Sleeping With the Boss

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Sleeping With the Boss Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  He held her hips then pressed all of his length into her cunt. She moaned.

  “No one can hear us.” Julian covered her mouth with one of his hands. “But you’re going to have to keep your voice down.”

  She nodded her head. When he was satisfied he released her mouth. He pulled out of her body seeing his cock glide out of her body. Julian registered he wasn’t wearing a condom, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull out of her heat to wear a condom. He knew he was being a complete bastard, but the feel of her snug heat felt so good. Julian knew he could become addicted to her cunt wrapped around his cock. The condom would take so much away from the sensation of the moment.

  He sank inside her watching his cock disappear into her body. He wished there was a mirror so he could watch her tits.

  Her puckered ass called to him. Julian reached into the desk for the lube he’d gotten from his bathroom.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Preparing you, baby.”

  Opening the tube with his teeth he squirted a good dollop onto his fingers. He placed the tube on the chair behind him.

  He slammed inside her twice then placed his lubricated fingers to her anus. She tensed, but he pushed his cock inside her making her moan. The sound broke off by her own hand.

  “Trust me, baby.” He eased one finger inside her tight asshole. “You’ve never had a man inside this tight little ass. I’m going to fuck this ass soon. You’re going to take my cock.”

  The first finger went to the knuckle, and then he began working in a second finger. She tightened around him. After a few minutes she took a breath and let him inside.

  “That’s right. I’m fucking your cunt and your ass.”

  She cried out as he pounded her pussy and kept up the rhythm of his fingers inside her ass. Julian knew she’d be passionate. He couldn’t wait to explore everything with her. His balls tightened, and he knew she was close. Her pussy and ass were tightening around him.

  “That’s it. Come for me, baby.”

  Heather gasped then buried her head against her arm as her cries echoed around his office. The sound was so low that only he could hear it. Her release milked his cock. Julian closed his eyes giving himself over to the pleasure of his orgasm. She orgasmed and sucked his cum inside her tight cunt.

  When it was over he pulled out of her. His cum leaked out of her pussy, the creamy strands coating the top part of her thigh.

  “Come on.” He led her to his bathroom. Julian kneeled before her and cleaned his release from her. Once she was thoroughly cleaned he replaced the thong, then wiped himself.

  When they were both clean, they walked back into the office. Julian caught her hand, spun her round to face him. She gasped as he circled his hands around her body.

  “Thank you,” he said. He kissed her deeply making sure she knew he appreciated what she’d done.

  She wrapped her arms around him.

  “You’re going to wear me out.”

  “We’ll have some fun along the way.”

  They ate lunch together while going talking about business and mundane things.

  “Have you ever gone away?” he asked.

  “What?” She took a bite of her sandwich looking adorable with her after-fuck glow.

  “You know. Taken a vacation? Spent some time abroad?”

  “I’ve been away, but I’ve never gone far from home. We went to the beach. I’ve never left the country besides for work.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Is your passport still in date?”


  “Are you planning something?” she asked. Her suspicion was obviously on full alert. Julian smiled but didn’t answer.

  Chapter Eleven

  For the next few weeks Heather divided her time between work and spending time with Julian. He took every moment away from her. The strain on her relationship with her friends was starting to show. Elijah refused to leave her house until he knew she was safe. He didn’t trust Julian. Her friends didn’t approve of him. They didn’t like the time he took. Heather felt torn. She knew putting Julian first wasn’t good. Their time together would be so short though. She knew it would only be a matter of time before he got rid of her.

  After placing her bag and coat down next to her desk she checked her phone to see what her text had been. “Are you spending time with him again? Connie.”

  Heather smiled. Connie refused to go to text talk. She spelt everything out. “Yes, I’m sorry. I love you.”

  The phone didn’t go off again. She put it back in her bag feeling awful. If it was the other way around she’d be happy for her friends. Shrugging her shoulders she went to the coffee machine to make Julian his morning cup. Two women were standing chatting as she entered. Heather couldn’t recall their names. She smiled at them then ignored them.

  “I’m telling you the boss is seeing someone. Whoever she is, is good for him.”

  Heather felt better. Julian had been in a better mood since their affair.

  “Hey, Heather. Do you know the woman screwing the boss?” one of the women asked.

  “Don’t have a clue. I’m thankful she’s keeping him on a tight leash. He could be a pain in the butt.” She poured the coffee into the cup raising it to them. “I better get this to the boss.”

  She left them pondering. Heather entered his office, and Julian put the phone down. He had a smile on his face.

  “Here is your coffee, and people are talking,” she said.

  “Who are talking?”

  “The women want to know who is keeping that smile on your face. They’re impressed. Maybe the woman should ask for a raise?” She put his coffee down on his desk.

  “You can get a raise every time.”

  “I’m happy with everything, Julian. I don’t need or want anything else.”

  He stared at her a few seconds before nodding his head. “Good. What do you have planned this weekend?” he asked.

  She thought about her friends but pushed them to the back of her mind. “Nothing, why?”

  “Because I’ve booked us a weekend stay at one of the island resorts. Think palm trees, peace and quiet, with just you and me. It will be fun,” he said.


  “I want you to go away with me. I’ve booked a little resort for us to stay. We’ll have sea, sand, and lots of sex to keep us company.”

  “But it’s the winter,” Heather said, glancing out of his office window. “Well, it’s the fall, but why would you want to leave?”

  He caught her hand. She stared out at the door to make sure no one saw them. “Aren’t you fed up with this crap? Every time I touch you, you check to see who’s watching. I want you all to myself for several days away from your friends and everything.”

  She knew what he meant. The stress of keeping from getting caught was exhausting. She wanted to go with him.

  “Yes, I’ll go with you.”

  “We’ll leave Friday afternoon and come back Sunday. Be packed and ready.”

  “That’s tomorrow.”

  “I know. Time flies when you’re having fun.” He kissed her knuckles then went back to work.

  Heather left him to do her own work. She phoned her friends around lunch time. They didn’t encourage or say anything else. She sensed their withdrawal.

  She licked her lips and finished her work. The day was filled with phone calls and messages along with so much more. She didn’t have the time to think about everything that was happening. When it was time to leave for the day she said goodbye to Julian. It was the first time since their affair began that she was going home for the night.

  “I’ll pick your suitcases up tomorrow morning and store them in my car,” he said.

  “Okay. See you tomorrow.”

  “We’ll have fun, Heather. I promise.”

  She nodded her head. What else could she say?

  Closing his door she made her way out of the building and walked the distance to her house. The lights were on letting her
know Elijah was already home. She let herself in.

  Heather walked into her sitting room to see Elijah and her three friends sharing a pizza and talking. Their conversation ceased the moment she walked in.

  “Are you staying or going again?” Elijah asked.

  It had been a long time since she had seen her friends. Staring at them now made tears spring to her eyes.

  “I’m staying for tonight. I’ve got a suitcase to pack. He’s taking me away this weekend.”

  The disappointment was clear on all of their faces.

  “Please, don’t judge.”

  “Look at yourself, Heather. You’re not around anymore. He’s changing you, and it’s changing us,” Ashley said.

  “You said yourself, he doesn’t treat a woman great,” Amber said.

  “I know this, okay.” Heather gazed at Connie. “Do you want to say your piece as well? You might as well.”

  Connie shook her head. “I can see the pain you’re in. I guess it’s hard on you. I can see it.”

  Heather licked her lips, the tears spilling down her cheeks. “I know I’m breaking the guy code or whatever. I don’t like the fact we’re not seeing much of each other. What do you want me to do?” She opened her arms in frustration.

  “You could tell him to leave you the fuck alone. You’re giving him everything on a god-damn plate, Heather. Have you ever thought he’s using you until his next model turns up?” Ashley asked.

  She knew what her friends were saying was the truth. “I’m tired. I know I’ve not been the best friend. Please, let me do this. This is the first time in my whole life where I want a man and he wants me.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m not stupid. I know this isn’t going to last. Please, let me do something that makes me happy.”

  “Does being a sex toy make you happy?” Elijah asked.

  Heather turned on him. With his silence she’d forgotten he was there. “Excuse me?”

  “It’s clear you like being used. Julian is a player. He’ll move on, and you’ll be left stranded.”

  “I know you’re my brother, but I suggest you shut your fucking trap or get the hell out of my house.” She folded her arms over her chest. “I don’t give a shit how important you are or what you do. Leave my life alone.” She walked away ignoring them. Tomorrow she’d be going away with Julian, and she wouldn’t think about the strain she was creating on her relationship with her friends.


  On the drive home Julian missed Heather. She’d spent the better part of the last couple of weeks with him. He knew he should start looking for her replacement, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. In fact the thought of having another woman felt like a betrayal. They were good together. She made him laugh. The pleasure he gained from being inside her as well as talking with her couldn’t be replaced. She was more than a woman who gave him sex.

  He drove to his house on the outskirts of the city instead of his apartment for the night. When he got out of the car he noticed Elijah standing by his door waiting for him. His hair was tied at the back, and he wore a heavy jacket.

  Julian got out of the car and locked it. “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “I came to see you.”

  “Why?” Julian felt his guard go up. When the brother of the woman he was sleeping with showed up, he knew there was going to be trouble.

  “You know she loves you, right?”

  “Excuse me?” Julian’s heart raced. The thought of Heather caring for him made him feel great, but the thought of her loving him filled him with dread.

  “I know the relationship between Heather and me isn’t the best, but I want to make one thing clear. She’s my sister, and if you break her heart, I’ll break you,” Elijah said.

  The other man closed the distance between them. Julian stared at Heather’s brother and knew he was being serious. He liked that. Elijah would make sure she was safe.

  “Heather knows the score. You won’t do anything to be apart from her. You love her too much.” Julian glanced behind him at his house.

  “I mean it, Julian. I’ll do anything for her. Doing time isn’t a problem to me. She’s my sister. Don’t play with her.”

  “She knows the score, Elijah. She’s a big girl. Let her live her life.”

  Elijah nodded his head. “Enjoy your weekend together, but remember what I said.”

  Julian watched the other man walk away. There had been no fear. Julian respected the man who cared for his family. He walked to his door and let himself inside. Her scent was everywhere.

  Julian went to the kitchen to grab a beer. He didn’t want to think about what had happened with her brother. When family got involved he cut and run. He wasn’t ready to leave Heather.


  He couldn’t be in love with Heather. Love was such a fickle emotion. Julian grabbed food out of the refrigerator and fixed himself a sandwich. The thought of anything more left him feeling sick.

  Heather was the loving type. He saw it inside her every time he was with her. The love on her face. The more he thought about it, the easier it was to recognise. Shaking his head, he put everything away, then went and sat in his study.

  What was he going to do? He either let her go—and he hated that—or he steered her along until he was bored. Each option left him feeling disgusted with himself. Heather deserved better.

  She’s the one. Trust yourself.

  Julian shook his head. He’d promised himself he’d never marry. Heather had once asked him what he wanted from his life. The truth was he didn’t have the first clue what he wanted. He had everything.

  And yet you’re still empty inside. Everything looks pretty damn lonely.

  He was going to spend the weekend with her and then make up his mind. Stringing her along wasn’t his intention. When they were forced to spend more time together with no chance of getting away he’d have an idea of how long the affair would last.

  Julian liked his plan. Most of the women he’d dated hadn’t lasted long enough after he’d taken them away. Heather had joined him on business trips, but they were a lot different from socially going together as a couple.

  He’d booked a place where no press or work associate would find them. All the angles were covered.

  Chapter Twelve

  Heather gazed out at the setting sun. Work had been hard knowing she’d spend the rest of the weekend uninterrupted with Julian. He’d collected her suitcases, storing them in the boot of his car. For the whole day he refused to give her any clues as to where they were going.

  They left the building separately, and he picked her up at a café down the street. From there he’d driven them to the airport only for them to get off and go on a boat. A man had then taken the boat to a deserted island. It was a holiday resort for the extremely wealthy. Only Julian had booked the whole island for the weekend for himself.

  “How rich are you?” she asked.

  “Rich enough to have you all by myself.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’ve got you all to myself, Heather. For the whole weekend your ass is mine.”

  She knew he’d become fascinated with her ass. A smile tugged at her lips at the promise the weekend would bring.

  “Well, Mr. Goff. You’ve got your sex slave here. What are you going to do with her?”

  “Take off your clothes.” He nibbled her ear. She spun in his arms, wrapping them around his neck.


  “I don’t want to waste a moment of our time together, Heather. While we’re here you’ll do as the boss says, and the boss says take off your clothes.”

  She shivered from his authoritative tone. There was something about a man who took charge. Julian oozed everything she loved in a man.

  Heather pulled away from him and then began to unbutton her blouse.

  “I’m not going to lie to you, baby. I’m going to fuck you hard this weekend. That cunt and ass are mine.”

  She’d come to terms with anal sex. When she had time alone
she’d read several books and watched clips online. She was intrigued.

  “Come and get it,” she said, throwing down the challenge.

  Julian grabbed her blouse and tore it in two. Buttons sprayed everywhere. She laughed, pulling at his own shirt. They tore at their clothes. Heather was desperate to feel him against her body. One night away from him had felt like too damn long to her. She needed him closer, their naked flesh touching.

  She cupped his face going on her toes to kiss him. They both moaned as their lips touched. Julian captured her close pulling her back. She knew where he was going. There were no stairs. He was leading her down to his bedroom.

  A trail of clothes followed them. She yanked at his belt. He ripped her skirt off her body. Their lips bit and kissed each part of their body. The door to the bedroom was slammed open, and they were naked.

  He sank his fingers into her hair while his other hand gripped her ass cheek. She moaned sucking his lip into her mouth.

  “I want you so fucking bad. What have you done to me?” he asked. Their breaths were coming in pants.

  “I’ve done nothing. I feel it, too.” She sank to her knees in front of him. Heather pumped the flesh of his cock. She covered the head with her mouth, sucking the pre-cum then bobbing her head as she took more of him in her mouth.

  “Your mouth is so fucking hot.”

  She noticed he liked using the F-word when he was around her. His lack of control was addictive. He grabbed her hair in his fist, forcing her to take more of his cock inside her mouth. She moaned, loving his control over her.

  “That’s it, baby. Suck my cock. Take it deep.” He pushed deeper inside her.

  Heather cupped his bollocks in her hands licking his cock. She wanted him to explode.

  He pulled her away, lifting her up. She followed him up. The pressure he’d placed on her hair was nothing compared to the pressure she wanted between her thighs.

  They fell to the bed together. He reached for a condom, ripping the foil packet with his teeth, then sliding the latex over his length. In the next instant he was inside her, his length pressing deep against her cervix. She cried out, and the sound vibrated between them.


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