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Bound For The Tour 2: Inside The Ropes

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by Commander James Bondage

  “I know what you do with the girls you train, Mr. Traynor,” Dana said. “I know all about them, and I’m ready to do whatever you ask of me.”

  “Are you sure about that?” he asked. She nodded.

  “All right, start by getting naked for me, so I can see if I find you physically interesting,” he ordered.

  Dana rose and began to remove her clothing, laying it neatly over the back of her chair. In a few moments, she was nude. She stood trembling, obviously uncertain about what to do with her hands. She was sure that Traynor did not want her to cover herself up, so finally she stood still with her arms at her sides, awaiting his next command.

  Traynor took his time inspecting her naked form. She was beautiful, as beautiful as any of the many girls he seen over the years. Her skin was a light coffee color all over, except for her lips, areolas and nipples, which were a contrasting pink. Her breasts were impudently outthrust cones, seeming to beg for caresses or punishments. Her stomach was hard and flat, her waist slender, her legs long and smooth. Her big, dark eyes had the epicanthic fold she had inherited from her Thai mother, adding a touch of the exotic Orient to her spectacular looks.

  “Put your hands behind your head and turn for me,” he said. From the rear, Dana Watson’s body was as lovely as it was from the front. Her ass was so round and firm-looking that he decided that he could not delay testing the resiliency of the twin hillocks.

  “Come over here and lie down across my lap,” Traynor said, seating himself in the metal chair. She reluctantly approached, and then stretched herself over his knees.

  “You should know that I require perfect obedience from my students,” he said, as his hand cupped and stroked one smooth, rounded buttock, then the other. “If you’re not prepared to give me that, you should say so right now and be on your way. I only take on two students a year, and I have a hundred applications in my mailbox right now.”

  “Yes sir, I understand,” Dana said, twisting her long neck around to look up at him. “I’ll do exactly what you tell me to do.”

  “Raise your ass up high; keep your legs straight and knees locked,” he ordered. Without a further word, he brought his hand down hard on the superb bottom the girl presented to him.

  “Oww!” Dana cried. The sudden shock of pain caused her to involuntarily bend her knees and collapse on Traynor’s lap.

  “I thought you just swore how obedient you were going to be, and now you disobey my first order. I told you to stay in position, and you disobeyed,” Traynor growled. “I have no time to train cunts who can’t or won’t follow my instructions.” He stood, dumping the astonished Dana on the floor. “Get dressed and get out,” he said, pointing to the door.

  The naked girl went down on her knees, with her hands pressed together prayerfully, the very picture of pathetic submission. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. “Please, Mr. Traynor, sir, I didn’t mean to disobey; you surprised me. If you give me another chance, you will never have to correct me again.”

  Traynor scowled at the kneeling girl. “I don’t know why I should, but I’ll give you one final chance, and that is all. Obey, or go home, understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered, still kneeling at his feet. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Get back over here and resume the position,” he said, sitting again. When Dana was back in place, her bottom jutting out at an enticing angle over Traynor’s lap, her firm breasts pressed against his thigh, he struck her again. The sound of his hard hand on her tightly stretched bottom cheek was as loud as a gunshot. Dana cried out softly in pain, but did not move from the position in which Traynor had placed her.

  “Better,” he grunted. He began to spank the girl steadily, alternating from one cheek to the other while he questioned her.

  “What kind of sexual experience do you have?” he asked, as he continued to punish her smooth hindquarters.

  “I never… ah!... never had sex… oh! Ow! It hurts! I’m still a… oh! Oh! Please sir… a virgin,” she gasped out between the burning blows.

  “No blowjobs for your boyfriend, no hand jobs?” he persisted as he continued to pummel the unresisting girl’s hindquarters.

  “Ah! Ah! Please, my bottom burns… no, no nothing, just a… Ohhh!... a good night kiss… that’s all,” she blurted out. Dana’s bottom felt as if a red-hot griddle had been applied to it. She was able, barely, to keep her legs straight, but she could not control the way her lovely hemispheres wagged from side to side under the assault. After ten minutes, Dana’s ass-cheeks were a flaming scarlet color and hot to the touch, and she was weeping freely.

  The same involuntary motions of her body also made her breasts grind into Traynor’s legs. She felt something stiff inside his trousers poking up against her chest, and she suspected that his next order would require her to take a more active part in the proceedings.

  “All right, that’s enough of that for now,” Traynor said, pushing her off his lap onto the floor. “Now kneel down in front of me, and open up my fly. Then start licking.”

  She went to her knees at the foot of the chair, wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand, sighed, and reached for his zipper. As soon as she pulled the zipper down, his thick organ jumped out of his pants. She started in surprise, but before he could do more than growl, she quickly wrapped her long, slender fingers around the shaft and bent her head down until her lips were touching the head of it. She hesitated for an instant, partly because this was completely new to her and she was unsure what to do, and partly because she was repelled by the sight, touch and feel of this, the first penis she had ever handled.

  Traynor had already been brought to a high state of excitement by the naked young beauty’s suffering, by the feel of her body against pressing against him during the spanking, and by her obvious reluctance and fear as she held him. He was, in fact, close to exploding.

  “Lick it, bitch,” he said in a hoarse voice. “Suck it in your mouth and tongue it!” He seized a handful of her glossy black hair, and pulled her head forward, forcing her soft lips up against him.

  Dana did her best to follow these instructions. She kissed the spongy flesh, slid her tongue over the little hole on the end, cleaning off a bead of sticky liquid, then opened her mouth and admitted the first two inches into her mouth. She washed it with her tongue as it passed between her lips.

  “Fuck!” Traynor cried out. He seized the unsuspecting Dana by the back of her head in a grip of iron, then drove her head forward, jamming himself deep into her throat.

  Suddenly, she was choking. Dana flailed her arms, trying to get away, fighting for air, but Traynor was much stronger than she, and her efforts were ludicrously ineffectual. But as she felt she was about to suffocate, he gave a great bellow and pulled out.

  A moment later, Dana felt as though she was being spattered with sticky rain as Traynor exploded. He was silent for a little while afterward, slumped back on the chair, and breathing heavily as he recovered from his exertions. Dana remained on her knees at his feet, her head drooping on her elegant neck, panting for air. She wondered whether she would die from the shame and humiliation, and almost wished that she could. She looked up when Traynor spoke.

  “That was acceptable, for now,” he told her. “I expect improvement before the next time.”

  Chapter Three: Interview

  The day after Roderick Traynor put Dana Watson through her paces, Kit Thayer sat in the same room, in the very same chair, her hands folded neatly in her lap, waiting while the great man silently examined her application papers. Emily had warned her that Traynor went through this routine with every girl he interviewed, for the express purpose of establishing his dominance over his lovely pupils at the very outset, but the advance warning did not help to quell her anxiety very much. Kit was as nervous as any other candidate who had ever been through Traynor’s intake interview. She quivered in fear that he would reject her application, and she was almost equally afraid that he would accept it.

  “It looks li
ke you have the makings of a decent golfer, although I don’t see anything about you that a hundred other broads don’t also have,” he said suddenly, looking up. “On top of that, you’re only 18 years old, younger than any girl I have ever worked with before. My policy is to train bitches who have already tried and failed to make it as professionals, because they know that I am their last hope and they will do exactly what I tell them. So why don’t you persuade me, Miss Thayer, that I should select you out of all the applicants for a place at my academy?”

  This was the big moment. Kit was prepared for this question, having been coached by her sister and Shelly. She took a deep breath, and said, “Mr. Traynor, I believe you are the greatest swing coach in the world. I want to become a professional golfer. It is the only goal in my life. I have what it takes, and I am willing to do anything to make it happen.”

  “Well, you’re saying the right words,” Traynor admitted. “Although seeing as how you live with two of my former students, it’s not hard to guess where you learned them. The question is: do you really mean it? Have you considered what you would be committing yourself to in advance? I can promise you a minimum of six months, and up to a full year, of unrelenting training and demanding sex, and there is no changing your mind and backing out after I accept you. You will remain here until I’m ready to let you go. So, are you still game?”

  “Mr. Traynor, I was born game,” Kit answered, trying to sound more confident than she really felt. “Just try me.”

  His smile did not reassure her. “That’s the best offer I’ve had all day. Take your clothes off. I’m curious to see if you’re as hot as your whore of a sister and her slutty girlfriend.”

  Kit was about to make an angry retort to his gratuitous insults of Emily and Shelly, and then she bit her tongue when she realized at the last second that this was probably what Traynor was trying to provoke, as a test of her submissiveness. She silently stripped, tossing her clothes on a pile on the floor, and then stood straight and still, making no attempt to conceal her nude loveliness from his searching gaze.

  Traynor came around from behind his desk and approached Kit. With a great effort of will, she suppressed an urge to start shaking like a leaf in a strong wind. As it was, she thought her knees might give way at any moment and leave her sprawling, red-faced with embarrassment on the floor.

  “Put your hands behind your neck and show me your tits,” he ordered. Kit could feel her cheeks go suddenly hot with blood as she put herself in the required position. Traynor was now standing right behind her. She could feel his hot breath on her neck, and she fought the automatic impulse to shrink away from him. That instinct was even harder to control when she felt his hands reach around to cup her breasts but, although she shuddered momentarily and inhaled sharply when his callused palms rasped over her nipples, she remained in place, her hands where he had ordered, her posture unchanged.

  “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes,” he said, “but I do believe you may have a better body than your sister.”

  It was true. While Emily was a superb specimen of all-American blonde-haired, blue eyed womanhood, the naked Kit was the embodiment of a youthful Hollywood sex goddess crossed with a professional athlete in the peak of physical condition. Her skin was tanned perfection, except for bikini patches across her chest and around her hips, and beneath her skin her musculature was unencumbered by any unnecessary flesh. While she did not possess the bizarre, exaggerated muscles of a female body builder, she was obviously very strong. Her hindquarters in particular were outstandingly round and firm. Traynor considered what they would look like under the whip, and his erection grew further.

  “Tell me about your sexual experience,” he said, as he twirled her long, brown nipples to stiffness.

  Kit did her best to ignore the sensations Traynor’s fingers were causing in her body as she said, “I… ah… I’m not a virgin… umm… if that’s what you want to know.”

  “I need much more specific information than that,” Traynor said. Kit’s nipples were by now completely erect, and he was alternately tugging and squeezing the stiff little knobs, and beginning to drive Kit to distraction. “Give me details.”

  “It was… oh… just the… ahh, that feels good… just the one time with a boy from my… oh God, oh!... class, regular inter… ahh, it…. oh, Mr. Traynor …” she trailed off.

  “Answer my question, slut,” he commanded, momentarily pinching the swollen flesh between his fingernails hard enough to make Kit shriek in surprise and jerk in his grasp, before he returned to the process of arousing her mercilessly.

  “I’m sorry… it’s hard to con… concentrate…” she gasped. “It was one time… oh, oh… with Danny, just fu… fucking, nothing else, and that… that was it… ah, ahh… except for some kid stuff… making out… oh, sir, please… kissing, things like that… uhhh!”

  Traynor’s mouth was a fraction of an inch from her ear. “Kissing, eh? Not a bad idea. Open your mouth and spread your legs, cunt,” he ordered. Kit obediently turned her head and tilted it up to meet his mouth, while moving her feet apart to allow his hand access to her pussy.

  Traynor’s tongue invaded her mouth, while one hand began to expertly caress between her legs her and the other continued to toy with her nipples, switching back and forth from one to the other. For the inexperienced Kit, the sensation was almost overwhelming. Without her making any conscious decision to do so, she discovered her hips were doing a slow-motion hula under the direction of Traynor’s fingers.

  He broke off the kiss, and asked, “Do you want to come, slut?”

  Before she had entered Traynor’s office, Kit had vowed to herself that, no matter what he made her do, she would remain in control of herself. She now realized that this vow was not going to survive her first meeting with the man. Already, she was no longer in command of her own body. “Yes, yes, please,” she heard herself moan.

  “Then lick my face like a good little bitch, and I’ll bring you off with my hand,” he said.

  Obediently, eagerly, Kit’s tongue shot out and began to lap at Traynor’s cheek and ear. Her obedience was rewarded when his fingers moved rapidly and expertly, until she cried out and pressed her pelvis against his hand as she shuddered with the most powerful orgasm she had ever known (which, to be sure, was not saying very much).

  “Thank… thank you, Mr… Traynor,” Kit panted, rolling her big blue eyes up to look at him. “That was… that was… so good.”

  “Don’t thank me just yet. You still have to take care of this,” he said, pressing his stiff rod against the valley between her rear cheeks. “Get down on your knees facing me.”

  Kit obeyed. She assumed that he was now about to demand a blowjob, and she reminded herself that this was something Emily had warned her he would expect. When Traynor unzipped his fly, she began to move her head closer, with her mouth open.

  She was stunned when his hand came down to slam against her cheek and knock her to the ground. “No,” she heard him say through what sound like clanging bells in her ears. “You will do nothing without instructions, cunt. Now get back up, and wait there until I tell you what I want.”

  Kit rubbed her cheek where he had hit her, wondering if it would be black and blue the next day, then slowly picked herself off the tile floor and glared up at Traynor resentfully.

  “I’m not fair, and I’m definitely not nice, and that’s the way it’s going to be. If you don’t like it, you can leave,” he said, motioning toward the door with his head. He waited, meeting her gaze steadily until she broke off and looked down at the ground.

  “No?” he asked. He moved closer, until his manhood was wagging right in front of Kit’s face. “All right then, get back on your knees, push your tits together around it, make a nice bed for it, then bend your head down and suck it like a popsicle.”

  Kit did her best. She surrounded his shaft with her soft cushions, and craned her neck to capture the end in her lips, but she had failed to und
erstand exactly what he wanted. Caine seized a handful of her fine, golden hair and started pulling it roughly up and down. He said, “No, imbecile. You are supposed to fuck me with your tits, get it? Move your chest!”

  “Ah! Oww! Yes, yes sir!” Kit exclaimed, as he threatened to snatch her bald. “I’ll do it! You don’t have to pull my hair off!”

  “Then get to it,” he grumbled with poor grace, releasing her hair. “I don’t have all day to spend teaching you something a retarded five-dollar hooker can do.”

  Kit went to work as instructed, her face reddening with embarrassment and anger. Traynor knew how inexperienced she was, so why did he call her stupid for failing to perfectly perform a task she had never attempted before? Her ruminations were interrupted when he surged in her mouth and exploded on her.

  As Kit wiped her face with her hand, she considered once again what a year under this man's orders would be like, and wondered if she should follow her sister’s advice, just this one time.


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