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Redemption: Sci Fi Romance (Far Hope Series Book 2)

Page 33

by E. A. James

  True to Tanak’s word, the soldiers were surprised to be shot at from behind. They stumbled and staggered in their haste to turn around. Margila clenched her jaw and aimed. One, two, three...she counted sixteen in all that fell before her fury.

  All at once, a searing pain startled her out of her frenzy. She looked around. Some annoying insect bit her on the arm, and another on her leg. She bent over to take a look and noticed blood running down to her feet.

  She looked up to fire again when six soldiers charged toward her with their guns going off. Their shots whizzed around her head. How they managed to miss her, she couldn’t understand.

  She raised her rifle, but at that moment, something knocked her off her feet. She hit the floor before she realized Tanak had shoved her over from his side of the passage. “Get out of here! Run for it!”

  He scrambled away to the other side of the passage, and she lost sight of him. She took a fraction of a second to understand what was going on. The soldiers had recovered. They were coming after her. She no longer had the advantage of firing on them from behind.

  She tossed her rifle strap over her shoulder and headed for the tapestry, but that couldn’t offer her much protection. She ducked under it when a handful of bullets thunked against it. She barely had time to scuttle away and take shelter behind the bench before they shot her down.

  Margila slammed her back against the bench and clutched her rifle in both hands. She couldn’t fire it if she tried. Her hands shook with nervous terror. Rifle fire exploded up and down the passage. She couldn’t tell where it came from, and she was too outnumbered to check.

  Where was Tanak? Was he alive or dead? At last, the noise of battle moved off down the passage, and she collapsed in exhausted relief on the floor.


  She opened her eyes hours later. Silence filled the passage. No light came through the gap in the wall. It must be night.

  She hadn’t exactly fallen asleep. She’d passed out from sheer nervous overload. The whole sequence of events—being selected by lottery, being bound and left to die on that mountain, being carried off by a fire-breathing dragon, fighting the soldiers and saving Tanak, giving herself to him and finding out he was really a man, coming to this magnificent city and being welcomed as one of their own, being treated like royalty and finding her bliss with Tanak in their bedchamber, only to have it destroyed by the Axis attack—all of it caught up with her now. She couldn’t bring herself to get out from behind that bench. She couldn’t fire her weapon at another human being again, not even to save her own life.

  Just then, she heard the shatter of breaking crockery. A voice boomed out, “Margila! Where are you?”

  She dropped her rifle and scrambled out from behind the bench as fast as she could. “Tanak! I’m here.”

  He rushed to her side. “Are you hurt?”

  “No. I was hiding.”

  He closed her in his arms. “Thank heaven. I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I thought they killed you.”

  She got lost in his embrace. “Where is everybody?”

  “I don’t know about everybody else, but some thirty or forty of our people are down at the other end of the passage. They’ve got a cadre of soldiers pinned down.”

  “Don’t you want to go help them?”

  “They don’t need my help, and finding you was more important.” He lifted her chin to kiss her.

  Faint light from the stars glittered in his eyes. Margila caught her breath.

  He murmured so low she could barely hear him. “Where were you?”

  “I was always here.”

  His voice broke with emotion. “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “I didn’t know where you were. I thought you might be dead.”

  He held her against him. “I never stopped looking for you. I couldn’t let you go. I’ve waited too long for you. I couldn’t imagine losing you now.”

  He sank down to the ground, and she sank with him. Their lips locked in rapturous devotion. Her arms went around his neck, and her legs circled his waist so their bodies fit together exactly.

  Her ardor blossomed out of the depths of despair. She clung to him in reckless yearning. If she could block out everything around her by holding him as tight as she could, she would bury him inside herself where they would never be separated again. If she could make him her own flesh, she could protect him from all danger. What happened to her would happen to him. She never had to face a future without him.

  She held his face between her hands. She couldn’t kiss him enough. She had to consume him, to inhale him into her cells. He represented the highest perfection she could attain. Nothing remained for her life but to find its fulfillment in him.

  He devoured her lips with the same single-minded fervor. He grabbed at her clothes with his fists and crushed her against him in an all-out effort to get at her. He flipped her skirts up, and his hands dove under her skirts.

  For a fraction of a second, he dared not touch her bare skin. His fingers hovered over her curvaceous rump in agonized anticipation. His hands quivered with pent-up excitement. He caught his breath, and his lips held still over her mouth.

  Margila met his gaze, there beyond her nose. She read a depth of meaning there she never believed possible. She saw to the limit of universal understanding in his eyes. She could look through his eyes to the vast cosmic source beyond.

  He encompassed the whole galaxy in his eyes. She gazed beyond him, beyond this little war, to the endless reaches of existence. In this fragile moment, she was everything. He was everything, and they were one, forever and eternal. She understood everything she needed to understand. Love and light flowed through them and out of them to the rest of the cosmos, in never-ending ebbs.

  Did he see the same thing in her? He gazed into her eyes, but he saw something beyond her. He stared in amazement at something behind and through her, something wonderful.

  Then the tempest took him. He fell on her with unbridled madness. His hands closed on her flesh with frightening intensity. Margila worried he would rip her apart in his fevered passion.

  He pried her flesh apart and exposed the molten slit awaiting him. He fingered her delicate openings and drove her the brink of insanity. He bounced her against his hips, and the first crashing thunderbolts exploded in her eyes.

  He fumbled with his own clothing, but Margila already rocked and beat her own body against his rising crotch. She cantered bareback on the muscled jackhammer throbbing up underneath her to buck her up and down.

  He ripped his pants open and released his wicked cock to probe her depths. At last, he unleashed his manhood. She gasped out loud when he penetrated the veil, but the pain of their first encounter no longer bothered her. She impaled herself on his shaft and let him ride her hard with his upward thrusts.

  Their lips drifted apart in panted gasps. He growled at her in fury. “Come on, baby. Come on. Give it to me. I need you.”

  She lost all control of herself. Her hips bucked against his galloping thrusts with a will of their own. She heard her voice from far away, urging him to greater feats of prowess. “Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Take me now. Oh, yes. I want it.”

  “Is this what you want?” Tanak moaned between breaths

  “Oh, yes! Oh, it’s so hard. Oh, it feels so good. Give it to me, please give me more.”

  He slammed his hips up into her and knocked her off her moorings with his sharp pubic bone. She fell down hard to bang her clitoris against him. Her voluptuous buttocks slapped against his skin. Her own juice gushed out to wet him, and they stuck together with every stroke. Every bounce tore her free, and down she came again to join with him in ecstasy.

  She threw back her head, and he supported her neck. She leaned back and angled his shaft against the sensitive spots inside her. She fought for every inch of his manhood, and it drove her higher, beyond her wildest dreams.

  All at once, a flaming jet squirted into her. It sprayed her insides with its exotic perfume and sanctified h
er for all time to the vapors of love. She flew into wild spasms of frenzied passion. She kicked her legs out to the sides and struggled against his hands. Her voice echoed off the ancient stones in orgasmic delight.

  They convulsed together in the throes of their union until the upheaval left them both spent and glowing with pleasure. Then Margila collapsed against him for support. He held her up and sheltered her from her own wild irruptions and his. They lay down on the bare floor, still entangled in their blessed oneness.

  Tanak rolled over and wrapped himself around her from behind, but he couldn’t warm her against the night chill. She wormed her back against his chest.

  If only he would change into a dragon now, she would nuzzle against his scaly skin. She suffered no more fear or disgust for his dragon self. She relished it. She gloried in her position as his consort.

  What would her family and friends back in the village say if they knew she took her delight with a giant lizard, that his rough skin and his massive body brought her the greatest thrills of her life? They would be horrified.

  She couldn’t enjoy the thought, much as she tried. That misunderstanding caused this war. It would probably mean the end of the Raveniss if they had their way.

  Shouting voices brought her head up. Her eyes snapped open to see the dawn light shining through the gap in the wall. Tanak got up as a cadre of Raveniss strode down the passage toward them. Margila recognized Tanak’s older brother Ralo. His wife Praila followed at his shoulder. “Tanak! Where are you! Are you here?”

  He jumped up. “I’m here. We’re both here.”

  Ralo clapped him on the shoulders with both hands. “Thank heaven! We didn’t think anyone was left alive.”

  “How goes the battle upstairs?”

  “Our people are still engaged with the soldiers at every station. Father is rallying anyone left in the courtyard. Come quickly! He’s giving orders to regroup and drive the soldiers out of the city, we’re close brother.”

  Tanak followed his brother. Margila fell in near Praila. She was just another soldier in this army. They could share close intimacy in private, but once he took command of others, she became a cog in a much larger mechanism. She dedicated her strength and her spirit to the greater purpose.

  The whole group climbed the stairs to the courtyard. The day bloomed all around them into the highest reaches of the sky. The sun touched the mountain tops and set their snowy tips on fire.

  The Archduke stood across the courtyard with Katya and Tanak’s brother Waru. The other factions crowded to receive their orders. The Archduke turned toward Ralo and Tanak coming with their people. His face burst into a brilliant smile of love, relief, and pride in his sons.

  At that moment, a phalanx of Axis ships screamed over the parapet. They unleashed their guns on the citadel. Stones jumped out of their places. The parapet crumbled. The spires imploded and folded in on themselves before ballooning out into clouds of dust and debris.

  Deafening concussions rocked the whole city. Deadly fire ripped across the courtyard. The Raveniss scattered in all directions. The Archduke roared to his people, “Fall back! Fall back to the fortified keep.”

  Margila looked around for Tanak. He stood across the courtyard next to the door leading down to the staircase. He waved people through it. He darted out into the line of fire to help anyone who stumbled or fell or hesitated. She put out her hand to grab hold of his outstretched arm.

  Another formation of ships screeched across the sky with their guns blazing. Rockets pounded the citadel. Rubble flew in all directions. Margila crouched in place and covered her head with her arms when another blast exploded right in front of her. It tore a massive stone out of the ground and flung it down within inches of her cowering form. It left a pile of rubble that blocked her path. She couldn’t reach Tanak. She couldn’t get away.

  An engine whined behind her. She glanced back over her shoulder to see one of the ships angle down to land on the roof behind her. She launched herself up. She had to get on her feet. She had to find a way beyond this debris. She had to get to Tanak and join the others taking shelter inside.

  She had no time to think. She levered her legs under her and vaulted up onto the first stone. The pile towered over her. Could she ever reach the top? Would she ever see her people again? Would she die right here, within sight of safety?

  She scrambled up the pile, one hand over the other. One stone after another fell away. She was almost to the top. One more handhold and she would be there when the hiss of rushing air drew her attention behind her. The ship’s door opened. Another flood of soldiers would pour out of it, and she had nothing to defend herself.

  Soldiers didn’t pour out of it, though. The ship stood silent and still with its door standing open. Was it empty? She paused in her climb to stare. Then a single person emerged from the shadows inside, a person whose Axis uniform didn’t quite fit his body.

  He strode across the courtyard and stopped at the base of the rubble pile. He squinted up into the sun at Margila. “You might as well come down. You can’t get away.”

  Margila couldn’t believe her eyes. “Marcus!”


  Marcus’s eyes burned in their sockets. Was this the man she once loved, the man she wanted to marry? She hardly recognized him. His eyes sank dark and brooding in their sockets. They skittered from place to place without seeing anything.

  He stretched forth a skeletal hand. “You’re coming back with me. I’m here to take you home.”

  Margila stared at him in horror. Go back? Never!

  “I went crazy after you left. I couldn’t forgive myself for letting you get away. I should have killed that dragon when I had the chance. I won’t make the same mistake again.”

  “You never should have come here, Marcus. Tanak is my whole life now. I’m sorry what passed between us had to come to an end, but it’s over now. I can never go back to the life I had with you.”

  He spoke in an obsessed fever. He barely saw her standing in front of him. “I never stopped thinking about you. After you left, I couldn’t eat or sleep for days. I couldn’t find any peace until Major Bloodkist came and enlisted me to help him take this place. I told him I would only come if I could bring you back.”

  Margila started away from him. “I’m not going back to the village with you. This is my home now. You should never have come here. This whole battle is wrong.”

  He bared his hideous teeth. “We’re here to rid this planet of the Raveniss. We won’t give up until we destroy every person in this city. If you don’t come with me now, you’ll die along with the rest of these vermin.”

  “You have no right to call them vermin. They never did anything to hurt human beings until our people hunted them to near extinction. The Raveniss are a peaceful people. I only wish I could say the same thing about you.”

  He didn’t listen. He darted forward and grabbed hold of her wrist. “You’re coming back with me. I didn’t come all this way to go back empty-handed. I’ll take you back with me if it’s the last thing I do, and after we leave, the soldiers will destroy this place and everyone in it. You should be thanking me for saving your life.”

  She kicked and scratched at him, but he wouldn’t let her go. He got his meaty arm around her chest and hauled her back toward the ship. “Let me go, Marcus! I don’t want to go back to the village.”

  He held her in a death grip. “That’s just your sickness talking. We’ll cure you of that when we get you home.”

  She twisted around in his arms to catch sight of Tanak. Did he see what was happening to her? Was he fighting for his own life somewhere?

  She caught sight of him across the courtyard. He was already halfway through the door leading down the stairs. She called out to him, “Tanak! Help me!”

  He spun around and fixed his eyes on Marcus dragging her toward the ship. She extended a hand toward him, but Marcus clapped his hand over her mouth to stop her calling out again.

  Tanak launched himself
out of that doorway faster than the eye could see. He dashed across the courtyard to intercept Marcus. A feral roar tore out of his mouth, and his eyes flashed, but at that moment, another figure stepped out from behind the ship to block his path. Margila caught her breath at the sight of the gold braid and decorations adorning the man’s fancy uniform. It was Major Bloodkist.

  Tanak never stopped. He catapulted straight toward the Major with both hands outstretched. He would barrel through the Major and rip Marcus limb from limb. Nothing could stop his preternatural flight.


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