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Blind Tasting 3

Page 4

by Angela Ford


  “Tuesday it is. I’ll pick you up at noon.” Chase smiled.

  “Now you have to promise me that you will rest and not overdue it. Then I’ll discharge you.”

  “I promise to be good, Doc.” Becca smiled and signed the discharge on his chart.

  “See you Tuesday.” She disappeared behind the curtain.

  Becca met up with Chloe and Laura after her shift on Sunday. She was right. The ladies had a plan set in motion to get Que Syrah Syrah back up and running. Becca was thrilled about Tegan’s new man and how that part of her friend’s life was something to lift her spirits. Tegan wasn’t the only one. Chloe had lucked out in love as well. Becca was thrilled with the news but her huge grin made her friends question her.

  “Don›t lie to us, Becca. That smile tells me something is happening with Chase.” Laura could read her like a book.

  “Is the doctor now making house-calls?” Chloe asked with a snicker.

  “I have a date!” Becca announced with excitement.

  “Finally.” The news coaxed Chloe to lift her glass for a toast.

  Laura joined in. “So...details...we’re waiting.”

  Becca filled them in on her date to go horseback riding and a picnic for two on the Tanner property.

  “Can Ms. Big Apple ride?” Chloe loved to tease her about being a city girl.

  Becca laughed. “I’m now a country girl, Chloe. There’s no more Big Apple in my future. Perhaps a firefighter, though. And yes, I rode a horse before but not since I was a child.” Becca suddenly worried about what she’d gotten herself into.

  “Don’t worry, honey. You’ll do fine. It’s like riding a bike. And if all else fails, ride the cowboy.”

  Becca laughed at Chloe’s remark but it did cross her mind.

  Chapter Seven

  The sun’s rays beamed through the sheer white curtains across a tired Becca. It took forever the night before to fall asleep. Mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety raced through her thoughts about Tuesday’s date with Chase. One look into those emerald green eyes and she was lost in love. Her broken heart healed but she was still in a protective mode. It took her all morning to convince herself she could do it. The knock on the door brought back her anxiety. She took a deep breath, checked her lipstick once more in the hallway mirror and ran her fingers through her hair.

  “Precisely noon, I’m impressed.” She was more impressed with him as her eyes travelled to take note of his toned body that filled his denims and the shirt with a few buttons undone.

  Chase smiled, removed his Stetson and held it against his chest. “I’ve been counting down the hours since you said yes.”

  His words made her heart flutter. She felt like a teenager on her first date. She smiled. Definitely a charmer. “Would you like to come in?” she asked.

  “I don’t want to keep the horses waiting.” Chase moved to the side and looked back to check on the horses.

  “I need to be honest with you, Chase. I haven’t been on a horse since I was ten years old.”

  “Then this gift I have for you will help ease your worry.” Chase reached over to the porch swing and grabbed the white Stetson. “I didn’t think the city girl owned one. This will make you a true country girl and an excellent rider.” He set the hat gently on her head. His hands fixed her hair. His touch only ignited her anxiety and she took a deep breath. His finger gently tapped her nose. “Perfect. Now you look like a country girl.”

  The simple gesture relaxed her. Becca got rid of the description of charmer and replaced it with genuine.

  “Come meet Bella. She’s very gentle. I’m sure you’ll ride fine.” Chase led her to the beautiful white mare.

  Chase rode beside Becca through the trails of the Tanner property. She surprised herself and rode as though she’d ridden a horse just yesterday. Chase spoke of his parents with such love and admiration; it brought tears to her eyes. She could tell he missed them and that they were a close family. He asked about her parents and she excitedly told him they were planning a visit to Vinegrove in the next few weeks. They always spent half the year in Florida then travelled the remainder. She told Chase she couldn’t wait to show them the town she fell in love with.

  “So that means you’re staying here in Vinegrove?” Chase stopped his horse. His emerald eyes smiled at her.

  “You bet. I love it here. This is now home for me.” Becca spoke surely. She loved her job, her friends and she knew she was falling for the man with the emerald eyes. No longer did Becca think of him as a cowboy she wanted to have a roll in the hay with; no longer a dare from the love list. The word, genuine came to her mind. Something hit her heart that never did before.

  “Let’s stop over there for our picnic.” Chase pointed.

  Becca looked over and saw a tall oak next to a pond. She smiled. “What a breathtaking view.” She thought the quiet, private spot with a never-ending view of the vineyards in the distance looked heavenly.

  Chase helped her down from her horse. “After you, my lady.” He removed his Stetson and motioned toward the oak tree.

  His words were music to her ears. Becca believed Chase to be a true gentleman. Yes, Blake opened doors for her and pulled out her chair for her at restaurants, but he’d never spoken to her as gently and respectfully as Chase. Every time he looked at her, every word he said to her; touched her heart. She could feel the walls she’d built around her heart crumbling.

  Chase spread the plaid blanket out beneath the tall oak and took Becca’s hand. “Does my lady like the picnic spot?”

  She sat down and answered, “It’s perfect.” She watched Chase unpack the picnic goods from the saddle bag on his horse. He’d thought of everything. The champagne and the bucket to put it in impressed her. When he sat down, he opened a small basket. It held fried chicken and potato salad. “Is this home-cooked?”

  “I love to cook. It’s my secret passion. Don’t tell anyone or my bachelorhood will be tainted.” He chuckled.

  Becca loved his laugh. Actually, she couldn’t yet find anything she didn’t love about him. “You are an impressive man,” she told him as she took the champagne flute he held out for her.

  He filled the flute. “I’m trying hard to impress my lady. I’ve wanted to ask you out since that bump at the pub.”

  “What took you so long? Becca asked. “That was six months ago.”

  “Your bruised heart.” He tapped her glass. “Here’s to...I hope it’s healed and ready to let me in.”

  Becca swallowed hard. She smiled and took a sip of her champagne. “I’m happy to hear my broken heart is town talk. It makes me feel like a local.”

  Chase laughed. “And I’m sure our picnic is the talk of the town today.”

  His laugh, his smile, his eyes; Becca was lost in heaven. She wanted this man.

  “So, what do you know about my broken heart?”

  Chase leaned down on one arm on his side. His action made Becca want to lie beside him. “Only that you found your best friend in bed with your fiancé.”

  “That about sums it up.” Becca took another sip of her champagne. She sat quietly for a few moments.

  Chase broke the silence. “Sorry that happened to you, Becca. But I’m happy that it brought you to Vinegrove.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “It sucks when someone you love breaks your heart.” His words told her his heart had also been broken.

  “You too?”

  He sighed. “Back in high school. She dumped me for the quarterback. From there I never wanted to get too close to anyone. It hurt.”

  Becca’s heart ached for him. “And that’s where your reputation began?”

  “Guess so. But I was young and thought I was in love. Not like you. I can only imagine the hurt you felt.”
He moved closer to her. His hand gently touched her face. Any hurt she’d experienced disappeared with his touch. His eyes watched her lips part. “May I kiss my lady?”

  Becca smiled. “I’d like that.”

  His lips were as soft as she imagined. The taste of his kiss made her wonder why she waited so long. She wanted to kiss him six months ago at the cafe. His fingers played with her hair and briefly touched the skin on her neck. He deepened the kiss. She followed his lead and moved in closer. She felt his heartbeat against hers. Becca opened her eyes when the kiss ended.

  He smiled. “Hungry?” Chase made her a plate of chicken and salad and fed her the first bite. “Hope my lady likes it.”

  “You are a very talented man.” Becca took the plate from him.

  He grabbed a plate for himself. “I hope that remark includes the kiss.”

  “Oh, the food is great too.”

  Chase laughed. “Thank you.”

  After lunch they rode along the trails. Becca felt as though she’d known him her whole life. He was so easy to talk to. His humor was as dry as hers—especially when they talked about firefighting and the ER. By the time they reached her cottage, she didn’t want to leave him.

  “Would you like to come in?”

  “I would love to but only if I can cook you dinner.”

  Becca nodded in agreement.

  Chase paused inside the door. “Just the way I remembered Mom’s cottage. You’ve kept it the same.”

  “When were you last here?” Becca asked from across the room. She retrieved two cold beers from the fridge. She handed him one.

  “Ah, thank you my lady.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. Becca blushed. He continued to impress her with his country charm. It seemed so natural for him. She believed his mother raised him to be a gentleman. He no longer seemed the ladies’ man people in the town claimed him to be. He’d admitted over lunch that his reputation protected him from admitting his hurt from a broken heart.

  “It’s been a long time. I helped Mom after Grandma passed. Then she got sick.” Chase got quiet for a moment as he looked around.

  “I’m sorry about your mom. Does it upset you to be here?” Becca touched his arm.

  Her touch must have brought him back from his thoughts. He turned to her.

  “No, not with you here now. My mom loved this cottage. I’m just remembering her. Now it’s your cottage, Becca. My mom would have loved you. Maybe in some way she brought you to me.”

  His sweet words touched her heart and she smiled. He leaned in to kiss her. A gentle brush of his lips against hers led into a passion that exploded.

  “Perhaps we should have our drink on the porch before I lose control.” He chuckled and held open the door for her. She led him to the porch swing.

  “I can’t imagine not talking to my mom. We talk every other day. It must be hard, Chase.”

  “It is some days. But I keep her in my heart.” He raised his hand to his chest. “When will your parents be here? Maybe I can cook dinner for them, if that’s okay with you?”

  Becca smiled and placed her hand on top of his. “My mother will love you.”

  Chase turned his hand to intertwine his fingers through hers. He squeezed her hand gently. “I hope her daughter will too.”

  “I think I already do,” she confessed.

  He leaned in. “Me too,” he whispered and kissed her nose.

  “I should start dinner for my lady. Let’s go see what you have.”

  Becca laughed. “I actually have a stocked kitchen. I never had that in New York.”

  “And you never had a gourmet chef.” Chase winked.


  Chase stopped at the fridge and turned to Becca. “Perhaps my lady would like to relax in the bath while I prepare dinner?”

  She leaned in to steal another kiss and sighed. “That sounds wonderful.” She laughed as he whisked her out of the kitchen toward the stairs.

  Chase was impressed with his findings in the kitchen. She’d been right. The kitchen was stocked. He decided to make Caesar salads and linguini with shrimp. He looked around for a chopping board and noticed it under her purse. When he lifted the purse, it opened and its contents fell out onto the counter. He began to put them back into the purse when he noticed a folded piece of paper that read, ‘The Love List Picks’. Curious, he picked it up. When he unfolded the paper, he discovered his name written on the inside. He sat down on the stool behind him. Is this a game? Am I just a dare? All he could think of was the reputation the town had given him. Hurt filled his heart. He grabbed his Stetson on the way out and left the unprepared food on the kitchen counter.


  Becca sank into the hot bubbles in her claw-foot tub and relaxed. Her eyes drifted shut with thoughts of Chase and his kisses. A half hour later, the water cooled, and Becca rose from the tub. She brushed her hair and her teeth and grabbed a fresh pair of jeans and a T-shirt. She put on lipstick, took a deep breath and smiled into the mirror. She’d found the love of her life.

  Becca thought it odd that she didn’t smell any food cooking as she descended the stairs. The kitchen was empty.

  “Chase?” She called out his name, but there was no answer. She noticed the uncooked food on the counter and looked out through the screened door. He was nowhere in sight and the horses were gone too. She wondered if there had been a fire and he’d been called out.

  Then she saw the piece of paper on top of the kitchen stool. Maybe he’d left her a note. She gasped when she saw it: The Love List picks.

  “Shit!” Now she knew why he’d left abruptly. Why the hell didn’t I throw this away? She sat down hard on the stool with a tear in her eye and an ache in her heart. You really messed this one up, Becca.


  Chapter Eight

  “Chloe, I screwed it up,” Becca told her friend through tears when Chloe answered the phone.

  “What? Your date with Chase? What happened, honey?”

  “Yeah, it was going so perfectly. He’s not the man I thought him to be. He’s so much more. No one has ever made me…feel this…way.”

  “It was so romantic. The horses, the picnic under the oak tree, the champagne, and the kisses. No one ever kissed me like that before. Oh God, Chloe, what have I done?” Becca started to cry again.

  “Sounds like a perfect date,” Chloe said then asked what happened to make her so upset.

  “He found that damn piece of paper I should have thrown out.”

  “What paper, Becca?”

  “The pick. The love list pick.”

  “Ouch,” Chloe replied.

  Becca tried to regain control through her sobs.

  “Pull yourself together girl!” Chloe demanded and told Becca to fix her lipstick and go to him.

  “How do I explain this?” Becca felt so stupid.

  “Follow your heart and tell him how you feel. If he does have feelings for you, it will work out. Now go. Call me if you need me. Love you.”

  “Thanks Chloe, I love you too.”

  Becca drove to the Tanner ranch. Nervous as hell, she rang the doorbell. Cindy Tanner, Reece’s very pregnant wife, opened the door. “Becca darling, I thought you and Chase had a date? He’s been planning this date since you said yes.”

  Becca’s eyes welled up. “I screwed up. He left. I hoped I’d find him here so I could tell him how he makes me feel.”

  “Who is it Cin?” Reece called from another room.

  “It’s Becca.” Cindy smiled. “Come in darling.” Cindy put her arm around Becca and led her to the sitting room. Becca smiled at Reece as she entered the room.

  “Becca? Where’s Chase?” he asked.

  “I thought perhaps you would know. I kind of screwed things up, do you know where he would go
?” Becca asked.

  “If my brother is hurting and wants to be alone, I know exactly where he would go. Come on. Let’s check the barn. He must have brought Bella back and then took off.” Reece led the way. He was right and Bella was in her stall. Reece directed her out and saddled her up. He then told Becca where she’d find Chase. “He doesn’t like people to know but my brother is very sensitive underneath the macho appearance.”

  Becca felt touched by the love heard in Reece’s tone. “Thanks Reece. I just hope he’ll listen to me.”

  “I know how much he likes you. I can tell by the expression in your eyes, you feel the same. Speak from your heart Becca. I’m certain it will work out.” Reece smiled and patted the horse. “Now go get him.”

  She rode off with determination.

  She found Chase exactly where Reece said he’d be. “Reece?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I asked where I could find you. He told me if you were hurting, you’d be here.”

  Chase sat quietly. Becca got off Bella and tied her to the tree beside Chase’s horse, Champ. She sat beside him on the grass. “I’m sorry you found that piece of paper, Chase. I’d like the chance to explain.”

  “No worries. I know my reputation for being a ladies’ man. Guess it caught up with me and bit me in the ass.” His tone sounded full of hurt. He turned to face her. “Becca, I really like you. Actually I think I’m in love with you. I thought you were the one. My mother always told me I’d know when it happened. I’ve been burned before. I’m just sad this was a game for you. I wanted it to be the real deal.”

  Tears formed in Becca’s eyes. His words ripped at her heart. She took a deep breath. “I love you Chase. I’ve been in love with you for months. My heart was in protection mode and my mind told me to forget about real love. The Love List was not meant to be a game. It was something four women came up with to find true love—we hoped.”


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