions.

  Questions she hoped she could answer to his satisfaction.

  Bull took a deep breath and sat down across from Isabella. “You know, I heard you call me Benedict before I left Terra Dura. Right before I got the phone call about Luke.”

  “I slipped up.” She searched his face, so afraid he was about to send her home that she didn’t know what to do.

  Bull drained his cup, setting it down on the table a little harder than necessary. “Why the deception? Why did you lie to me?”

  She winced at the word. Lie. “I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to.” Isabella could feel panic rising in her chest. This was important, she had to make
him understand. “When we first met, I was all swept up in trying to show people that bullfighting didn’t have to be a blood sport. My father and mother died for this.”

  Bull shook his head. “I heard you say they were murdered. Were you serious?”

  “Yes.” She told him how her father and mother had been found. “No one was ever arrested, but many believed a rival could have killed them. My father was influential in the sport and I think they were killed because he was laying down his sword, changing the way he fought the bulls. His entourage knew this, those closest to him knew this, but the public did not. He was to make the announcement at a major bullfight in Mexico City. There would’ve been a great uproar, many would have been affected. I always thought someone who felt their own success would be damaged stopped him. I think it was one of his own men.”

  Bull frowned. “Did you ever share your suspicions with anyone?”

  “Yes, I have talked to the authorities and to my uncle.” She traced the top of her coffee cup with her fingertip. “There was no proof.”

  “Your father would have fought the bulls the way you do, if he had lived?”

  “Yes, my mother felt strongly about this, as did I. He grew to share our beliefs and wanted to change his life and the sport, if he could.” Isabella nodded sadly. “He was a good man.”

  Bull searched her beautiful face, a better understanding of her motives dawning. “This is why La Diosa was born, to honor your father and to pick up the mantle he dropped when he died?”

  “Yes, exactly. The sport is changing. Already some cities are banning the killing of the bulls. Many still hold onto the old ways, but there is a movement to overturn tradition.” She gave him a small smile. “I am trying to change the world.”

  “By placing your life in danger, every time you get in the ring,” Bull growled. “I don’t like it.”

  “I am good at what I do.”

  “Yes, you are. You saved my ass, but I don’t think I could survive watching you do much more of that.”

  She might be grasping at straws, but he almost made it sound like he intended to keep her around. “I tried to keep La Diosa separate from Terra Dura. I didn’t want my uncle to find out, he would’ve used it against me.”

  “I wouldn’t have betrayed you, Ca…Isabella.” He was finding it hard to let loose of Carmen. “Why didn’t you tell me when I came to Terra Dura?”

  Isabella blushed. “I started to. The moment I saw you, I was floored. I almost ran to your arms. But…”

  “But what?” Bull pushed.

  “You didn’t recognize me. You treated me with disdain.” She folded and refolded a dishtowel she found lying on the table. “I could see the dislike in your eyes. I thought you were only attracted to Carmen and only because her face was covered by a mysterious mask.”

  Bull laughed. He threw back his head and laughed hard. “My God.” Dry-scrubbing his face, he shook his head. “I was so attracted to you that I was practically blind with lust. Don Luis talked about you like you were off-limits, a teen-ager. I was trying to stay out of prison!”

  “Do I look so different?” Isabella gestured toward her face and body. “Is the real me not enough for you?”

  “The real you is perfection, Isabella, you know that.” Bull stood and walked to the window, jamming his hands into his front pockets. “I guess we see what we expect to see. Several times I had this funny déjà vu feeling when I was around you, but I discounted it. I was hopelessly attracted to you both and felt like a heel because of it.” He glanced back at her. “I was half in love with Carmen and I didn’t want to betray her…with you.”

  Isabella could hear the censure in his voice. “Well, I am here now. I am me…and I am La Diosa.” She stood to go to him. “Can we not be together?”

  Bull knew she had no idea what she was doing to him. To have everything he wanted in life offered to him was almost impossible to resist. But it wouldn’t work. Even though she was looking at him with these big, doe eyes, pleading – he knew it wouldn’t work. Oh yea, she wanted him now. She might even fancy herself to be in love with him.

  But Carmen Isabella La Diosa Cortez was too young for him. Not illegal, just too young. She’d tire of him. Even if they were to marry, he’d grow old and she’d grow more beautiful.

  And then, there was the money to consider.

  The woman standing before him was worth millions. He had no clue what was in her bank account. What in the hell did she need him for? “You could have any man you want, Isabella.”

  Isabella could see she had her work cut out for her. Very well. She was up to the task.

  Sidling up to him, she placed her palms on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. “I don’t want any other man. Ever. I just want you.”

  He didn’t believe the ever part. Even if she meant it, she’d change her mind. What he did believe was that she wanted him. He could see the desire on her face, hear it in her voice. He could see the way her nipples tented the soft fabric of the simple dress she wore. “Ground rules.”

  Isabella frowned. “What are these rules?”

  He collared her around the neck with one hand, and began to walk her backwards. “Three of them. One: no talk of the future. Neither one of us knows what tomorrow holds. Two: no mixing business and pleasure. I pay my way.”

  “And three?”

  “Three: I’m in charge in the bedroom.” If she wanted to stay and play house with him for awhile, he’d be a fool to let her go.

  “I agree to one and two, for now.” Isabella told him with a smirk. “I don’t agree with three, at all.” She illustrated her point by covering his cock with her hand and squeezing.

  “You like to play with fire, don’t you, Diosa?” Bull wasn’t that attached to the last rule, he’d just thought three sounded like a better number for rules than two.

  Isabella loved him calling her Diosa, she wanted to make sure he knew exactly who was in his arms. “I do. I love the heat. Blazing. Scorching. Sizzling.” All the time she spoke, she was rubbing her hand over the ridge in his jeans.

  “You keep rubbing that piece of wood like that, you’re gonna find yourself getting burned.”

  “This isn’t wood, this is steel.”

  With a whoop of pure joy, Bull threw Isabella over his shoulder and slapped her on the butt. “I’m gonna fuck you into the middle of next week, little girl.”

  “Perfect.” Isabella copped a feel of his ass. “I’m in no hurry to leave.”

  When he came to his room, he tossed her on the bed, then smiled when she giggled. She didn’t wait to be told, she skimmed the cotton dress she’d been wearing over her shouders and swung it in a circle around her head, letting it go to fly across the room and into his path. Bull caught it and tossed the garment aside. “How many men have you been with, Bella?”

  She smiled at the nickname and answered him truthfully. “Two and the first one doesn’t count. He was forgettable.”

  “Good. I was just wondering how many men I needed to be jealous of.” He yanked off his clothes, the dread of her seeing him naked long gone.

  “You have no competition. From the first moment when I saw you as I danced, I knew I wanted you. When you followed me, I was relieved. Our first meeting didn’t seem like chance, the second was fate, and the third sealed our destiny.”

  “Rule number one.” He cautioned her, more for his sake than her own. Bull already knew she’d break his heart when she left.

  When he was naked, he went to stand by the bed. She peeled off her bra and draped it across his head. He threw it to land near the dress.

  “You wanna play?” she asked him.

  Bull closed his eyes and thanked the powers that be. To think he’d been on a sex-starvation diet and now he could feast as often as he liked. He held onto the bedpost to steady himself. “Yea, I want to play. I’d even love to work for the legendary La Diosa. Do you have any openings for a rodeo cowboy?”

  Isabella crawled sexily across the bed toward him. “It just so h
appens that I’m in the market for a Mozo de Espadas.”

  “Oh, really? What is his duty?”

  “He will be my sword servant.”

  She reached a hand out and placed it on the tip of Bull’s strutting cock. He inhaled sharply, squeezing the bedpost to keep balance. Isabella moved in closer to his ear, the fragrance of fresh soap lingered on her body.

  “Do you want to be in charge of carrying my sword, Benedict? I don’t use it to draw blood, remember.” She felt the length of his thick shaft with her fingertips before grasping it hard and stroking it up and down. “I use it for other things.”

  Bull bucked his hips and looked her hard in the eye. “I’ll carry your sword for you, La Diosa.” He looked down at the hand on his cock and her eyes followed. “But it is you who will be a slave to my sword.” Bull moved his hand off the bedpost and slipped it between her legs. Isabella gasped at the feel of him massaging her vulva. She scooted back a bit on her knees. “Where are you going?” Bull wanted to know.

  She hopped to her feet, her dancing grace kept her balanced with ease on the soft mattress. “Not so fast, Toro. Any bull who desires to work for La Diosa must be tamed first.”

  Her nipples looked to be hard enough to cut glass. He crawled onto the bed. “Not sure this bull can be tamed.”

  Mesmerized, Bull watched as his beautiful Matador stepped out of her red panties and waved them in front of his face like a cape. “I never met a bull I couldn’t tame, Mr. Redford. “What do you have to say to that?”

  Licking his lips, he gave her a wicked smile. “I say, Ole! Bring it on, honey. You’ve got the bull by the horn.”

  His cock was at full attention, the way this little slice of heaven teased him drove Bull insane. He made a grab for her and she side-stepped deftly, letting her underwear brush across his face. The material was silky smooth and they smelled so fuckin’ good. Any other time, Bull might have felt foolish playing like this, but something about the power he saw in Isabella made this game incredibly sexy to him.


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