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The Forbidden Script

Page 11

by Richard Brockwell

  “This must be the anthropology class,” said Sally.

  Just then, Mr. Morgan entered the hall.

  “Good morning all. We have decided the best way for both anthropology classes to get to know one another would be at breakfast time. After we will all go to the lecturing hall.”

  Jackie and Sally looked around for Travis, but he was not among the other students.

  “Travis isn’t here, maybe he overslept,” Sally said as she looked around.

  “Well, I’m hungry, and look they do have pancakes!”

  Jackie grabbed a plate and went to the counter waiting her turn in the queue. Sally looked disappointed but followed her friend. While waiting her turn, Sally started chatting with a student behind her.

  “Hi, I’m Sally,”

  The girl smiled.

  “Hello Sally, pleased to meet you. I’m Rosalie, but my friends call me Rosie.”

  They shook hands and continued talking while moving closer to the food counter. Rosie was about Sally’s age, but had black hair, and wore dark rimmed glasses.

  Sally said to herself, “I’m sure she’s very bright, in fact, they all look intelligent.”

  The three girls sat at the same table, talking while eating breakfast. They seemed to get on pretty well together, laughing and joking.

  Sally asked Rosie about Travis.

  “Is Travis in your class also?”

  Rosie smiled at her before answering.

  “Why yes! How do you know him?”

  Sally and Jackie both looked at her.

  “He took us on a private tour of the school last night. He was very polite, and he’s cute,” Jackie said with a giggle.

  “He must like you then! Travis is hardly ever seen with a girl, well not from this school as far as I know.”

  Travis walked in as Sally was about to reply. He went over to the breakfast counter. The whole class greeted him as if he were some rock star.

  Jackie said, “he seems very popular. Every girl in the room has their eye on him.”

  Rosie said, “yes he is, he’s a great guy, and everyone likes him.”

  Sally could feel her heart racing as Travis walked towards their table. She could see the rest of the class gazing in her direction. She continued eating, pretending not to notice as he approached them.

  “Good morning ladies. Hope you slept well. Hey Rosie! How are you recovering from that terrible cold?”

  Rosie looked up at Travis.

  “I feel much better thanks to you.”

  Both Sally and Jackie looked at one another.

  Jackie spoke first, “are you practicing medicine also?” She asked.

  “Oh no. I made Rosie a home made remedy for the common cold, which seems to have worked great,” he said.

  Jackie was intrigued.

  “Really! Was it something you made up, or passed on from family members?”

  Rosie answered for Travis, “he made it himself, he’s a wiz at secret potions and spells.”

  Jackie burst out laughing, and then they all joined her.

  “Rosie thinks I’m some kind of wizard or warlock!” Said Travis, giving Rosie a quick wink.

  Rosie looked a bit embarrassed by what she said.

  Sally glanced at her, noticing she had a serious look on her face as if she meant what she said.

  When the breakfast hall was nearly empty from students, they all left for the lecturing room, eager to get a front row seat. Sally walked with Jackie, leaving Travis and Rosie to lead the way.

  “Jackie!” Sally said, keeping her voice low.

  “I think Rosie was serious about Travis, and the things she said about secret remedies and potions.”

  Jackie was about to burst out laughing again, but Sally shut her up.

  “Yeah, right…. Maybe I can get him to come up with a love potion, and have every guy drooling at my feet!”

  “Hey, I’m serious Jackie!” She stopped walking, and held her friend’s arm.

  “They were just having a laugh. Come on Sally! Travis a wizard?”

  Sally let it go and hurried to catch up with the rest of the group.

  Both classes entered the lecture room through two huge wooden oak doors. Travis and the three girls found a place at the front. They took their seats waiting for Mr. Morgan to arrive. On sitting, Sally’s cell phone started to ring. She quickly answered it before one of the lecturers came in, knowing cell phones must be switched off in the hall.

  “Sally it’s dad! How are things there? Are you alright?”

  She got up from her seat and went to the very rear of the hall so as not to whisper.

  “Dad, I’m fine. We had a big breakfast this morning. Now we’re in the lecturing hall waiting for Mr. Morgan to arrive.”

  “Okay. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright. Take care Sally, and call me if you need anything. Bye for now, love you.”

  Sally said goodbye and switched off her cell. She felt her eyes swelling with tears of happiness, but also sadness. She dearly misses her mother. She loves her father so much but would do anything to hear her mother’s voice one last time.

  Sally went back to her seat next to Travis, who saw the tears in her eyes.

  “Are you alright Sally? Why the tears?”

  “I’m okay. It’s just that I miss my mother so much. I have so many things I want to share with her and tell her. I wish she were still alive, I wish I could hear her voice again,” she said as tears streamed down her face.

  Travis put his arms around her shoulder trying to comfort her.

  He said, “don’t cry Sally, everything will be okay.”

  He then placed his hand under her chin, lifting her face, looking into her eyes.

  “What if I tell you your wish can come true about hearing your mother’s voice again!”

  Sally saw that he meant what he said.

  “What do you mean come true? How? It’s not possible!”

  “Trust me Sally, it can be done, but you have to keep your word not to say anything to anyone!”

  Sally looked confused, but something in his eyes made her believe what he was saying. Jackie was chatting with Rosie, not having a clue about what had just happened.

  Mr. Morgan finally arrived, and the lecture began. All students were paying attention to what was being said. All except Sally. Her mind was elsewhere.

  Her thoughts began to wander to what she would say to her mother. What to ask her, and why did she leave home.

  Before she knew it, the lecture was over, and the four students left the hall, making their way to the canteen for a refreshment. Jackie and Rosie were chatting away like new best friends. Sally and Travis trailed behind, wanting to be alone for a while.

  Sally popped the question.

  “Travis! Is it true what you said? You know about speaking to my mother again.”

  He stopped walking and took hold of her hand.

  “Yes, it’s true. I would never joke about something like that. It can be done. I’ve seen it Sally.”

  She was becoming confused.

  “What do you mean you’ve seen it?”

  “I can’t tell you here. It’s hard to explain. You won’t believe me if I tell you how,” he said.

  Sally’s nerves were beginning to show.

  “Try me Travis! Tell me how?”

  “With the help of a medium,” he answered.

  Sally withdrew her hand from his.

  “A medium! Bullshit Travis! What do you take me for? I’m no idiot! I don’t believe in that crap!”

  She then left him and caught up with Jackie and Rosie, who were now entering the canteen.

  Jackie sensed her friend was upset about something.

  “Sally! Are you alright? Is everything okay?”

  Sally then turned to Rosie, saying, “your friend Travis is a liar.”

  “What happened? Why are you calling Travis, a liar?” Asked Jackie.

  Rosie interrupted.

  “Travis is many things, but he’s n
o liar!” Said Rosie.

  “So you also believe in this medium crap?” replied Sally.

  Jackie was now the one who was confused.

  “Hey! What’s going on? Medium! Like in spirits and ghosts?” She asked.

  Sally then explained what happened in the lecture hall and how Travis had told her about talking to her mother again with the help of a medium. They both looked at Rosie expecting an answer.

  Jackie said, “you believe Travis? You believe what he said?”

  “Yes, I believe him!” She answered.

  “Why? How can you believe him?”

  “I’ve seen it with my own eyes! That’s why!” She said.

  There was silence for a few seconds as both girls took in what Rosie said.

  Jackie spoke first, “your saying Travis is a medium? He can communicate with the dead?”

  “No, not Travis for Christ sake! He knows someone, and we both have seen what he can do. It’s no lie or joke. This person is for real,” said Rosie.

  Sally looked around for Travis, feeling bad about calling him a liar, but he was nowhere to be found. The girls spent the rest of the day attending lectures and other anthropology classes. Travis was not seen throughout the day.

  As evening set it, the class was preparing for their journey back to their home school. Sally and Jackie were waiting to board the coach when she heard her name being called by someone in the background. She looked around and saw Travis running towards her.

  “Sally wait! I need to talk to you before you leave,” he said, trying to catch his breath.

  “Travis I’m sorry for calling you a liar. I was upset, and you confused me. I wasn’t thinking straight,” said Sally.

  “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have mentioned the medium thing.”

  They moved away from the other students to talk alone.

  “We talked to Rosie, and she says you know somebody, a medium who can talk to anyone who has passed on. If it’s true what you say, well then….. I would like to give it a try.”

  “Sally, You don’t have to. Let’s forget what I said.”

  Sally persisted.

  “No! I want to. I would do anything to hear my mother’s voice one more time.”

  Travis took her hands in his.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes, I’m sure, just tell me how?”

  Travis took out his cell phone.

  “Let’s exchange cell numbers, and I will set it up. It could be this week or the next. I will let you know.”

  Jackie called out to her friend to board the coach. She turned towards Travis and nodded her head in agreement.

  “I have to go!” She said.

  Travis gently leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Goodbye Sally.”


  On their way home, Jackie and Sally talked about what Travis had told them. He was constantly on her mind, and she hoped he would call her soon. She was also excited about the medium, but nervous at the same time. Sally wondered if it can be done. Both girls had heard strange stories about mediums and spirit callers, but they only saw them as fakes or swindlers.

  They arrived home at around ten in the evening and were now exhausted from the long journey. Jackie dropped her friend off home and continued the few miles back to her house. Sally found her father waiting for her in the kitchen. He was going through Sarah Masters diary, carefully searching for any hidden details that might lead them to the person responsible for deaths of the two girls.

  Jason greeted his daughter.

  “Hey! How was your stay? I hope you enjoyed yourselves.”

  Sally kissed her father.

  “It was fabulous dad! That place is enormous compared to our university.”

  “Well, I’m glad you had a great time. Did you make any new friends while you were there?”

  “Yes, we did, and they were all so very helpful,” said Sally.

  Just then, her cell phone started to ring. She answered it not knowing the number.


  “Hi Sally! It’s me Travis! How was your trip home?”

  Sally looked away from her father as her face turned red.

  “It was fine, thanks for asking.”

  She walked out of the kitchen away from her father, where she could speak more freely.

  “Is everything alright? She asked.

  “Yes, everything is fine. Well, great as a matter of fact. I called the medium as soon as you left. He said he had no problem doing a calling for us, well for you I mean.”

  Sally asked, “when did he say we could come?”

  “He said tomorrow evening,” answered Travis.

  She hesitated for a few seconds.

  “You still there?”

  “I don’t know! What shall I tell my dad? I can’t lie to him Travis.”

  He waited a few seconds before he spoke.

  “Well, I don’t think you can tell him the truth either Sally! It’s up to you.”

  “Okay, I will think of something then. Tell your friend we will meet him tomorrow night. I might have to bring Jackie along. Is it okay for you?”

  Travis said, “yes it’s fine with me. Give me a call a couple of hours before you leave so that I can tell you where to meet me.”

  “Yes, okay. See you tomorrow then. Goodnight Travis,” said Sally.

  After the phone call, Travis wasted no time in contacting Tony. Things were going as planned on Tony’s side. He went through the ancient text over and over again until he memorized it word for word. Just one thing was holding him back from reaching his goal. The official sacrifice has to be someone of pure blood, someone with a pure soul.

  The phone started to ring from the meditation room. Tony knew that Travis was the only person who knew that number. He broke his concentration to answer the call.

  “Yes Travis. What is it?”

  “Tony I need a favor! I met this girl at school who could be our replacement for Sarah, but I need to convince her that what you do is real. She wants to contact her deceased mother who passed away a few years ago. That is the only way she will come, and besides, I already told her you will meet her tomorrow night!”

  “What are we suppose to do with Helen? I was hoping we could use her in the next gathering if I can get her to participate that is,” said Tony.

  Travis replied, “you can sedate her for now. You know we can’t keep her locked up forever. She’s a risk we cannot take. She might talk.”

  “Okay, bring her here at around nine in the evening. Helen will be out cold in her room,” said Tony.

  He hung up and continued his concentration with the Mayan text.

  Back home, Sally said goodnight to her father and went up to her room. Jason sensed something was not right, but he let her be, leaving it for the morning.

  Once she was alone in her room, she dialed Jackie’s cell number, excited to tell her Travis had called. She explained that he had already contacted the medium, and they were to meet tomorrow night. Jackie knew what her friend was getting at. She had to think of an excuse for her father to allow her to get away for the evening. So they decided that Jackie was to invite her to stay the night at her place studying papers that they had exchanged during the university visit.

  Morning arrived, and Jason was the first to wake. Making coffee, he waited for Sally to come downstairs. After ten minutes, she walked into the kitchen.

  “Morning Sally. What do you have planned for today?” He asked as he drank his coffee.

  “Oh! And who was it that called you last night?”

  Sally made sure she avoided eye contact with her father.

  “Morning dad. It was Jackie who called last night. She invited me to stay overnight at her house so we can go over some school work together. I can go right?” She said.

  “Yes of course you can. I will be working late anyway. Have you prepared your things?”

  Sally replied, “yep, all in my backpack,” she said.
  Jason kissed his daughter goodbye and left for the office. Danny was already there when he arrived.

  “Jason! The chief wants some answers. We have two cases, and no leads yet. Helen is nowhere to be found, and all we got is Sarah Masters diary and that so-called confession about taking their souls. What is going on for Christ sake?”

  Danny was not the kind of guy to get so jumpy, but these two cases are clearly getting to him.

  Jason sat down at his desk.

  “Last night I took a good look at the diary again. First, we know a guy is involved, and secondly Sarah mentions she took some classes in spiritual phenomena. We could start by checking where, and who holds that kind of class. It might give us a lead, and about Helen, well she seems to have vanished from the face of the earth.”

  Jason decided to give Kate a call, hoping she might know something about spiritual phenomena classes.

  The morning passed by quickly, and it was late afternoon when Sally arrived at Jackie’s house. She was shaky and was about to back out at the last minute. It was Jackie who calmed her down, persuading her to go along with meeting the spiritual medium.

  They talked about what they would say to her mother if she did somehow make contact with her. They also thought about what would happen if the whole thing were a hoax.

  Jackie said, “well at least it won’t be stuck at the back of your mind that you didn’t try. Give it a shot and see what happens. Who knows, maybe he is for real this friend Travis knows.”

  The time had come for them to meet Travis outside Miami university, where they found him waiting in his parked car.

  Travis signaled for them to follow him. After half an hour of driving, they parked outside Tony’s house. The girls took a few minutes to gaze at the old building that looked kind of odd standing between two modern built houses. The architecture seemed old English style. To the girls it looked kind of spooky also.

  They got out of their vehicles, and then followed Travis across the never ending pathway leading to the main door. While waiting for Travis to open the door that was left unlocked, they heard deep growling sounds but could not make out from where it was coming.


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