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Toro (The Hell Yeah Series)

Page 17

by Sable Hunter

  He lied and she thought he was the sweetest thing in the world. “I see. I’m very impressed.” Isabella leaned forward onto her elbows, her head resting on her palms, smiling.

  “I know a nice Mexican girl like yourself would appreciate the beauty and class of this place.”

  “It is lovely so far,” Isabella said with a coy and knowing grin.

  He missed it altogether.

  Hold it together, buddy, Bull thought. Just get through dinner and Isabella will have no idea that you can’t speak more than half a dozen Spanish words.

  “I’m glad you brought me here. This is my favorite type of food too. Do you know what they call Mexican food in Mexico?” she asked him playfully.

  Outwardly, he sat stoic and still, inwardly, he panicked. Shit. I have no idea what the Spanish word for food is. I think it’s coma-something. Coma dida, coma bowl, coma-shit! Hurry, son, think of something before she figures you out!

  Isabella saw him sweat, but before he said anything, she answered for him, “food.”

  Bull’s still and expressionless face - too expressionless while he sweated inside - broke into laughter. “That’s a good one.”

  She smiled, enjoying teasing him. “I think so, too.”

  Just as he was about to open up into a joke of his own, the waiter approached them.

  “Buenas tardes. Mi nombre es Julio. Estamos encantados de tenerse con nosotros para cenar. Como ha estado su dia antes ahora?”

  As the waiter spoke, Bull’s eyes opened wider and wider, and sunk deeper and deeper into his skull. His lips pursed tightly together and he broke down every word as best as he could. Bwaynas, that’s good, right? I bet he said ‘good evening’ or something. All right, next. Gnome-bray is name, his name must be Hooleeyo, Got it. Shit, the rest of it is fucking Greek, err, Spanish. Fuck. Better say something. “See.”

  Isabella drew her napkin over her mouth to hide her laughter. She stifled it as quickly as she could.

  Julio stared at Bull for an extra-long beat, processing what was going on. He could’ve sworn they were speaking Spanish earlier. Obviously not. Julio blinked, and started again. “Good evening! My name is Julio. We are thrilled that you’re going to have dinner with us. How has your day been so far?”

  Bull jumped in, “Moo-ee, bee-inn.”

  Julio fought the urge to roll his eyes.

  Isabella held up her hand, conversing with the waiter. “El mio tambien fue genial. Gracias para preguntar.”

  Bull felt lost and alone in a sea of Spanish syllables.

  Julio continued, “That’s wonderful to hear. Can I start you off with some chips and salsa this evening?”

  Bull happily answered, “See.”

  “Si,” said Isabella as well and Julio dashed off.

  Bull picked up his menu and hid behind it, hoping beyond hope that, somehow, however unlikely, Isabella had missed that pitiful display.

  She’d noticed and helped him by moving on. He was so precious to her. “So, what’s good here?” She wanted so badly to hear him speak some more Spanish to her.

  Bull racked his brain, searching the menu for anything he might have eaten before. Why couldn’t they just have gone to Chipotle? He knew exactly how to say burrito. He thought a bit, then muttered, “Anything with the kway-so on it is moo-ee deelishee-o-so.” He beamed. That was a good one.

  “Good to know,” she said as she perused the menu with him. “Have you had any of the antojitos?”

  Fuck, he thought. Of course not. “Yeah! They’re awesome!”

  “Which one do you recommend?”

  His eyes scanned the list and he sighed, thank god. “The kway-so, like I said. Out of this world.”

  “Good. I’m seeing a pattern here,” she teased him.

  “Can’t help it,” he said, resting on his laurels. “I know what’s good.”

  Julio returned with the chips and salsa and set it before them. “Do we need a moment to decide or are we ready to order?”

  Bull took over. “The lady and I will share the vag-I-tas for two.”

  Isabella coughed. “Oh, my.”

  Julio just took it. “I’m sure you will enjoy that. Pollo o carne?”

  Bull’s eyes darted back and forth from Isabella to Julio. He could tell from Julio’s inflection that it was a question, but there was no telling what that question was. What do people normally ask when you order something? If they want any fries? How do you say fries in Spanish? They didn’t need fries because they had chips and salsa. “No.”

  Julio blinked again. He sighed. He’d just bring them mixed fajitas. “Si, senor. Right away.”

  Bull caught him before he walked away. “One more thing, Hoo-lee-O. We’d like two slices of that tress du lesh after. My mama used to make that and it was always tasty.” He was confident about that one. After all, that’s how his mom said it.

  Julio smiled. “Of course, sir.” And walked away. Under his breath, barely audible to Isabella, he said, “pinche gringo.”

  Unable to hold it in, Isabella burst out laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. The service here is phenomenal.”

  She loved him so.



  Isabella stretched languidly. She was exhausted. They’d made love over and over the night before. After his endearing display of linguistic skills at the restaurant, Isabella had taken him home and taught him a few essential sex words. After she’d shown him how to slip his el pene in her la vagina, they’d hacer el amored all over the place. To her utter delight, Bull was insatiable when it came to her body, but that wasn’t the best part of being with him.

  She enjoyed him.

  His sense of humor was spot-on, he kept her laughing. They liked many of the same things, especially old westerns and anything they could do outdoors. They shared a love of animals and their knowledge of ranching and the cattle business complimented one another.

  Isabella loved taking care of him too. She’d spent some time in the garden and spiffing up his house. Everything looked taken care of now, especially him.

  The man was satisfied and Isabella knew that she had given this to him.

  As much as she loved Terra Dura, she loved him more. The day she found her red stiletto hidden in the back of his underwear drawer, she’d cried. Sentimental giant. She would be happy staying here with Bull for the rest of her life.

  If only he wanted the same thing.

  She knew her days with this incredible man were drawing to an end. They hadn’t officially discussed her return to Mexico, but he hadn’t asked her to stay either. Isabella was very afraid he’d just end things with her one day, leaving her broken hearted and longing for more.

  “No, no, no. Stop it. You’re still here. Be thankful and enjoy it.” She rose and grabbed her robe, heading for the shower. “After all, you might be able to change his mind. Anything could happen.”

  Yes, she was determined to be optimistic.

  After her shower, she ran downstairs and out the door. After their marathon lovemaking session, he’d let her sleep late. She knew he hadn’t lingered in the bed, he never did. When that damn alarm went off at six am, he was wide awake. Several times, he’d awakened her to make love, but sometimes he just let her sleep. This morning was a case in point. One thing she’d learned about Mr. Redford, he could be a workaholic. Isabella managed to distract him, occasionally, but he seemed to thrive on two things – working and pleasing her.

  She really liked the ‘pleasing her’ part.

  “There you are.” She found him next to a loaded stock trailer, giving one of his men some last-minute instructions.

  “Hey, pumpkin-pie. Give me a kiss,” he said, holding out his arm to draw her close.

  She gave him a quick kiss, very aware of the several sets of eyes watching them closely. “Where’s the rodeo?”

  “We’re sending a load to Midland-Odessa for this weekend.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go?
” she asked, thinking she’d heard him mention this rodeo. “Isn’t this the event where you’re planning on debuting Hurricane?” Isabella knew he’d purchased the bull who had cornered him behind a barrel.

  “Something’s come up.” He finished up with his men, waving them on their way. When they were gone, he took Isabella’s hand. “We’re going to have to postpone going to Tebow too.”

  “What’s wrong?” Isabella was beginning to be concerned.

  Bull couldn’t contain his smile. “Luke’s coming. Carol called and offered to let him come visit.”

  “That’s great!” She could see the happiness shining in his face. Isabella ignored the niggle of apprehension she felt. Meeting Luke wasn’t what she dreaded.

  Carol was a different story.

  “Come on, let’s go back to the house. I want to get ready. I want everything to be perfect.” He squeezed her hand. “Luke hasn’t been back here, not since Carol left me almost a year ago.”

  Carol. Carol. Isabella narrowed her eyes. She wished she had a voodoo doll and some straight pins. She dreaded meeting the woman Benedict had once loved enough to marry.

  Isabella wished he would choose to marry her.

  “How long can he stay?”

  “Over the weekend. She’ll pick him up on Sunday.”

  “Good.” Isabella patted his chest. “You’ll get to have a really good visit. Do you know what his favorite food is?” Since she’d been here for the last couple of weeks, they’d restocked Bull’s pantry and freezer.

  “Fried chicken and mashed potatoes or hamburgers and French fries,” was Bull’s answer.

  “Why don’t we plan on both? Should I make a dessert?”

  “Well, we have Oreos.”

  Isabella laughed. “You and your Oreos. How about I make a white cake with cream cheese frosting and sprinkles. Every kid loves sprinkles.”

  His face brightened. “I like them too. I’ll even make Luke a special breakfast this morning.”

  “Good. You two are going to have a blast together.” She hoped they’d let her join in also. “We can go horseback riding and play games. I bet we can even find some Disney movies on Netflix for him.”

  “I’m glad you’re here,” Bull told her. He studied the beautiful woman at his side. Isabella seemed right at home.

  He could get used to this.

  …An hour later, the cake was done and she’d prepped everything else. Now, all she needed to know was when their guest would be arriving. Approaching Bull’s office door, she knocked lightly. When he didn’t answer, she glanced in. The office was empty. Hearing a noise down the hall, she went to check, spotting him in Luke’s room. “Have you heard from Carol?”

  Bull was straightening the bedspread. “Yea, he’ll be here in about a half hour.” He adjusted stuffed toys on the bed, carefully stepping over the green toy soldiers scattered on the floor.

  Nine o’clock. Zero hour.

  Isabella was very aware that Luke wouldn’t be arriving by himself. Carol would be bringing the little boy by.

  Bull hugged her close to him, kissing the top of her head. “I’m nervous,” he confessed.

  “Why? He’s your son.”

  “Yes, he is,” he said slowly. “Come here, I want to tell you something.” He drew her down on the bedspread he’d just straightened.

  Isabella could tell by his voice that this was something important. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, I just want to share something with you.” He picked up a teddy bear and sat it in their laps, where it sat partially on her thigh and partially on his. “Luke is my boy in every way that counts, but I’m not his biological father.”

  Isabella’s heart broke for him. “Oh, Benedict.”

  “I told you she cheated on me. I walked in on them in our bed once. Matt Lawton was my foreman.” Bull shook his head at the memory. He didn’t love Carol anymore, he hadn’t for a long, long time. In fact, he couldn’t even compare what he’d felt on the best day he’d ever had with his ex-wife to any day he shared with Isabella. There was just no comparison. Still, the memory of the betrayal stung like fire. “I’d fired the asshole and Carol and I were on the verge of separating when she discovered she was pregnant. She pretended the baby was mine and I let her.” He shrugged. “I loved him before he was born and I love him now.”

  “I always knew you were a good man, Benedict Redford.” She hugged him tightly. “You just proved my point.”

  Bull hung his head. “When we couldn’t make it together anymore, she threw it in my face that the baby wasn’t mine. She took him away from me and got back together with Lawton. I sued for custody and she proved Luke wasn’t mine with a paternity test.” He set the Teddy Bear down on Luke’s pillow. “I petitioned the first court for visitation rights, but I was denied. Even though I was pushed out of Luke’s life, I started voluntarily paying child support. A few months ago, I petitioned the court to reconsider my position and a kind-hearted judge has given me limited visitation rights. This is the first time our schedules have worked out.”

  “Well, let’s just be thankful she’s cooperating. After you rushed to him in the hospital, I’m sure she realized that she’s done you wrong,” Isabella consoled him. “So, don’t worry. I’m sure little Luke will be over the moon when he sees you. Maybe that will soften Carol’s cold heart and you two can see more of each other.”

  “Oh, you don’t know my ex. She can be…umm…”

  “A bitch?”

  “I’m sure there is a more delicate way to put it, but yes, that about sums it up. Carol is no stranger to throwing a tantrum when she doesn’t like something. And I’m worried she might so something this time. I don’t want to do anything to set her off.”

  “Why would she do such a thing?” She rubbed his back. “You’ve been nothing but accommodating to her.”

  It was true, Bull had bent over backward for his ex-wife. When Aron McCoy found out how much Bull was sending the woman, he’d approached him to discuss it. “I’m not tryin’ to argue with you or step into your business, Bull, but you’re letting that woman take advantage of you,” Aron had said one day as they were standing in Canyon’s blacksmith shop on Tebow Ranch. The men had ridden the circuit together and although not the best of friends, a relationship still existed. “Canyon just mentioned it the other day.”

  “I’d thank you both to stay out of my personal business, McCoy,” Bull had grumbled in response.

  “Oh, come on now, Bull. Don’t be that way. Canyon just cares about you, is all. Hell, he’s your best friend. I could tell he wants to say something to you about it, he just doesn’t want to piss you off.”

  “Something you don’t mind doing, I take it. I ain’t too old and broken down to whoop your ass, McCoy.”

  Bull’s claim had given both men a laugh. “Oh, please Redford. With that hobbly ankle and wonky back of yours, I’d probably be doing you a favor if I just put you down. Seriously, man, like I said, I’m not tryin’ to tell you what to do. I just understand what it’s like to have a rattlesnake for an ex-wife. I get the part about wanting to take care of your boy and see he has the best, but don’t forget, you and his mother broke up for a reason. Don’t let her take advantage of you.”

  “It’s different than it was for you and Sabrina. You didn’t have a kid involved.”

  Aron clapped him on the shoulder and the conversation was over. He’d shown his friend that he cared and more than anything, that was what mattered.

  Isabella gave Bull’s arm a squeeze. “I think I’ll go change clothes.”

  He squeezed her back. “All right. I’ll make breakfast.”

  “Thanks.” She didn’t feel like she wanted any breakfast, her appetite was nonexistent. Isabella was excited to meet Bull’s little boy, but from what she’d learned about Carol, she wasn’t eager to meet his ex-wife.

  The closer it came to time, the more nervous she became. Isabella kept checking her appearance in the mirror of the bathroom. She wanted to loo
k okay, but nothing special. No makeup. Plain jeans and a tee. She was sure Carol would have an issue with her no matter what, so Isabella planned on being as unobtrusive as possible.

  Bull was milling around at the kitchen island when she came down the steps. He looked up and smiled at her. “You look great.” He pulled her to him for a quick kiss.

  Isabella smoothed her hair down, she was just wearing it straight. “I look terrible, but thank you.”

  “I’d fuck you.” He gave her ass a hard slap. “Go sit down.”

  Bull watched her walk. Even without makeup, she was still the most gorgeous woman he’d ever laid his eyes on.

  “What’s for breakfast?”

  She followed him to the kitchen and found the table set for three. Bull came to join her with a glass pitcher in his hand. “This is apple juice. Orange juice is on the way. I’m just squeezing it now.” He placed the pitcher down beside a bottle of milk.

  “Lots of variety.”

  “Luke can be picky about food. I just mixed-up some waffle batter. He loves waffles with fresh strawberries on top and whipped cream.”

  “So, do I.” Isabella licked her lips.

  “I hope you don’t mind if we wait for him to eat.”

  “No, of course not.”

  Bull was all smiles. He’d prepared a little waffle station on the counter. The waffle maker was plugged in with a big unopened bottle of maple syrup beside it. He’d cut up the strawberries and placed them in a glass bowl. Another bowl held fresh raspberries and another was full of cut-up bananas. The cream was fresh whipped and sat like a snow-covered mountain in the middle of all the other options.

  The toaster popped and Bull went to retrieve four slices of bread he’d dropped in. “Here.” He handed her a slice. “Just a little something to tide us over. I’ve got coffee on.”

  She’d been waited on back at Terra Dura, but never like this and never by a man like Bull Redford. Isabella felt like a princess.

  Bull checked his watch and took a deep breath. “They should be here any minute.”


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