Sleeping With the Boss

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Sleeping With the Boss Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “We’re going for a swim.” Her eyes widened as he grinned down at her.

  “Don’t do it, Julian. Put me doooo....” She didn’t get to finish as he threw her into the pool diving in after her.

  She broke the surface gasping for breath.

  “Why did you do that?” she asked.

  “I thought it would be fun.” He swam next to her, catching her hips with his hands. “You look gorgeous naked, and I got to see your tits bounce as I dropped you in the water.”

  “Is that all you can think about? Tits, bouncing?” she asked. There was anger in her voice.

  Julian caught her hand pressing it to his growing length. “I’m a guy who appreciates a woman’s physique. Sue me.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  “Are you wet for me?” he asked. She backed away from him up against the side of the pool.

  “How would I know? We’re in a pool, genius.” She spread her arms. He liked her openness. He knew she felt covered by the water even as he saw all of her body clearly.

  Closing the last little bit of distance between them, Julian placed his hands on either side of her head. “There is a difference in the feel of water and cum,” he said. Her nipples were hard. He pressed his body against hers, his cock resting against the curve of her tummy. “Do you want me to show you?”


  He was weaving a spell over her. That could be the only way to explain what was happening to her. The closer he got the stronger the pull inside her to be his became. His cock felt hard where it lay near her belly. His body was flush against hers, the hardness of her body a contrast to her. She knew she was a softer woman, full with way too many curves.

  Her pussy was wet. She knew it because of the tingles she was getting between her thighs. The smallest touch would set her off. Heather was here to explore her desires with the man who owned her heart. Julian might not know her feelings, but she wouldn’t waste another moment without knowing what being with him really felt like.

  “Show me,” she said. She wrapped her arms around his neck refusing to get away.

  “I’m always happy to oblige a woman.” One of his hands disappeared beneath the water. In the next second she felt his hands on her pussy. His fingers opened her slit. A moan broke through her lips as he grazed her swollen clit. She’d wanted him since the morning when he had gotten her all hot and horny.

  “You’re wet.”

  “Your fault.” She slipped a hand down to grab his cock. “You’re hard for me, too, boss man.”

  “I like that. I’m your boss, so you’d better do as I tell you.”

  Her heart sped up, and her pussy wept from his words. She liked the thought of doing what he said. She liked it too damn much.

  “So, in order for me to please my boss, what do I have to do?” she asked. Heather moved her hand from the base of his cock to the tip. She couldn’t tell if he was leaking pre-cum. She fisted the length feeling him swell further in her hand.

  “By following my rules.” He slammed his lips down on hers, taking her in a mind-blowing kiss. She moaned but submitted to the assault on her lips. He pressed his tongue against her, demanding access. She opened for him, tilting her head back as he plunged inside.

  “You taste so fucking sweet,” he said with a groan to his voice.

  “What rules?”

  “You do exactly as I say.” He grabbed her hips lifting her up out of the water onto the side of the pool. He followed her up.

  Julian laid her down next to the edge of the pool. He gazed down at her body.

  “Open your legs,” he said.

  She did what he said without question.

  “That is one of my rules. When I tell you to do something, you do it.”

  “Kinky,” she said with a smile.

  “The truth.”

  “You just like getting your own way. That’s not a rule.”

  “True, but you opened your legs.”

  She cried out as he pressed a finger inside her pussy.

  “When you come I want to hear you scream my name. That is a rule.” His thumb touched her clit setting a fire between her thighs.

  “Yes, I’ll do it.” She moaned as he flicked her clit adding a second finger into her core.

  Julian sucked on her nipple. His teeth biting down making her groan as the pain went straight to her clit. She melted under the pain and pleasure of what he was doing. There was no distinction between the two. They were combined together making her burn harder than ever before.

  “Do you like that, baby?” he asked.

  Heather nodded her head unable to form words. He was wreaking havoc with her body, and she didn’t care. All she wanted was for him to continue.

  He nibbled and kissed the way down her body. She leaned up watching him settle between her thighs.

  “You have such a pretty pussy, Heather. I need to taste you.” He kept his fingers inside her cunt while his tongue replaced his thumb.

  She lay back down as his tongue felt hot against her clit. Her pants and the sounds of him licking her pussy were all that she could hear. His fingers left her pussy opening her thighs wider. He placed her legs over his shoulder as he feasted between her thighs.

  His tongue glided down to the entrance of her pussy. He fucked her with his tongue, two strokes before moving up to flick her clit. She moaned. He grabbed her ass rubbing her against his tongue. She cried out. With each stroke of his tongue the closer she was building to her release. She pushed up on his tongue. His fingers went to the entrance of her cunt as his other hand went near her anus. She gasped trying to pull away from his hand.

  “Trust me, baby. Relax. That is rule three. Always trust me,” he mumbled against her pussy lips.

  Heather hesitated a few times before relaxing against him. He pressed against the tight ring of her muscles but didn’t penetrate her. Her climax started to climb once more. Her attention on what his tongue was doing to her clit.

  She felt on edge. Her tummy was in knots. He pressed a third finger inside her pussy, sawing the digits inside her.

  His teeth bit down on her clit with enough pressure to cause pain but oh so much pleasure. She came apart with a scream. Her body was thrown into an earth-shattering orgasm.

  He fucked her with his fingers as she pressed up to meet him with every thrust. Her body shuddered as the climb of her release began to subside.

  She lay on the floor next to the pool completely sated. Julian moved up, and she looked at his cock. He was still hard.

  Heather lay back with a contented smile on her lips.

  “You taste amazing,” he said. He kissed her lips, making her taste her own essence.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He lay next to her. She stared at the ceiling wondering if she could do what she wanted. Staring at him she gazed to where his cock stood straight up and proud.

  Heather leaned up, turning towards him.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “My turn.”

  Chapter Nine

  Julian lay back as Heather straddled his hips, her pussy over the length of his cock. He felt the wetness of her release coat his cock. She grinned down at him. The intent on her face was clear. She kissed him, biting his lower lip.

  “I’m all yours, baby,” he said.

  “Then lie back and enjoy, baby.”

  He smiled, watching and feeling her work her way down his body. She stopped at his nipples, lathering them with her tongue and nibbling the tips. He moaned enjoying the way her hair, wet from the pool water, slid along his body. With each touch of her lips and glide of her hair, he knew she was getting closer to his cock. The anticipation of feeling her lips wrapped around his shaft was killing him.

  The sounds coming from her were addictive. She was down to his stomach, her tongue curving round his muscles in a smooth action. He watched as she moved between his legs. Her lips were inches away from the tip of his cock. His foreskin eased back exposing the
slit of his cock. A jewel of pre-cum leaked out of the top. Her tongue licked the pre-cum from his slit. He groaned from the pleasure of her touch. Her hands stayed on his legs. Only her lips and tongue were on his shaft. She toyed with the tip, first with her tongue then with her mouth. She teased the vein up and down his shaft.

  “Touch me, Heather. Put your fucking hands on my dick.” He let out a growl as her hands wrapped around his length pumping from root to tip. She sucked him inside the heat of her. When he hit the back of her throat she came up not taking anymore.

  She sucked him in. Her cheeks went in from the suction of her mouth. He watched his length disappear into her mouth to slide out wet from her saliva. He pumped his hips trying to get deeper into her mouth, but she stopped him with both hands wrapped around his length.

  His frustrating was growing with every time she denied him. It wasn’t fair. He needed to be inside her. The torment was killing him.

  She pulled up, his cock falling out of her mouth with a “plop” sound.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  Her lips were swollen and her face flushed. Julian knew she was turned on from sucking his cock. “I need more. Please, suck my dick.”

  “Is that rule four?”

  “Yes,” he growled.

  She giggled then took more of him to the back of her throat, but she didn’t stop. Her muscles relaxed, and he felt her deep-throat him. The action made him moan as his balls tightened. She came up following with her hand then went back down, her fingers working the base of his cock as she took him deep.

  He wanted to watch every action. The pleasure was too intense. He lay down as his release built. His balls tightened. Julian cupped her head. His hands fisted in her hair. His cock thickened, and the first wave of cum shot into her mouth. Julian heard her moans, and he tried to pull away to stop himself spilling in her mouth. She sucked him in. He looked down at her watching her throat swallowing his seed, his cum sliding down her throat. He moaned, the pleasure more than anything he’d ever felt.

  When he was flaccid and spent she let him go. She wiped her mouth staring up at him.

  He opened his arms for her to lie down next to him. She went to him without arguing. He was spent for the time being. His cock was satisfied from the pleasure of her mouth. She snuggled by his side, their hands interlocking on his chest.

  “That was amazing,” he said.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Julian smiled, content for the first time with his life.

  “It is so peaceful here,” she said.

  “I know. I’m glad I shared it with you.”

  She snorted. “I bet you say that to all the women.”

  “No, just you.” He turned to her. He wanted her to know that she was different. Julian didn’t see her in the same light as he did the other women. “You’re different, Heather. You shouldn’t ever forget how special you are.”

  “I’m sleeping with my boss,” she said, her gaze going past his shoulder to the water of the pool. He let go of her hand, capturing her face and forcing her to look at him.

  “No, you’re not.” He kissed her lips. For the first time he didn’t care about her going down on him or about the taste of his semen on her lips. “You’re sleeping with Julian the man. I’m not your boss in these moments, and I’m not Julian Goff the businessman.”

  “You’re just Julian,” she said.


  “Then I’m only Heather.”

  He nodded his head. “Hello, Heather. Nice to meet you. I’m Julian.”

  She laughed. “Nice to meet you, Julian.”

  He kissed her, his cock stirring to life when she pressed against the length of his body.

  “However, you still have to do as you’re told,” he said.

  “You’re the boss in the bedroom.”

  “And the boardroom.”

  She smiled, which brightened up her face.

  Julian stood leading her out of the pool and up to his bedroom. She held his hand while he took the lead. He dimmed the light in his room, pulling her close. Her body moulded to his like she was always supposed to be near him.

  “I’m going to love every inch of your body,” he said, laying a kiss to her shoulder.

  “That is a lot of inches for you to learn.”

  He slapped her ass making her yelp in pain.

  “What was that for?”

  “I don’t like you being negative about your body.”

  “It has been my body for the past twenty-five years, and I can say what I like,” she said.

  Julian rubbed her ass, soothing out the burn. “From this day forward your body is mine, and I want you to worship it the way I want you to.”

  She pulled back, looking at him. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Consider it one of my rules. You do what I want you to do, and you’ll be rewarded with so much pleasure.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Then there are more spanks to come for you, baby.”

  Heather nodded her head, her arms wrapping around his neck. “I’m all yours,” she whispered against his ear. He held her close, his cock rock hard at her nearness. Her breasts rubbed against his chest.

  Julian moved her backwards, each step taking her closer to the edge of the bed. He got to the edge, then pushed her back until she lay down.

  He followed her onto the centre of the bed. His sheets outlined her pale beauty perfectly. She licked her lips, the action showing her nerves. He stroked her ankles, skimming her flesh up to her knee then back down again.

  His eyes never left hers. With each movement of his fingers, he went farther up her thighs until he touched her mound.

  Her slit was creamy from her release, and her clit peeked out of its hood as he began to play with her pussy.

  “I’m addicted to your pussy,” he said.

  “Lucky me.”

  He chuckled then leaned over to grab his condom from the dresser by the side of his bed. Julian gave her the foil packet. “Put it on me.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said.

  She tore open the packet, and she held the tip of the latex and slowly rolled it over his aching erection. He wanted to fuck her bare but knew he couldn’t. The time on his desk had been a risk he wasn’t willing to take again. He pushed her down on the bed, kissing her lips.

  “I’m going to fuck you.”

  Her eyes dilated, and she gasped. He reached between them, grabbing his cock in his fist to align it to her entrance. The latex obstructed some of the sensations, but he felt the heat of her cunt swallowing him up.

  Julian captured her hands by the side of her head. He stared into her eyes, then with the thrust of his hips seated himself deep inside her body. She moaned thrusting up to meet him.

  “Can you feel me inside you?” he asked.


  He kissed her lips holding himself seated to the hilt inside her. She whimpered, kissing him back. He wished he didn’t have to wear the condom. Without the condom he’d feel every ripple and pulse of her pussy as she orgasmed.

  Ever so slowly, to make the sensations last, he pulled out of her. Julian wouldn’t break eye contact. He wanted to watch her come apart as he fucked her.

  Julian eased back in feeling her pussy pull him inside her. She moaned, her fingers tightening around his hands.

  “I’m deep inside you,” he said.

  “I can feel you.”

  Most of his times with women were spent in a big, long lovemaking session where he gave them pleasure, and then their separation would be quick. He didn’t like to spend the time on the after-care of sex. He released one of her hands to run his own down the length of her body. He cupped her hip then down her thigh, feeling the strength inside her body. There were no bones for him to feel. He wasn’t afraid of breaking her body.

  She held him close without fear. Julian sat inside her, and for the first time in his life he felt at home. He felt free.

  He lifted her
thigh over his hip and plunged inside her in a quick, deep thrust. A groan escaped him. He rested his head in the crook of her neck as he slammed inside her. She met him with each thrust.

  One of their hands connected while the other held each other close.


  He was so big inside her. Heather had never felt anything like him. The heat, length, and width made her beg for more. His kisses set her on fire where he touched. The pleasure from his hands made her burn harder. There was no part of her left untouched. He swamped her with his size and presence.

  He cupped her face, pushing her hair out of the way. She moaned, pushing up to meet him with each thrust of his cock.

  “Your turn,” he said.

  Julian rolled them over until she lay on top of him. From the angle of her sitting on his length, he felt deeper still. She was full to the brim of Julian Goff’s hard cock. Heather pushed her damp hair out of the way. He cupped her hips. The flesh of her belly made her self-conscious.

  “Don’t change who you are. You’re amazing,” he said. She tried to suck her tummy in but failed when he pushed his cock deep inside her.

  She cried out, her hands resting on his chest.

  “That’s it, baby. Ride me. I want to see you lose control.”

  “I like you on top,” she said with a moan.

  “Too bad. I’m the boss and in control.” He reached round behind her slapping her ass. She yelped, glaring at him. Then Heather smiled at him and squeezed her pussy.

  He growled, his fingers sinking into the flesh of her hips as he pulled her down, grinding their pelvises together.

  Heather threw her head back on a gasp.

  “I love your tits. They’re so full and bounce with every thrust of my cock.” He pushed his hips up. She saw him staring at her chest, the bounce of her breasts capturing his attention.

  She rode his cock feeling him slide in and out of her body.

  “So fucking beautiful.”

  He touched her clit. She gasped, staring down at him.

  “I want to see you lose control.” He fingered her pussy. “Lick my fingers.” Julian pressed two fingers to her lips waiting for her to suck him into her mouth.


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