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The Forbidden Script

Page 13

by Richard Brockwell

  “That’s great Sally. I’m happy you see it that way. Tony is going to be so pleased with your decision. He knew right away you are special. You have something inside you that he saw as soon as he held your hand.”

  They were both hugging each other, when suddenly someone was knocking on the car window.

  “Come on you two love birds! You are going to be late for class,” said Jackie, as she pressed her face against the glass.

  She opened the car door allowing Sally to step out. They left for school as Travis drove happily away. It was then that Jackie popped the question she was dying to ask all night.

  “Sally, so you’re okay with what happened last night?”

  “You can ask me Jackie. It’s okay.”

  They continued walking up the stairs and into the school hallway.

  “What was it your mother said to you causing you to be so upset?”

  Sally managed a smile.

  “She was sick Jackie. The doctors diagnosed her with terminal Cancer. She preferred to leave home, than for us to watch her suffer. She didn’t want to be a burden to us, and said the accident that killed her was actually a blessing. It was fast and painless.”

  Both girls embraced for a while before entering their class.


  Kate was ready to make her way into town. The time was just after seven, and the night was still warm with a gentle breeze coming in from the south. Not wanting to stand out in the crowd, she wore a pair of jeans and a casual top, hoping to go unnoticed while asking around for information that not many people sought out. She got into her car and drove into the busy part of town where an assortment of people could be found ranging from hookers to drug pushers. Jason advised her to give him a call every fifteen minutes just to make sure all was okay. She parked her car in one of the multilevel parking lots and walked out into the busy street. Stopping at the edge of the curb, she looked around for anyone that might give her some info. On the opposite side of the road stood a newspaper stand. Kate crossed the street and made her way over to it. Behind the rows of magazines and newspapers sat an old woman in her late sixties. Kate tried not to make it look too obvious by picking up some fashion magazines looking through them one by one, when the old woman spoke out.

  “Have you found what you’re looking for my dear? It took me quite some time for me to put all these books in a neat row.”

  Kate put the magazine in its place.

  “I’m sorry! I was just browsing around.”

  She was about to say thank you and be on her way, when a picture in one of the rows caught her attention. She picked the magazine up and read the title. ‘PHENOMENA and the unexplained.’

  Kate showed the old woman the magazine.

  “How much for this one?” She asked.

  The old woman looked surprised at her choice.

  “You don’t seem the type to believe in stuff like that,” she said.

  “Well, you never know would you,” replied Kate.

  “Would you happen to know if there were some group where people talk about these things, you know, like a book club or something?”

  The old woman looked at Kate as if trying to read her mind.

  “You have seen things that others have not, and you want to share what you saw with others like you?”

  Kate was becoming uneasy with the old woman’s words but played along just the same.

  “Yes! I want to talk to someone,” she replied.

  Expecting the old woman to give her some information.

  Instead, she said, “that will be five dollars.”

  Kate looking confused asked, “I’m sorry, what!”

  “The magazine, it costs five dollars,” said the old woman holding out her hand.

  Kate paid her the five dollars and went on her way, disorientated by the sudden actions of the old woman.

  After about an hour she was still having no luck, so she went into a diner for a cup of coffee. After being served, she took out the magazine she had bought and went through the pages one by one. She was amazed at the unusual things that so many people claim to have witnessed and experienced. Being an intelligent person that she was, Kate believed there is a scientific explanation to all things.

  She was at the last few pages of the magazine when she noticed a picture of the same symbol just like the two deceased girls have tattooed on their leg. She began to read an article printed just below it.

  “A circle around a pentagram contains and protects. The circle symbolizes eternity and infinity, the cycles of life and nature. The circle touching all five points indicates that the spirit, earth, air, water and fire are all connected. The circled pentagram is the passive form implying spiritual containment of the magic circle. Keeping the traditional secrecy of witchcraft, and the personal, individual nature of the pagan religious path, of its non-proselytizing character.”

  Startled by the sudden ringing of her cell phone, Kate knocked over her cup of coffee spilling it over the table and onto the floor. The same waitress who served her was quickly by her side wiping the mess up.

  “I’m so sorry for the spill,” said Kate.

  The waitress smiled, saying, “Your phone is ringing!”

  It was Jason calling to see if everything was alright.

  “Well, no luck so far Jason. I’m at a diner having a cup of coffee,” she said, looking up at the waitress to bring her another coffee.

  She told Jason about the old woman at the newspaper stand and the magazine she had bought, when the waitress arrived with the coffee. She placed it in front of Kate, who at that moment happened to look down at the waitress’s leg. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

  “Jason, I have to go now! Will call you later okay.”

  Kate quickly ended the phone call before the young waitress walked away.

  “Lisa is it? I’m sorry again for the spill,” said Kate reaching out to stop her.

  The waitress turned around.

  “Do I know you?” She asked.

  Pointing to her name tag on her uniform, Kate said, “your name tag reads Lisa.”

  “Oh! I forget it’s pinned there. Don’t worry about the coffee, it’s on the house.”

  Kate introduced herself and asked, “have you worked here long?”

  “I just started last week. I came to visit some friends of mine, where we meet down in Miami now and then.”

  “I hope you enjoy your visit Lisa, and thanks for the coffee,” said Kate.

  Lisa smiled and walked away to serve another customer. As she reached the table to take the orders, she looked back to see Kate looking down at the pentagram tattooed on her leg.

  It was now past Ten O’Clock, and after calling Jason again, she decided to wait across the street from the diner, certain she was on to something. She planned to wait until Lisa ended her shift, then follow her, convinced she would lead her to one of these spiritual meetings. Kate sat patiently, when precisely at ten thirty, she saw Lisa leave the diner. Staying on the opposite sidewalk, she followed her for ten minutes when Lisa disappeared around the next corner into a dark alleyway. Kate stopped to think about calling Jason, but thought otherwise afraid she might waste time and lose sight of Lisa. Checking both traffic lanes she jaywalked across the street, pausing at the corner that Lisa turned into. She peered inside the ally. It was dark and dirty. Clothes hanging from washing lines dangled from both sides. She couldn’t see a thing, and Lisa was nowhere in sight. Keeping close to the wall, Kate courageously began to walk at a slow pace into the darkness. She stopped to look behind her, sensing someone was following her. She saw no one. Halfway inside the alley, she came to a Dumpster and again stopped to look behind her, sure she saw a shadowy form coming towards her.

  Kate called out, “who’s there? Show yourself!”

  She waited for an answer, but nothing. She took a few paces forward when without warning a face appeared in front of her. Kate screamed from fright and fell backward onto the ground. She looked up to s
ee Lisa standing above her.

  “Why are you following me?” asked Lisa.

  Kate managed to get up, brushing the dirt from her clothes.

  “Your tattoo! It’s why I followed you. I’ve seen it on two other girls about your age.”

  Lisa said, “so what! I’m sure plenty other girls have the same tattoo.”

  “These two girls were found dead about a week ago!” replied Kate.

  “Are you a cop?” Asked Lisa.

  “No, I’m not. I work in the forensic department and examined the two dead girls.”

  Lisa impatiently asked, “well what do you want from me?”

  “You mentioned you came to meet some friends here in Miami.”

  “Yes! We belong to this club; we believe in spirits and things like that. All of us share the same tattoo. We also heard about the two dead girls, but had no idea about their identical tattoos. Our group does not know them, and I’m confident not even the other groups do either,” said Lisa.

  Kate then asked, “what happens in these meetings? How do you become a member?”

  Lisa thought for a few seconds before answering. “Nothing happens! I mean we just talk about what we experienced and what we read. We believe in spirits and the paranormal. We don’t do anything bizarre, and we’re all very harmless.”

  Lisa continued, “but we have heard about another group. A group that goes all the way. You know, calling the spirits and all that. It’s said they meet when the moon is full in the dead of night on a sandy beach, but it’s impossible to find out which beach. You can spend the whole night searching and wouldn’t find them.” Lisa then turned to leave knowing she had said enough.

  Kate stopped her.

  “Do you know when is the next full moon?”

  As Lisa walked away, she called back to Kate, “It’s tomorrow night!”

  As Lisa faded away into the dark alley, Kate took out her cell phone ready to call Jason. Realizing she was still standing alone in a dark alley, she quickly made her way out again into the safety of the main street lights. She walked to the parking lot thinking it would be safer to call Jason from inside her car.

  “Jason! It’s Kate.”

  “Hey! Are you alright? I waited for your call half an hour ago. Did you find out anything from that waitress?”

  “Yes, I believe I have! She said a meeting is to be held tomorrow night.”

  “Did she say where?” He asked.

  “Yes! On some remote beach. Jason I know it’s not much to go on, but she said the other meetings are nothing compared to this one. I think we will find what we’re looking for,” explained Kate.

  “Okay then. I will contact Danny, and sort something out. Go home now Kate, and thanks for your help,” said Jason.

  Kate started her car ready to pull out of the parking lot. As she looked into her rearview mirror, she saw the figure of a woman standing behind her.

  She rolled down her window calling out, “Lisa! Is that you?”

  It was too dark to see, so she stepped out of her vehicle and approached the woman.

  “Lisa! What are you doing here? What’s wrong?”

  As Lisa stepped into view, Kate could see tears in her eyes.

  “I couldn’t let you leave without warning you,” said the girl.

  “Warn me about what? What is it? Why are you crying?”

  “Don’t go looking for that group! He is dangerous, and he will find you one way or another.”

  Lisa began to back away.

  “So you know this person? You know his name then?” Asked Kate.

  The next instant Lisa turned around and ran.

  “Wait! come back! What is his name?”

  Kate shouted out in vain as the young girl disappeared into the night.


  The next morning Jason and Danny meet up at the office. He explained what Kate had told him last night, and Danny agrees for a search to be held later in the evening. They consult with Chief Berks informing him what they have found out so far. Matt also agrees for a search to be held, but wants to leave Kate out of it for her own safety. Matt also advises for both agents to split up, having each one covering different stretches of beach. He also insists they have another FBI agent present with them during the search. Danny agrees to Matt’s request, but Jason prefers to work alone. After a few arguments, Jason gets his way, and Danny has a rookie assigned to him as backup. They fix a time and a place to meet and both Jason and Danny go their separate ways in preparation for the evening search.

  Over at the Barrette residence, Tony was also preparing for tonight’s ritual. Having Helen along with them made it all the more exciting. He has plans for her and is going to use her as his own of Guinea pig. He also needs Carlos to tag along as protection, and to guard Helen if she tries to escape. This night Travis refused to participate after what happened the last time on the beach. Tony was considering this ritual as a sort of trial run before the actual gathering takes place which is to be very soon. He had contacted the usual participants who had agreed to bring a friend along after being promised some cash for tonight’s efforts.

  Jason arrived home at around four in the afternoon to find Sally in the kitchen talking to someone on the phone.

  “Sally! you’re home. How did it go over at Jackie’s house? You haven’t called me all day. Is everything okay?”

  She ended her conversation on the phone and said, “I’m fine dad. Stop worrying will you.”

  She went over and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Who was that on the phone?” He suspiciously asked.

  Sally thought it best to tell the truth.

  “It was Travis. A friend of mine. We met at the university during that overnight stay.”

  Jason puts down his cup of coffee.

  “What did he want this friend of yours?”

  Sally felt as if a piece of apple got stuck in her throat.

  “He has invited us to watch a basketball match taking place the day after tomorrow.”

  “You mean Jackie and yourself?”

  “Yes, Jackie and I. It’s okay for us to go is it?” She asked.

  “Yes, as long as you keep together. I will be working late this week, so I hope to find you asleep in bed by the time I get back.”

  At around ten in the evening, Jason and Danny were to meet at the beach where they found the dead girl. Danny arrived first, making small talk with the new rookie assigned to work with him tonight.

  Mike Conners joined the agency at a young age of twenty-three. He didn’t talk much, but was eager to get some action after completing his training which ended last month. Danny instructed him to keep an eye out for anything suspicious happening on their search. He didn’t give him all the details as it was a bizarre enough case as it is. Danny himself could not answer all his questions since they had so little to go on.

  The night was quiet as they waited for Jason’s arrival. The sky was lit up by the full moon’s reflections.

  Mike gazed up at the night sky and said, “I hope we’re not searching for werewolfs tonight!”

  “What!” Said Danny.

  “Werewolfs! I didn’t bring any silver bullets with me,” said Mike laughing.

  Just then a car was approaching them at high speed, its headlights blinded their view. Tires were heard screeching as the driver shifted gears. The powerful roar of the engine approached them closer and closer by the second. Danny jumped out of his vehicle taking cover behind the car door. Mike did the same, drawing his weapon, ready to fire at the slightest threat. Thinking quickly, Danny switched on his headlights in an effort to distract the oncoming car. But to his surprise the oncoming vehicle dipped its headlights and eased down on the throttle, bringing the car to a sudden stop just a few yards in front of them.

  “Sorry I’m late guys! Did I startle you or something?” Said Jason with his hands help up high.

  Mike wiped away the beads of sweat from his forehead, saying, “who the hell is this guy? Is this a j

  Danny stepped out in front of Mike, quite sure what he had in mind.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” said Danny.

  Jason smiled on seeing the young rookies angry face.

  “Wow there cowboy! I don’t want to hurt you now!”

  Danny jumped between both agents. He gestured for Mike to get back into the car.

  “Jason, are you nuts? He could have taken a shot at you!”

  “Well, lucky for him he didn’t,” was Jason’s reply.

  It was Danny who took control of the situation. He took out a map of the area and placed it on the car hood. Jason agreed to take the northern route while Danny and Mike took the south.

  “We have miles of sandy beach both ways. We keep in touch every ten minutes, and if one of us spots anything out of the ordinary, you call for backup and wait until either of us arrives.”

  The search was on. Danny turned his vehicle around and drove off at a slow pace carefully looking out into the dark for any suspicious group of people on the beach. Jason did the complete opposite. He didn’t need to drive at the same speed as Danny. His vision was as clear as day.

  Ten minutes passed and the stretch of beach Danny was driving along seemed deserted except for a few beach fishermen seen spinning their line out to sea. Young lovers holding hands also strolled by the shoreline enjoying the fresh breeze sweeping in from the ocean. Everything seemed normal to Danny. He wondered if they started the search too early or maybe they were too late.

  As for Jason, he had already covered twice the distance. He knew he was looking out for a group of people, and didn’t take notice of the loners and couples as he passed them by. What ever this group of fanatics were about to do, they would do it where no one could see them.

  One by one the girls arrived at the house. Carlos loaded the BMW with the necessary things. Two cars are needed for tonight. Helen was to ride with Carlos while the girls jumped into the BMW. All were set to go. Tony went up to Helen’s room and gently knocked on the door before entering. She was standing by the window looking out onto the garden.


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