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Page 4

by Suzy Shearer

  “Jake! Hi, when did you get back?”

  “End of the week.”

  They kissed hello.

  “How did the wedding go?”

  “Perfect. It was a great night.”

  “Steven must have a guardian angel watching over him.”

  “I’ll say, anyone who can walk away from a plane crash is, and then he has Avril.”

  “She’s lovely. The few times I’ve met her she seemed very down to earth and friendly.”

  “She is. I have to admit being a little jealous of Steve, finding such a perfect woman who is that in love with him.”

  “Ha. Maybe you’ll be next.”

  Jake gave an exaggerated shiver. “Married? No way! Anyway, I believe you have to actually go out and meet women to do that.”

  Andrea laughed and sat on the edge of her desk. Jake turned back to study the board again.

  “So, what’s next?”

  “Well, we’ve got that huge complex down south ready to go. Marsha got the last of the permits on Thursday, and now I’m ready to assign the manager for it. Should be able to start it in a couple of weeks. I’m guessing you’ll take charge of it. It’s a very big project.”

  “Give it to Colin Smith.”


  Jake turned back to Andrea, and he thought she was in total shock. She’d been with the company since her early twenties when he’d hired her as a favor to a family friend. She was in her final year of getting her engineering degree, and Jake had thought he’d give her a year or two then set her loose. Instead she turned out to be the best thing for the company, and now, with her being forty-eight, he couldn’t imagine anyone else running the show as smoothly and efficiently as she did.

  “You know, I bought my house ten years ago. It was built in 1897, an old, rundown Victorian beauty, and I had this idea of having a beautiful home that I’d lovingly restored by now. Instead I’m living in a damn condemned building. Well, it’s not condemned, but it should be. From the outside it’s great since I got the painters in, but inside?”

  He shook his head as Andrea laughed then said, “I thought you were being rather cavalier in your attitude when you bought it. I couldn’t see when you’d have time. You’re a workaholic.”

  “Yep, you’re right. I knocked out a few walls to make the kitchen bigger and to have a big family area meshed together, all open plan. That was eight years ago, and nothing else had been done. The ceiling joists are still being held up by a pile of fucking metal struts. I have to walk around them every time I go into the kitchen, and that’s a wreck, too.”

  “So, what are you telling me?”

  “I’m going to step back. I’m going to finish my home and watch the younger guys take a step forward. I know you’ve got everything under control. I won’t leave completely.”

  “I doubt you could.”

  “No, I couldn’t, but I’m going to put work as second. I’ll come in once or twice a week unless you need me.”

  Andrea slid off the desk and walked to stand in front of Jake. She held out her hand, and he shook it.

  “You know that’s the best decision I’ve heard you make for years. You’ve worried me lately, worried Steven, too. He called in about five months back looking for you. He, Avril, and I had a coffee. You’ve sunk yourself too deep into this when you have so many staff members who could have easily taken the load off you. You have this attitude that you’re the only one who can handle our biggest contracts, and that’s a fucking load of bullshit.”

  “Don’t hold back, Andrea.” Jake laughed, but he knew she was right. “I realize that now, and I’m going to let them prove themselves. From now on I won’t be doing any overseeing. I’ll merely sit back and let you run things.”

  “You positive you can do that?”

  “No, but I know I need to. I haven’t been out except to my friends’ houses for years. Can’t remember the last time I went on an actual date. Work has consumed me.”

  “I’m very glad, Jake. You need to get a life apart from work. Maybe now you’ll relax a bit.”

  The two of them grabbed a coffee. then sat down to talk about the future of the business. When Jake had gotten his degree in building construction and engineering he’d started small, building office complexes, hiring sub-contractors. Then when he was thirty-two, he was in the right place at the right time with enough cash, thanks to Ash’s thoughtful investments, and equity. A commercial building company had been in danger of going bust. The owner had died and the son had taken over, not knowing anything about running a business. Jake had bought it off him cheaply, merged it with his own company, and built them up to the multi-million-dollar business it was today. He was now a very wealthy man and could have easily have sat back and enjoyed his good fortune years ago. Instead he had chosen spent his time working nonstop, slowly killing himself for nothing.

  No more.

  He went back into his own office and went through the paperwork Andrea had left on his desk, then grabbed lunch before heading out to the work site where Colin Smith was overseeing. They shook hands.

  “Jake. Hi, when did you get back?”

  “Last week. How’s the site going?”

  “Good, good. Got the electricians lined up for next Monday and once they’ve been through we can do the final fit-out.”

  “How’s the target?”

  “Two days behind but we’ve got three weeks of rain days up our sleeve and now that it’s only inside work we’ll come in under time.”

  “Excellent. Colin, I want to talk to you. Let’s go into the site office.”

  Jake knew Colin was worried as he led Jake into the demountable site office.

  “Colin, I’m pulling you off this job.” Colin went to protest, but Jake held up a hand. “Before you get worried, no, I’m not firing you. I want you to oversee the new southern job. It’s all ready to go.”


  Jake got the impression Colin didn’t believe what he heard.

  “You’ve proved yourself time and time again. I should have given you these big projects long ago. Anyway, want it?”

  “Want it? You fucking bet I do!”

  “It’s going to be a long job, and I know you have a young family. Would there be any problem with you all moving south for the duration? We’ll set you up in a nice rental.”

  “So you mean I wouldn’t have to come back and forth?”

  “No. You can report in to Andrea via Skype. I’d expect regular reports and maybe you have to fly back here once every month or two.”

  “That would be perfect, Jake. What about this site?”

  “Who’s your second?”

  “Al Green.”

  “Ah, he’s good. He can take over.”

  Colin seemed a little embarrassed as he said, “What about the bonus? Does that mean you’ll give it to him?”

  Jake had a scheme running where if a project was brought in under time the manager received a very large bonus.

  “No, it’s yours still. I’ll give Al a small one for taking over as long as he still brings the job in under.”

  Colin sighed in relief, and Jake understood his concern. Colin had a young family, and the six grand would be very welcome.

  “So today and tomorrow, get things organized with Al. Then the rest of the week take off to get your family ready. I’ve asked Andrea to get Bob Stephenson searching for a rental for you. Told him to find a three-bedroom house with a yard. The kids’ll have somewhere to play. Will your wife be okay moving?”

  “I’m pretty sure she will be. She is very supportive of my work, and at the moment she’s out of a job since she had the baby three months ago. We both decided she’d take one or two years off with this second one. Our eldest is two, and Ginny went back to work when he was only ten months.”

  “Okay. Well if you have any problems all you have to do is let Andrea know.”

  “I will. Thanks, Jake, you won’t regret this. I won’t let you down.”

  “I kno
w it will be in good hands. You’re a good supervisor. You get on well with the sub-contractors. I’m confident you’ll have no major problems. This is a big build, so bigger bonus if you bring it in on time.”

  “Thanks, Jake.”

  They shook hands again, and Jake drove back to the office to tell Andrea exactly what was now happening. Bob had already found a couple of likely rental properties and would give Colin the details so that way he and his wife could make a decision on which they’d prefer.

  Jake was happy. Now he’d made the commitment it surprised him at how relieved he felt knowing he didn’t have to spend his life living out of a suitcase anymore. He was excited to start the renovations on his home at last. The idea of not having to walk around posts holding up the ceiling or having doors on kitchen cupboards—hell, even having cupboards! He couldn’t wait to start.

  Tuesday morning Jake got out of bed. He wasn’t surprised to hear a few cracks and creaks as he bent forward to touch his toes then stood to stretch his arms above his head. He pulled on a t-shirt and shorts, slid his feet into runners, then went downstairs. Feeding Linus while he waited for the coffee machine to do its thing, Jake stared around at the mess that was his kitchen. Eight steel posts held up the roof joists where Jake had torn out a wall. At some time, he’d started ripping out cupboards and now none of them had doors and there were quite a few empty spaces. Fortunately, Thursday he had a crew coming to fit the seventeen-foot steel I-beam.

  I can say goodbye to these fucking posts!

  He picked up his filled coffee mug and took it outside. Sitting on the top step with Linus, he planned what the kitchen would end up like in his head as he drank his coffee. Thirty minutes later he called Linus, clipped on his leash, then took him for a two-mile run. Once back home, he showered and dressed, then began removing the things from the cupboards, putting them into the large butler’s pantry. Fortunately, it had a sink and plenty of power points. It would act as his kitchen over the coming few weeks.

  The next morning, he went into the office and talked the design through with his fit-out manager. By the end of the day he had ordered the cabinets, new range and oven, and selected the granite for the bench countertops. At last things were moving. It may have taken eight years, but soon he’d have a working kitchen.

  That night he sat down with pencil and paper to decide what else needed doing and what order to do them. The old three storey house was huge, but the solid framework didn’t need to be touched apart from a few minor repairs, which was why he’d had the outside painted once they’d been completed when he first bought the place. As well he’d already replaced the outside staircase leading to the house.

  The house had five double-sized bedrooms, three upstairs beside the master one and one more bathroom. Downstairs was another bedroom plus bathroom as well as a powder room. Except for the master suite, each now needed plenty of work. As well, downstairs, there was a large, formal dining room, a large study, two sitting rooms, and a room that the agent told him the previous owners had used as a library before stripping out the shelving. There was also a sitting room upstairs, alongside the master bedroom. On the top floor was the attic and another large room, which he thought would make a great playroom. Although the fact he didn’t have a partner and didn’t intend to ever have one meant it was destined to remain unused. He’d lost his trust in having a woman in his life long ago.

  He’d already built a large three car garage attached to the house, and the vast backyard was really only grass with a couple of large trees. He had put in an eight-person Jacuzzi and toyed with the idea of a pool. The outdoor area could be done when he finished the house. He could turn the large study into an office, but the old library area was actually bigger and it would be better suited. Thinking it would make sense to renovate the library after the kitchen, Jake threw aside his paperwork and went to bed. Tomorrow night he’d visit Silk Rope. It had been a number of months since he was last there, and he was looking forward to catching up with everyone.

  Chapter Seven

  By seven Jake had had something to eat, showered, trimmed back his beard and moustache, and dressed in his leathers and a black silk shirt. He couldn’t wait to see Ash, Kaden, and his other club friends and wished Avril and Steven were back home, but he didn’t begrudge them their wonderful honeymoon. He never thought any woman would have managed to tame Steven. She was like a saint to care after him that lovingly after the crash. He knew what a pain Steven could be when he couldn’t be kept busy.

  When Jake arrived at Silk Rope, he spent ten minutes talking to Stan and Alex Brown, the night manager, catching up with the latest gossip. When he’d finally walked into the club, one of the senior Doms, Simon, grabbed him.

  “Have you seen Ash?”

  Simon wanted to talk about a new young Dom, Adrian Day, who seemed too gentle and insecure to make it as a dominant. Simon told him how the boy simply wasn’t assertive and confident enough.

  “To be honest, Jake. I think he’s more sub than Dom. You remember what he was like when he came here months back?”

  “Yes, Simon, I recall he was very nervy and jumpy. So, he hasn’t shown any leadership skills since I’ve been away?”

  “Well, he’s exactly the same. In fact I think he’s worse. Too nervous and hesitant. He lets the subs walk all over him. He’s no Dom.”

  “Have you spoken to anyone about him?”

  “Yes. I’ve told Ash and Evan, and so have plenty of others. I just saw him talking with a new sub tonight, and frankly he worries me. I’ve searched for Ash but can’t find him. He was on duty earlier, but I’ve got to leave.”

  “Okay, I’ll find Ash and talk to him. I want to say hi anyway and I’ll mention it.”

  “Thanks, Jake. I appreciate it. I’m honestly concerned about him.”

  Jake strode through Silk Rope looking for Ash. He’d already checked Ash’s office for him. When he wasn’t in there he’d spoken to Stan again in case Ash had gone home, but Stan told him Ash was doing the rounds.

  “He’s one of the DMs, but his tour of duty should be finished in about half an hour. Think he’s taking upstairs.”

  “Thanks, Stan. I’ll see if I can find him. If I don’t, can you let him know I’m looking for him?”

  “Sure thing.”

  Jake headed off in search of Ash, and as he reached one of the stage areas alongside the main staircase, he heard it. A woman’s voice chanting “no, no, no” over and over. This wasn’t the normal screaming he’d expected, and in fact it sounded very much as if she was so far into fear she couldn’t even use her safeword. He diverted his steps.

  He might have guessed.

  The young want-to-be Dom, Adrian, was standing over a woman, and judging by the look on his face, he had no idea what was going on. He was obviously fearful and panicking, wringing his hands and turning his head around, searching everywhere. Jake stepped onto the platform and, dropping his gaze down to the woman, realized immediately she was more than simply terrified. She was on her back, still dressed in a black corset and tiny panties. Her head was flailing side to side as she chanted. Jake quickly undid the single cuff on one ankle and gathered her in his arms. Jake touched one arm of the man-boy alongside him. He appeared very close to running away in fear and dissolving into tears.

  “Quickly. Tell me what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, Sir. I don’t know. She freaked out, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

  Even in Steven’s arms she still chanted, her breathing erratic, and Jake was worried.

  “Tell me what happened, Adrian? What did you do?”

  Adrian tried to calm himself, and he took a deep breath. “Sir, I’ve been talking to her for a few nights and tonight I asked if she’d like to play. She finally said yes, and we went up to the sawhorse. I’d only put one of the cuffs on her ankle but couldn’t find the other one. I called one of the Doms who walked past, but he didn’t hear me but at the same time as I called him, she started this, Sir.”

“I’ll talk to you later.”

  Jake took the woman over to one of the many couches scattered around and sat with her nestled in his arms. She didn’t seem to realize she’d been moved. She still had the glazed look on her face, like someone well deep into sub-space, but she was far from there. Instead she seemed locked inside some personal horror that she couldn’t escape from. Her chanting had become softer now but gruff as if her throat was choking the words, but they still held the same frantic note. Brian Palle came over with a blanket and draped it over her shoulders.

  “My Mistress sent this.”

  “Oh, thank you, Brian. Can you get me a bottle of water?”

  “Yes, of course, Master Jake.”

  As the sub ran off, Jake examined at the woman in his arms. Her chanting now barely audible, it was more that she was only mouthing the word over and over, but she was still far away. He put a hand under her chin. He needed to bring her back from wherever it was that she was imprisoned.

  “You’re safe. Look at me.”

  She continued to remain locked away. Jake knew he had to get through to her, to pull her out of the spiral of fear she appeared to be in.

  He put all the authority, all the experience of his position as a Master in his voice. “Sub. Sub! You will look at me now.”

  Fortunately, his command wasn’t lost on her. He felt her move slightly, her eyes slowly coming back into focus as they finally stared at him. Bright, light brown, a sort of honey amber color. They stared at his face, but they were filled with something he couldn’t place—maybe horror and grief, but then confusion filled her face as she tried to understand where she was and who he was. She stiffened and tried to get out of his embrace.

  “No, little one, you will sit here.”

  He moved her as he gave his order until she could sit sideways and lay her head against his chest. He pulled her tighter, pressing her head close. She held her body stiffly, but after a few minutes she seemed to realize any sort of resistance wasn’t going to get her anywhere and he felt her body relax—but only slightly. Brian returned with the water. Jake thanked him and held the bottle to her lips.


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