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The Boss's Pet: Sharing Among Friends

Page 3

by Kinzer, Tonya

  “Then that means I can probably take advantage of you later, yes?”

  “First, can you please turn this little vibrator off before I totally soak through to my skirt?”

  Nick sniffed the air and she slapped his arm. “You are so bad!”

  “You have to be dripping about now. I could slip right in!” He reached into his pocket and turned her vibrator off.

  She took in a deep breath and released it. “Wow...thank you! I think we need to strap one of these onto you and see how you like it!”

  “Oh, but I don’t smell near as good as you do!”

  Against her fingers, he was as hard as one of her vibrators! She squeezed him. “I’m glad I can excite you.”

  “That’s never been a problem where you’re concerned.” He leaned over and kissed her before putting the car into drive.

  Thinking about the conversation over dinner, Sondra couldn’t help but wonder how these two fit into Nick’s life. Were they just long time friends? They hinted at more than that, leaning toward his type of lifestyle. Rico’s dark eyes also told a different story the few times she was brave enough to look into them for any length of time. Picturing him in a seductive setting and a dim dungeon caused Sondra’s heart to race a bit. Could she perhaps one day allow him to see her naked, tied over the spanking rail? Her cheeks heated just thinking about it and she glanced out the side window so Nick wouldn’t pick up on her thoughts.


  She had to admit that the excitement, along with a few drinks, could be fun, although she’d have to get over the idea of being so shy in front of strangers. Walking around naked in front of Nick was hard for her but total strangers? She thought about it; if Nick forced her to do it, she would have to obey, taking the decision out of her hands. Her safeword could always be used but that was meant for stopping pain, not humiliation. Certainly not to be used just because she was too shy.

  She took another nervous deep breath.

  This lifestyle did, indeed, make for an excitement level in her sex life that she never could have imagined. The experiments Nick had put her through so far hadn’t harmed her and they weren’t so painful she had to refuse them. Keeping an open mind to whatever might happen tonight could lead to more fun if she let go of her inhibitions.

  She had to toss out the idea of being shy in front of others if that’s the path Nick had in mind for them. Trusting him so far had been enjoyable and his new friends did excite her. With the decision made to play along with whatever Nick did, she smiled to herself as they pulled into the driveway, followed close by Rico and Katherine.

  “Nick, you place is gorgeous!” Katherine slipped off her heels and headed to the spacious living room.

  Sondra placed her clutch on the side table, then flipped on the light over the wet bar. “Katherine, can I make you another margarita?” She glanced at Rico to get his choice of drink.

  “I’ll have a whiskey, hon.”

  Nick had gone to get a bucket of ice for them and left her alone with his friend, who didn’t care in the least that he stared down her blouse. “Just admiring your....diamond pendant, nestled between beautiful surroundings. You are a sight to admire, Sondra. Nick is a lucky man.”

  Now her cheeks burned. She wasn’t used to being inspected by another man so closely, whose wife was just as beautiful. Finished with Katherine’s drink, she turned to give it her, but Katherine wasn’t there.

  Laughter came from the kitchen.

  Sondra met Rico’s dark, sexy eyes and felt herself dampen her thong. This was crazy! Her heart raced as she wondered how to entertain this man until Nick came with the ice.

  “I’ll take that for you. She’ll be right back.” His fingers wrapped around hers as he took the glass from her. She couldn’t let go with her fingers beneath his; now what?

  The spicy scent of Obsession was like a drug to her. Did he know that? Did any man realize what cologne did to a woman? Her fingers were still trapped in his hand!

  Rico sniffed the air. “You smell so good. Up close is even better.”

  Did he smell what Nick had smelled? Oh gawd! She prayed he didn’t.

  “You have beautiful, sensuous eyes...and I’m good at reading a woman.”

  Sondra squeezed her inner muscles around the egg nestled inside her. Rico had a dark , exotic, sensual character about him and Sondra could only imagine how good he could tease a restrained woman, taunting her, making her crazy. She wasn’t sure if he was Italian, but there was no mistaking his magnetism!

  She wiggled her fingers free from the glass and tried not to shake while she poured herself another Jack.

  “Here’s the ice, pet. Did you miss me?” Nick had taken off his tie and jacket in the kitchen; he kissed her neck as he caressed her ass right there in front of Rico and Katherine. She would have to get used to that, especially since Rico didn’t seem to miss a move Nick made whenever he touched her!

  Katherine took her drink from Rico. Tonight she’d worn a silky blue spaghetti strap dress that accentuated her figure and displayed a cleavage any man would kill for. “Mmmmm.....great drink, Sondra. Hey, those night lights out there around the pool are calling to me. Shall we? Then we can discuss this dungeon of yours and if it actually exists!”

  Nick dropped ice into his drink as he admired Katherine’s dress, or was it more her cleavage? “Great idea. Head on out. The towels are in the cabinet should you get the urge to use the pool or hot tub. I don’t have extra suits though...”

  Katherine squealed at the thought, took Rico’s hand and pulled him toward the patio. He removed his suit coat and tie, dropping them on the sofa on his way outside.

  Warm lips touched Sondra’s neck from behind and she tipped her head sideways when Nick wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “I love you...and my view from this point,” Nick whispered in her ear as he cupped her breasts, teasing her nipples. “Are you fine with entertaining our friends on the patio...and maybe elsewhere?”

  She reached behind her to feel the hard arousal between his legs. “I guess that would depend on what you mean by entertain?” She turned to kiss Nick before they both headed out.

  “Playing things by ear and seeing what happens is always fun, as long as you’re okay with that. What are your thoughts?”

  “I’ll be your ever-obeying pet this evening, Master, and purr when and where you want me to. Just keep in mind how new I am to this exciting world of yours.”

  “Now that’s what I like to hear!”

  A slap on her ass only made her more excited. She held out her whiskey for ice, Nick filled it and then followed her out to the patio. She loved entertaining and now she had a beautiful space in which to do it. Katherine and Rico sat comfortably in chairs around the stone tiled table waiting for them. She looked ready to take Rico right there on the spot; her sexuality evident in her blue eyes as she watched Nick following behind her. Comfortable in her relationship with Nick, it didn’t bother Sondra to watch the two exchange innuendos all evening at the restaurant. After all, they’d known each other a long time, although Sondra really had no idea what their past was. Not all that familiar with how people interacted in their ‘lifestyle’, Sondra knew she had a lot to learn.

  Suddenly, she nearly stopped in mid-step as her insides began to buzz. Nick laughed behind her, although she hoped their guests had no idea why! He kept the buzz to a lower, more tolerable level and she tried to compose herself. The evening’s talk of sex and too much alcohol didn’t help that her thong was soaked.

  Rico pulled her chair out and she sat down, carefully. Taking a long drink of her Jack, she hoped for a bit more courage while the internal buzz reached out to tease all her nerve endings, prompting her desire for release. Maybe conversation would take her mind off the need taking over her body. “Katherine, have the three of you been friends a long time?”

  Her blue eyes landed on Nick. “We go back a ways, the three of us, so yes, I’ve known these two a long time. I also knew Nick’s ex and I already like you mu
ch better. She was quiet, didn’t like to be around us, not real outgoing, like I’ve already noticed you are. You seem a much better fit for Nick and he’s happier; I can see it.”

  Nick squeezed her hand. “I got lucky the day she applied at my office. The employees love her, business has increased with the clients she’s brought in so I can’t complain. She has a mind of her own and knows what she wants. Luckily, we seem to want the same things and working the same hours somehow causes less stress. I don’t sit around worrying that I should be home because she’s usually down in her own office working.”

  “That has to make life easier and happier,” Rico said. “We work together, too, so we know what you mean. I can tell Sondra works out as much as you do, Nick. Nice benefit!”

  “Yes it is, a gym partner as well as a life partner, I hope.” Nick winked at her with that sexy smile.

  Sondra held Nick’s gaze. “I don’t plan on going anywhere.”

  “I’m trying to talk her into taking a vacation, but she doesn’t want the employees to think we’re taking one together. As soon as she figures out when, she’ll let Gloria know and I’ll put in my notice to head out to Palm Springs.”

  Rico held up his glass in cheer. “We’d love the company! Jake will be thrilled to hear that. Have you let him know yet?”

  Sondra couldn’t help but glance at Nick with a raised eyebrow and Rico touched her arm when he saw that.

  “I don’t think we mentioned we’re from Palm Springs. We own a resort there so I hope you two stay with us when you visit. I’m sure Jake will hold one of his parties to welcome you both to the city! Don’t wait too long. The heat is awful. Then again, you just wear less clothes!” Rico laughed.

  Katherine took a step closer to Nick. “ there a dungeon hidden beneath your house or not? Inquiring minds want to know?’

  “Maybe we should go down there and I’ll let you look around and see for yourself. We can refresh our drinks before head down.”

  The low buzz continued and Sondra squeezed her muscles tight, imagining what would happen next and how long Nick would make her do this. She arched her back and squeezed again when Nick met her gaze.

  “You look like you need me to satisfy an itch, pet...or maybe let Rico scratch it for you!”

  Rico and Katherine were nearly in the door but he still heard Nick’s comment. “I’d be more than willing to scratch whatever itch your pet might have!”

  Chapter Three

  Nick enjoyed this evening entertaining his friends who hadn’t visited in what seemed like forever. Their day had been fun and profitable, to say the least. He set their ice bucket on the bar when they got downstairs.

  Rico walked around admiring the decor. “This is quite the man cave down here, my friend. Nice high ceilings and I have plenty of head space. Kind of nice not having to walk around low ceiling beams. Big screen plasma, overstuffed sofas and recliners, full bar...nice by the way. Look at all that variety stacked up there! Kind of like our women!”

  “On that I’ll have to agree. By the way, I do keep a whip under the bar for when she’s bad, which is more than she’ll let on, being in the company of new friends. I think she enjoys being bad so I can spank her!”

  Katherine leaned close to Sondra. “I love misbehaving and he loves spanking my naked ass!”

  Sondra laughed and Nick watched her sexy blush cover her cheeks. This time it moved down her neck and chest where her deep cleavage drew his attention and made him twitch a bit. Rico seemed to have enjoyed looking, too. He’d watched the entire evening as his friend admired his woman; he was proud of Sondra and glad she seemed to be enjoying her lessons.

  Katherine roamed around, checking things out, peeking in different rooms. “I see a gorgeous guest room, a bathroom, an dungeon to be found, my dear.”

  Rico admired the shelves at one end of the family room. “Katherine, check out these books. He’s got enough here to keep even you reading for years!”

  Nick watched the sway of Katherine’s ass with interest as she walked over to her husband. “ her how that small antique anchor pulls forward on that shelf.”

  Sondra stared at him with huge eyes, as if about to ask a question. “I need to refill my drink if we’re going in there. I don’t know if I’m ready for this,” she whispered, walking past him to the bar.

  “We’ll take it at a pace you’re comfortable with, hon.”

  Taking a long pull from his glass, he watched as Katherine stood in shock while the shelving unit popped open enough for Rico to pull the wheeled door/shelf all the way open. His friend had been a linebacker in college and still looked as though he played the game every day. Nick had no doubt that beneath that white shirt were muscled shoulders and firm abs with arms of steel.

  “You devil, you!” Katherine laughed, a hungry look sparkling in her blue eyes. “No one would ever know this was here! You could keep someone locked in there and they’d never be found...or is that what you do?” She winked at him.

  “Well, it is sound proofed. There’s a light switch just inside on the right.”

  “Now that’s just enough light to scare somebody. You can’t see in here.”

  Nick followed Rico in and stood in the door way as they looked around, then Sondra stood beside him with her drink. “Perhaps you’d like to demonstrate for our friends what that padded saw horse is for? I think that’s your favorite so far!”


  That got Rico’s attention and he spun around to catch Sondra’s reaction. His gaze took in the entire length of her body and Nick guessed he was imagining his pet bent over the horse. “Do you follow orders well? I would have to guess you do with a Master like Nick. He’s not real forgiving or so he’s known among the other Masters.”

  “Other Masters?” She raised a brow at her own Master.

  Sondra blushed a brighter shade of pink as she met Rico’s gaze, then looked at him, and Nick enjoyed every minute of her shyness. He felt bad that so much information might come at her tonight. For the past two weeks, he’d tried to break her in with as much information as he could; he just didn’t tell her everything about his past within the lifestyle.

  Rico stepped close to Sondra and placed a knuckle beneath her chin to bring her face up; his dark eyes studied as well as admired her. “I’d be real gentle in your training, I promise, pet. Perhaps one day I’ll get the chance.”

  He kissed her nose and stepped toward Katherine who was curiously examining the St. Andrew’s Cross. Katherine turned her back to it and held her hands above her head in the assumed position while spreading her feet apart where they belonged. She then stepped up onto the raised foot blocks and teasingly winked at Rico.

  To her surprise, and quicker than she could anticipate, he buckled both her wrists tight as Nick watched them play. Memories flooded his mind of the times they’d all spent at parties, taking turns with the subs and his shaft went rigid watching Katherine being strapped in.

  Rico bent down to buckle her ankles into place. “There, how’s that for curiosity, my nosy little sub?”

  Adding more fun to the excitement, Nick offered his help. “If you look in that cupboard on your right, you’ll have a choice of ball gags for her before she gets noisy.”

  Without hesitation, Rico admired the gags, then took one out and dangled it before his submissive, rubbing it beneath her chin.

  “You don’t really think I’ll let you put that on me, do you?” Katherine said, taunting him.

  Rico reached beneath her dress and between her legs to stroke and tease her, gaining a squeal, at which point he quickly got the red ball gag inserted and buckled that, too. Satisfied, he stood back to admire his handy work then turned towards Nick. “Please have a seat while I entertain you both. My subbie will have no choice in the matter, but I think she volunteered for this.”

  Nick led Sondra over to the sofa where they could be comfortable to watch. “Are you okay with this? Not that I’d let you leave...look at this
as one more step in your training. If you attempt to leave, I’ll be force to put you over my knee and bare your ass for Rico. Is that understood, pet?”

  Pretending shyness, he was sure, Sondra agreed and sat back. He knew her well enough that if she definitely didn’t want to be there, she would have left. Intently, she watched and learned. The dim light in the dungeon set the erotic scene around them which is why he wired the switch to only a few choice lights. There were other floor lamps around the room that provided more intense light should it be needed.

  Unbuttoning his shirt, Rico slowly took it off as he watched Katherine’s face, her hungry gaze taking in every inch of her husband’s chest and strong arms. Tossing it over the padded horse, he stood before her and flexed the muscles in his arms and broad shoulders. Her fingers flexed and her wrists tugged within the cuffs; she whined as he reached for one cuff, unbuckled it, then proceeded to pull the strap of her dress down her arm and pull her arm free of the dress. Re-buckling her wrist, he was now able to slowly pull the dress down to expose both her full, rounded breasts and Rico stroked himself, making her watch.

  “You love it when I show you to a new Dom, don’t you, subbie?”

  Katherine shook her head in agreement yet didn’t take her eyes off her Master. He reached into the cupboard again to pull out a blindfold and she panicked, shaking her head, but he was able to cover her eyes with it. Testing her, Rico stood silent and made her stand there with her breasts exposed to an audience; then he caressed them, held the weight of them in his hands while he tongue teased each hard nipple. Katherine tipped her head back against the cross and moaned with agonizing pleasure.

  Nick glanced at Sondra, who sat watching the scene unfold without so much as a blink. He turned up the speed a notch on her vibrator. She took a quick breath and looked at him; the need in her eyes nearly engulfed him...she was beautiful when she was this close to cumming. “I love it when your fires burn this hot inside you. Separate your knees, pet, I don’t want them touching. I know you, you’ll squeeze them together to satisfy that need I see. Squirm if you have to but don’t you touch yourself; just enjoy the show for right now.”


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