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The End of Gods (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 4)

Page 20

by Con Template

  She imagined this was the case for Tae Hyun as well.

  She was excited for the Gods inside both of them to materialize.

  She no longer wanted to be a conflicted human with him; she wanted to be a God with him.

  Grabbing her jacket and heading out with Tae Hyun, she happily said, “I’m dying for it.”

  “You became a God in this world . . .”

  10: Reunion

  “This is Young Jae’s hotel?” Soo Jin asked, staring up at the towering skyscraper that stood erect before them.


  She smirked, folding her arms in knowingness. A soft breeze rustled past them, swaying her hair as she observed the indomitable looking building. “I had forgotten about this place.”

  Tae Hyun fixed an intrigued gaze on her. Behind him, the city nightlife of Tokyo bustled about, moving with lightning speed. “What do you remember about it?”

  “My grandfather was the eldest Advisor in Japan’s Underworld,” she whispered as an endless sea of people swarmed around them. “When Young Jae was training in Japan, he lived with our grandfather. After he passed away, Young Jae became the sole heir to his empire. I should’ve known he would have returned to this place.”

  “It is now a world famous hotel.”

  “It is filled with the wealthiest tourists from all around the world,” she murmured, observing the hotel with great fondness in her eyes. The fondness soon morphed into aversion. “In a public place like this, no one from the Underworld would dare attempt to assassinate him.”

  Tae Hyun smiled at her. “Isn’t it a perfect place to continue with our date?”

  Soo Jin flashed him a warm smile, pleased that he brought her here. Regardless of what may transpire between them in the future, at this moment, they were no longer enemies. They were allies in a foreign territory; they were partners with a common goal. There was no better way for two people to bond than to share their hatred for someone else.

  “It’s the perfect place,” she whispered favorably.

  Tae Hyun’s face illuminated with her genuine approval. Satisfied, he offered his hand to her. “Let’s have some fun here then.”

  Without the slightest hesitation, as she was convinced that all of this was simply a game, she took his hand and entered the hotel lobby with him.

  The world stopped spinning the moment they stepped into the five-star hotel. People immediately paused in the middle of their mundane activities when they felt the presence of two revered Gods. Conversations immediately ceased, employees halted in assisting patrons, and children running around stopped to stare. Their spellbound gazes mindlessly followed Tae Hyun and Soo Jin as they strolled into the hotel like the King and Queen of the night. His aura depicted him as a powerful figure who owned the world while her presence felt like the world was created to kneel before her. Although they were mesmerizing by themselves, together, they appeared to be a divine creation.

  Despite their unknown identities, all of the people in the room knew there was something utterly extraordinary and powerful about the two. Attracted to their divine status, they simply could not take their eyes off of them.

  Gliding through the marble floors of the grand hotel, Tae Hyun and Soo Jin made sure to make eye contact with every security camera before they graced the hotel’s restaurant with their presence. They easily walked past the host without confirming their reservations—or lack thereof—and ventured through the room. While doing so, they continued to captivate the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

  When they spotted the prime real estate of the restaurant, they leisurely took a seat at the center of the room. In the comforts of their seats, Soo Jin crossed her legs gracefully while Tae Hyun pressed his back against the cushion of the chair and scanned the rest of the restaurant. After being situated, they started to skim through the leather embossed menu.

  “Welcome to Maci,” a male server greeted over the classical music that adorned the air. He exuded professionalism with his classic black and white attire. His hands were wrapped behind his back as he gazed at them with a hospitable smile. “May I get you something to drink while you look over our selections?”

  “We’re ready to order,” Soo Jin announced cordially, closing the menu as soon as she looked up at him. “I’d like your owner’s head on a platter.”

  Instead of classical music gracing the air, sounds of silver utensils clanking against expensive china plates rang into the room. The world around them collapsed into silence. The shocked couples beside them peered over in astonishment. Even the server’s professionalism crumbled as his expression showed he was in a state of perplexity.

  His eyebrows drew together in bewilderment. He struggled to maintain his welcoming smile. “My owner?”

  “An Young Jae,” she simply confirmed.

  The server swallowed tightly before vigilantly asking, “And who should I say is requesting it?”

  “His sister.”

  The server’s eyes dilated when he realized that he was speaking to his boss’s sister. Peering from his peripheral vision, the server furtively peeked at Tae Hyun, fearing who he was as well.

  “I’m just her boy-toy,” Tae Hyun provided lightly, leaning leisurely in his seat.

  “Is that the new name for the most powerful King in Korea right now?”

  The sound of the familiar voice caused Soo Jin to stiffen up in fury. She scrutinized the looming figure who towered behind the server and felt that fury escalate. She recognized the voice and physique as the King of Skulls. Matching his dark presence, he dressed himself with an all-black suit ensemble that contrasted his light brown eyes. Much like Tae Hyun and Soo Jin, he also held the attention of the entire room with his magnetic aura.

  As the server scurried away, Ji Hoon stepped towards them, grabbed an empty seat from the next table, and placed it at the center of their table.

  He beamed, looking between them as if they were old friends. “It’s been a while since it’s been just the three of us.”

  “You know,” Soo Jin began, finding amusement with Ji Hoon’s presence. She originally came for Young Jae, but she didn’t mind Ji Hoon’s appearance at all. In fact, it was fitting that he wore all black: he came just in time to attend his own funeral. “I just requested Young Jae’s head on a platter, but I wouldn’t mind ripping your head off as an appetizer.”

  “You may have some competition there because Young Jae may be your kill, but Lee Ji Hoon will be mine,” Tae Hyun offered tactfully. Despite his inflexible words, his persona maintained an air of nonchalance.

  His proper tone did not deceive her. From his warning on the plane, she knew if she went after Ji Hoon, Tae Hyun would surely intervene. It was a well-known fact that the King of Serpents wanted to rip the King of Skulls to shreds. He would not tolerate anyone executing Ji Hoon’s death for him, not even the Queen he was trying to win back.

  Ji Hoon smirked, glaring at Tae Hyun. Albeit he was not interested in fighting with Soo Jin, Tae Hyun was a different story. “Start the war, and I’ll end it tonight.”

  Tae Hyun smiled pleasantly. “You would love that, wouldn’t you? For now, we’re in Japan for other pertinent things. Rest assured, once everything else is settled, I will not hesitate to finally finish you off.”

  “Maybe you two should entertain me and fight to the death right now,” Soo Jin playfully suggested, folding her arms across her chest. She pressed her back against the cushion of the chair and looked between them. Now that the ban on the bloodshed had been lifted, it would be highly entertaining to watch them fight. She already knew who would win. It was simply a matter of watching it unfold.

  Tae Hyun redirected his focus to her. His features were warmer when addressing her. “Who would keep you warm in our hotel bed if I get distracted by this piece of shit?”

  Rage dripped into Ji Hoon’s eyes. His mask of neutrality cracked upon hearing this. His calm features began to twist in rage. “You’re sleeping in the same hotel room?”

�Why would I not sleep with the most powerful King in Korea?” Soo Jin taunted, knowing fairly well that Ji Hoon’s Achilles’ heel was Tae Hyun—not her. He may have wanted her, but his abhorrence for Tae Hyun overshadowed his desire for her. Realizing that the innuendo of “sleeping” with Tae Hyun only further infuriated him, she continued to taunt his weakness. She would hurt him physically soon enough. For now, hurting him psychologically would be just as fun. “He has the world on its knees, he has everyone in the palm of his hand, and he has the most gorgeous body to boot. Who could resist that?”

  “I am pretty amazing,” Tae Hyun concurred, giving Soo Jin a quick wink. He was aware that she was only saying such complimentary things because she wanted to hurt Ji Hoon. Given that the recipient was someone he despised more than anyone else in the world, he was more than happy to play along.

  Catching himself before his mask of composure completely dissipated, Ji Hoon took in a deep breath to calm himself down. Once he was sensible again, he patiently asked, “Aren’t you two supposed to battle to the death soon?”

  “Soon,” Tae Hyun answered. “But not now.”

  Soo Jin imparted Ji Hoon with a smile that did not reach her icy eyes. “I will kill him soon enough, but unfortunately for you, you will not live long enough to see that.”

  Ji Hoon laughed to himself. He assessed both of them and shook his head in hilarity. “Don’t you two get tired of hating me so much?”

  “You killed our fathers,” Soo Jin stated bluntly, her own composure dwindling. The longer this bastard sat across from her, the more tempted she became to kill him right then and there.

  “They were the casualties of war,” Ji Hoon dismissed flippantly. Unlike in the videoconference, he no longer found it necessary to lie. He already knew that no one at this table would believe him. “Think about it. To even be considered as a King in the Underworld, we are mandated to kill someone who holds the same stature in life. Why must you hate me when it is the bylaws of our world that made us who we are?” He smirked. “Plus, you two shouldn’t be so quick to judge,” he retorted harshly. Looking at Tae Hyun, he asked, “Did you not kill your own brother?” He turned to stare at Soo Jin. “Did you not plan to murder your own brother?”

  “Our world is also built on the quest for vengeance,” Tae Hyun added, his voice underlined with menacing darkness. He was slowly losing his patience with Ji Hoon. “You went after the wrong King. It does not matter what the bylaws state. The reality is: you killed my father. Because of that, it is only right that I kill you.”

  “Killing the former King of Serpents may have been for your throne, but what was the purpose of killing my father?” Soo Jin whispered, staring at him with growing animosity.

  Ji Hoon’s lips lifted into an evasive smile. “Now that is something that your brother has to answer.”

  “Why are you even in Japan?” Tae Hyun interrogated. He leaned forward and put his arms on the table. He scrutinized Ji Hoon with perceptive eyes. “What are you up to?”

  Ji Hoon feigned innocence and shrugged mockingly. “You will have to wait and see.”

  “You two are early,” said another voice from the side, jarring the three Royals from their conversation.

  Soo Jin felt her blood boil in her veins when she rested her eyes on the owner of the voice.

  An Young Jae.

  Soo Jin appraised her brother up and down. Dressed in a dark suit with a white dress shirt and dark slicked back hair, he looked utterly regal. The impeccable aura he emitted was unquestionable, and the respect he commanded from nearly everyone in the room was unmistakable. In short, he emanated everything a King should radiate. In spite of her grievances with him, even she had to admit that he was the quintessence of a Royal.

  “It was Tae Hyun’s idea,” she said brightly, peering at him with a deceptively kind expression. “I couldn’t resist having an earlier reunion with my brother.”

  Young Jae nodded, eyeing all three of them. His eyes then roamed over his restaurant. When it was clear to him that all of his patrons were curiously staring in their direction, he did what any rational owner would do when he feared trouble brewing—he decided to move this conversation somewhere else.

  “I am glad the three of you are playing along well. How about we move this to the roof?”

  “But we were having such a blast out here,” Soo Jin protested lightly, eager to cast a dent in Young Jae’s composure. It would be fun to see him lose his cool with so many witnesses.

  Young Jae maintained his patient smile. Even though Soo Jin was a skilled instigator, Young Jae grew up with her. It would take much more than a simple protest in his restaurant for him to lose his poise. “The roof may be more appropriate for our private conversation. Nonetheless, if you insist on staying down here, I’m more than happy to oblige.”

  Impatient, Tae Hyun put an end to this childish shenanigan when Young Jae stepped forward to sit at the table.

  “We have an entire country waiting for one of us to be crowned the Lord of their world,” he said tightly, causing Young Jae to stop midway. He fixed Soo Jin with a “stop-fucking-around” stare before returning his attention to Young Jae. “We did not travel all the way to Japan to have small talk. If going to the roof will get us the answers we seek, then I think I speak for Soo Jin when I say that we’d be more than happy to change our location.”

  Soo Jin allowed her silence to act as her concurrence. Tae Hyun was right. They came a long way. They would have to deal with their aversion for one another at a later time. Tonight was simply a night for business—a night for answers.

  Young Jae’s face split into a wide grin. That was the exact answer he wanted from them.

  “Very well.” He turned to the woman to his left. Dressed in a black suit, she bowed to Soo Jin and Tae Hyun as Young Jae introduced her. “Please allow Yui to escort you to the roof. I will see you up there soon.” He gave a quick nod before eyeing Ji Hoon. “Let’s go, Ji Hoon. I have several more people I want to introduce you to before we officially reunite with our fellow Royals.”

  Ji Hoon smiled pleasantly and rose from his seat. “Of course.” His eyes roamed from Soo Jin to Tae Hyun with a tint of craftiness. “See you two in a few minutes.”

  “You think they’re up to something?” Soo Jin asked after they followed Yui into a private elevator and ascended up the building.

  Even though the woman was right there, Soo Jin did not trouble herself to lower her voice. If this Yui was an extension of Young Jae’s ears, then she wanted him to hear everything. She wanted him to know that she and Tae Hyun were vigilant. If Young Jae tried any unexpected ambush, then they were ready.

  “We came too early,” Tae Hyun responded in an even tone. He did not share her concern that they were about to be ambushed, but his voice did hold a tinge of concern. “They are not up to something. They are continuing with things as planned.”

  Her eyebrows drew together. The way he said this made her feel uneasy. “Planned?”

  “As Ji Hoon mentioned,” Tae Hyun said as the elevators doors slid open and the woman escorted them onto the roof of the building, “we will have to wait to find out.”

  When they stepped onto the roof, Soo Jin immediately spotted more than a dozen Scorpions. All dressed in black, they silently stood at various parts of the roof like indomitable statues. At the center of the massive roof were two black sofas facing each other and a long brown coffee table in between. Beside the sofas stood four sets of heating lamps to protect them against the cold night.

  Soo Jin gazed beyond the roof and took in the breathtaking landscape of Tokyo at night. The flood of wonderful childhood memories that came to her was one she could not control. She remembered running around so carelessly, so freely with her brother here. She remembered playing hide and seek with him while Scorpions surrounded and protected them. Her grandfather had prohibited anyone, other than his family and close friends, from venturing onto this roof. It was to be used as a private sanctuary for his loved ones, and she
could see that Young Jae had maintained that tradition. The only difference now was that she was no longer welcomed on this rooftop. Young Jae only made it available to her because she was causing a scene at his restaurant. As a savvy businessman, he did the only thing he could do to prevent her from making a spectacle at his place of business. He did not invite her to this rooftop; he exiled her here.

  After she and Tae Hyun sat down on the nearest sofa, they scanned their surroundings.

  Displeased with the fact that many Scorpions were blocking her view of the vista, Soo Jin fearlessly said, “Get the fuck out of our sights.”

  One of the men shot a glare at her. They could not believe she had the audacity to speak to them with such authority. “Who are you to command us?”

  “We may be guests in your country, but we are still Royals in every Underworld,” Tae Hyun interjected firmly. Steel vibrated in his severe voice. He regarded them in a regal manner that had them shifting uncomfortably. His expression challenged them to test their strength. “Either way, you will adhere to your Queen’s will. Whether you leave voluntarily or I throw you over the roof myself, you will end up abiding by her wishes all the same.”

  “What happened to our ceasefire pact?”

  On cue, Young Jae appeared at the entrance, walking hand-in-hand with his wife while Ji Hoon trailed behind.

  Anna wore a black dress and a white knitted shawl over it. Her white pumps clacked rhythmically across the rooftop as she walked in pace with her husband.

  The three approached Tae Hyun and Soo Jin.

  “I believe our ceasefire only applies to the four of us,” Tae Hyun replied to Young Jae, peering over his shoulder.

  “Conversations between four Royals should stay between the four Royals,” Soo Jin briskly added, following their movements like a hawk.

  She silently gripped on the armrest closest to her when she spotted Anna in the flesh. She dug her long, manicured nails into the leather upholstery, trying to make-believe that it was Anna’s neck she was suffocating. One day soon, she would make this ungrateful cockroach pay for her offenses. For tonight, she would substitute this sofa for Anna’s neck.


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