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Alicia's Misfortune

Page 43

by S. Silver

  She lit candles in the room, stripped down naked and drew herself a bath. She was exhausted but knew it now, she would not be sleeping well that night. She laid down in the bath tub and let the warm water cradle her.

  She had carried a candle into the bathroom and focused on its flickering flame. At some point she did manage to fall asleep. She awoke the second time that evening. Richie was blowing out the candle. It had burned down to just the wick and the last bit of wax.

  “Hey,” he said, not apparently reacting to the fact she was buck naked, “time to go bed.”

  He went into the bedroom. She heard him pull back the bedcovers. He reappeared and released the tub water. He helped to her feet and wrapped her with the towel. He lifted her and carried her into the bedroom.

  She didn’t let him know of her aversion to the bed. She let him tuck her in. He sweetly drew the covers up around her. He rubbed her back as she played possum, trying to drift off. The trick worked. She managed to string together a couple of hours of solid sleep and in the master bed even.

  He had removed the towel once he placed her in the bed, so she slept nude against the soft sheets. It was so luxurious. She stretched and rolled and knocked up against him. A jolt of surprise threw open her eyes. Richie had fallen asleep next to her. He slept on top of the comforter but pulled the edge of the blanket on his side, up and over him.

  Danielle spied the towel draped over the chair adjacent to the bed. She snagged it to wrap herself up in and stole over to her dresser for some real clothes. Richie stirred.

  “Morning,” he murmured lazily.

  Danielle spied at him over her shoulder. He had rich tousled curls that framed his face like Adonis. He stretched his magnificent body like a contented cat. Well at least he wasn’t too uncomfortable sleeping the way he did. But it was definitely awkward waking up to him the way she did. She snuck into the bathroom and dressed.

  The only thing she could grab in a hurry were a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. They worked. She knotted her shirt up at her rib cage to compensate for the fact that she was not wearing a bra. She did not have large breasts; but she thought they were perfect all the same. She tiptoed into the kitchen to start the coffee. Entering the kitchen, the aroma of fresh brewed coffee rolled up to her. Richie had set up the coffee to automatically brew for her. She poured herself a cup.

  Richie was right behind her. He rose up behind her like a welcomed shadow. She wondered if he could see her smile. He was clad only in a pair of shorts. His sweet, young chiseled chest was bare for her to secretly enjoy. He reached for a mug. Danielle chuckled.

  “And since when did you start drinking coffee, mister?” she playfully scolded.

  “Uh, since Lacrosse,” he answered in kind. “Getting up at ungodly hours to get her done takes a little help.”

  “So like when?” she asked.

  Danielle was completely unaware about this fact about her stepson.

  “Like tenth grade? Dad made it for me,” he replied.

  “I guess that answers my next question,” she shook her head.

  The fact that Jerry had made Richie coffee secretly made her love them more. Richie knew she was not annoyed.

  Richie towered over her. He mussed her head like she was one of his pals and then, as she had been loitering by the coffee pot, he simply encased her with his body as he fixed his coffee. If Danielle turned around he would basically be embracing her. She really liked the feel of his body.

  She ducked under his arm and waded out to the sun room. It was such a lovely room, nothing but windows from chair-level up. It was just the right coolness in the summer and just the right warmth in winter. The slight chill of the slate floors were soothing to Danielle’s bare feet. She curled up on the wicker furniture and despite the summer time, drew an afghan over her ankles. She sipped her coffee. She had added milk and sugar. It was delicious and perfect.

  Richie brought his coffee out. Danielle spied to see what he would drink. If he would drink it black or if he would doctor it with sugar like she did. He looked adorable with his scruffy hair. She had the strongest urge to run her fingers through it. He sat in his chair sideways, draping it with his legs over the arms. He held his mug like he was holding a cup of soup.

  “You probably should go back to bed,” said Danielle. “You were up awfully late last night.”

  “I know right? Coffee is probably the last thing we should be drinking. But it sure is good,” he said.

  “It is. Thanks for fixing it,” she said. “So I was thinking we should move forward with getting you to school. Let’s work on a punch list of all the things we need to put in order to get you ready to go.”

  “I don’t want to worry about that now. I can take a semester off. It won’t matter,” he said.

  Something in his voice told her something had changed with school for him.

  “I am not worried, Rich. I really want to help you get it together. I know I am no substitute for your dad --” she said.

  “It’s not that. I am not going,” he announced.

  “Oh no,” Danielle sat up straight. “I really think it’s important for you to not stop your classes. Unless emotionally you think it’s too much?”

  “No that’s not it. I want to make sure you’re okay,” he said.

  “Richie Malone I am a grown woman. What’s happen sucks but I am fine. In fact, I think taking the road trip and getting you back to school would be good therapy,” she said.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “Because that’s what I was talking to Al about. I was telling him he might have to find another ride,” he said.

  “Well you tell Al the ride is on,” said Danielle. “Let’s do it.”

  Chapter Three

  Richie fixed on her. She realized he was staring at her. He looked as though he wanted to snatch her up. And do something with her. She looked down to see what he could possibly checking out on her and she realized the shirt she had was very sheer. Heat rose up through her neck and face.

  “I’ll think about it,” said Richie. “About going back to school I mean. But for now I have already made arrangements. For now it’s a done deal.”

  “Wait?” she demanded. “What are you saying? Are you out of your mind? You already told Al to go on without you?”

  Danielle could see the serious look in Richie’s face, like the conversation was moot. He wasn’t asking her opinion. He was letting her know how it was. Like had already made some decisions without discussing it with her first.

  “I thought it was best,” he said with grown up finality.

  “Are you serious? We need to focus on one thing at a time. We just suffered a tremendous loss but that doesn’t mean we start turning everything upside down. Now, we’ll just talk to the school and we’ll –“ said Danielle.

  She was really worked up. Some of her response had to be an emotional outlet for the weeks and weeks of suffering she had witnessed her late husband go through. But Richie pressed his fingers to her lips.

  “It’s done,” he said. “I’ve decided. I am getting a job and I am going to stay here and make sure everything is taken care of.”

  She knew he was mature and responsible but where did this man come from? What made him think that she needed taken care of? She was the adult.

  “Richie why would you think you need to stay home and take care of me?” she asked with confusion.

  His lips curled as he looked down on her. Oh yeah; without a doubt, she thought he was going to pounce on her.

  “Something in you brings that out in me,” he said. “I think that going back to school at this time with the emotional upheaval of losing my dad and my best friend, would be too stressful. I want the break and I want to stay here with you.”

  Out of nowhere, Danielle found herself yelling. The emotional brew had now become an outburst. She needed to have some kind of control over something. With the sudden illness and death of her husband, and now that Richie was leaving school, she felt like she had not control
over anything.

  “No!” she shouted. “You are not throwing away a brilliant scholastic career over me. I forbid it!”

  He was unmoved. There was a touch of disappointment in his eyes but he still had that trace of amusement. Danielle completely forgot that she was not the only person in the house who had been through an enormous amount of stress. Even if her behavior was somehow justifiable, they were inconsiderate. She could see it in him. His face was still gorgeous and pleasant. He was patient and calm and he waited for her to get whatever it was out of her. He started breathing slowly, deeply, to coach her. Danielle gave him a soft sock to the arm.

  “I’m supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around,” she said and crumbled into tears.

  Danielle was a bunch of emotions all knotted into one. She was tired. She was grieving. She was embarrassed and she was horny. She rested her head on her stepson’s chest and enjoyed his warmth for a moment.

  He gave her that moment but finally spoke up.

  “I have going to get going,” he said softly. “Some of the guys are working on Al’s car this morning. Getting it in shape. We can talk about this later.”

  It was a good thing that Richie left. Danielle was completely excited by him. It was actually lovely medicine to be moved this way. It was a great diversion. She sipped her coffee and let it perk her up. She went for a brisk walk to work off the arousal that Richie excited in her.

  The walking backfired on her. The stimulation of the workout, the way it made her blood pump only served to stimulate her more. The movement of her legs made it worse. The friction and pressure of her thighs teased her. Still she managed to knock off a couple of miles. The sky was clear and the day was extraordinary. And as beautiful as the day was, Danielle’s mind raced with fantasies of Richie. She tried to deny them but she couldn’t.

  Danielle had never thought of her stepson in a sexual way but really now recent events changed all of that. In her mind now she was no longer his stepmother. She was just a very attractive, hot young widow. The very real images of her sexy stepson played through her mind, drawing her in were like dope and she was completely addicted. She didn’t want to turn away. She wanted to see where her imagination would take her.

  Chapter Four

  When she arrived home, she showered and changed clothes. She went into the family room, Richie came in from the garage. Danielle and he gazed at one another.

  “Are we feeling better?” he asked in a sensual voice.

  “Yes we are,” she said, looking down at the floor.

  She was floored with so many emotions. Embarrassment and arousal.

  “Look I am sorry for making moves without checking in with you,” said Richie, slowly closing in on her. “But the last month or so of Dad’s life, I felt like I had to make some decisions myself.”

  “I get it. But it’s not a done deal, Mister,” said Danielle.

  It was difficult to stop it, for the magnetism between them was intense, but they could not manage to stay away from each other. They were stealing glances at each other. They were like two animals circling each other. It was probably the most excited that Danielle had ever been. It was wild.

  “It’s really important that we cultivate our lives,” she said.

  “Yes,” he said.

  There was something in the quality of his voice that told her that he was drunk with desire for her as she was for him. She put her head to her hands to her forehead which he mistook for being upset.

  Richie rubbed her back with his large, warm hands. It was clear to her that his touch was not just one of comfort. It told her that he wanted more. Danielle slowly raised herself up and they just looked at one another. The next natural thing to do was to stand on her tiptoes and to kiss him. He thought so too. He leaned down the distance between them and brushed her lips with his.

  It was so wrong but it wasn’t. Danielle and Richie were closer in age to each other that she and Jerry had been. She had the feeling that if Jerry were looking down, he would understand. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to be doing. To take comfort in the arms of the person she trusted most in the world. This was their home. This was their business.

  For a moment, they stood close to each other letting their hands explore. The excitement was almost too rich to tolerate. Danielle was exhilarated from the inside out. She was so thrilled by the combination of the newness of their contact and the risqué taboo nature of it, that she believed if she were any more aroused, she could come. Just by his mere stroking of her back.

  There didn’t seem to be any hesitation on Richie’s part. He tongue was already inside her mouth, exploring. His hands roamed the flimsy material of her tank top, gently agitating her sensitive flesh beneath. Her nipples pebbled immediately under his blistering touch.

  His hand snuck under the ribbing of her arm hole and cupped her breast. It was like a blanket of warmth on her skin. Warmth that penetrated her deeply and made her breath catch in her throat. The sound of her own breathing filled her ears. The drumming of her heart pounded in her ears as well. She couldn’t think or hear. She could only feel.

  Danielle wasn’t exactly middle aged but kissing Richie made her feel so young. She felt like she was seventeen again. She felt like a teenage girl kissing her teenaged sweetheart. He was so perfect. So tall.So masculine. Everything about him aroused her. His skin felt incredible, so soft underneath her fingertips as they glided across.

  His scent filled her nostrils. It was such a primal reaction but she loved the way he smelled. She loved the way he tasted. Danielle was invigorated by her senses and the way he made her feel. She walked him to the couch and sat him down. She was going to go down on him. She had an overwhelming urge to taste him.

  She dominated him slightly, now hungrily feeding at his lips. Now her tongue swept his mouth. She needed to possess him. Her hands busily worked at the buttons of his shorts, unfastening them. Unzipping them. There were no words between them. Only consent. She freed his generous erection.

  She let her hand explore his great endowment. Blindly, she learned every inch him. Letting herself see him with her mind’s eye. Becoming so excited about what was about to go inside of her.

  Becoming impassioned like this with her stepson put Danielle in another reality. With a head filled of fantasies and her body so worked up for him, she lowered her tight wet mouth on the head of his cock. She lowered her head as far as she could, taking him as deeply as she could. She made sure to work up a good amount of spit in her mouth to mimic the wetness of her core.

  She loved the taste and texture of him. He tasted so smooth and so clean. Her only thought was to make her mouth as tight and wet as she could. She was enthralled with the entire experience of him. She let her extreme attraction and excitement for him be her guide. She lowered her mouth and drew up with as much tightness as she possibly could. It was wonderful validation when she heard Richie moan.

  Danielle and her late husband had a very adventurous, free and active sex life. They were very relaxed and opened. She was never one to be inhibited and her husband had been a very skilled and sensual lover. Danielle would do just about anything with him. For him. She enjoyed giving oral sex.

  She worked her head up and down on Richie’s cock as he wrapped his hands around his head to help her motion up and down. He traced the back of her neck with the featheriest of touches. She shivered as she gave him pleasure. As much as she enjoyed what she was doing, it was tough to focus on his magnificent body while she was shaking with the intense sensation he was giving her.

  She played her fingers on his shaft. She mimicked the light touches on him the way he touched her. She experimented with tension, gripping his length with various levels of tightness. She mixed it up. Moving slowly, then quickly. She let her fingers wander, lightly tracing the sensitive surface of his testicles. Richie shook. A soft moan escaped his lips. He was on the brink of orgasm. Though she was yet to experience that with him, she recognized the signs.
  He was big and strong enough to lift her. In a single move, he hoisted Danielle up and onto the generous surface of the plush couch. The house was steeped in comfort so the couch was large enough for the two of them. Danielle’s back settled on the cushion, warmth pooled her belly.

  Richie skimmed off her shorts and brushed up the hem of her shirt. In a few moves, Danielle was naked. Her cupcake-sized breasts were bare for him. The sexual exhilaration and the air stiffened her nipples. He covered one with his large palm. She fit perfectly. He gently pinched her nipple and lowered his tongue to its tip.

  Just the slight contact of the point of his tongue to the tiny tip of her nipple sent floods of heat and arousal throughout her whole body. Wetness flowed through her. Danielle practically growled, the force of pleasure released from deep within her.

  Richie’s hand travel across the sweet plains of her belly, down between her legs. She was wet and hungry. She ached to be filled by him. His every touch made her channel draw up around his fingers.

  He inserted two fingers inside of her. He swirled them, stimulating her excited interior. He strummed them in and out of her like a piston. His play pushed her up, up further the climb toward the ultimate pleasure. If she laid back and accepted his touches, she would surely come.

  She splayed her legs and offered herself up to him. The position of her opened thighs on the surface of the couch creating just the right angle and pressure. Richie’s fingering was like magic. Wires of erotic electricity flowed up her body lighting up her erogenous points. She rocked up against him.

  He pressed is thumb on her clit with unceasing motion until the first tremors rippled through her channel. He must have sensed it for he stopped it. He left her teetering on the brink of ecstasy. He kissed her slowly and sensually. Then again, he pumped her body with his fingers. He took her back up to the edge but only to that edge and then stopped.

  Danielle was both turned on completely and thoroughly frustrated. She loved the sustained thrill but craved like crazy to be engaged with him. To have him inside her. Richie continued the back and forth wagging of his pressured touch. This time he did not let up. Rolling up from deep within her, the spasms of a sweet orgasm flowed through her belly. It overtook her. Her body was seized, and helpless, as rapture filled her.


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