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Crave Me: A Billionaire Boss Romance

Page 46

by Amy Brent

  Declan sat on my left, and I moved across from him as Colton moved back to sit beside me. It was a roomy car, but it felt small as the heat inside made me start to sweat. “You look beautiful,” Declan told me as I smiled and thanked him. He was dressed as his brother was but in a light blue shirt that brought out the blue in his eyes and I found myself staring at him for a moment. “Ready for some fun?”

  “I am thinking of this as business, seeing that you’re paying me generously for this.” I hinted as I looked at them with a slow smile.

  “We have a generous budget for marketing. It’s everything to a company.” I looked at Colton as he offered me coffee after that phrase. “We stopped by Starbucks. There’s black as well a cafe mocha and that caramel drink they serve. I always forget the name.”

  “That one sounds good. Caramel.” He handed me a tall cup, and I noticed that the brothers had their own beside them. “Thank you.” I didn’t want to admit how much coffee I’d had waiting for this moment. We made the drive to the airport through all of the traffic heading to morning jobs. Once we cleared that, I was surprised to drive right through the gate and up to a private plane that was parked away from the bigger passenger jets. I was stunned since I thought we were flying commercial. “A private plane?” I squeaked as Declan grinned at me.

  “Company perk,” he winked at me as I blushed and felt Colton stiffen beside me. He left the car first, and I watched as the driver and another man unloaded the trunk and got all of our bags into the plane before Colton held out his hand to assist me onboard. It was beautiful with large seats that were spread apart with something that looked like a room in the back. The plane would hold twelve people, and I looked around with a smile. “There’s a bedroom back there should you need to rest. It’s quite comfortable,” Declan said behind me as I turned to look at him. His eyes offered company if I wanted it and I stared at him before I felt a hand brush my lower back.

  “Want to join me in the seats, Trina?” Their voices started to blend together, and I allowed Colton to take me to a place as I tried to catch my breath. We buckled our seat belts as instructed as I looked at Declan across the aisle from me as he sipped the coffee. The engine fired up, smooth and quiet until we took off and soared into the sky. I gasped and felt a hand cover mine as I looked at Colton. “It’s a rush, Trina. We’ll even out in just a few moments, and you can breathe again.” His blue eyes comforted me as I leaned my head back and stared into his beautiful face for a long moment. He leaned closer to me, and I sucked in my breath as he brushed his lips against mine gently before pulling away. “Feel better?”

  I realized that we were flying smoothly through the air now, and I swallowed. “Do you always use that trick to calm nervous flyers?”

  “Not that I recall. Did it work?” Colton asked as I stole a glance at his brother. Declan had seen everything, and I could see that he was planning on upping the ante as my heart pounded in my chest.

  “It was impressive,” I replied as I stared forward and took a deep breath. That was just a peck if that. What would a real kiss feel like?

  We made the flight ion a few hours and soon were landing in Belize in a small airport. We’d made some small talk about the trip that was loaded with sexual tension, and I stood gratefully to step down from the plane. It was breezy and beautiful here, and my hair blew into my face as I looked around.

  “I can’t wait to pull that hair when you’re crying out my name,” Colton murmured behind me as I felt my knees weaken. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me to hold me steady before he assisted me down with Declan following with an intense look on his face. We went to a car that was waiting that whisked us away to a gorgeous beach resort. I couldn’t stop staring as we drove past beach after beautiful beach with scattered trees and flowers. It was amazing here, and I felt someone slip a hand over my thigh as I turned to see Declan grinning at me.

  “You look like a kid at Christmas,” he observed as I smiled.

  “I don’t travel like this, for work or pleasure. This is beautiful.” We pulled into a parking lot, and as soon as the guys left the car, staff hurried from the lobby to assist with bags. They didn’t even check in but rather followed the men down a sand pathway to a cottage on the water. It was massive, and I walked through the door first to see a comfortable and luxurious main room that offered all windows on the back to overlook the light blue water of the ocean. I walked over as I got lost in the view and pressed my body against the warm glass.

  The men that came with us seemed to move in high-speed mode before I saw Colton slip a few bills to all of them. I watched him look at me before glancing at his brother. “There’s three rooms here, Trina. They all face the ocean and offer every luxury. Which one would you like to use?”

  I wanted to tell him one with both of them. I had only barely kissed Colton but the way that his brother seemed to mesmerize me every time he spoke to me was almost too much for me.


  I chose the room closest to me and wandered in to see a beautiful round room with a king sized bed against the wall and a huge bathroom to my right. The bathroom was private with a door, but the shower had a window open for some of the fresh ocean air and a beautiful bathtub. The colors were done in cream and blue with a few patches of light yellow and it felt very beachy in here. Of course, there was a wall of windows that offered another extraordinary view. “I must be dreaming,” I murmured to myself as I slid open the door to my balcony and stepped out.

  The wind blew around me as I inhaled the salt of the ocean. My balcony had a padded chaise, and I walked the few feet out to see that we were a bit over the sea with the beach to my right. I decided that I just might sleep out here tonight and look at the stars.

  That was tonight, though. I was here to work, and I turned to go back inside. I couldn’t remember the plans for the day with everything that had happened and I made my way back to the living room. “What are the plans for today?”

  Declan came out of the room beside mine with his shirt unbuttoned and showing off his muscular torso and abs that seemed almost unreal to me. He was perfect and I stared openly at him as he chuckled. “Dinner and drinks. We’re going to have some fun this first night and get to business tomorrow. Colt is meeting an owner after we eat but I’ll have a good time with you instead.” He winked, and I think I died inside. He was fun while his brother was intense. “How do you like the room?”

  “I never want to leave. It’s so beautiful,” I gushed as he laughed and nodded.

  “It is. I like to leave my windows open at night and let in all of the air that I can.” He glanced up as Colton walked back into the living room, still buttoned up and staring at his phone. “Always the serious one.”

  “If it weren’t for me, this company probably wouldn’t be doing as well as it is,” Colton reminded him as he glanced at us. “I don’t know why Dad left it to both of us when he died.”

  “I do my part, and we’re still rich. The company is stable, and everyone is happy,” Declan said before he walked into the open kitchen and opened the fridge. “This staff is the best.” He walked back in with cold beer and raised his eyebrow at me. “Do you like beer?”

  I didn’t usually, but I nodded and took it. I needed the liquid courage. “Thanks,” I told him as I walked around the room to look at the kitchen and then out to the bigger balcony. There was a sliding glass door with a screen, and I left that open as I leaned over the railing and looked down into the clear water. I could see a few fish swimming below me, and I smiled as I took this all in.

  The beer was cold and refreshing as I sipped it and looked over the sea. A small part of me worried about being over the water this way, but it seemed sturdy enough.

  We started getting ready for dinner after I’d spent some time outside to regain my composure. I headed into my room and pulled out my suitcase to look through it and decide what to wear. There was a pretty red dress that I held up to myself as I looked in the full-length mirror. It was sexy wit
h a tie around the neck and it draped over my big breasts and clung to my waist. It went down to my knees but there was something about the way the skirt would swing around my legs that appealed to me, and would certainly please the guys.

  I showered in the huge glass enclosure with the multiple shower heads and the wind blowing through the open window. It was stocked with products, and I used the coconut and vanilla body wash and rubbed it over my body as my nipples hardened. I was weak with need, and I closed my eyes and imagined the guys naked in their showers. My thighs ached as I imagined them hard for me and my hand slipped down my stomach and over my pussy slowly. I was wet and swollen, and I massaged myself as I moaned softly. I hadn’t masturbated a lot, but right now it felt good, and I pushed myself towards a release as the water hit my back.

  It was hard and intense, and I gripped the top of the shower as I rocked forward and tried to control my moans. I didn’t want them to hear me even though a part of me longed for them to. I wanted them to come in here and dominate me, a thought that made me blush as I took a deep breath. The idea of them here together, one behind me fucking me hard and deep as the other pushed my mouth over his cock made me wet all over again, and I got myself off for a second time.

  I got out of the shower and let my hair down after I was dry. I hadn’t washed it and just planned on twisting it on one side tonight. My skin was flushed, and I was glowing as I smiled and went to get my smaller bag for my make-up. I just did a light layer of powder and some dark liner on my lid with mascara. The real wow factor was the red lipstick that I filled my full lips in with. It was a simple look, but I knew how responsive that men were to it, even if I was still innocent. I wanted that to change.

  I pulled the dress on and added a musky scent on my wrists and behind my ears. I twisted my hair to my right and pinned it with some bobby pins before I decided I was ready. I’d slipped the shoes from the fashion show into my bag and put them on before I checked myself in the full mirror. I only wore a small thong since the dress didn’t allow a full bra.

  Stepping into the living room, I looked around and found myself alone. I wondered who had picked out all of these clothes as I walked over to the fridge and opened it. There was a bottle of wine inside of the fridge, and I stared at it before I heard a throat clearing. “Dec is finishing up. Can I get you anything?” Colton watched me stand, and his eyes locked on my chest as I felt my hands shaking. “That dress…”

  “Who chose the clothing?” I asked as I boldly grabbed the wine and set it on the counter. Colton cleared his throat and went to get some glasses from the white cabinet and opened the bottle.

  “We have a woman that helps us with model clothing. I used your measurements from the fashion show and showed her that, telling her to base the selections on it. It was incredible on you.” Colton poured three glasses and handed me one as I took it and thanked him. “Of course, I ordered more than usual, but I was interested in seeing you in a lot of different things.”

  “The man behind the idea?” I suggested as he ran his hand down the loose button up shirt in green that covered his slacks, comfortable and casual and perfect for the island weather.

  “He had my approval from the get-go,” Declan said as I jumped and looked over at him. He was dressed in a similar fashion though his shirt was teal. “Now the question is what brother will you choose?”

  “I think that’s obvious, Dec. Trina likes a man that has some control, not a surfer boy.”

  Declan laughed at his brother and shook his head. “I am all man in the bedroom. Just ask some of your ex-girlfriends.”

  Colton’s eyes narrowed, and I saw the discontent forming as I swallowed a large gulp of wine. “Why don’t we go?”

  They seemed to relax, and Colton got the keys so we could leave.


  Dinner was at a local place on the water by a window that opened to the ocean. The breeze blew in as we ordered drinks and the guys selected a few appetizers to get us started. The table was wound so I had one of them on either side of me and I sipped the tropical drink nervously.

  The food was excellent and fresh as I tasted the meats and vegetables throughout our conversation. They discussed the island and the beach we’d be shooting on tomorrow; a future site for a resort of one of their customers. I listened quietly as I kept drinking and eating, taking the time to look each brother over for periods of time. Whatever was going on at the cottage seemed to be more under control now, and we finished our meals as Colton checked his phone when it chimed. “That’s Bob.” He eyed his brother and then me. “Where will you be?”

  “That open bar down the street. Trina needs to dance,” Declan replied as I watched Colton’s eyes simmer for a moment. He assured us that he would meet us as soon as he went over business and Declan turned to me as we were left alone. He took my hand, and we walked down the crowded sidewalk and found a cute bar that was quite open to the street that featured a band playing a song with a great beat as my hips started to move. “There we go. I knew that you were meant to move, Trina.” He led me inside, and I didn’t miss the way that the women looked him over before giving me looks with various degrees of dislike. We ordered; a cocktail for me and a beer for him as he glanced over the spacious dance floor. “That night at the show, I was bored. We’d done that show for a few years, and once I realized how empty the women were, I started to check out. Then you were up there, more of a woman than any of them. You entranced me, and I soon realized that you had Colt’s attention as well.” He sipped his beer. “I can’t hate that he got you here so easily, but I don’t think it gives him an advantage. Do you?”

  “It all came from the same money, didn’t it?” He nodded as his eyes lit up. “What difference does it make?” I licked my lips as he watched. “Why do I have to choose?”

  “He doesn’t share, never has,” Declan said darkly as I sipped my drink. “I wasn’t entirely kidding back there in that I have slept with some of his former girlfriends but it was by chance. It wasn’t done to hurt him, but then, Colt never had a problem finding a woman.”

  “You’re twins,” I observed, and he grinned crookedly before he slammed the beer down and took my hand.

  “Drink. Let’s dance, Trina.” I finished what I could and allowed him to take me out to the dance floor as a dark beat started to play. “Move your body for me.” It wasn’t hard to do as I lifted my hands over my head and began to sway to the music. Declan moved with me and brought his hands over my hips as he eyed my bouncing breasts. “I like that. I want to see them bare for me so I can watch your nipples harden.” Mischief formed in his eyes as they reached towards him and he looked into my eyes. “I think you like a little fun in the bedroom, no?”

  I blushed and stared at him. “I wouldn’t know.” His eyes widened, and he pulled me close to him.

  “You’re a virgin?” I nodded with some shame crossing my features, and he shook his head. “No, that’s beautiful. Nobody has felt you wrapped around them, tasted you,” his eyes questioned me, and I shook my head as he slid his arms down over my ass and moved his body close to mine. “That makes it even more interesting. Which one of us will you give yourself to?”

  “Is that why I’m here?” I asked as I stared into his eyes and felt his hard cock pressing against me.

  “No, not just that. We do have photo shoots for the company, and we chose you. A little brotherly competition only adds to the fun.” Declan pulled me to him as the song slowed and I slipped my arms around his neck. “There you go, Trina.” He lowered his lips to mine and caught them in a soft teasing kiss as I closed my eyes. It was slow, but soon his tongue was teasing me to part for him as we stopped dancing for a moment. I lost myself as I compared him to the chapped lips of his brother and realized that they were both growing on me a lot.

  The next song picked up a bit, and I pressed against him as my nipples hardened. Declan stroked my hips and I felt him pull back and take a breath. We danced quietly, still close and I found some comfort in his
arms as the crowd seemed to blend around us.

  “That didn’t take you long, brother of mine,” I came back to reality as I heard Colton next to us and looked up. “That color suits you.” I saw that my lipstick was smeared on his lips and blushed.

  “I think so,” Declan said as he grinned and looked at Colton. “How was the meeting?”

  “We’re all set for tomorrow,” he said as I excused myself and went into the bathroom. I set my clutch on the blue counter and fixed my smeared lipstick carefully before I washed my hands and used the toilet. I was feeling buzzed, and I wandered back out to the bar and looked for my men with a smile on my face. I knew that this was going to a place that I might not come back from, but right now it felt too good to stop.

  They were at the bar talking closely, and I walked over as I frowned. “Hi,” I knew that I sounded drunk, and Declan slipped an arm around me while Colton looked on and downed a shot. “Want to dance some more?”

  I drank a few more drinks and danced for a couple of hours until the guys collected me to take me back to the cottage. I had danced with both of them or just one of them throughout the night, only getting more turned on.

  Our cottage was close, and I looked up at the sky as I held onto their arms beside me. I was drunk and feeling loose, and I tightened my hold on both of them. “Thank you, I had fun tonight. It’s been a long time since I loosened up that way.” There had been intimate moments with both brothers: being held during a slower song, touching them as I danced with them and feeling their breath on my face.


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