The Cactus Killer (The Inglewood Chronicles)
Page 4
“Right now, anything that might give us an indication of what we are dealing with.” I closed my eyes and calmed my inner self. I opened my senses to the world and let them take over. Once I got passed the obvious smells like blood and werewolf, that same musky smell that the man in the cave had was here too. Not a close smell, but the exact same. I wonder if it was a type of cologne these guys were using.
“Hey Elizabeth, come here for a second.” She had been looking at the spot where the body was found and gave me a curious look as I hadn’t moved yet.
“Did you find something already?”
“How good is your sense of smell?”
“Nowhere near as good as yours I imagine, but it is quite good for the vampire community.”
“Take a deep breath and go past the blood and werewolf smell. Do you get that musky smell, like the one from the rifle guy in the mine?”
She did as I asked and for a few moments she sniffed the air. “It smells exactly like that guy! Could this be a clue?”
“Do you recognize it? I figured it was some sort of cologne or body spray.”
“It is certainly no cologne I ever smelled on a man before. I am sorry; I do not know what it could be.”
Another mystery, but at least it could be used. I followed the smell for a ways while Elizabeth continued surveying the scene. Eventually, the smell stopped cold. It wasn’t replaced with smells associated with a car or any form of transportation. It just vanished. As I walked back, I just had to shake my head. This was not going to be an open and shut case.
A quick tour around the crime scene brought no new evidence and by this time, it was well after noon. We hopped back in the car and headed back to the station.
“I think tomorrow, as long as we don’t get interrupted again, we will head over to Elephant Butte and finally meet with the reverend. I will make a call over to the EBPD and make sure we have an escort. We don’t know what might be going on there.”
“I feel much better that this case is stumping you as well, Sheriff.” I looked over at her, I was appalled. “No, do not take it that way. Remember, I have been around the block more times than I care to admit. If you figured this out in a few days, well I would have been rather embarrassed.”
I didn’t think about that. “Just how long has it been since the first murder?”
I am pretty sure she was counting in her mind. For a moment she looked like just another lady who may have had a year or two on me the way her brow scrunched up as she was thinking. “The first murder occurred in 1978, thirteen years after I took over the southwest.”
“You’re telling me this guy has been out there doing this for thirty six years? I thought this just started happening?”
“In the beginning, it was sporadic. After the first murder in 1978, nothing happened until 1981. Then over the next decade a few more would pop up here and there. Finally, over the past year, it has gotten out of hand. Most do not know about the early murders and we tried our best to keep it that way.”
I had a lot more to process now. Unfortunately, nothing at the station gave me any clues either. The audio recording of the tip line call was a bust. The timbre of the voice kept changing, leading me to suspect two people were alternating taking turns while talking to Jacobs. The voices were close enough that I doubt anyone else would’ve picked it up.
I called the mayor and briefed him on the day. He was happy that two of the suspects were no longer in a position to cause harm, but the Alvarez murder really made him nervous.
“Vic, I think you need to take over that case too. Maybe if we can learn what Hector was doing, we can figure out this serial killer case.”
“You’re right, mayor. If it is okay with you, I’d still like to go meet with that Pastor up in Elephant Butte. Those two guys in the mine were zealots and it might have started with that guy.”
“That sounds like a plan. Get up there tomorrow and see what you can dig up and keep on the Alvarez murder.”
My next call was up to the EBPD and making sure it was okay that I came and talked to a potential suspect in an ongoing murder and assault investigation. The sergeant I talked to had no issues and would provide a deputy to escort us over. I thanked him and told him I would be up at his office in the morning.
“Rough day, sir?”
I looked up and saw Jacobs standing in the door. “You wouldn’t know the half of it. I take it Billy is keeping our VIP occupied right now?”
She came in and sat down. “Yes sir, they seem to get along quite well actually. He certainly does have a way with people.”
I chuckled, he certainly did. “We learned a lot today. The mayor wants us to keep on Alvarez which means you will keep on Alvarez. Something stinks there and we need to get an answer.”
“Of course, I will get to the bottom of it. Is there anything else to be done today?”
“Yeah, go save Billy and have him do the evening patrol. I’ll take our guest back to the ‘safe house’ and tomorrow; we will get a fresh start on all of this.”
Fifteen minutes later Elizabeth and I were headed back to my house. It had been a tough day and I was ready to forget most of it. Just when I was daydreaming about my dinner…
“I think we should go out to eat this evening. I am tired of being stuck in a house that smells of cooked meat.”
Chapter 8
It was weird being in a Jaguar. Whereas the most current feature on the Mustang was air conditioning, Elizabeth’s ride had wireless calling, satellite radio, and a GPS that talked to you. To top it off, she made me dress up a bit. Vetoed were jeans and a button down and in was a pair of Dockers and a dress shirt. She said she wanted to expand my horizons and take me some place cultured. Judging by her cocktail dress and the sparkling white gold she had on, I was certain I was in trouble.
“Vic, you can handle being shot, religious zealots, and a bullet ridden werewolf. You would think I was taking you to be tortured! You need to see the world, my cute little pup!”
Before I could even offer a rebuttal I saw the sign ‘Welcome to Texas!’ and that was it. “You’re taking me to Texas? What the hell is wrong with you, lady?”
“Oh calm down. To get you some real food, I am taking you to El Paso. Believe it or not, there is a place there where I hear the steaks are magic.”
“You don’t understand. I am entering a new territory; I have to get the okay from the local pack leaders before I go wandering around.”
She rolled her eyes. “You werewolves slay me. Well you happen to be in luck, unlike you New Mexican wolves who tend to be isolated and unsocial to the rest of the world, the Texas pack is in open communication with the vampires. More specifically, Red Alpha Josh Greenfoot of the west Texas community, White Wolf and I do quite a bit of business. I already texted him before we left.”
I knew us wolves in New Mexico were considered backwoods, but the idea that a pack so close to us not only was on speaking terms with vampires, but did business together was news. I guess this is what Argent wanted me to find out, were other packs more progressive than us?
“I can see you are conflicted so let me enlighten you some more. This is why I brought you down here, to show you the world is not little towns but a big place. Most werewolf packs in the United States, at the very least have open lines of communication to the respective vampire ambassador. I have tried for many years to get the New Mexican packs to open up to me, but never once did I get a response.”
“Are you sure? Mayor Argent is usually very prompt with his responses to requests.”
“I do not know, only what I have seen on my end. However, I am most pleased with my current dealings and, when this is all over, I would like to extend the same courtesies to your pack as I do with the rest of them.”
“I’m truly sorry that we had to come to an understanding with such a black cloud hanging over us. This guy has gotten away too long, but soon everyone slips and we will catch him.”
I was starving by
now and thankfully we were pulling into the restaurant. I had to do a double take at the sign, it was called ‘Guy’s Grille’ but it looked like a five star quality place. The parking lot was crazy and the wait outside looked like hours.
“Do not worry, I have everything all set for us. I heard your stomach growl as soon as we left your house.”
Sure enough, Elizabeth waltzed right up to the host stand and within seconds, we were being seated. Complimentary wine soon followed as did a tray of assorted appetizers.
“Not that I am going to complain, but how did you pull that magic trick off?”
She laughed again, like I missed the obvious. “Easily, I am well known in the entire region and certain contacts have been made. I really do not eat, but I know this place has a delicious Menudo, which is a Mexican soup.”
Soup was not for me and I ordered the house special steak. Twenty-four ounces perfectly cooked medium rare with all the spices one could imagine. I also polished off most of the finger food the waiter sat down as Elizabeth drank the expensive wine. If this was high society, I could get used to it.
The whole evening was incredibly nice. We talked, we laughed, and we even shared details of our lives together. It had been so long that I forgot how good it felt to be in someone’s company as a person, not as a defect or law enforcement. I knew I was being stupid though, as a wolf and a vampire could never possibly happen, but in life you can’t help your feelings. All I could do was keep them to myself.
I was really surprised when no bill came and our waiter said everything was compliments of the house. He handed Elizabeth a note and bid us a good evening.
“I can only imagine who owes you a favor that comped us an entire meal.”
“Oh, it was no favor. The owner of this restaurant is a vampire who I lent money to many years ago to follow his dream of cooking. Now, every time I come here, I never pay for a thing.”
“You really are something else. I don’t know much about vampires but I do know a lot about people and you’re a good person.”
She actually blushed at that. I didn’t think it was possible to happen, but you can embarrass a millennia old vampire with compliments. “Thank you. Some people see us as soul-less monsters, but we are truly people at heart. I am glad you see me for who I am.”
I stood there awkwardly for a second, not knowing what else to say. I didn’t have to say anything though, she leaned in and kissed me. I’m not sure how long we stood there in the parking lot and I didn’t really care. Nothing could spoil that moment for me, except a gunshot and screaming. Yeah, that ruined it.
As soon as we broke off, her cell phone rang. She answered it and there was just silence for moments. When she hung up, I got the scoop.
“That was Joshua Greenfoot. The shot we heard was from a party hall the Reds and Blacks around here rented out to celebrate the young ones turning. A civilian, as you call them came running in and shot a werewolf before shooting himself. He is asking for our assistance in the matter since you are a law enforcement agent.”
No matter where I was, the law needed to be upheld. “Of course, I will assist in any way I can. I do suggest you phone your agents who are supposed to be meeting us in Full Moon. I am sure they are wondering where we went.”
“Oh yes, I did not tell them I was taking you out of state to charm you into falling for me.”
“I don’t know whether you’re joking or not, but either way it worked.”
“We will discuss that later.” She tossed me the keys to the jag. “You drive and I will inform my people to meet us here.”
“Do you have Billy’s number?”
“Yes; he gave it to me, I was instructed to use it in an emergency.”
“Good, call him and let him know what is happening too. I want to be prepared in case this turns out to be connected to what we are dealing with.”
We got into the car and I have to admit, I was impressed with it. While she was making the calls, I really put the Jag through the paces. While it didn’t roar the way the Mustang did, it had a quiet power to it that I enjoyed. I wouldn’t be looking to trade my car in any time soon, but if Elizabeth asked me to drive, I wouldn’t say no either.
“The agents will be here within the half hour and William says he will get everyone informed and on standby. Now quit messing around with my car and get us to the crime scene.”
When we reached the hall the local wolves had rented out, it didn’t take long to figure out who was in charge here. Josh Greenfoot was not the biggest of men, but he commanded the situation like one expects of the Alpha. The other thing I noticed was this pack had a distinct Native American look to it. In New Mexico, we were more Spanish and, ironically, Irish.
Greenfoot came over to me and shook my hand. “A pleasure, Mr. Inglewood, though meetings of packs should be more of a happy occasion.”
“I am sorry for your loss and whatever I can do to help, I will. I will honor the west Texas pack just as if it was my own.”
“Thank you, fellow Red. We are getting ready for our run of sorrow if you care to join us.”
This was always awkward. Rarely did I meet new werewolves, but when I did, trying to explain my condition was always touch and go. Some turned those noses up at me and others just felt sorry for me.
“Chief Greenfoot, my associate here suffers from an unknown condition that does not allow him to transform. I thought I had mentioned that in my message I sent you earlier.”
“Oh yes, you did and I apologize. Sheriff Inglewood, I hope I didn’t offend you as you graciously offered to help us.”
“It’s nothing Chief; you learn to grow tough skin when you’re the oddball wolf. Anyway, I thank you for treating me as an equal and I’ll stay here and do what it is I do best.”
“I wish you success. Elizabeth has my telephone number and if you need to contact me further, please do not hesitate. We will be back after you conclude to give our fallen a proper burial.”
I nodded and one by one the wolves filed out. Some looked at me with curiosity and others looked at me like a bug. Soon the place was empty except for the two of us and the dead bodies. As I was getting ready to start my investigation, I heard the howls of the wolves in their natural form. No matter how many times I hear it, each and every time I get a little choked up knowing I will never get to experience that myself.
Chapter 9
“I do not see any cactus, so am I right in thinking this was an isolated incident?”
“Give me a minute.” I finally pulled myself back into my work and it was time to see if I could pick up anything.
I got closer to the body of the shooter and took it all in. Overwhelming scent of LSD and the crazed look in his eyes told a story of a drug addict who went off the deep end. I was about to right this off as just unfortunate when I took a closer look at his jacket. Sticking out of the left pocket was the corner of a book. I picked it up and it was a pocket version of the King James Bible. I opened the cover and my fears were confirmed. Under name was Rev. Warren Tucker from Holy Methodist.
“Looks like we have another reason to see the good reverend tomorrow. Our drug addict here had a Bible with Rev. Warren Tucker’s name in it. Whoever this guy is, it seems he is getting his word around.”
“If his operation is expanding, what does that mean for us?”
“It means someone is getting a lot ballsier about their agenda. I think it is time to put the fear of God back in this guy. I’ve got a feeling he might just know who the Cactus Killer is and he might be the reason the killer feels the need to murder our people.”
The doors came flying open behind us as I pulled Roscoe out and pointed it at the two newcomers. Both were dressed in high dollar suits and wearing sunglasses. I lowered my gun, as I recognized these two as vampires.
Elizabeth looked up and shook her head. “Sheriff Inglewood, let me introduce you to Reno Tavares and Phil Ruud. Pardon their enthusiasm; they sometimes forget how to conduct themselves.” She gave them a stern look,
but neither man really seemed to care.
With my gun back in its concealed holster, Reno and Phil walked over and we all shook hands. Reno was a bit shorter with dark brown hair pulled back into a pony tail. Phil was a much larger, bald man who looked like he could bench lift a car.
“Gentlemen, it is a pleasure. You can just call me Vic, everyone else does.”
Phil just grunted, I figured he was the muscle of the group. Reno on the other hand was most definitely the spokesman. “Okay Vic, just what are you and the Ambassador doing out here in El Paso? This doesn’t look like protective duty to me.”
“Reno, that is enough. I was taking the sheriff out as a show of thanks for the job he has done so far. Remember your place and the fact that Victor did not have to help us to begin with.”
“You are right ma’am. Sheriff, I am sorry for steeping out of bounds.”
That was the second time tonight she stepped in and made someone apologize to me. No one can resist the old Inglewood charm. “No harm done; you just wanted to make sure I was doing my job.”
Reno and Phil then took in the situation, “Just what in the hell happened here? There’s a dead werewolf and a human?”
“The human was carrying a Bible that came from the same church as the guy who attacked Elizabeth the previous night. I think we got ourselves a religious group that discovered our two societies. Tomorrow we are going up to pay them a visit.”
Reno seemed not to like this. “Ambassador Swansea, you two aren’t going up during the day are you? Ruud and I will be of no help until nightfall.”
“Do not worry Reno, Vic and I will be just fine. We are just going to have a little chat that is all.”
“I promise you two boys we will wait until you can join us before we go busting up the place. I have no desire to bring the locals into this. Speaking of which, I am surprised the El Paso police haven’t shown up.”
Reno started laughing. “Oh, when Ruud and I got here there were two cops pulling up. I kindly suggested to them that there was a meth lab two blocks over they should investigate.”