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Monroe, Melody Snow - Bella's Bad Bikers [Pleasure, Montana 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Melody Snow Monroe

  She really had wanted to be by herself, to regroup, but she could hardly tell her host to go to bed. Before that became an issue, the front door banged open.

  “Hawk, you home?” The man followed the shout a few seconds later. He stopped dead in his tracks when he caught sight of her. “Well, well, well.” His grin almost looked predatory.

  She glanced to Hawk to see his reaction, but he didn’t tense a muscle. This must be either his brother or his best friend. Given the man’s complexion was a bit darker than Hawk’s, and he wore his long black hair tied in a neat queue behind his head, she guessed this was Raven.


  Hawk got up and sat next to her, as if he was claiming his territory. What was up with that?

  “This is Raven. He’s the genius behind our shop. The man can fix or create any look you desire for your motorcycle.” The intense pride was obvious.

  She forced a smile. “I’ll remember that next time I want new wheels on my cycle.”

  Raven leaned forward. “You into Harleys?”

  A laugh bubbled up at his childlike glee. “I’m only kidding. Right now, motorcycles aren’t my favorite form of transportation. It’ll be days before the soreness gets out of this body.”

  Hawk wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “She’s a runaway.”

  Yeesh. Did he have to tell everyone?

  Any joy from Raven disappeared. He sat on the edge of the chair opposite them. “Tell me about it.” The shift from happiness to intense focus put her on guard.

  How much to tell? She couldn’t divulge her real name. While she believed Raven wasn’t connected to her fiancé in Miami, she couldn’t be too careful. However, she wanted both men to know someone dangerous might show up at some point.

  “Where do I start?” Her mind picked through the facts. “I was working for a marketing firm in Miami when I met Bill, who happens to be a federal judge.”

  Raven whistled.

  “Sounds good, but wait. My father is…a politician in the city, and now I realize Bill used me for political reasons.” She’d been about to say her dad was Charles Long. Since she claimed her last name was Andrews, they’d realize she wasn’t telling the whole truth.

  “You’re connected,” Raven said, never taking his gaze off her. “Not good if want to stay hidden.”

  She liked that he was perceptive. “No, it’s not. Both Dad and Bill have connections everywhere.”

  “Which one are you running from?”

  Hawk’s fingers tightened on her shoulder as if he’d been waiting to ask the same question. “My fiancé. Or rather his bodyguard.”

  “Other than the obvious reason for not wanting to lose someone as beautiful as you, why is he after you?” Raven seemed determined to get to the bottom of this issue. Hawk never questioned her like this.

  “I saw something I shouldn’t have. I’m convinced he knows I know about him and his illegal dealings.”

  Hawk removed his arm and turned to the side to face her. “Elaborate.” The serious nature of his tone scared her.

  “Bill and I were living together, and everything was going along wonderfully. At least for a while.” She looked down at her hands. “It started when Bill said he didn’t want a wife who had a job.”

  Hawk finished his beer. “Go on.”

  She’d forgotten about the glass in her hand and drank some of the wine. “I quit my job to make him happy. I thought I’d love being retired. My day would consist of playing tennis, riding horses, and shopping.”

  “Sounds like fun.” This came from Raven.

  “To some, but I need to have goals and achieve something in my life. Living a life of leisure is not who I am.”

  “I can relate to that,” Raven said. He exchanged a quick glance with Hawk.

  “Everyone knows that Miami is a hotbed for drugs. Bill was fighting against the dealers.”

  Raven’s hands clenched. “Amen.”

  She was a bit surprised at his vehemence. “I overheard someone say that Bill was dirty, that he was involved in drugs himself.” The image of Bill snorting drugs was never far from her mind. She swiped a tear threatening to spill. Maybe it was because she hadn’t vocalized her issues before, that talking about this was dredging up all sorts of betrayal issues. “I thought the allegation was so preposterous that I dismissed it. Long story short, I was at a friend’s wedding shower. I got a migraine and knew I couldn’t even drive. A friend offered to take me home. Little did I know that Bill was having me followed.”

  “Only this man was watching your car instead of you and was unaware you’d left.”

  Raven was sharp. She’d say that about him. “Yes. When I got home, I was feeling so bad I immediately took off my heels. Bill apparently had no idea I was there. When I went to his office to tell him I was going to lie down, the door was partially open. I heard giggling and looked in. He was there with some bimbo on his lap and they were both snorting what appeared to be coke.”

  Hawk took her hand in his and squeezed. That one touch did more to help her than anything anyone could have said.

  She told them of her intricate plan to avoid detection, and how the bodyguard still located her. “I only used my credit card once, and that was to buy a ticket to California. I’ve used cash ever since, but I’m running out of money.”

  “Babe, you’ve been carrying cash on you this whole time?”

  What else could she do? “Yes.”

  “We need to keep it in the safe.”

  And if you steal it, where am I then? Decision time. Could she trust these two? Given they were the only people she knew, she decided to go for it. If the money disappeared, she’d report them to the authorities. It was only money and not her fragile heart. The large diamond on her finger, as well as her other rings, would give her a new start. “Okay.”

  Raven still hadn’t broken his gaze. “You’ll have to give us a description of the man who’s after you. If he comes here, we’ll take care of him.”

  From the feral look in his eyes, he meant he’d kill him. “I don’t condone violence.”

  “Raven was a Special Forces man. He’s good at dissuading people.”

  She bet.

  Hawk stood. “It’s getting late and we’ve had a long day. Say good night to Raven.”

  What did that mean? Was she supposed to kiss him or something? “Night.”

  Hawk took her hand and led her down the hallway. He acted like she now belonged to him and that he was going to protect her. While she wasn’t against the protection part, it was what else he expected in way of repayment that scared the shit out of her.

  Chapter Four

  As Bella stepped into their room, her cell rang. The phone was halfway to her ear when Hawk clasped her wrist. His plea might have been silent, but she understood his caution. She checked the caller ID. It was her friend, the person she was impersonating. She turned the phone off.

  “Don’t worry. I disenabled the GPS feature. Bill can’t find me.”

  “I had wondered, but whoever is calling might be doing so under duress. You might say something innocuous that can help pinpoint your location.”

  Oh, my God. “Do you think they might try to harm my friend in order to find out about me?”

  “Maybe. Perhaps you should get rid of that phone. We can get you another one.”

  This phone was in her real name, Robin Long. “You might be right.”

  Hawk rubbed her arms. His warm hands helped soothe her. “I promise you, you’ll be safe here. But if you leave our compound, I can’t guarantee your protection.”

  Her stomach tumbled. Staying in one place wouldn’t be any better than going back to her old life. Or would it?

  Yes. So far, none of these men had lied to her.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll make a new plan tomorrow.” He glanced at the bathroom. “You a shower-at-night person or a morning gal?”

  “At night.”

  “Me, too.” His eyes sparkled, and he closed the gap between them.
  “Alone. I take my showers alone.”

  He burst out laughing. “I just wanted to see the limits of your comfort zone.”

  She smacked him on the chest and hurt her hand. “Damn.”

  “Let me get some fresh towels for you. I wasn’t expecting company.” He returned a few seconds later with fluffy cotton in hand. “These have never been used.”

  How nice was that?

  “You can take a shower while I try to scrounge up some long shirt that will fit you. How about that?”

  Who was this man? One minute he’s Mr. Gruff and the next he’s the consummate host. “That would be nice. Thank you.” This personality switch was driving her crazy. “I should have picked up pajamas when I was shopping.” At least she’d thought to pick up a package of cotton briefs.

  “I believe I was in a not-so-generous mood at that time and rushed you.”

  “True.” Before she said anything she’d regret, she ducked into the bathroom.

  After turning on the water to let it get hot, she double-checked the bathroom door was locked. Fortunately, she kept her toiletries in her purse and had her electric toothbrush and makeup with her. She brushed her teeth then jumped in the shower. While there was no conditioner in the bathroom, the shampoo was a nice brand. Since Hawk, too, needed to get in here, she didn’t dawdle like usual.

  Once she wrapped her head in one towel and dried her body with the other, she realized her dilemma. Her substitute sleepwear was in the other room.

  Holding the towel tightly around her, she opened the door. Hawk stood there with a big grin on his face holding a shirt.

  Was he picturing her naked or something? “Thanks.”

  She grabbed what he had to offer and reclosed and locked the door. The shirt was huge, but it was warm and it covered her. Once dressed, she placed the wet towels over the shower curtain and stepped into the bedroom. The steam followed her out. Hawk was dressed only in jeans. Once again, she couldn’t help but stare at his magnificent body.

  “I can give you a full show after I shower, or better yet, do you want to watch?”

  The man loved to say outrageous things. “No.”

  He laughed and headed in. She stared at the big bed, not knowing which side he slept on. She crawled in and chose the side closest to the bathroom. If that were his side, she’d move. Her body melted into the bed. It was either because she was sore from the long ride, or because the escape was over, but her limbs had turned to lead and were incapable of moving.

  The shower turned off and Hawk emerged with a towel around his waist. His wet hair curled up at the ends. “I thought you’d be asleep.”

  Is that why you came out almost naked? “Close.” Maybe she should have pretended, but she wanted another look at him. “I do want to thank you for giving me shelter.” He could have insisted his mom find some place for her to sleep.

  “What can I say? I’m a sucker for a damsel in distress.”

  So he did have a white knight complex.

  He routed through his drawers and dragged out a pair of pajama bottoms. He’d told her he slept naked. Figuring he’d toss the towel on the floor and change in front of her, she buried her head in the pillow. His chuckle was low and long.

  “I’m glad you find this funny.” Her voice came out muffled. “Just so you know, I don’t go around spending the night with a stranger.”

  When he lifted the covers, she rolled over to face him. He held her gaze. “If it makes you feel any better, neither do I. Good night.”

  He turned off the lamp on the nightstand, but he’d left the bathroom light on. He must have figured she’d feel safer if she woke up and could see. Somehow, with the lights mostly out, she felt as if she could talk to him better. There was something about the way his chocolate eyes could see through her soul that made her tongue-tied.

  “You have a tattoo on your back. I can see there’s a hawk splashed across your shoulders.” The shapes below it were Chinese characters. “But what does it say below that?”

  He didn’t answer for a moment, as if he wanted to keep the meaning a secret. “It’s the symbol for harmony.”

  Not what she expected. “Why that symbol?”

  “As a kid, Clete, Dad, and I would hike the hills around here. Being the oldest son, I wanted to prove to my brother and father I could do as much as my dad. I used to think I could defeat even nature. Now I know better. I was totally idealistic back then, but kids get strange ideas in their heads.” He looked across the room. His eyes had softened as if he were remembering the good times. “Being in the woods brings me focus and harmony. I swear some molecular change happens in my body when I’m out there.”

  Her pulse sped up. “When I’m walking on the beach with the sand under my toes and the sea spray in my face, I’m one with nature, too. I’m happiest outside.” If it’s warm and sunny.

  His lips barely lifted into a smile. “I see you understand.” He waved a hand. “For me, it doesn’t matter if I’m riding my Harley, sitting on top of a mountain watching the hawks fly by, or listening to the roar of a waterfall. I feel at peace.”

  She ran her fingers along the edge of the fine linen sheet. “Does Clete have a symbol, too?”

  “No, but I know he gets the same sense of the world when he’s outside. That’s why he came back and bought this ranch.”

  Wow. Of all the men she’d met, none had ever been willing to say something so personal. “That’s pretty deep.” She hadn’t meant to sound like a Valley Girl. The words had tumbled out.

  His jaw tightened. His good memories seemed to evaporate. “Get some sleep.” While not soft, his tone wasn’t harsh like it had been when they first met.

  She was by no means a highly religious person, but she felt she was going through this whole adventure for a reason. If Aldo hadn’t followed her bus, she never would have found Hawk, a man with demons rattling around inside him. Good thing he appeared to be willing to work through his issues. She’d put her money on him to figure out what he wanted out of life sooner rather than later.

  His soft snores came quickly. This time, she wasn’t afraid of being in bed with him and allowed her body to relax.

  Hawk might have rolled over, but she never felt the bed move. However, when he drew her near so that her butt settled against his rock-hard cock, she woke completely. His chest rose and fell evenly, indicating he was still asleep. He nestled her closer. Most likely he was dreaming of someone else, but she didn’t dare disturb him.

  Admit it, you like being held like you’re important, even if the person holding you has no idea it’s you.

  Being under someone’s protection wasn’t new to her, but this man wasn’t paid to be her bodyguard. Bill had been threatened once, and he’d insisted she have a bodyguard. That man, however, was nothing like the sexy man beside her.

  Nor was Bill. He wasn’t a cuddler. In fact, if he had to put his life on the line for her, she doubted he would. What did that say about his character?

  When she opened her eyes, light streamed in from the windows and the bed was cold next to her. The clock read 8:00 a.m., which would be 10:00 a.m. in Miami. She never slept this late. Moving fast, she washed up and put on the jeans and shirt she’d purchased at Walmart. Maybe she could borrow a car and go shopping today.

  Her stomach grumbled, so she went in search of food. No one was in the kitchen, or in the house, for that matter. There was a note, however, on the refrigerator.

  Help yourself to the eggs, cereal, coffee, or whatever you want. I cut up a bowl of fruit for you.


  That was nice of him to care about her needs. She tried to picture Raven being so domestic but failed. When she spotted the espresso maker, her heart soared. Who would have thought they’d have one? She fixed a cup. Raven had set two boxes of cereal on the counter. She chose one and covered the cereal in fresh-cut fruit. The meal was divine. If she’d had a paper to read, she would have labeled this place heaven. Even without something to read, the view out
the back was spectacular. Acres upon acres of grazing land were bordered by snowcapped mountains. How amazing was that? The mountains, not the snow part.

  After she finished her meal, she cleaned up, put on her thin coat, and headed out to the workshop. Hawk had pointed it out on their way in. She entered through the front door. A bell jangled, and Raven looked up.

  He grinned. “Welcome.” He pushed back his chair and came over.

  First thing she noticed was that Hawk wasn’t around. Secondly, the place had state-of-the-art equipment, if the shiny finishes meant anything. The only thing missing was a lot of motorcycles.

  “You mostly do repair work here?”

  “Actually, we pimp the rides, though if a bike breaks down, Hawk is the one to fix it.”

  She recalled a television show about pimping. “So, you do custom work?”

  “Yes. Come. I’ll show you some of my drawings.”

  Raven was not only a ton friendlier than Hawk, but he also seemed more excited about life. When he led her over to his worktable, she was stunned at the intricate designs. “You did these?”

  His chest elevated a bit. “Yes. Now all I need is someone willing to let me build it for them.”

  She studied the surroundings. There were lots of shelves full of new parts. Too many, in fact. “Does the shop make much money?” She held up a hand. “I’m not trying to be nosy, but it seems you have a lot of inventory.”

  His chin dipped a bit. “I agree with you. To answer your question, we barely break even. Clete is the financial genius of the group, but he doesn’t get involved with us. This shop is Hawk’s brainchild. He’s wonderful at some aspects of the business, like getting amazing deals on parts, but he sucks at getting customers.”

  She’d be leaving for Seattle, or some big city, once she was convinced Bill had stopped looking for her, but in the meantime she might be able to give back a bit by helping. “Do you have a website?”

  His muscles seemed to expand. “Another bone of contention. We have a piss-poor one. Hawk maintains it, so to speak, but he doesn’t keep it updated.”


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