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Life in Neverland: Book 3 of The Neverland Trilogy

Page 13

by Heather C. Myers

  Magda’s lips turned up despite herself. Leave it to Nick to make her smile regardless of how serious her thoughts had turned. She reached out to place her hand over Nick’s underneath the table. He wrinkled his forehead by pushing up his eyebrows, clearly shocked by her boldness. Magda could not blame him. Physical affection was not something she normally partook in; she did not like feeling she had something to prove by being overtly affectionate nor did she think it was appropriate for her to make someone feel uncomfortable if public displays were not something they preferred.

  But Nick was different, Magda knew. Nick was bountiful and grand and bold. This touch would reveal to him just how much she cared for him; he would understand.

  “I have a lot on my mind,” Magda admitted, keeping her voice just as hushed as his was. She locked eyes with him and was not afraid to keep that contact even though people were looking at them. In that moment, she did not care.

  “Would you like to discuss it later?” His brown eyes pooled into her and he looked genuinely concerned.

  Magda’s heart skipped at the sight of it and the feeling of the love she had for him only grew deeper. What was it about this man that was able to make her feel so… special. She had never felt this way before, not even as a fairy. She felt ordinary, not unusual in any way. She had received comments on her physical appearance, especially her eyes, and after joining James’s crew, received compliments on her fighting skills. But she never felt the way Nick was making her feel right now.

  “I’d like that very much,” she said, hoping her voice did not shake as much as she thought it did.

  “Remy,” James said from his seat. Magda’s eyes fluttered over to him, and she almost felt ashamed of herself that she had completely forgotten that they were here because of Remy. They needed to get her back safely. They needed to make sure she was okay. “How are you?”

  Magda’s eyes caught every muscle twitch, every spasm, and her ears caught every inflection, every tremor, almost everyone else would not pick up. She had known James for a long time, and that was an understatement. In that time, she had never seen him act this way – soft, vulnerable, concerned – with anyone else. She had to hold back a smile from creeping onto her face just because she was happy for James. She did not expect him to feel this way about anyone – not because he was incapable of feeling, but because…

  Well, she had no real answer.

  James was not the sort to fall in love.

  Except, he was.

  It was clear now, clear as day, that he completely and wholeheartedly adored Remy. Magda might have rolled her eyes; Remy was not the sort of woman Magda particularly liked because she was entitled and spoiled and could not take care of herself. But Remy was different, even though she was cut from the same cloth.

  Somehow, Remy was able to make James fall in love with her. And she did it easily and effortlessly. There was a part of Magda, a dark part of her, that probably would have hated her before. But Magda herself was in love and when you’re in love, you want everyone to be in love. As long as Remy was good for James and did not break her heart then Magda supported them. She wanted both of them to be happy because they both deserved it.

  “I’m fine,” she said and gave everyone a reassuring smile. “How are all of you?”

  “It’s not us I’m concerned about,” James said. His eyes flashed over to The Magistrate who was pretending not to listen in on their hushed conversation.

  “Where is The Creator?” The Magistrate muttered to herself. “Why does she always insist on making a grand entrance?”

  “She?” Magda whispered under her breath. Well, this was a shock. Magda always thought The Creator was a man.

  James leaned toward Remy, sitting close to his left. Magda watched as his lips nearly brushed her ear. “What does The Magistrate want with you?” he asked her. Magda’s sharp ears picked it up but she was certain The Magistrate did not. In fact, she didn’t even think Nick could hear him. “Is it to get to me?”

  Remy’s lips curled up into a grin. “You would think this was about you,” she said in a murmur.

  James’s eyes softened at Remy’s misplaced joke. This was hardly the time to be humorous but she could not help it. Magda knew Remy well enough to know the girl tended to react inappropriately to situations she did not know how to handle. However, she was also certain that Remy had grown tremendously in the time she had been here. Kidnapped twice, and still alive. That had to say something for her. If anything, she was resourceful. And that, more than anything, earned Magda’s respect. She never thought she would see the day but she respected Remy. Tremendously. And considering how clear it was that James had developed feelings for Remy – something Magda was still having trouble coming to terms with – that had to account for something.

  “No,” The Magistrate said, a slow smile sliding across her face. It was similar to the way a snake moved – slow and precise. “It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me.”

  James rolled his eyes. “Of course,” he said, his tone light and dry. “How could I possibly think this was about anything or anyone other than you.” His eyes narrowed into ice and Magda felt the room drop several degrees as James leaned forward toward The Magistrate. “What could you possibly want with Remy?”

  Before The Magistrate could answer, someone from the doorway cleared their throat. Magda picked her head up and noticed a beautiful, familiar woman standing in the entrance. She had long wavy hair that was either black or dark brown. Her skin was smooth caramel, her eyes a warm shade of brown. She was dressed in a flowy white dress with no corset, that hugged her waist and flared out around her long legs. She wore slippers on her feet that looked both worn and comfortable. There were gold hoop earrings in her ears and various necklaces on her neck. From where Magda sat, she noticed soft freckles on the tips of her cheeks and a small mole under her lips on the left side.

  Who was she? Magda knew her, she just did not remember where she had seen the woman before.

  “Esperanza?” Nick said, slowly standing up. He looked pale at seeing her, though Magda knew he was not afraid of her. His eyes were locked onto the woman and confusion touched his masculine features, making him look more youthful than he already did.

  Esperanza! That was how Magda knew her.

  “Hello, Nick,” she said, giving him a nod.

  “Esperanza?” The Magistrate asked. Now it was her turn to be confused. “I thought you were” –

  “I am known by many people as a variety of names,” Esperanza said. “To Nick, I am Esperanza. But here, now, you may all know me as The Creator.”


  Magdalena’s mouth dropped open. Esperanza was The Creator? The woman speaking with Nick, the woman who had brought him here for a reason… She shook her head to herself, her eyes descending to her lap where her hands were folded.

  “You…” She heard Nick’s disbelief in his deep voice and she did not have to look at him to know he was as pale as she was. Unlike her, however, he had no problem looking at Esperanza. Magda almost felt ashamed at her fear but she did not know how else to react. “You’re God?”

  Magda forced herself to look up, to look at the glowing woman sitting directly across from The Magistrate. She swallowed, moistening her dry throat to the best of her abilities. If Esperanza was The Creator, why would she bring Nick to The Neverland? It hit her, then, that Nick was vulnerable. He wasn’t technically dead. He did not belong here. Neither did Remy, for that matter. They were alive, and life in Neverland did not exist.

  Neither does happiness.

  The thought was more bitter than she anticipated, and a voice that sounded shockingly like her little sister’s scolded her for her pessimism. That isn’t the sort of reality you wish to create, is it Magda? the voice asked in that familiar tone teenage fairies possess that sounded as though they knew everything. Remember: thoughts are things. You create your reality. This woman sitting here is not the woman you are. She isn’t the fairy you a

  I am no fairy, Magda said, still bitter, still unhappy. Her back twinged just thinking about her absence of wings.

  You are, Cheree insisted. Just because you don’t have wings does not mean you still aren’t fae. You are better than this, Magda. Stop portraying yourself as a victim. You are much more proactive than this.

  Magda pressed her lips together and clenched her jaw so it popped. Cheree was right. At least, her voice was. She would not let herself wallow in her experiences. Instead, she would create new ones, with Nick. Whatever was going to happen regarding Nick and his life was something they could figure out for themselves. Hope was not lost.

  “…just known as The Creator,” Esperanza said in a velvet voice. Magda blinked; she should probably pay more attention to what was being said. “It is nice to see you again, Nick. Has everything worked out for you?”

  There was a knowing glint in her dark eyes that added a new level of grace to her, and Magda could not help but be warmed at the sight of it. At that moment, Esperanza’s eyes found Magda’s, and her lips curled up like she could read Magda’s thoughts. And if Esperanza was The Creator, Magda suspected she could read thoughts, among other things.

  “They worked out much better than I expected they would,” Nick said with an acknowledging nod. “Thank you.”

  Esperanza smiled at his words but kept her eyes fixed on Magdalena.

  “There is much to discuss once our business has concluded,” Esperanza said.

  “Speaking of which,” The Magistrate said, her impatience flaring like her nostrils. “We should work through our business here. The ballroom is filling up with souls, dancing and waiting for our announcement at the future of The Neverland.”

  “There will be no announcement until a mutual resolution has occurred,” Esperanza said. Her voice was smooth and silky but had a finality to it that required no argument. “The souls can wait. They have plenty to amuse themselves with until our discussion concludes.”

  The Magistrate looked like she wanted to say something else, but clenched her teeth together to keep the words from falling carelessly out of her mouth. Instead, she shot daggers at the wall and ignored anyone who happened to be staring at her. Magda would have been amused at the reaction if she had gotten to grips with the fact that this slight of a woman was The Creator, a woman who had had an intimate conversation with Nick, who had specifically warned him away from the fairy’s blood. Not only that, but she had an authoritative effect on The Magistrate that all but forced her to keep in line.

  “Ms. Cutler and I already came up with an arrangement,” The Magistrate said.

  “That’s nice,” James cut in before she could elaborate. Though his posture was perfect, he was not rigid. He looked casual, almost indifferent. “That agreement is void.”

  The Magistrate’s gold eyes were set to fire. “Over my dead body,” she said through gritted teeth. The words came out in a hiss but Magda understood her without a problem.

  James’s smirk only deepened. “I can make that happen,” he said and then winked.

  “Now, now,” The Creator said, sounding as though she were reprimanding two children. And, in a way, she was. “Both of you must restrain yourselves or we will never come to a resolution.” Her eyes flashed in warning at The Magistrate. “We cannot let our emotions get the better of us or we will be ruled by an uncontrollable force. We must decide with the assistance of both our heads and our hearts.” For some reason, her eyes flashed at Magdalena, like she knew. And perhaps she did.

  “How are you, Magdalena?” The Creator turned her body so she gave Magda her full attention. She did not appear intimidating, nor was she looming or looking down her. Despite the difference in positions, Magda still felt like an equal to her. Which was probably just one of the many skills The Creator possessed. “Are you keeping our dear Nicholas in line?”

  “I assure you, my line has been kept by me just fine, thank you,” Nick said from beside her, and Magdalena felt a familiar tug at her lips as they emerged into a smile.

  “Are you telling me you are not enjoying Magdalena’s company?” The Creator asked, raising a challenging brow. “If not, I can ask her if she will assist me on a few things. She is someone I would definitely want by my side, though my reasons are most assuredly very different than yours.”

  Magda felt herself blush as both The Magistrate and James’s eyes were on her face.

  “You love the fairy?” The Magistrate asked Nick, judgment clear in her voice. “A fairy with no wings?”

  “There is nothing wrong with being a fairy,” Magda heard herself say. “Even one without her wings.”

  The minute the words were out of her mouth, she realized her words rang true. There was nothing wrong with her. Even with the loss of her wings, she was not lacking in anything. She was completely content with who she was. It might have taken a while for her to come to this conclusion, but she understood it now, and that was what counted.

  “I don’t think you have any say in who I choose to love and who I don’t,” Nick said through gritted teeth. His dark eyes were black and dangerous, and Magda could feel the tension rolling off her body in waves the same way the ocean rocked into a ship.

  The Magistrate raised one brow. “So it’s true, then,” she said, and her tone indicated that she was talking to herself rather than to anyone else in the room. “That’s… interesting.”

  “That’s nothing to you,” Nick said. It sounded like a rough growl.

  James placed a hand on Nick’s forearm – a warning, a tense reassurance that he would handle this and it would be best if Nick kept his mouth closed. He gritted his teeth, keeping his eyes focused on The Magistrate. All three of them – James, Magdalena, and Nick – were glaring at The Magistrate. If their eyes were daggers, The Magistrate would be pinned to the wall, with a dagger protruding from her heart, blood running freely like a waterfall. It would be a masterpiece, Magdalena believed, one that need not be changed or edited or moved. People would come see it far and wide. She would be the spectacle she always wanted to be.

  However, Magdalena knew that should a blade – or anything, for that matter – pierce The Magistrate (and James, as far as she knew) and deliver a fatal blow, she would burst into dust until there was nothing of her left. Not even her soul would be left, for once someone died in The Neverland, they were dead for good.

  If anyone deserved it, it was The Magistrate.

  “Let’s start from the beginning,” The Creator said, her calm voice catching everyone else’s attention. “We have this delicious food placed in front of us and no one seems to be taking advantage of it. Let’s sit. Let’s eat. And let’s discuss what we must in order to resolve all we need to resolve. Shall we?”

  Though her tone was friendly, each person here knew she was not making suggestions but gently ordering everyone to do as she bid. Magda’s stomach remembered just how hungry she was, and it was not long before her behind was in her chair and a spoon was in her hand. Once everyone followed suit, she was permitted to fill her stomach to her heart’s content.

  It was silent for the first quarter-hour, up until The Creator cleared her throat, gently placing her utensil down once she finished the first course. Immediately, a servant removed the bowl and replaced it with a clean plate in preparation for the next course. It was not long before everyone else finished their soup as well, and they, too, got clean plates placed in front of them.

  The next course was served – a roasted duck with potatoes, steamed vegetables, and more bread. Magda stocked up on the bread. She loved it, especially slathered in butter.

  “Truth be told,” James said, “I do not particularly care about anything else: I want to know why Remy is here in the first place.” He was speaking to The Creator but his accusatory eyes never left The Magistrate’s face. Magda almost flinched at the sight of it; it was dark and heavy and promised only cruel things. She had seen James angry before, but it had never been like this. “Why did The Magistrate feel it was
necessary to kidnap Remy and bring her here against her will?”

  “Is that true?” The Creator asked, slicing The Magistrate with her stare. “Did you kidnap this poor girl and bring her here?”

  “I” – The Magistrate sputtered, looking for something, anything, that would assist her in trying to prove her point. She could come up with nothing, however, and instead, threw her index finger in Remy’s direction. “The two of us made a deal. I followed through with my end of the bargain.”

  “And what was your end of the bargain?” Nick asked, cocking his head to the side and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “That is none of your concern!” The Magistrate all but spat.

  “I beg to differ,” The Creator said in her cool, calm voice. However, there was a sharpness to it that warned against any argument. “We must be transparent if we are to move forward and resolve things today. Tell us, Selayna: why do you have Remy and what was your end of the bargain you struck with her while she was under duress?”

  “She was not under any duress,” The Magistrate insisted. “She was not being tortured or compelled. She told me what she wanted in exchange for what I wanted and we made a blood oath on it.”

  “The blood oath actually took place?” Magda asked, raising a brow. If the oath was already sealed with blood, she did not think even The Creator could keep Remy from doing her end of the bargain.

  “Well – no,” The Magistrate said. “I was going to do it at the Masquerade” –

  “You were going to make a big spectacle,” James said, annoyance evident in his tone. “You wanted to announce your reign over the realms and perform a blood oath in front of the souls because you crave unnecessary attention. That, and power.”

  “James.” The word was out of The Creator’s mouth in less than a second and James responded just as quickly. Her eyes, however, remained focused on The Magistrate. “Tell us, Selayna, what did you do for Remy? Do not make me ask you again.”


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