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Redemption: Sci Fi Romance (Far Hope Series Book 2)

Page 3

by E. A. James

  “Fine,” one of them said, grabbing onto his friend’s wrists and tugging him forward. Thor released his hold on their companion, throwing him forward forcefully. The man tripped over his feet two or three times before he finally gained his footing and scurried out of the bar after the others.

  Kira was about to let out a sigh of relief when she felt Thor’s hand fall from her shoulder. It wasn’t that it fell, so much as it was pulled away.

  She turned around slowly to see a broad-shouldered, heavily armed security officer holding onto Thor’s wrist with one hand, pointing a sidearm at Bron with the other.

  “Damn it,” Kira muttered as the security officer radioed for back-up.


  The brig aboard the TFS Arbiter was like any brig aboard any TSF ship—poorly lit and foul-smelling. It wasn’t the worst brig Kira had found herself in, but realizing that only made her stomach flop with frustration. A month ago, the thought of being held in a brig aboard any ship would have been laughable – now it was starting to feel more comfortable than she liked.

  The first hour they spent there was passed in silence. There was a clear frustration shared among them. Kira sensed, however, that Thor's stoic posture and pursed lips weren't only because of the circumstances they found themselves in. The men's comments before, about being an Arcanum, the way they looked at him when he swiftly moved into action—it bothered him. She knew it did. But, locked up in the brig with Bron was no place to attempt to have that conversation with him. She knew that, as well.

  So, they sat in silence. Until, finally, Thor spoke.

  "So much for keeping a low profile," he said, leaning his head back against the hard metal wall behind him.

  “The little shit had it coming,” Bron said, not showing a sign of remorse.

  “Yes, well, that little shit wasn’t worth blowing our cover over,” Kira muttered.

  She sat on the hard ground. There was a bench in their cell, but it had an odd reddish-brown stain on it that was more than questionable. Thor didn’t mind the stain or what Kira assumed it to be and he sat on the metal slab to her left. Bron paced back and forth in front of them, checking down the hall every minute or so to see if anyone was nearby.

  “Our cover isn’t completely blown,” Thor said, leaning back. “They still don’t know who we are.”

  “And they’re not going to find out, either,” Kira said, glaring up at Bron.

  “I may have a short temper, but I’m not a complete idiot,” Bron muttered, glancing over his shoulder out into the hall again.

  They had been briefly questioned before being locked up. Thor, the calm voice of reason, did the speaking. He introduced himself as Cyrus. Kira was Rina and Bron was Bron. There was no need to create an alternate identity for him. Whatever trouble he found himself in back on Vandor was of no concern to the Terran High Command. To them, he was nothing more than a Bandurian delinquent.

  They used the same story Alaria had come up with—they were merchants looking for supplies. After they found what they needed, they would happily be on their way.

  “Being on your way will have to wait,” the guard registering them replied, not looking up at them from the holo screen in front of him. “Your actions in the bar will not be overlooked. You’ll be detained until your sentence is up or someone pays your fine.”

  Their sentence was 72-hours in the brig. Seventy-two hours they didn’t have to waste. The longer they remained there, the higher the risk of being caught became and the more time Grimm had to put plans into motion.

  “It doesn’t matter either way,” Kira said, leaning back against the cold metal wall. “They’ll be reviewing the bounty network, as they so often do, and our faces will show up.”

  Thor let out a frustrated grunt. “And we’ll be sitting here, ready for the taking.”

  “Someone’s coming,” Bron said, stepping away from the bars and taking a seat next to Thor.

  The three of them held their breath as they waited for the inevitable to happen. Kira pinched her eyes shut, trying to remember a time when the thought of seeing a TAF official didn’t bring with it a wave of fear.

  “You all look horrible!” Alaria’s voice rang out.

  Kira’s eyes flew open. To her pleasant surprise, it wasn’t a T.A.F official standing on the other side of the bars. It was Alaria and Dario.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Thor asked, pushing himself up.

  Alaria took a step back as a station guard waltzed up to the bars. “Cyprus, Rina, and Bron,” he said, swiping a thin key card through the lock. “You’ve been bailed out.”

  Alaria and Dario exchanged confused looks but didn’t speak, thankfully, as the station guard pulled the heavy metal bars back, freeing Thor, Kira, and Bron.

  The group remained as calm as possible as they followed the guard out of the brig. It wasn’t until they were nearing the hustle of the ship that they took a moment to breathe a sigh of relief.

  “You have no idea how glad I am to see you,” Kira said, reaching out and hugging Alaria tightly.

  Alaria giggled, embracing Kira in return. “I’m sure you were, Rina,” she replied.

  Kira rolled her eyes, stepping back from Alaria. “Where’s Vinnie?”

  “He went back to the ship to look over it,” Dario informed them.

  “That’s probably where we should be,” Thor said.

  Without a word, they all turned to continue their trek out of the Arbiter’s docking area. They didn’t get far. They didn’t get more than three steps, actually, before a heavy, authoritative voice called out to them.

  “Halt,” the voice ordered.

  Kira’s shoulders slumped forward. “Now what?”

  The group turned to see a group of six uniformed TAF soldiers walking quickly toward them. “We have orders to detain you for questioning,” one of them explained.

  Thor tensed and Bron clenched his hands into fists. The man who spoke lifted the edge of his uniform jacket, revealing a side arm. His companions did the same.

  “I would not recommend resisting,” he said. “Come peacefully. It’ll be best for all of you.”

  He was right. Even if Thor, Bron, and Kira were carrying their sidearms, they wouldn't stand a chance against six well-armed T.A.F fighters. If they did get past them by some stroke of luck, the sounds of a gunfight would surely bring more.

  Kira reached out and wrapped her hand around Thor’s wrist. He relaxed, slightly, as she stepped forward. “May I ask why we’re being detained?” she said.

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” the man said, nodding for his men to surround the group.

  Reluctantly, the five of them followed the TAF official back down the hallway they had just triumphantly exited through. They weren’t being led to the brig, though. The group turned right, left, and then right again to a more official, less odorous part of the TFS Arbiter’s holding area. They were being taken to the interrogation rooms.

  The walk was silent, only the chorus on their footsteps on the hard metal floors rang out. Three of the soldiers marched in front of them, three behind. There was no chance for escape. Kira’s mind reeled with the possibilities of where they were being taken.

  Had their cover been blown? Was it possible Grimm was there? Why the interrogation rooms? Fugitives didn’t get interrogated, they got imprisoned. What was going on?

  When they reached the room they were being led to, the man leading the group motioned for his men to stand down. Opening the door, he led Kira and her crew in. They filed in after him, one-by-one, to see that the room was empty, save a table, and one man seated behind it in the center of the room.

  Kira had to bite her tongue to keep from speaking the instant she saw who was sitting at the table in front of them. The man who had escorted them there didn’t say a word as he turned to leave. Still, Kira waited until the door clicked shut to speak. The man at the table beat her to it, though.

  “Captain Winter,” he said, leaning back in his chair, c
rossing his arms over his chest. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “You know this man?” Thor asked, looking down at her.

  “I do,” she answered. She kept her eyes fixed on him, as she explained. “Everyone,” she said, stepping forward, “this is Admiral Artanis.”


  The silver-haired man seated behind the table observed the rough-looking group coolly. Kira motioned for the others to stay back while she approached him. It wasn’t likely, but there was always a chance that Artanis had joined forces with Grimm. There seemed to be no certainty in anything anymore, and she wanted to be sure they were safe before letting her guard down completely.

  “What do you mean, you’ve been looking for me?” she asked.

  “Just that,” Artanis replied calmly. “I began to worry when the Alliance lost contact with you just before your leave. Then, when I discovered that you were wanted by the TAF, I knew something was wrong.”

  Thor took a step forward, walking up behind Kira as she crossed her arms over her chest and waited for him to continue.

  “I recognize you, as well, Commander Rockhold” Artanis said, eyeing Thor. “I’ve seen you on the bounty network, right along with Captain Winter and Dr. Marner,” he added, looking back at Dario.

  “Kira,” Artanis said, shifting his gaze back to her. “Grimm put you on that list, along with a bounty on your head, right before he started his rebellion. Now, the three of you,” he shifted his gaze between her, Thor, and Dario, “are considered rebels, and many believe you are working with Grimm.”

  “Working with him?” Thor asked, the tone of his voice slightly amused. “And this is our payment—bounties on our heads?”

  “Either you are or you were,” Artins explained. “It’s just a theory that’s been passed around. Everyone is on edge these days. No one trusts anyone. Kira, you were close with Grimm.”

  “That was a long time ago,” she replied sharply.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Artanis replied with a shrug. “Not to anyone around here. Everyone who has worked as closely with him as you did is under scrutiny.”

  “That doesn’t’ explain how him putting bounties on our heads means we’re on his side,” Dario began.

  “Well, sometimes it’s about the company you keep. You’re in the same boat as she is,” Artanis said, eyeing Dario calmly. “You worked with him, with his team, didn’t you?”

  He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, he let his gaze continue to drift over the group. “You too, Commander Rockhold,” he said, nodding in Thor’s direction. “You’re an Arcanum soldier, am I right?”

  “Former,” Thor said between gritted teeth.

  “That’s neither here nor there. Not now, at least. We have reasons to believe that Grimm has double agents still working inside the TAF What better way to conceal your inside man than by putting a bounty on his head?”

  “I still don’t follow the logic,” Kira said.

  “If Grimm wants us to be arrested by the TAF, it could be because he wants to make it seem like he doesn’t need or want to associate with us anymore. He’s, in essence, giving us back to the Alliance,” Dario thought out loud.

  "Exactly," Artanis said with a quick nod. "You could waltz in here, claim that Grimm wanted you locked up, or worse because you crossed him. When, in reality, you're only working to get inside information."

  “That’s not what we’re doing!” Kira exclaimed, slamming her hands down on the flimsy metal table. “We’re not with Grimm!”

  “I want to believe you, Kira. But you had better start doing some explaining,” Artanis replied in the calm, steady tone he always used.

  She did. She explained the top secret mission to transport Thor to Jaantu 7 which led to her having the bounty placed on her head. She explained the experiments Dario had told them about, and that Thor experienced firsthand. She explained that they had begun their trip back to Earth to warn the High Command when the coup took place.

  The story poured out of her mouth quickly. As she spoke, chills ran down her spine, the memories of each event coming vividly back to her. The contrast between the feeling of being back in the presence of the man she had long viewed as a mentor and the experiences she had lived since their last meeting made her skin ripple with goosebumps.

  When she finished speaking, a deafening silence descended on the room as Admiral Artanis processed everything she had said. His face remained blank, stern, and focused as his eyes drifted over each of them slowly.

  “I believe you,” Artanis said finally. His expression softened slightly, becoming sincere and gentle. “I’m afraid, however, that others will not.”

  “Is there nothing we can do to remove the bounty?” Kira asked.

  “At the moment, no,” Artanis spoke bluntly. “The Terran Alliance is in a complete state of chaos. They’re still trying to get a handle on the situation. The damage is widespread, and the loss of resources and manpower has left them feeling vulnerable. The last thing they’re going to do right now is pardon a suspected rebel.”

  Kira leaned her head back, letting her frustration out in the form of an audible sigh.

  “That’s not all,” Artanis continued.

  “Oh good, more,” Kira muttered, shifting her gaze back to him.

  “Grimm has been conducting raids on border colonies, hoping to destabilize the Alliance even more, and stretch TAF resources by pulling them away to minor conflicts all over the territory.”

  “Of course he is,” Kira replied.

  “You have to understand, Kira, I want to help you. It’s just that the time isn’t right. Things are too tense, mistrust has become the predominant feeling, and everyone is constantly looking over their shoulders.”

  “What can we do?” Thor asked.

  “For the time being, keeping a low profile would be highly recommended. That would include limiting the recreational activity of bar fighting,” Artanis said with a condescending look at Bron.

  “Also, remaining here probably isn’t safe for any of you right now. I can try to get the bounties off your heads, but I’m not sure how long something like that would take, given the current condition of the Alliance.”

  “So, we just stay off the radar and away from Earth until everything just blows over?” Thor asked.

  "You could do that," Artanis said. He tilted his head to the side, his eyes narrowing slightly as an idea suddenly formed in his mind. "Or, you could do something of your own volition to help the Alliance and prove your loyalty."

  “What can we do?” Kira asked.

  "We have received multiple distress calls from three different mining colonies on the borders of Terran space. They claim that someone has been running surveillance on them, watching them. Unfortunately, these colonies are not a high priority, and I simply cannot spare the manpower to send military forces to investigate. They’re only rumors at the moment, maybe just paranoid concerns brought on by everything going on. Although, I do have my suspicions that Grimm is orchestrating here. If you were to choose to investigate the situation and help out in any way you can, the Alliance would be very grateful.”

  Kira turned to face the others. Dario shrugged, Bron grunted, Alaria smiled, and Thor gave his always reassuring nod. It was the only option they had and it was better than just floating through space, unable to do anything to help the Alliance in their battle against Grimm.

  “Okay,” Kira said, turning back to face Artanis. “We accept.”

  “Excellent,” Artanis said, standing up quickly, extending his hand to her. “I will have the coordinates sent to your ship.”

  “It’s the Curio,” Kira said, slipping her hand into his.

  “I already know,” Artanis said, shooting her his fatherly smile. “I was surprised to see you flying a ship in that condition, Captain. But, I assume that if anyone could, it’s you.”

  Kira thanked him for his help and led her group out of the room. Returning to the Arbiter’s bustle, the group marched toward their ship wit
h a renewed sense of purpose.

  That excitement quickly fell out of the air when they approached the Curio.

  “Something’s wrong,” Thor said, stepping ahead of the others.

  They all froze in place as they each spotted the source of Thor’s assumption at the same time. Although the hatch to the ship was closed and secured, it was clear by the burn marks on the frame that someone had forced entry.

  “Someone’s inside,” Alaria noted, stepping forward to examine the ship.


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