Sleeping With the Boss

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Sleeping With the Boss Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She licked his lips, moaning from the taste of her own cunt on his fingers. He pressed them to her slit, fingering her clit.

  The smallest bit of pressure made her gasp, losing control of the rhythm she set up.

  “That’s it, baby. Let me feel you come.”

  She shook her head trying to hold back her release. Julian was too talented. With four strokes of his fingers she was coming apart on top of him, her climax running through every vein and sensory receptor throughout her whole body.

  Her screams echoed off the walls. She clawed at his chest trying to find anything to hold onto.

  She was falling. Opening her eyes she saw Julian on top. He had both of her legs over his shoulders while he pounded inside her pussy.

  The grip on her hips would leave bruises, she was sure of it. The pleasure was more intense than anything she’d felt.

  “I’m going to come,” he said.

  Heather gripped the rails at the top of the bed. She held on as he slammed inside her, pushing her to the limit. The pleasure bordered on pain from the press of his cock against her cervix.

  Julian thrust one final time inside her, the veins inside his neck popping out in clear view from the strain inside him. His cock throbbed inside her.

  His seed pulsed inside the condom he wore, and the grip on her hips tightened even further with his climax.

  Seconds later he collapsed on top of her. She held him close while the earth came into focus. He was heavy on top of her. She didn’t want him to move. She liked the feel of his weight on her.

  For so long she’d dreamt about and imagined what it would be like to be with him in this way. The reality was so much better than all of her fantasies combined.

  He shifted his weight off her. She gazed up into his eyes. What should she say?

  Words failed her. Instead, she smiled at him.

  “I’m going to get rid of the condom and take a quick shower. I’ll be back in a second.” He cupped her cheek.

  “Is it all right if I go downstairs and get my phone?” she asked.

  “Why do you want your phone?”

  “To let my friends know I got here safely and you haven’t axe-murdered me in your home.”

  Julian chuckled. “No problem. Be back soon.” He pulled out of her body making her wince. Before he left, he laid a kiss to her pussy.

  She smiled. Her cunt ached in the most delightful of ways. Heather watched him walk into the bathroom. She grabbed a robe then ran down the stairs to where her bag was by the front door.

  Rummaging through her bag she saw seven missed calls, from all of her friends. She dialled Connie in the hope she’d be less judgmental.

  “Thank God. Do you have any idea how worried we all were?” Connie asked. There was some commotion on the line, and then Ashley and Amber were complaining at her.

  “I’m sorry, guys,” she said, cutting into their rants. “We got here, and he gave me a tour of the house. It really is amazing.”

  “You could be dead right now. We always said we’d keep in touch when going to a guy’s house. You didn’t stick to our promise.” Amber kept complaining.

  “Look, I’m sorry. I made a mistake. I’m fine, and everything is fine. It’s Julian Goff, and he’s no axe murderer. I’m fine.”

  There was silence on the other end. She could almost see the glares shooting at the phone.

  “Fine. Next time when you go home with a strange guy that we all haven’t met and you’re axe-murdered, don’t come blaming me,” Connie said.

  “No problem.”

  “So, the friend arguing is complete. Tell us the gory details. Does he have a hairy back? Does he have a big cock?” Ashley asked.

  More mutters and the sound of a slap came over the phone.

  “I’m not giving you too many details. Let’s just say he knows what to do with himself. He’s forty years old, and he knows how to make a woman scream.” She smiled remembering the way he worked her body.

  There was a mirror by the drawer unit, and she gazed at her reflection. Her lips were swollen, and red marks covered her neck and chest. She opened the robe, exposing her body to the mirror. Her tits were red, the nipples swollen. She was a woman who looked well fucked.

  “It was perfect,” she said.

  Julian appeared behind her, his arms covering hers where she held the front of the robe open. He removed the robe in one quick movement.

  “That’s better,” he said.

  “Is that him?” Ashley asked. Heather gave a hum of conformation and approval. “He sounds fucking hot.”

  He nibbled her neck cupping her breasts in his hands. She closed her eyes enjoying the feel of him pulling her away from the mirror and leading her back upstairs.

  “Can I have this?” he asked. He took the phone from her fingers. His other hand tweaked her nipples between a finger and thumb. They were on the stairs on the way back up to his bedroom. “I know this is Heather’s friends. I’m about to take her and fuck her silly. She’ll call you in the morning, and she’s perfectly safe with me.” He pressed the phone to her ear. “Say goodnight.”


  “Wait, he’s so fucking hot. You’re a lucky woman.” The phone cut out on whatever Ashley was going to say.

  He lifted her in his arms. “I want you again, Heather.”

  She shivered but held on as he took her to his bedroom.

  Heather had no idea what the future held. All she knew was being with Julian was the best thing to happen to her.

  Chapter Ten

  The following morning Julian woke her at six in the morning. Heather pushed him away not wanting to be disturbed from her glorious dream.

  “It’s time to get up, sleepy-head,” he said.

  She turned away shaking her head. “No, I don’t.”

  “I don’t mind walking into work with you in the same clothes you had on yesterday, but you promised me to not let them know you’re sleeping with the boss.” He pulled some hair off her shoulder, exposing her neck, and then began kissing the tender flesh. She melted under his touch, her body turning to jelly in a matter of seconds.

  “As the boss you could always give me the day off and take a day yourself,” she said.

  “Business comes first, baby.” He yanked the cover off her. The cold air hit her naked skin making her gasp.

  “This isn’t fair.”

  He slapped her ass which caused her to yelp.

  “Will you stop spanking my ass?” she asked, shooting a glare at him.

  “It’s such a spankable ass.” Julian spanked her ass a second time. She jumped up out of bed, her ass stinging from his slaps. For the first time she wasn’t feeling self-conscious about her weight.

  “Well, I got you out of bed.”

  “Yeah, and I’m not in a good mood.” She folded her arms under her breasts, her entire body tense.

  He walked up to her. She didn’t like the way his eyes were on her. He looked like a predator about to pounce on his prey.

  “I can change your mood.”

  “No, you can’t. Strong coffee and more sleep can change my mood.” She glanced away from him for a split second, and that was all it took for him to take her. He wrapped her up in his arms, swinging her around on the bed. Heather squealed, shocked, then giggled as he tickled her.

  She fought him, trying to get away from his touch.

  “Stop,” she screamed.

  Julian wouldn’t let up. She decided to fight fire with fire. Heather turned on him, her hands going to his ticklish spots. They moved from the bed around the room, chasing each other. They were fighting and laughing for what felt like ages. He pushed her against the wall with her hands behind her head. She was trapped with her back next to the wall and Julian pressed against her front. His cock thrust next to her belly. She felt the cum leaking out of the tip smear on her tummy.

  “I want you again.” He bit her nipple, his teeth sinking into the flesh making her gasp.

  “Take me, Julian. Ple
ase.” She begged him. Her pussy was on fire. She needed him inside her.

  He cupped her ass lifting her up in his arms. She’d never had sex against the wall. The men she’d been with hadn’t the strength to lift her. Julian didn’t appear to struggle at all. The strength inside his powerful arms made her pussy weep. He was strong, sexy, and wanted her.

  She watched as he aligned his cock to her pussy and then slammed inside her in one smooth thrust. They both groaned, the sounds echoing off the wall of his bedroom.

  “So fucking tight.” Julian pulled out only to fuck back inside her. His strokes were rough, hard and relentless. She clawed at his back trying to hold on. His cock stroked every inch of her pussy demanding to go deeper within her.

  She bit her lip to try to contain her sob of pleasure. It was too much. It wasn’t enough. His fingers dug into her ass while his teeth sank into the flesh at her neck. She knew his marks would be all over her body. Her hips were already bruised from his loving the night before. The finger marks would constantly remind her of the hardness inside Julian.

  “I’m close,” he growled against her neck. “I want to feel you come around my dick. I want to remember this for the rest of the day.” His hands went to her hips. He moved back a step to change the angle of her hips. His cock bumped her cervix. The pleasurable pain he created had her shooting towards orgasm. She was standing at the edge, and all she needed was a little to push to send her over the precipice.

  She growled in frustration at being denied her release.

  “Come for me,” he demanded. He pumped his hips pushing his cock further against the cervix. She felt the tip rubbing against her so deep she didn’t know where he began and she ended.

  “I can’t. I need more.” She moaned with frustration. The pleasure was too much. She needed him to send her over the edge or stop. Heather didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to come, badly.

  “Play with your clit.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Please, Heather, baby. Play with yourself. Let me feel you come.” She opened her eyes to stare at him.

  Sliding her hand between them she grazed her swollen clit with her fingers. She was sensitive.

  “That’s it, baby. Play with your clit. Let me feel you come apart. That’s a good girl.” Sweat dripped off their bodies, the cool air forgotten with the need to fuck.

  “You’re close. I can feel each ripple of your cunt around me. I’m going to spunk inside you. I want to feel your cum around my cock. You’re so wet and juicy. Come for me, baby.” His words helped her take the next leap. She came apart in his arms, her fingers caught between her body and his. He plunged inside her repeatedly, the extra sensation of his cock sending her orgasm into a new universe of sensation.

  Her screams filled the air, followed by his growl of release. She felt the kick of his cock inside her. His cum shot inside her. She’d never felt anything like it before. His cum filled her pussy up.

  They both came down.

  Then she remembered they’d forgotten a condom for the second time. What should she say to him? She didn’t want to spoil the moment.

  “We need to get showered. You can wear some of my clothes,” he said, kissing her shoulder.

  She nodded her head, disappointed with how quickly he gained composure.

  “Hey, I’m protecting your reputation at work. I would never want our relationship to get in the way,” he said, cupping her face with his palm.

  “How do you know what I’m thinking?”

  “Your eyes. They’re expressive, and I know exactly what you’re thinking. I want to spend the rest of the day here with you, but I can’t.”

  Heather smiled at him then followed behind him into the shower. His semen dripped down the inside of her leg. She felt torn. Should she tell him she wasn’t on the pill? He began to wash her body, and all thoughts of condoms, or lack of, left her mind.


  Julian dropped her off at home. She wore one of his white shirts and running pants. They swamped her figure, but he couldn’t help but admire her. She looked damned hot in anything she wore.

  Before she left the car he requested she wear a thong with a skirt. She’d shot him a look of annoyance. He expected her to argue with him. Instead, she nodded her head then got out of the car.

  He couldn’t recall a time when Wednesday mornings were so much fun. The middle of the week was usually a bore to him. Heather kept everything fresh. He chuckled, thinking of the way she’d turned on him, tickling him back. It had been so long since someone fought him back. He liked it. Other women would have lain there pouting at him. Most of the women he dated were cold on the outside as well as on the inside.

  Heather is different, and you’re going to break her.

  Julian shook off his negative thoughts determined to see the positive. He got to work before all of his non security employees. The security team working at the front desk gave him a nod of acknowledgement. He went straight up to his office.

  Opening the blinds he allowed the morning sunshine to penetrate the office. He closed the blinds out to the office and left his door open for him to see Heather.

  Firing up the computer, he answered the most important emails first. In no time at all, he was too involved in his work. He didn’t see his employees arriving or Heather.

  She came in with the scent of coffee with her. His cup was placed in front of him dragging him out of the emails. He caught her wrist before she got chance to escape. She wore a light designer scarf around her neck.

  “Why are you wearing that?” he asked. She fingered the scarf.

  “You weren’t gentle.” Heather looked out the door before untying the scarf. He saw one side of her neck had his love bite. Julian recalled sucking on her neck that morning but didn’t think of the consequences. His cock thickened with approval.

  “I wonder if I could cover your body with my love bites,” he said. Her nipples hardened.

  “This isn’t fair, Julian. How can I concentrate?”

  He checked to make sure they weren’t being observed through the door. “Feel for yourself. How can I concentrate?” He placed her hand over his thick cock. “Are you wet for me?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Can I feel?”

  “What?” He pulled her close so her back was to his desk and the door. Julian kept an eye on the door then pushed his hand under her skirt. Her ass cheeks were exposed. She’d worn the thong he asked. He smiled before moving the lace out of the way and sinking two fingers inside her hot cunt. She gripped him. A sigh escaped her as he pumped his fingers into her body.

  “You’re lovely and wet.”

  “Julian, this isn’t fair.”

  “Come to me at lunchtime when everyone leaves.” He instructed her then removed his hand from under her skirt. His fingers glistened from her cum. Julian sucked them into his mouth. He moaned from her musky taste. “At lunchtime when everyone leaves.”

  She left him. Her face was flushed, her hips swaying with each step. He smiled. Heather was turning into a more pleasant distraction than he could ever have imagined.

  For the rest of the morning he spent a great deal of time gazing at the clock. The hands wouldn’t move fast enough for him. Her voice kept reaching him inside his office. His cock didn’t go down. He left to go to his personal bathroom in his office.

  He locked the door and stared at his mirror. His personal bathroom was the one part he’d demanded inside the design of his office. Julian opened a drawer where he kept many useful things. He grabbed the tube of lube then went back to his desk. Another hour and Heather would be all his.

  The lube went into his top drawer. He lifted the phone and finished off some business. With himself distracted the time went by quickly. Heather appeared at his door.

  “Come in and lock the door,” he said.

  “I thought we weren’t going to do anything in the office?” She closed then locked the door.

  “Come here. We’re not doing anything while
others are in the office. Most of them have left for lunch. The building shuts down for an hour, and I’ve got you all to myself.”

  She walked round the desk to him. He pushed his chair back giving her room.

  “Sit on my desk.”

  “You’re giving a lot of demands.”

  “I’m the boss, and you’re on my time. I’m in charge.”

  “When will I get to be in charge?” she asked.

  “Not when I’m in charge.” He lifted her onto his desk. “First I want to see that pussy I’ve been thinking about all morning.”

  Her skirt went to her waist, and then he opened her legs. He pushed her thong to the end of her pussy and gazed at her juicy slit. She was wet, her clit swollen and her cunt begging for his cock. Her scent permeated the air.

  “Look at that pretty pussy. You’re so wet. I’m hungry, Heather. I need to have a taste.” He leaned in and swiped his tongue from her entrance up to her clit.

  She whimpered. He took her legs in his hand and rested them on his thighs. Julian tasted her musky cum, her taste gliding down his tongue as he licked her clit. She was addictive to his obsessive personality.

  “You’re so damn tasty.” He pressed three fingers into her tight cunt watching as she expanded around him. His cock kicked inside his pants letting him know how much he wanted to sink into her.

  “That’s it, baby, feel me inside you. Do you want my cock?” he asked.

  “I want your cock.” She broke off on a moan.

  Julian licked her pussy one final time then stood up. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his length. Desire along with lust was urging him on. He lifted her off his desk then turned her so her tummy was pressed over the desk. Julian arranged her skirt up around her waist. Her pale ass was exposed for him, the thin piece of her thong visible between her ass cheeks. He moved the thong out of the way, and the puckered hole of her ass was visible to him. For several seconds he admired her ass and knew he’d claim that hole for himself.

  Taking hold of his length, he ran the tip of his dick against her clit then down to her cunt. He pushed the head inside her feeling her wet heat surround him.


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