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Alicia's Misfortune

Page 40

by S. Silver

  Ensuring that he left the laptop exactly the way that he had found it, Colby slipped out of Wyatt’s office. As he headed back to his own office, Colby glanced at the picture he had taken of Ruth’s profile. Beside her picture was a list of her basic information:

  Age: 25

  Build: Curvy

  Smoker: No

  Drinker: No

  But underneath all of that was her little blurb. As Colby slipped in to his office he shut the door behind him and sat down to read it.

  My name is Ruth and I’m looking to lasso myself a real life cowboy – preferably the tall, dark and handsome type. I enjoy outdoor activities and have a passion for the country air. You can probably tell from my username that I can be a bit of a wild spark, but I always bring the fun to the party!

  Colby read over it twice, a huge grin plastered across his face. He had to know more about her. With no other contact information listed for her on her profile however, the only option he had was to find her on the website in the picture.

  As Colby set up his profile on “Country Hearts” using his laptop, he wondered why Wyatt had had Ruth’s picture pulled up. She definitely wasn’t his type of girl. While Colby wasn’t exactly sure what Wyatt’s type of girl was, he did know that he had never seen him with a chubbier girl. Perhaps, he rationalized, she had sent him a message and Wyatt had clicked her profile to find out who she was. There was no way that she was Wyatt’s type.

  Once his profile was set up, Colby typed in the URL from the picture and was redirected to Ruth’s profile page. He clicked on the small winking icon and then the email icon.

  Ruth, I ran across your profile and I have to tell you that while I’ve never been with a larger woman before, you are incredibly gorgeous. Would you be interested in hooking up some time? Colby

  P.S. Call me (406) 555 – 5989

  Colby sat staring at the picture of Ruth in her red plaid shirt. The way she smiled out from the screen made him automatically smile right back at her. As he stared at her, he wondered what it would be like to be with a chubby woman. Sure, he’d been with his fair share of women, but they had all been the slender built women that he seemed to attract. Never in his life had a larger woman approached him for a date. Now that he was staring at one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, he couldn’t help but feel as though he’d been missing out. As he thought about the potential of hooking up with Ruth, Colby could feel his body responding. Just as he was about to do something to release the tension that he had built up however, his cell phone rang. The 307 area code wasn’t one that he recognized and for a moment he considered not answering in case it was another vendor in search of their payment.

  “Hello?” He answered as soon as he remembered that he had given Ruth his number.

  “Hello?” The woman on the other end of the phone had a soft voice and a definitive drawl. “Is this Colby?” Colby found himself smiling.

  “Yes, this is me.” He heard her giggle.

  “Hi Colby, this is Ruth…you emailed me on Country Hearts?” Colby spun his chair around, turning his back to the office door.

  “You’re a fast mover!” Colby chuckled.

  “Well, like my profile says – I can be a bit of a wild spark!” Colby licked his lips and leaned back in his chair.

  “Is that so? Well, wild spark, how would you like to come pay me a visit and show me just how wild you can be?” Ruth giggled again.

  “Are you in Montana?” She asked.

  “Yup, Bigfork, Montana.” There was a pause.

  “That’s strange.” She said quietly.

  “What’s that?” Colby asked.

  “Oh, nothing. I’m actually headed in to Evergreen tomorrow for a work thing.” She left the suggestion open.

  “That’s not that far from here…how about you give ol’ Colby a call when you’re ready to get out of that ‘work thing’ and I’ll come meet you there?”

  “That sounds like a great plan.” Ruth said, an obvious smile in her voice. “I should be finished around 3, but I’ll see if I can’t get out of there sooner.”

  “Then I’ll see you then.”

  Chapter 3

  Wyatt had just finished helping the ranch hand unload the hay delivery for the horses when his cell phone rang. Wiping his sleeve across his sweaty brow he nodded at the ranch hand and walked around to the side of the stable.


  “Hello?” The female voice was soft and Wyatt couldn’t help but smile when he heard her. “Is this Wyatt?” She asked.

  “Yes, ma’am, this is Wyatt. Is this Ruth?” He asked hopefully. She giggled.

  “Yes, sir, this is Ruth.” Wyatt leaned up against the side of the stable.

  “I’m glad you called me.”

  “Well, I couldn’t resist a real live cowboy!” She giggled again and Wyatt laughed quietly.

  “I don’t know that I’d call myself a real live cowboy…I’m more of a rancher.”

  “Hmmm, well in my mind you’re a cowboy.” Wyatt sat down on a bale of hay.

  “You said you were coming to Montana tomorrow?” He asked.

  “Uh huh. I have a work thing in Evergreen but it should be over by late afternoon.” Ruth didn’t give him a time, she wanted to make sure that she had enough time to meet with Colby as well.

  “Well, you wanna give me a call when you’re through? I can come get you?” Ruth contemplated this for a second.

  “How about I’ll give you a call when I’m through and then I’ll come to you. I’m kind of curious to see where my cowboy lives.” Wyatt laughed and shook his head.

  “Sure, that’ll work. There isn’t much to see once it gets dark though.” Ruth smiled broadly.

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure that I can think of something to look at.” Wyatt smirked, Ruth was going to be a handful in more than one way.

  “Well then, that sounds mighty fine.” Ruth bit down on her lip. She hated to take advantage of a guy like Wyatt, he sounded so nice. She couldn’t help herself though, she had a hankering for a cowboy of her own and setting up dates with Colby and Wyatt meant twice the chance of finding the right one. She had always wanted to be a cowboy’s wife.

  “Will you do me a favor, Wyatt?”

  “What’s that?” He asked as he looked out over the pasture.

  “Would you wear a cowboy hat?” Wyatt laughed.

  “Sure thing.”

  After he hung up the phone, Wyatt sat on the bale of hay staring out over the pasture for a while longer. He couldn’t help thinking about the way that Ruth had said ‘my cowboy.’ She certainly seemed to know what she wanted and Wyatt hoped that he could be it. With as fast as things had moved though, he felt himself getting a little anxious that it would all end up fizzling out in no time. The more he thought about Ruth, the more he didn’t want things to fizzle out, he could see himself next to a pretty girl like that for the rest of his life.

  “Hey, there you are!” Colby rounded the corner of the stable. “I’ve been lookin’ all over the place for you!” Wyatt stood up.

  “What is it?” He asked. Colby shook his head innocently.

  “Nothin’. Just wanted to let you know that Hank’s wife agreed to do the accounts. We’re gonna bring her on part time.” Wyatt felt a weight lift off his shoulders.

  “Is it gonna cost us a fortune?” Colby shook his head.

  “Nope. I do, however, have to take her to the next cattle auction as my date…” Wyatt laughed.

  “Oh geez, what about Hank? What did he have to say about that?” Colby shrugged.

  “I didn’t ask him. He’s not my husband.” Wyatt didn’t know how Colby could get away with half of the things that he did without ending up being shot behind a barn somewhere.

  “When does she start?” Colby hadn’t actually asked her when she could start.

  “Umm, probably Monday but I’ll call and check on Friday. Right now I need to head in to town and pick up a new shirt, I got me a date tomorrow!” Wyatt shook his head.

  “When don’t you have a date? What’s so special about this one that you need a new shirt anyway?” Colby shrugged.

  “Just tryin’ to look my best! Speakin’ of my date, I’m gonna have to leave early tomorrow but I’ll make sure Luke covers anythin’ I don’t get done.” Luke, one of the ranch’s farmhands had drawn the short straw when he went to work at the Bolton Brothers Ranch. He had quickly become Colby’s favorite lackey and that left him with twice as much work to do as the other ranch hands, but at the same pay.

  “You oughtta give that boy a raise the amount of work you make him pick up for you.” Colby nodded.

  “I know, he’s a good kid. I’ll make sure he gets paid for the time he puts in.” Wyatt nodded.

  “Alright. Any idea how long you’ll be out? I have a friend comin’ to visit tomorrow and I’d like to know if you’re going to come back while they’re here.” Suddenly Colby was much more interested in his brother than himself.

  “Oh really? Would this happen to be a female friend?” Colby wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Wyatt rolled his eyes.

  “It’s none of your business who it is.” Colby squinted at him.

  “I bet it’s a girl. Boy, my big brother finally done got him a girl!” Wyatt glared at him.

  “You gonna be comin’ home or not?” He was getting angry and Colby knew that it was time to stop pushing.

  “I’ll try to stay out late, if I get back early I’ll just head to my room.” Wyatt nodded in appreciation.

  “That’d be greatly appreciated.”

  Chapter 4

  Colby knew the road to Evergreen like the back of his hand. He’d driven it plenty of times before to head up to Collet Lake. He couldn’t imagine what kind of business Ruth had in the tiny town, but he imagined he would find out later in the afternoon.

  Ruth had called at 12:30. She had slipped out of her last meeting and asked Colby to pick her up outside the small hotel where she was staying. When she’d said hotel, Colby had imagined one of the larger chains, but when he pulled up at the address she’d given him, it looked more like a bed and breakfast. When he didn’t see Ruth waiting outside, he pulled in to the side parking lot and went inside.

  “Hello! Welcome, how can I assist you today?” A smaller elderly woman with snow white hair sat behind the front desk, a portable TV in the corner playing Golden Girls reruns.

  “Hi, I…umm…” Colby realized that he didn’t know Ruth’s last name and this posed something of a problem. “I’m here to meet a business colleague, a very pretty girl, goes by the name of Ruth.” The little old lady looked at him as if she were trying to figure out his intentions before looking at her registration book.

  “Yup, I have a Ruth stayin’ here. I can’t give you her room number, but I can give her a call if you like?” Just as Colby was about to say yes, he heard a familiar voice come from behind him.

  “I’m so sorry, I’m runnin’ late!” Colby turned around and saw Ruth grinning at him. Reaching up he tipped his hat. Ruth felt a red glow covering her cheeks, she had never seen such a good looking man in a cowboy hat before.

  “Not a problem, gorgeous.” Colby turned back to the little old lady and tipped his hat to her as well. “And thank you ma’am for being so helpful.” The lady giggled as if she were a schoolgirl and then turned back to her TV.

  “Come with me?” Ruth asked as she began towards the stairs. She didn’t give Colby a chance to answer as she began heading up to the second floor. “I still have a few things to finish up before we go anywhere, I’m sorry. My boss caught on that I left the meeting early and now I have to send him a report on what we covered. I’ve almost finished it.” Ruth spoke breathlessly as she climbed the stairs.

  “Sure.” Colby said as he followed her. “I’m in no rush.” He watched her as they got to the top of the staircase and she began walking ahead of him down the small hallway. Her plump round buttocks swayed as she walked and Coby couldn’t take his eyes off them.

  “You know, if you’re gonna stare you should at least try to be sneaky about it.” Ruth looked back at him with a wink. Colby laughed.

  “I’m not hidin’ anything. You have curves like I’ve never seen before and I can’t take my eyes off them.” He licked his lips deliberately and Ruth grinned.

  “Come on you lecherous cowboy, this is my room.” She pulled out a keycard and opened the door, disappearing inside and holding the door for Colby to follow.

  The room was quite a bit larger than Colby had expected it to be and it was decorated like a guest room in a real house. Despite there being an armchair in one corner of the room, Colby flopped down on the queen sized bed. Ruth pouted.

  “Urgh, I wish I didn’t have to write this stupid thing!” She pulled out the chair at the desk and sat down in front of her laptop. “I should be able to finish it in about fifteen minutes though.”

  As Ruth brought the screen of her laptop to life, Colby stared at the cascade of brown curls that fell down her back.

  “You sure are pretty.” He said as he watched her typing. She laughed quietly.

  “Thank you. You’re not bad yourself.” Colby kicked off his boots and they landed on the floor with a thud. Ruth turned around quickly and then turned back to her laptop. “Comfy?” She said.

  “I could be better.” Colby responded.

  “Oh?” By now Ruth had lost all train of thought and had stopped typing.

  “Mmm hmm, I’d be much better with a beautiful woman on top of me.” Ruth turned around to find Colby grinning.

  “Honey, I don’t think you’d appreciate all of me sittin’ on all of you.” Colby licked his lips hungrily.

  “I beg to differ…” Ruth could feel her heart beginning to race. “Wanna see somethin’?” Colby said as he eyed her from the bed. Ruth looked back at her laptop screen and then back at Colby.

  “Sure…” She wasn’t sure what Colby could possibly show her but she was intrigued.

  “Alright…close your eyes, I want it to be a surprise.” Ruth looked at him with a look of uncertainty before she got up, turned her chair around and sat back down closing her eyes.

  “Okay, ready.” Her voice shook in excitement as she squeezed her eye shut. She could hear movement and some other noises and then she heard Colby’s voice again.

  “Alright, you can open your eyes.” Ruth opened her eyes hesitantly. When they were fully opened she couldn’t believe her eyes. There, laying on the bed with his shirt open and his throbbing bare cock in his hand, was Colby.

  “Oh…wow…” Ruth stood up and walked to the side of the bed. Her eyes glistened at the sight of Colby’s big cock and she perched on the edge of the bed.

  “You wanna touch it?” Colby asked as he smiled at her mischievously. Ruth nodded her head. Reaching out she wrapped her thick fingers around his cock shaft. She could feel the bulging veins and the pulsing desire as she squeezed her hand around him. Colby watched her as she leaned down slowly with her lips parted.

  Chapter 5

  Ruth slid the tip of Colby’s massive cock between her lips. She could taste the sweet tang of his pre-cum as she closed her lips around his cock head.

  “Mmm mmm!” Colby exclaimed as Ruth slid her lips further down his cock shaft. Reaching forward he brushed her long curled hair with his hand, his eyes fixated on her swallowing his cock. “That’s right…just like that.” His chest rose and fell as Ruth forced his cock further down her throat. Colby watched in amazement as she didn’t even gag, not even when she forced his cock so far down her throat that he could feel her tightening around him. “Ohh yeah, baby…” He stroked her hair gently.

  Ruth let the tip of Colby’s big cock slip from her lips as she held him in her hand.

  “Does that feel good?” She asked in a sultry voice. Colby nodded.

  “Do you know what would feel better?” Ruth waited for the answer. “You, riding my cock with your chubby pussy.” Ruth gasped in excitement. “Would you do that for me?” Colby asked. She nodded a
nd stood up beside the bed. As she began to strip, Colby reached down and slid out of his blue jeans and boxers. When he lifted his eyes back to Ruth he was greeted with her enormous breasts with big round pink nipples. “Mmmm…” He moaned as she bent down to slip out of her slacks. As she leaned over, her massive tits dropped and hung pendulously. Colby reached over and pinched one of her nipples with a smile.

  “Ah!” Ruth half moaned and half squealed. Colby lay back and his eyes wide, he waited for Ruth to straddle him. “Do you want this?” Ruth asked with a smile as she stood up. Colby stared at every juicy curve of her body and nodded. “Are you sure?” She asked as she ran her fingers over the soft nest of pubic hair between her legs. Colby nodded again. “You want this?” Ruth teased as she slipped her fingers between her pussy lips and began to rub herself softly.

  “Oh God, yes!” Colby could feel his cock throbbing at the thought of Ruth riding him. Ruth slid her fingers from between her pussy lips and brought them to Colby’s lips. Opening his mouth, he sucked her fingers hungrily. “Mmm!” Ruth pulled her fingers from his lips and as gracefully as she could she climbed on to the bed. Colby watched as her big tits once again hung heavily. He wanted to bury himself between them.

  Ruth put one leg over Colby’s muscular thighs and slowly she leaned back all of her weight on to him. The feeling of her naked pussy rubbing against his bare skin made Colby throb even harder. He curled his finger towards himself, beckoning Ruth to slide up towards him. She did as he asked and found herself straddling his cock. His thickness sat between her pussy lips and his tip poked out from between them. Ruth smiled at Colby before she started to rock herself forward and back, her wetness lubricating his length.

  “Oh God!” Colby cried out as he felt her massaging every inch of his length with her slick opening. “Oh God, I need to be inside you!” He was almost begging, he had never begged for sex in his entire life. This was different though, this was the most incredible feeling he had ever felt. Her weight was driving her pussy down on top of his shaft and the wetness of her pussy was creating such perfect friction.


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