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Crave Me: A Billionaire Boss Romance

Page 54

by Amy Brent

  Chapter two

  I was dressed to impress with my resume in hand very professional and showing all of my credentials. Julian was a black bald man with a slight goatee with distinguished gray hairs in the middle. He was about 200 pounds and was built like a linebacker ready to take the field in battle. He carried himself with authority and being 6’3, he had a tendency to intimidate others. He wore that suit like his own personal shield.

  Brent was this blond playboy with the prerequisite white gleaming teeth. His smirk made me feel dirty sitting in the chair. They were both constantly looking at me and not saying one damn word. I felt like I was underneath a microscope. They must’ve shopped at the very same place, as they were practically wearing everything identical. The only big difference was that one was wearing a red tie and one was wearing a black one. Ironically, Brent was the one that was wearing the black one.

  Brent was the same size and I had to admit that they looked good in their suits, but they probably would look better out of them. I was a little uncomfortable and I felt this moisture inside my panties that told me that I was interested in more than just professional business.

  “I don’t know about Brent, but I think you’ll make a wonderful addition to our little family here. I do hope that you are comfortable with public displays of affection. We are very friendly in this office and sometimes we can show that in the most unexpected ways.” They circled me like I was some sort of prey on the Serengeti. “You will be asked to work under both of us and I do hope that you are ready to take on that position.” Julian’s words were laced with a sexual tone that had them both smiling at each other in knowing ways.

  “I wouldn’t take too much out of what my partner says. He’s a bit of a horn dog and he’s always looking for his next conquest. I will say that you have a lot to offer.” At first, I thought that he was meaning something like my education and experience, but it was obvious from the way that he was looking down my blouse that he was more interested in my more prominent attributes. “We don’t have to look any further to find the right girl. You’re not what we usually have around here, but we can work with it.” He was not even trying to be subtle. He actually grabbed his crotch. He squeezed and then turned around like he thought that I would believe that it was an accident. If questioned, I’m sure that he would say that he was just adjusting it.

  “I’m not sure what your availability is like, but we would really like you to begin today. We have a lot of work and we don’t need to be bogged down with the meager details. Working our fingers to the bone every night to put away the paperwork has been draining. I’m sure that with your experience that you can make short work of our disorganization.” Julian had not even blinked. His use of eye contact was a little disconcerting.

  I was wearing something that my friend Tina thought that would be good to get underneath their skin. She was with me in the morning going through my wardrobe and then used a telltale pair of scissors to make some alterations. The black skirt was long enough. It went past my knees, but she had made this very significant slit up the side. It gave off a very revealing look at my bigger than average smooth thighs. The yellow blouse was undone the first couple of buttons. The bra underneath was something of a secret. It wasn’t mine and I probably wouldn’t have been caught dead in something so risqué.

  “I can tackle just about anything. I have my own program that I will punch in the numbers from all files that you have currently piled on my desk. I don’t know how long I’m going to be here, but I doubt that I’ll get out of here, until after seven tonight.” I got up and gave them the customary handshake. I turned and stopped at the doorway. I glanced over my shoulder to see that they were both looking at my bountiful posterior. They were both licking their lips. I wanted to call them out for their behavior, but I secretly enjoyed the feeling of being objectified.

  For the rest of the day, I was consciously aware of them coming by my desk and making idle chitchat. Neither one of them really had any shame. I don’t think they were wearing underwear. I could see the telltale bulges nestled inside their pants. They were snug enough that I could actually see the shape and the size of both of their organs.

  At lunchtime, I went into the unisex bathroom and found a cubicle that was unoccupied. This was a private bathroom only used by Brent and Julian. It kinda gave me a giddy thrill to be sitting in the very spot that one or both of them had been in at one time or another. I thought of their bodies and I stripped away their clothing in my mind to see how they would measure up to each other.

  I had my panties to the side and I was tracing the wetness and then sticking it into my mouth like I was sucking one of their cocks. I brought the other hand up to my mouth and with two fingers from each hand, I mimicked what it would be like to do this to the both of them. To look up into their eyes and see them staring. I wanted to do something that was quite out of my comfort zone and these two had me thinking all of these naughty thoughts. It was kind of distracting, but in a good way.

  I took two fingers from one hand out of my mouth soaked in my spit and I drove them with no mercy in between my legs. The lips fluttered closed around my fingers, as I drilled myself repeatedly. I was biting my bottom lip. I tried my best not to scream out in obvious arousal from those feelings and images that were taking me quite by surprise.

  “Oh god… Brent… Julian. I want to feel you shoot it in my mouth and all over my face like a dirty little slut. I want to feel it dripping down my chin and staining my blouse. Please, someone needs to fuck me. Put my legs over your shoulders and drive into me with no regard for my own feelings. I want both of you deep in both of my holes.” I thought that I heard something outside the doors.

  I stopped momentarily and brought everything to a complete standstill. My two fingers were still inside me and my muscles were gyrating along those digits. It was kind of exciting to think that I could get caught in the act.

  I bent down, as much as I could, but I saw nothing that would indicate that anybody was there. I decided to risk it. I was already this far and it seemed stupid not to go all the way.

  I continued to fuck myself and I only wished that I had brought one of my toys from home. There was one in particular that had this interesting little curve that could touch me in just the right spot. Add to that the vibration of that toy coming to life and I was pretty much powerless to resist.

  I had my legs spread and over the toilet. My feet were striking up against the walls of the cubicle. I didn’t even know that I was capable of spreading down the middle like some kind of gymnast on a cheerleading squad. My panties were already saturated and I could literally smell my own sex wafting up to my nose.

  I heard this squishing sound of my fingers and the feel of my juices dribbling down onto the lid. “Yes…fuck me…Julian you big black stud. Don’t worry, Brent I have more than enough to satisfy you. You guys make me feel like I can’t get enough of your sweet cream shooting out of those cocks. That’s exactly what I want from the both of you. Cum inside my mouth and drip your seed down the crack of my ass. Please…make me cum… Cum… CUMMMMMMM.” I lost my composure and my whole body went into these convulsions that I had never felt before.

  My feet were literally slamming with my high 4 inch heels up against the wall. My head was banging against the back of the toilet and my arms and legs were flailing like puppets of a marionette.

  I saw two pairs of shoes directly in front of the cubicle door. I heard something of a gasp and I lie there and could swear that they were out there jacking off. I was a little scared to think about what they were going to do. I decided to throw them off their game by clearing my throat. I brought my heels down onto the linoleum floor and that signified to them that I had finished what I had wanted to do.

  I heard muffled moans of excitement and then their footsteps leaving the bathroom. I thought for sure I would find evidence of them being here, but thankfully I did not allow it to get that far.

  I waited for quite awhile, until I finally was
able to stand. I was not ready for the onslaught of my orgasm. It was such a fired intensity that I was parched. I had a bottle of Evian water back in my desk. It had my name on it. I could almost think of it as their cocks blowing off in my throat. It would pale in comparison to the real thing, but at least it would satisfy my curiosity for the time being.

  I went over to the sink and splashed cold water on my face. It was a very good and satisfying climax, but it was nothing like having one with a willing partner or partners as the case may be.

  I took a deep breath and steeled myself for being around them for the next couple of hours. I walked out and was accosted by a man in a gray pinstripe suit. He had maturity and a mane of white hair, not to mention a pair of glasses of the coke bottle variety.

  “My name is Wilson Anderson. I own this entire building and we need to talk.” I thought for a moment that he was going to call me on the carpet for my behavior in the bathroom. If he had heard any of that, he would assume that I was not worthy of the position that I was in. I didn’t want to lose my job over the insanity of manually stimulating myself in the office. “I need your help. I hate to put you in this position, but you’re the only one close enough to do what I ask. I believe that I can make it worth your while, but that’s entirely up to you to either reject or accept my proposal.” I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t for sale, but the blank check and the number that he whispered into my ear was more than enough to garner my attention.

  Chapter three

  I sat at my desk and waited for them to leave. It was only my first day, but everybody knows that the root of evil is money. The owner of this building was offering me a six figure salary not to mention stock options and bonuses. I only had to be a fly in the wall and to dig deeper into some discrepancies.

  He put me on the right track, but mostly it could be all explained away. I had to believe that the owner of this building and this business wouldn’t be suspicious if he didn’t think that there was fire where there was smoke. If I were one of them, I would keep anything unusual and suspicious close at hand. That meant that I had to get into their offices. It was funny, but there was actually a third office with a touch pad entrance.

  “I believe that we are going to call it a night. Brent wants to visit his ailing grandfather and I have some personal business to conduct. Vivian, we will see you in the morning. Be here bright and early at 8:00 AM and do try to dress for the occasion. We are very loose around here. A more casual dress code is how we roll.” I was going to mention that they were both wearing ties, but they had taken them off and unbuttoned the first couple of buttons at the collar. “I don’t suppose that you would like to join me for dinner. I have a standing reservation at the French bistro down the street. I can promise you good conversation and maybe a little hanky panky underneath the table.” He smiled, knowing that he was making me blush.

  “Julian, leave the poor girl alone. She’s trying to make sense of all of this and you constantly coming onto her is not going to help matters any.” Brent put his hands on the desk and I noticed that his blond hair had been taken out of the ponytail. He looked like Fabio in the right light. I could seriously see him walking down the runway, as some kind of model. “You don’t have to take his abuse, unless you like it. In which case, I believe that you’ll find that we do bite.” I didn’t know how to answer such an obvious sexual innuendo.

  “You guys are too much. You’re definitely good for my ego.” I was playing it off like it was some sort of joke, but I knew that deep down that they were serious about taking on a tag team position. “I see a lot of words, but I don’t see any action. I don’t think that either one of you would know what to do with a real woman. I would destroy you and ruin you for other girls. None of them have any idea how to do it right and believe me I have more than enough experience to teach you both a thing or two.” I figured if I could play the game that they would see they were outmatched and outwitted.

  “With that, we will leave you to it. Just don’t be surprised if we take you up on your offer one day. I could definitely see myself getting lost and not necessarily in your eyes.” Brent walked away and Julian stuck around for one moment to undress me with his eyes.

  When they were both gone, I waited and continued to look at the elevators to see if they were returning for something they had forgotten.

  I stepped slowly towards the room at the end of the hall. The big sticking point was going to be the touchpad. I took out some makeup and I blew the powder onto the dial, so that I could see the fingerprints of what numbers were used. I followed a tried and true method of touching the digit that looked like it had been used first. I was soon seeing that red light turning green.

  I opened the door and I was hit with a very cold chill that ran down my arms and legs. I stepped into the room. The ventilation system was causing me to see my own breath and made both of my nipples hard as stone.

  There was a bank of servers and computer terminals. Amazingly, they had left one of them open. I didn’t need to find a password. Opening up those files had allowed me to see their dirty little secrets. Money was transferred from one department to the next. It had started off small in increments of a dollar from each department.

  I could tell there was more here, but I just couldn’t put my finger on why they would need this kind of cash. It almost felt like they were working another angle. This was a miss representation of the company’s funds and could lead to both of them being dismissed. I didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news for the company president, but he had asked me to do this. I had found exactly what he wanted.

  I felt like some kind of spy in one of those James bond movies. I was essentially a double agent. I turned to leave the room, only to see both Brent and Julian standing with the door closed.

  “I was just…” I had made up my mind I was going to tell them a part of the truth, but it wasn’t needed.

  “We know exactly what you’re doing, Vivian. We were fortunate enough to be curious about you. We were watching you on the close circuit television screen in the security office.” I’d no doubt that their main reason for doing that was to zoom in on a particular trait. My bosom was something they wanted to see more of. I couldn’t say anything, but it would’ve been best for me to turn the tables. “I don’t think that you understand. Julian and I really did like you. We have no choice, but to punish you.” I thought that he was going to fire me, but instead they cornered me against that desk.

  Before I knew it, Brent had me bent over the desk holding my breath, while Julian was inching my skirt up along my naked legs. I heard a whistle of appreciation and then I made an involuntary gasp when he struck my left cheek with the palm of his hand.

  “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean anything by this… I’m sorry.” I thought that maybe if I showed them some kind of remorse they would give me a moment of reprieve.

  “Oh believe me, Vivian you are going to be sorry. I think you’ll find that Julian and I have the same idea when it comes to security measures.” Brent climbed up on the table. He pulled my hair, so that I was looking directly at him. My mouth was open in shock and he stuck one of his fingers down my throat and then back out again. I was literally gagging for their amusement. “I’m looking forward to see how much you can choke down. I have about 8 inches you can chew on, so that you can practice for the black snake.” I felt something large behind me and that presence made me immediately aware I was in no position to fight back. This room had the constant drone of those servers and was loud enough it would most likely muffle any kind of exclamation of surprise or pleasure coming out of my mouth.

  “I love the way that your cheeks spread open around my hard black cock. You have the perfect buns and I have the perfect meat to place between them. I do hope that you like a long and dark piece.” I had fantasies revolving around being taken in this fashion. I could feel my heart beating and then I heard the zipper of Brent’s pants being pulled down.

  He still had a hold of my hair. He fished through
the opening and then pulled out a very real flesh and blood piece of equipment. It had that one very pronounced vein down the back and the head was a plum sized engineering marvel of mankind. His anatomy was that of a Greek god and when he pulled open his shirt, I was stunned. He took that moment of complete astonishment to plug my mouth with his meat. He had both hands on the top my head and was forcing me down that pillar of strength and virility.

  “That’s what I’m talking about. Shut the fuck up and do exactly what we tell you to do. This is the only way you’re going to get out of this room with your job still intact.” Julian was running his hands down over my ass, squeezing the fleshy exterior and pulling them apart, so that he could see both of my hidden targets. I felt something wet at my asshole and then his thumb began to penetrate. I moaned around the invading presence in my mouth.

  He was making me take it and I probably could have tried to fight them off, but I really didn’t want to. I was exactly where I wanted to be and who I wanted to be with. They had been teasing me mercilessly all day. I took a moment at lunch to satisfy that yearning for the both of them. They were more than happy to follow me into the bathroom.

  He had me slobbering all over his package. He was delving deep with his cock head going in and out of my tight throat. He pulled out and wiped it along my lips. I could tell that his excitement was quite evident by the way that he was leaking like a sieve.

  “You really do know what to do, as long as you have the right teachers. I have to tell you that we were planning to do this anyway, but we wanted to take our time. Eventually, you would want us and we would be more than willing to have you crawl on your hands and knees to get some. It was just fortuitous that we were watching you at the end of the day and it gave us the opening that we were looking for. Actually, it gave us three openings that we were looking for.” Brent was making me gag. He left it there for about 10 seconds while pinching my nose closed. I couldn’t breathe.


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