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Alicia's Misfortune

Page 31

by S. Silver

  She was also heart sick that she had married under a false pretense. Her poor new husband was none the wiser. He had married the wrong sister. The only sister. But not the sister he contracted to marry. She would make it up to her handsome new husband by being the best, most dutiful and loving wife ever.

  Once again the powerful hands on her waist swung her into the buggy. Lifted her like she was a broom he put away. Charlie snapped the reigns before wrapping his giant arm around her, encouraging her lean on him as he drove off. It wasn’t a very long ride but it was just long enough to make her feel tortured. The blisters from the long ride were unbearable.

  She tried not to make complaining faces but the pain from some of the bumps and grinds were impossible to mask. He caught on to her discomfort.

  “Almost there,” he assured her.

  There. It was not the cowboy shanty she expected to have to simply tolerate. From what she gathered after reading Charlie’s letters she expected the house she would come to live in to be a dusty dirty rough structure with dirt floors and glassless windows. It was what she envisioned. She was willing to set her relatively comfortable life in Wichita for that notion if it meant keeping the dreams and memory of her sister alive.

  But as the road arched up the hill, now lined with equestrian and cattle fences, she spied a beautiful home at the end of a long drive. Set off to the side of it were other neatly built structures. A massive barn. What looked to be a storehouse and what looked like a small house where she guessed the cowboys lived. This must be where she and her new husband would make their home.

  But the buggy moved past the little cluster of structures and the barn on to the main house. Hailey was confused but she assumed he knew what he was doing. She just followed his lead. He lifted her off the buggy. She assumed that while she was married and still lithe, he would be doing that. She would have to eventually do it for herself or lose the ability to.

  An older man and a woman came out of the house and greeted them. They began unloaded the buggy.

  “Evening Mr. Halverson,” said the older man.

  “Evening Hale,” said Charlie.

  “You’re a married man then sir?” asked Hale.

  “I am indeed. This is Mrs. Halverson, Hale and Willa. This is Hailey. Hailey these are two of the finest people you’ll meet just about anywhere,” said Charlie.

  “Thank you sir. Please to meet you missus,” said Hale. Willa just smiled.

  When the house servants carried their bags into the house ahead of them, Hailey grabbed Charlie’s arm. His eyes were smoky as they glanced her grip on him.

  “They called you ‘sir’,” she said confusedly.

  “Yes. They work for me,” he explained softly.

  “But you’re a cowboy,” said Hailey.

  He tilted his head. “Yes, I am. I’m a cattleman. A rancher. This is my ranch. Well, our ranch.”

  Hailey was stunned. She paused, trying to sort it all out.

  “Do you mean to say you didn’t understand that when you agreed to marry me?” he asked.

  “No I didn’t,” she replied. A sudden unexplainable surge of emotion pushed against the back of her eyes.

  He cupped the back of her neck and kissed her on top of her head.

  “There there. It will be alright,” he assured her.

  Hale and Willa appeared again, the buggy now completely empty.

  “Wasn’t quite sure if the wedding was on or not,” said Hale.

  “Apparently it is on,” remarked Charlie.

  Hailey had no idea what that meant. Maybe it was why Charlie was late in picking her up.

  “Hailey,” said Charlie, “Why don’t you go on with Willa there. She has some food and a bath all ready for you.”

  “A bath?” said Hailey with surprise.

  “Yes,” said Charlie with a wink. “We have those here in Dodge too.”

  Chapter Five

  They also had indoor plumbing in Dodge. Well at least Charlie’s house – their house – did. Hailey already felt positively spoiled. She walked through the house behind the older woman, up a grand and winding staircase. It was actually almost too much for her to climb the stairs, Hailey was that worn out.

  Willa helped her remove her travel-soiled clothes. Hailey stepped into the full bathtub. As she crouched into the water, the blisters smarted. She hissed with pain.

  “What’s the matter?” asked Willa.

  “I think I have sores from coach,” she replied. “In fact I know I do.”

  Willa handed her a plate with a biscuit and crispy side bacon. Hailey ate in the bath. Willa disappeared and returned with a jar of goo. She set it aside. She pulled the pins from Hailey’s hair and released the front sections piled atop her head.

  She took her plate and set it aside, then poured pitcher after pitcher of warm water over her, soaking her tresses. She lathered her up with lavender shampoo.

  Willa massaged her head. Hailey was paralyzed with the relaxing pins and needles feeling she got whenever anyone played with her hair. It was one of the most soothing sensations she had ever experienced. She needed it after her journey.

  She nodded off in the bathtub. Willa nudged her, then pulled the plug. The water glugged loudly as it drained. Hailey carefully climbed out of the tub and walked right into a rich terry cloth that Willa held out for her.

  Willa guided her out into the bedroom, to sit at a vanity. Willa toweled and brushed her hair for her. She made Hailey stand, letting the towel drop and she dabbed each her blisters with the goo. They felt so much better. Willa battered her gently with a powder puff and helped into a nightgown laid out for her. She explained it was a present from Charlie.

  Willa was about to slip on a pair of satin slippers when Charlie knocked at the door. Willa scurried from the room. Hailey was seized with nervousness. She had carefully planned the entire trip and to go through with the marriage but now that she was alone with her new husband she realized what was to come next. And she had no idea what to do now. She clutched the vanity seat.

  “Easy,” he laughed softly.

  He crouched so that he could be face to face with her.

  “Listen,” he said. He picked a damp strand of her hair and twirled it in his finger. “I know this is our wedding night and all but you have to be plum worn out.”

  He took her by the hand and led her to bed. He drew down the corner of the bedding. He scooped her up and laid her down, drawing the covers back up around.

  “Get some rest and we’ll work on a honeymoon tomorrow night,” he hovered over her before kissing her lightly on the lips.

  Chapter Six

  The touch of Charlie’s lips to hers transformed her. She had feelings that were so powerful. His touch gave her acute insight as to what to do on a wedding night for her body screamed for his. She slept a deep fast sleep but then woke up tossing and turning. Her mind was filled with images of his handsome face. Her body filled with need for him.

  Hailey rose from her bed. Her room lit just enough from the moon streaming in through the window. She opened her door and felt the walls of the pitch-black hallway. She was going to find him.

  The hallway opened up to a stairway that wound round to the living room that was lit by the moon with several windows on each wall. Through the window she could see a shadowy figure. The outline of a man. Charlie.

  Hailey pushed out onto the porch though Charlie heard her before he saw her. He faced her as she stepped out onto the porch. He was smoking a cherry scented cigar and drinking a glass of whiskey. He smiled at her.

  “What are you doing up?” he asked.

  “I have the same question for you? Didn’t you sleep?” she asked.

  “No, I have not been to bed yet. It is a bit unusual for me,” he said.

  He took one more hit off of his cigar before he doused it. He took the last sip of his whiskey before he set it down. He rose. He was so wonderfully tall. He was broad-framed. His hair brushed his face in sweet bending waves. His eyes were cl
ear blue. His lips were rosy and full and just the slight wash of a smile curl his mouth.

  He was closing in on her. He took her face in his hands. She was already looking up to him, waiting for him. She tiptoed to reach her mouth to his. His tongue swept her mouth and she started. But he didn’t stop.

  He penetrated her mouth tasting the insides of her cheek, the roof of her mouth. He trailed the tip of his tongue with maddening slowness. Hailey trembled as she stood and took it. She lightly braced her hands on his, steading herself as she gave her mouth over to his.

  His traced the length of her neck with the lightest pressure of his fingertips. Trails of tingles traveled from his touch to her very core. They spread throughout her body. Her nipples were hard and they pressed against the chaste neckline of her nightgown.

  He found them. In the dusk, his fingers went right to them. He grazed their tips with his thumb. She was shocked. But then she was thrilled. She had no idea that people did such things.

  His kissing took on a new fierceness. He was no longer soft or slow. He pert near mauled her. His hands traveled down her back and cupped her buttocks. His powerful palm stroked behind her thigh and encouraged it upward. He gripped behind her knee that was as high as it could go.

  With a single move he had the other knee in his grip and she was up, straddling him standing up. Her hands instinctively wrapped around his massive shoulders. They were kissing endlessly. Her nightly rose up, exposing her thighs. His hands were on her skin.

  With her on him, he walked her into the house. She was too aroused to be nervous or to give thought to what was to happen next. She was too immersed in pure passion. It was a new wonder for her. She had never experienced anything like it.

  He climbed the winding staircase, with her wrapped around his torso, with ease. He could kiss and walk at the same time. Finally she could tell by his footfall that he had reached the second floor. He lightly kicked the door.

  She had expected him to take them to the bedroom where she had just awakened. It was grand bedroom. But it was not half as grand as the one he took her took. This was sweeping and elegantly appointed, not that other one was shabby. He laid her down on a bed that had draped canopy. Her body felt as though she were sinking in a cloud.

  Charlie stood up straight. He unbuttoned his shirt. Hailey sat up with alarm.

  “What are you doing?” she asked with a delicate fright.

  Charlie bent over her, swept his fingers in her hair.

  “It will be fine, sweetheart,” he whispered.

  She looked into his eyes and her fear was grounded. She was not so afraid at all. He was about the most handsome husband she could have wished for. Somehow the way he looked and the way he made her feel when he touched her did much to cure any nervousness.

  Charlie slid his shirt from his magnificent body. His muscles were hard and defined. He rippled with definition, no doubt cut from all of the work he did. His shoulders were broad and his waist was tapered. He was so big and tall and wonderfully made that she was just not afraid.

  He gently pressed her back so she lay flat against the mattress. His hands found the hem of her nightgown. They trailed searing heat as he slid them up her naked thigh. When he got so far, her hand found his and she slowed him down. She would not allow his hand to go any higher

  “No?” he asked in a gentle flirtatious voice.

  He kissed her. It was her undoing. She melted from the inside out, her innards hot and wet as he swirled his tongue in her mouth. In this way he created a delicious distraction. The hem of her nightgown was up to her waist. A jolt of shock and thrill rushed her when that happened. She gasped against his lips.

  Charlie was smooth. He worked his pants off and felt her at the same time. The only thing Hailey was sure to do herself was the kissing part. She returned his kiss in her own clumsy passionate was. The widowed Hailey had such experiences to be sure; but this was an imposter Hailey. A younger maiden sister playing Hailey and as such she had never had such contact with a man.

  She didn’t mind it one bit though it was daunting. The fact that she was married gave her a certain fearlessness. Until she spied from her lowered lids that he was naked. His body was spectacular from head to toe but he had a raging hardness that she knew he meant to put into her body and she recoiled.

  Charlie took firm but gentle hold of her hips so that she could not scoot too far away from him. He now lay beside her and stroked her patiently. His kisses now moved. They trailed to the very sensitive line of her jaw, to just below her ear. A surge of powerful pleasure gripped and caused her to clutch at her core. A ragged cry tore from deep within her. She liked it when he kissed that spot a lot.

  “You don’t have to be nervous,” he whispered as he stroked her. “I am your husband. You are so safe with me.”

  Chapter Seven

  As his kisses went one way, his hands went another. They were lying face-to-face, side-by-side. His mouth potently pleasured the base of her neck, swelling her with arousal. His hands and his thighs worked to part her legs and to keep them open.

  His fingers found her center. His own touch was slick at the opening of her body. Nervousness and heat chorded within her and spread through her belly. She trembled against her lips but she was so excited, so filled with the intoxicating effects of his touch that she relented.

  He rose above her, brushed her hair with his hand, gazing into her eyes. She thought he was going to kiss her but he descended. He pushed back on his hands, placing his face where his fingers had been. He gripped her hips as he put his mouth on her.

  Hailey had some information from her sister about what went on between a man and a woman on their wedding night but this part was not in their frank conversation. According to her sister, this was the necessary part of being married. It wasn’t pleasant but it didn’t last long. That’s what she was told. Hailey wondered when the unpleasant part happened.

  Charlie’s tongue plunged into her. The opening of her body was filled with heat that flushed throughout her. She knew what he was doing to her was completely wicked but it was utterly irresistible. He pinched up the top of her sex, isolating it, batting it with the tip of his tongue. He showed her no mercy, unceasingly inflicting incredibly pleasure.

  She felt her chest tighten. The pleasure consumed her. It set her whole belly on fire. The strange and wonderful feeling bathed every part of her. Instinctively, her hips rocked up against his lips, searching and seeking more.

  Charlie slipped a finger inside of her. He stroked the walls of her sensitized channel, pressing every spot that sent her tumbling into deeper ecstasy. Hailey could hardly think. She writhed and pumped, completely possessed by passion. She wavered in and out of reality, floating on a cloud of unbelievable sensations and back to the reality of her handsome powerful husband with his shoulders underneath her knees.

  Finally he laid her knees to either side of him so that they were wide. She was vulnerable the center of her in his plain view. She was drenched with her body fluid and his. She was drunk with arousal.

  He was now up above her, his fine body filling her vision. He was a spectacular looking man. His touch, his beauty, his gentleness. Hailey was infatuated with her new husband. Her eyes were glued to his face, mesmerized by it. His hands were between them, levering the tip of hardness to the center of her body.

  She felt the tip of him go inside of her. Her sister had described pain. So far she had experienced none. Charlie put his soft hot mouth on hers, plundering inside of her, sweeping ever surface, owning her. He slipped his arm beneath her lower back. With a single thrust he pushed into her.

  Hailey cried out. She arched against him, blinking as the jab of pain smarted. They both were still. Charlie took her jaw in his fingers and he looked her straight in the eye. His eyes were almost scolding as he studied her. He kissed her again, taking her lower lip between his teeth sometimes and gently nibbled.

  Finally, he moved. He pressed his thumb at the apex of her legs, working that spot vig
orously. Her pleasure escalated almost unbearably. Hailey gripped his shoulders for dear life as he worked her and stroked her at the same time.

  Charlie was feverish, his wrist ministering her back and forth rapidly, while he pumped into her with wickedly slow movement. Hailey’s core coiled up. The pressure building and building. She was certain she would burst but he kept on. He clamped his lips at the sensitive base of neck, flicking the dip there with his tongue. She exploded.

  Spasms gripped her, clutching his hardness sending more pleasure throughout her. She was drenched with deliciousness. Her body exploded with unspeakable sweetness, every muscle of her belly rippling with it. Her thighs shook as he now took hold of her buttocks and drove into her.

  His hardness and his rhythm triggered more incredible sensation, seemed to cause the effect of the spasms to increase. It was nothing short of rapture. He moaned. It was like a lone sad wind that blew from him while her cries were shrill. Squeals.

  Hailey’s body pulsed with the glow of their union. She crumpled helplessly under him, in a state of complete bliss. He moved to the side of her, collapsed in the same state. He stroked her for the longest time until he withdrew from her. Physically and emotionally.

  As soon as their pleasure moved on, Charlie made sure that she was nicely tucked in before rolling over and going to sleep. Hailey lay in the dark wondering if his going to sleep was customary on a wedding night. Her body was sore from travel and from their loving. She felt sort of empty. She felt sort of hurt.

  Chapter Eight

  When Hailey awoke, Charlie was not beside her. She expected as much for she slept well after sun up. She found the bathroom and washed up. Her body was fairly tender. She put on a fresh dress and apron and made her way down to the kitchen.

  “Good morning Mrs. Halverson,” said Willa.

  “Good morning Willa. Is Mr. Halverson about?” she asked.


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