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Page 16

by Suzy Shearer

  Emily was extremely puzzled when he said quietly, “This will probably be the only time I get to do this. You are such a beautiful woman, and I do apologize for taking such an advantage of the situation.”

  His voice held regret as he bent forward and kissed her just above her clit. Emily gasped. She didn’t think she’d be able to get excited tonight, yet being on display and having all these men admire her was a weird kind of turn-on in some strange way. And now Iain was kissing below her tummy, her inner thigh. Even though she tried hard to ignore it, those first tendrils of her muscles began shaking as her excitement grew. Unfortunately, he sat back.

  “Regretfully I cannot take this any further, but I wish I could. You are really delightful. But I have to play by Master Ash’s rules. Although I’ve probably stretched them more than a little. Once again, I apologize for taking advantage of the situation.”

  He stood and walked away, leaving Emily completely puzzled by his words. She risked another glance in the mirror. Kaden had left Jake, and, if she wasn’t mistaken, Jake was now furious. The look he gave Iain as Iain left the bar was almost painful. A sub came up to the bar.

  “Excuse me, Master Scott. Master Kaden spoke with Master Ash. Master Ash told me to tell you the bear is growling very loud and close to leaving the den.”

  “Ah, excellent. Please thank Master Ash.” He made a show of cleaning a spot on the bar but murmured, “Not much longer now, Emily.”

  “I really don’t understand this, Scott. What’s happening? Please,” she whispered back.

  “Patience, soon you will, and I can assure you that you’ll be happy you put up with all this.”

  It seemed as if every unattached, and even some that had partners, Master and every Dom in Silk Rope had decided to visit the bar. The very handsome but huge Finn O’Malley arrived and didn’t even bother ordering. He was like a big shaggy teddy bear with his beard and messy long hair. He stood between Emily’s legs and kissed her neck.

  Scott was behind her and said softly, “Our bear is growling loudly.”

  “So I heard.” Finn’s lips were on her neck as he answered Scott softly. “One more should do it. Kaden’s on his way. Jake is well aware how much he likes Emily and now that she’s free, he’s told Jake he plans to convince her to accept him as her Master.”

  Emily heard Scott trying to stifle a laugh as Finn kissed the swell of one breast then the other.

  “As if Emily would accept someone who wasn’t a Dom, Jake must be really frantic if he can’t see that.”

  “Oh yes, he’s incensed. Don’t worry, beautiful. This won’t be much longer, although I would have loved a real chance to vie with the others to be your Master. I really love full-figured women, and your figure is perfect.”

  Finn picked up a glass of scotch Scott had poured out unasked and left. She saw Kaden heading determinedly toward the bar while through the mirror she saw Jake sit forward on his chair. It was obvious he was more than merely furious. It seemed as if black thunderclouds had darkened his face. His whole body looked like a tightly wound spring, and it scared Emily.

  Kaden ordered a drink then came to stand in front of her.

  Softly, he asked, “Can you scream loudly on cue?”


  “Exactly. Can you?

  Puzzled, she could only answer, “Yes, Master Kaden.”

  “When Scott gives the word, you are to scream as if you’ve been hurt.”

  Now she really was confused as Kaden kissed her. He grabbed her braid and held it, pulling her head. Then he began running his fingers up and down the top of her thigh. To anyone looking it would appear as if he were rubbing her slit.

  “Such a pretty pussy. I love naked pussies.” He said it loud enough for Jake to hear.

  Then Kaden leaned forward and bit down hard on her inner thigh until she gave a loud hiss. She heard Scott say, “the bear is on its way”, and she took a quick glance across the room to see Jake storming toward them like a force ten hurricane.

  Kaden winked at her, biting again on her leg as Scott murmured, “Now, little one. Scream loud now.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It was easy to scream loudly as Kaden’s bite had hurt, but it quickly turned to one of terror as Jake grabbed Kaden roughly by the arm and yanked him away from her.

  “Take your fucking hands off her!”

  “Why? She’s a free agent now I hear.”

  “Get fucking lost!”

  Jake began to unfasten the restraints around her ankles, but Kaden pushed him and took hold of her leg.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Jake? You gave her up. You told her she was released. That means we can all try for her affection. She’s a free sub. It’s up to her now. She can decide who she’d like to have as a Master.”

  His voice deliberate, Jake snarled loudly, “I’ll say this just once. Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. Her.”

  “Sorry, Jake, but unless she’s got a collar around her neck, she’s a free agent.” Kaden looked at Emily. “You are unattached, a free sub. You’ve been released. Isn’t that true?”

  “Ye-yes, Sir.”

  Kaden turned back to Jake. “See, she’s free.” Jake seemed as if he wanted to kill Kaden, and Emily’s fright tripled as Kaden sneered rudely at Jake. “You gave her away, remember? You threw her aside because you fucking didn’t want her anymore! You’re a fucking asshole! She deserves someone who’ll care for her and love her. That’s not you, asshole. You’re just some fucking bastard who tossed her away.”

  “I want her more than anyone in the world!” Jake shouted in fury, his whole body tense with his rage. “She’s mine! Fucking get away from her!”

  He undid the restraints around her wrists and ankles and would have lifted her off the bar, but Kaden merely shoved him again. By now most of the Silk Rope members had gathered around to watch the fray. She saw Ash in the background, trying to hold back a laugh, and it dawned on her.

  This had been a set-up!

  She stared back at Jake. He was wild, dangerous as the bear they’d described him as, and he glared in fury at Kaden. The two men weren’t very evenly matched. Jake was the more muscular of the two, and she hoped it wouldn’t come to fists as Kaden laughed at him, egging him on. Emily thought this could rapidly get out of hand, and she was more than just a little alarmed that someone would get hurt. On top of that, she knew how much Jake and Kaden loved each other. They were like brothers, and this could ruin their friendship. Steven pushed through the crowd and tried to grab Jake’s arm, but Jake pushed his other friend off.

  “Jake, be sensible. Kaden’s right. You told Emily she was free to take another Master. You can’t object when others make a play for her. She can choose whoever she wants.”

  Jake only glared at Steven and tried to take her off the bar again. His angry growl echoed through the room, “Fuck off, Steven!”

  Viciously, Kaden shouted at Jake.

  “She doesn’t wear a fucking collar! Everyone knows she’s unattached! You can’t just walk up and say any free sub is yours, Jake, especially one you cast aside. So instead, how about you get lost? Emily is free to accept any Master she wants, and, after the fucking way you treated her, I’m positive it won’t be you.”

  With that Jake roared. It echoed around the club, and Emily wanted to cover her ears. He sounded exactly like the bear everyone had been talking about as he grabbed her, dragging her off the bar. He searched around madly, and his eyes seemed to be burning with his anger. Then he ripped the thong off her plait. Before she could do anything, he wrapped it around her neck and tied it tight.

  “She wears my collar. Now get the fuck off!”

  Ash strode forward, quickly wiping the huge grin from his face.

  “What’s going on?”

  Jake shook with his anger, his face red, and his lips almost blue from his rage. He was breathing heavily, and Emily thought he’d take on the next person to touch her, regardless of who it was.

  Kaden was sti
ll laughing. Then he jeered, cocking his thumb at Jake, “This dick-head thinks wrapping a piece of leather around a free sub’s neck means she’s fucking his. He’s an asshole.”

  “She is mine!”

  “That’s no collar, Jake.”

  “It is! Fuck off, Kaden.”

  Ash stepped between the two men. “Collar? Am I to understand you want to collar this sub, Master Jake?”

  “She’s mine. No one else’s. No one! Do you hear me?” He roared so loud Emily finally did put her hands over her ears. She was terrified, frightened about what was happening. Things were rapidly getting out of hand, and she wondered if Ash would be able to control Jake—and Kaden.

  Amazingly, Ash easily managed to pull Emily from Jake’s side and put his arm tenderly around her. She knew she was shaking badly and was grateful he was holding her. He looked down at her and winked. She widened her eyes in surprise as he spoke to Jake again.

  “Am I to understand you consider her now collared to you?”

  “Too fucking right she’s collared to me!”

  Ash stared him down, but Jake wasn’t giving an inch. These two were the same height and the same linebacker build.

  “You really want to do this, Jake?”

  “I told you, she’s mine.”

  “I’m not letting you intimidate a sub into accepting you. I won’t tolerate it, and I won’t tolerate violence in the club even if you are my friend. I love you like a brother, but that won’t stop me protecting Emily.”

  “I’m not intimidating her!” he screamed.

  “Aren’t you? You have grabbed her and told everyone she belongs to you without even considering what she wants. You haven’t even asked her.”

  “I…” Jake stared at Emily, his voice breaking as he said, “But she is mine. I want her to be mine more than anything in the world.”

  “Think carefully, Jake. This is wrong, and you know it. You know perfectly well you can only do what she wants, not what you want.”

  The bear woke again as Jake thundered, “Don’t have to think, don’t you fucking understand? She’s mine!”

  “Very well.”

  He pulled Emily away from the group and took her into the room alongside the bar. Once inside he sat her down and spoke quietly to her. “Emily. I know this has been all rather crazy, and I sincerely apologize. I know Jake, know him well and love him, but this has escalated more than I anticipated. Jake is usually the calmest of men, but I know from past experience when he does get angry, he really gets angry. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m truly frightened.”

  “I understand completely. But now you have a decision to make. Jake has gone about this all wrong, but that’s my fault for provoking him. I underestimated the depth of his feelings for you.

  “Emily, you can accept him, but only if you truly want this. Understand me when I say if you honestly don’t want to accept the commitment, all you have to say is no. He’s riding roughshod over you and not thinking rationally at the moment. You are free to decide what you want to do, and I will back you all the way.”

  “I understand, Master Ash.”

  “Don’t think you are forced to accept Jake, Emily. I know you love him but think this through first. This is a lifelong commitment, or until you chose to be uncollared. No one but you can make this choice, regardless of what Jake has said. I will not allow anyone to force a sub into a commitment, even if he is my best friend.”

  “I don’t have to. I love him. I know this is just as his sub. I know it’s nothing more. I couldn’t bear not seeing him, so even if it only means being his sub a few nights a week, then I accept that willingly. I’d rather live that way than never see him again.”

  “Are you absolutely sure, Emily? This is me, Ash, asking, as your friend.”

  “Yes, Ash. I’m positive. It’s better to have those few nights than have none at all.”

  “I love you, little one.”

  He kissed the top of her head, removed the leather thong from around her neck, then they went back out to stand in front of Jake.

  He cleared his throat and spoke loud enough for all to hear. “Emily Miller has told me she will accept Jake Nichols as her Dom. She hasn’t been coerced into accepting him. This is her honest decision.

  “As Head Master of Silk Rope, I must ask you officially. Jake Nichols, do you wish to take this sub, Emily Miller, under your protection?”

  “What part of ‘she’s mine’ don’t you understand?” he growled.

  “I ask you again, Jake Nichols, and I expect a civil answer or this goes no further. Do you take Emily under your protection?”

  “Sorry. Yes.”

  “And you, little sub?” She had to look at Ash when he gently lifted her head to face his. “Do you accept Jake Nichols as your Master? Once again think carefully, Emily. The decision is entirely yours, and if you say no, everyone in the club will be witness and Jake must accept your refusal.”

  She turned her gaze back to Jake. His eyes softened as he stared at her and she saw through his rage. He took a step forward, reaching a hand out toward her. She truly believed it would be better to live as only his sub than to live without him in her life.

  Somehow, she found her voice. “I do.”

  Ash smiled at her warmly when she glanced up at him. She understood he was protecting her even though he knew her love for Jake. He didn’t want her to make this step unless she was totally sure. The club was hushed, but she could hear Jake’s harsh panting as he tried to get his anger under control.

  “I honestly want this, Master Ash. I accept his collaring.”

  “Very well.” He raised his voice. “Jake Nichols, do you take this sub, Emily Miller, to be yours forever? Do you promise to protect her, to put her needs before all of yours as her Master?”

  “Fucking right I do!” Jake shouted. His anger was still bubbling right under the surface, ready to burst out at the slightest provocation.

  “Jake!” Ash warned.

  Emily saw Jake take a huge breath and try to push all his anger down.

  “I’m sorry.” He nodded, then said in a reasonably calm voice, “Yes, I do.”

  “Do you promise to care for her, to be responsible to her for the rest of your lives?”

  “Yes.” His eyes landed on Emily once again, and she saw his anger simmer further down. His next words were soft and tender as he said, “I take you, Emily, as my own, my property—body and soul forever. Always I will respect you as a woman, as my submissive, as a person. I will protect you and keep you safe. I will never hurt you intentionally. If I make a mistake, I will always apologize. I promise to guide you, to help you. If you fall, I will always be there to pick you up, to hold and comfort you. I will treasure this gift you have given me with honor forever.”

  He reached out a hand and touched her face. She leaned into it and closed her eyes, relishing his touch.

  “Do you have anything to add, Jake Nichols, before I ask Emily? Is there anything you need to tell her?”


  Emily quickly opened her eyes as he stepped a little closer to her. This wasn’t a usual part of the ceremony. Normally she would be asked for her submission oath.

  Jake’s voice quavered as he said, “Emily, I love you. I should have told you. I should have taken the risk and let you know how I felt. Instead I almost lost you. Just know I truly love you, and I will honor and cherish you until our lives end. You truly are mine, but I am no less yours because without you I am nothing. I promise I will always care for you, Emily. I honestly love you, and I’ll do everything in my power to make you eventually love me in return.”

  Shocked at his confession, Emily gasped. She couldn’t quite believe what he’d just said. Peeping up, she saw Ash was watching her still nestled under his arm. She saw his smile and realized he knew exactly how Jake had felt, and she finally understood exactly all that he’d done. She knew tears were falling fast down her face as she returned her gaze to Jake.

  “Do you accept
all that he has offered?” Ash asked, his voice tender. “Will you accept his undying love as well as his collar?”

  “Yes.” She sniffed back her tears. All she wanted to do was cry in happiness. He loved her! It was as if every dream had come true. She could feel Ash’s arm tighten and knew she had to speak, had to give her oath in front of the witnesses.

  Taking a deep breath, Emily said, “I promise to trust, honor, obey, and cherish you, Master Jake. I put my life into your hands.”

  She drew another breath and thought of all the things she wanted to say to him, all the things she’d wished she said in the past few weeks. He had given her back her life, and she loved him more than ever.

  Her tears began falling again as she rushed on. “You are my protector, and I give myself to you completely of my own free will. I will accept the things you ask of me. I know you will always respect me and will guide me safely. I give you my complete trust. I surrender to you all that I am, for without you I am nothing. You gave me back my life, and I give to you my heart, soul and my body, forever. I accept this collar fully and all that it means.”

  Ash handed Jake the leather thong, and once again Jake tied it around her neck, gently this time.

  “In that case, let all who have witnessed this that Emily Miller is now collared to Jake Nichols. Congratulations.”

  Ash kissed her cheek and finally pushed her into Jake’s chest. Emily gazed up at the man who had given her so much. She thought her heart had increased a hundredfold in her chest as he smiled down at her. But now it was time for her to tell him.

  “I love you, Master Jake.”

  He looked at her in shock, disbelieving her words. “You do?”

  “I do, Jake. I truly love you.”

  Jake wrapped his strong arms so tightly around her to the sound of thunderous applause. It seemed as if everyone in the whole club was cheering and clapping. Jake kissed her then, kissed her like he’d never done before. She clung to him, almost drowning in his love.

  When they broke apart, he glared at Ash and Kaden. They were both grinning like Cheshire cats standing with Alex and Iain, who also had broad smiles on their faces. Jake searched around him. Steven was laughing, his arm around Avril. Scott was almost convulsed with his guffawing, holding himself up with his arms across the shoulders of Nico and the waist of Finn. The rest of the club members were chuckling loudly.


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