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Monroe, Melody Snow - Bella's Bad Bikers [Pleasure, Montana 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Melody Snow Monroe

When he got back, Hawk was pacing in the living room. “It’s all my fault.”

  “About time you admit that.” The need to punch out his friend had dissipated. Right now they needed to get Bella back. “Before we go any further, tell me this. Do you love her? Because if you truly don’t, there’s no use going to the trouble of bringing her back.”

  “I do. God help me, I do.”

  The naked truth was evident. “Good.” He checked the wall clock. “Clete is getting the first plane out.” He told him about Justin trying to get a phone number and an address.

  “If she turns on her phone, we’ll know where she is. Remember the phone is in my name. I programmed it that way so I could keep track of her.”

  The relief nearly felled him. “Maybe she’s on a plane now.” He took out his phone and checked flights from Bozeman to Miami. “There was one flight out at two.”

  “If she really is on a plane to Miami, I’m hopping on the first flight to Florida.”

  “Let’s see what Clete thinks.” Raven jumped up. “I never checked her room to see if she packed her gear.” Hawk followed him. All of her clothes were in the closet. “Why would she leave her stuff here?”

  “Maybe she didn’t plan on leaving. Perhaps the bodyguard is blackmailing her or something.”

  He hoped that was true.

  Hawk pulled out his cell. “I’m trying her again.” He paced while the phone rang. He disconnected and tossed the phone on the bed. “Nothing. You want a drink?”

  “I could use one.”

  Hawk followed him out. “I’m sorry. I was so scared she’d leave that I helped fulfill the prophecy.”

  “You know what needs to be done.”

  “Eat crow?”

  “It’ll take more than that. I hope you’re ready for some serious groveling.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  There was one good thing about being part owner of a chain of stores from Boston to Miami. You had a lot of connections in a lot of places. Clete knew he had to call in a bunch of favors, but he didn’t mind if it meant getting Bella back. Raven had basically told him about Hawk’s response to Bella’s profession of love.

  His brother was one fucked-up dude. He prayed it wasn’t too late to do something about it. At the moment, Clete was sitting in the Denver airport awaiting his flight to Bozeman. His cell rang. It was the call he’d been expecting.

  “What can you tell me?” His hands were sweating, praying the man could give him the needed information.

  “Something isn’t right. I did find a Bella Andrews, but she isn’t a marketing person, and she’s not left Miami for weeks.”

  “Then there has to be another Bella.”

  “How well do you know this girl?”

  He didn’t like his tone. “Frank, what are you hinting at?”

  “I checked around and Bella Andrew’s best friend is Robin Long. Her father is Senator Long. Robin was engaged to Bill Robbins. Robin basically ran away a few weeks ago. Sound familiar?”

  His heart raced. “Are you saying Robin Long is posing as Bella Andrews?”

  “They are best friends.”

  It made sense. She couldn’t travel under her own name. He was disappointed she wasn’t willing to tell them the truth, but there were bigger things to deal with. “You got an address for this Bill Robbins?”


  Clete took down the information. “I owe you one.”

  “Next time you’re in Miami, stop on by.”

  He immediately called Hawk. “I have Bella’s address.” He debated catching the next plane to Miami, but figured all three of them needed to make that decision.

  * * * *

  The flight back to Miami was terrible. At least a hundred times Bella thought about telling the bodyguard she’d made a mistake. But then she remembered Hawk’s response to her profession of love. By rolling over and turning his back, he basically didn’t have the guts to tell her he didn’t love her.

  She didn’t want Bill, nor did she give a shit about his profession of innocence. When she returned to the house, she planned on packing up her clothes and leaving. Tampa was nearly as big as Miami. She was convinced a town that size would have plenty of job opportunities. She’d have everything she wanted. Warm weather, a beautiful beach, and a good job.


  There wouldn’t be Raven or Hawk or Clete. There wouldn’t be the really open and friendly people, whose small-town charm had gotten under her skin.

  When Aldo dropped her off in front of her house, she prayed Bill wouldn’t be there. Since the last twelve hours had sucked, she wasn’t surprised when he walked out of his office. His shoulders were straight, and he looked handsome, but underneath the smile was a man fighting for control. He probably wanted to throttle her, but he feared she’d go to the police and tell all.

  Bill opened his arms and embraced her. When she didn’t hug him back, he stepped away.

  “What’s wrong?”

  How clueless could he get? “I’m here to get my clothes. Then I’m leaving. I’m sorry, Bill.” She had practiced a little speech, but all the words had flown out of her head.

  He grabbed her arm a little too tight. “I don’t want you to go anywhere. Do you have any idea how embarrassed I’ve been? My own fiancée runs off to Montana of all places?”

  She didn’t know where to begin. “I don’t want to fight. I don’t love you anymore. You can go back to that woman or not. I don’t care if it was some kind of sting operation.”

  His lips pressed together. “You fucking someone in Montana?”

  “Three men, if you must know.”

  He laughed. “Oh, that’s rich. Little Ms. Prissy wouldn’t open her legs for three men. Hell, it took me months to get in your pants.”

  That’s because you were an egotistical bastard with a small dick. “I’m sorry if you don’t believe me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll pick up a few of my things and get out of your life.”

  His aggressive stance changed in a flash. “Hon, don’t be like that. Let me make it up to you. How about if we go right now and buy that Mercedes you’ve always wanted?”

  She stared at him. How had she fallen for this man? Had she been so materialistic that she was willing to do anything for a cushy life? Don’t answer that.

  “Bill, you don’t get it. I want to work. I want to be proud of my accomplishments.”

  He stepped closer. “Fine. Go back to work. I know how much you liked it. I just thought I’d offer you the chance to live the life of luxury.”

  Arguing with him wouldn’t do any good. “Excuse me. I’m tired and need to lie down.”

  “Sure, hon. Anything.”

  The moment she got into her room she called Bella.

  “Oh, Robin, I’m so sorry.”

  Her heart hitched. “Sorry about what?”

  “I had to tell Frank Sommers about you.”

  Her mind must have been fried because nothing was making sense. “I don’t know any Frank Sommers. Nor do I care to. Listen, I’m back in at Bill’s house. I need a huge favor. Can you come pick me up?”

  “You’re here? Oh, my God. Yes, I’m on my way.”

  “Wait. Don’t come up the front. Park on the street behind the house. On Seaside.”

  “You sneaking out again?”

  “I’m hoping to. I’ll tell you everything. I promise. Hurry.”

  She disconnected and pulled out a duffel bag. When she looked through her extensive closet, she realized her priorities were all fucked-up. She grabbed only the essentials like underwear, some shorts, a few of her favorite jeans, and a couple of her most comfortable shoes. Within fifteen minutes, she’d finished packing.

  Her room, or rather their room, was on the first floor. She opened the window and immediately saw a problem. The screen prevented her from getting out. “Think.”

  She got out her hair scissors and cut a huge hole in the screen. She tossed the duffel through the window and then crawled out. It was dark, so even if Bill were
looking out the window, he hopefully wouldn’t spot her.

  She nearly tripped over the low bushes and other obstacles a few times. Heart racing, she made it through the neighbor’s yard. She looked both ways but didn’t spot her friend’s yellow Cadillac.

  Headlights appeared down the street going slow. She hid behind a bush until she was certain it was her friend. As soon as she spotted the yellow car, she jumped out and waved. The real Bella stopped.

  “Thanks for coming.”

  “No problem. This is probably the most exciting thing that has happened in a long time. Where do you want to go?”

  * * * *

  Clete had gotten home by late morning. At least his brother had come to his senses and was taking the total blame for what happened. While Hawk might have been the deciding factor, his own absence hadn’t helped.

  “Look, we need to keep our cool. We go charging to Florida, and we might scare her to death.” While Clete rarely drank except at night, he needed a scotch to calm his nerves.

  Raven held up his hand. “So what’s our plan? Hawk and I have been hashing this out for hours.”

  “I say we all go.”

  Raven fixed himself a drink. “Let’s think this through. We get to Bill Robbins’s house and ask to see Bella, or rather Robin. Can you imagine if she’d married him? She’d be Robin Robbins.”

  “Raven? Focus.”

  “Right. If she’s willing to talk to us, and we put her in the car, no matter where we go, that bodyguard would be on our tail.”

  Hawk stretched out on the sofa and dragged a hand over his eyes as if he needed the darkness to think. “I think only I need to go.” He sat up. “She doesn’t believe I love her. I’ll stay a few days, or however long it takes, and convince her. Then I’ll bring her back home.”

  They talked for another few hours about the logistics. In the end Hawk’s plan was accepted.

  “I want you to keep us updated. I have a lot of friends in Miami who can help.” He didn’t like sitting back and waiting for Hawk to do his magic, but he admitted having all three of them show up might end up worse.

  Hawk stood. “If I’m leaving tomorrow, I need to pack.”

  Raven headed to his room. “I’ll check the flights. You might have a better chance of getting out if you drive to Salt Lake tonight.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  * * * *

  In the end, the three of them decided it would be best if Hawk drove to Salt Lake City and caught the first flight to Miami. He was dead tired by the time he climbed on board the plane, but he held out no hope of sleeping. He recreated the scene in bed where Bella had told him she loved him. Why hadn’t he responded?

  You’re an ass. Sad but true.

  Once he arrived at the Miami airport, he rented a car. Using the GPS on his phone, he headed to Judge Bill Robbins’s house. Even though he was used to confrontation and even relished it sometimes, his stomach was in knots. What if Bella told him to go to hell?

  As he drove down the man’s street, his heart sank. While the inside of Clete’s home was nice, it didn’t compare to these mansions. My God. They must have cost at least one or two million apiece. How could he ask Bella to give this up and come to cold Montana?

  His cock twitched, reminding him that love conquered all. Let’s hope she’d heard of the phrase and believed in it. He parked in the drive and half expected that bulldog Aldo to come charging out. Since it was close to dinnertime, he hoped the judge would be home.

  A maid answered and escorted him inside. “I’ll tell the judge you are here.”

  He must have waited a good ten minutes before Bill Robbins appeared. The man was older than he expected. Closer to fifty than forty. His thick hair was perfectly groomed. In fact, everything about the man was perfect. Maybe Hawk should have taken a bit more care in his dress.

  He stuck out his hand, but the judge didn’t return his. “Robin’s not here if that’s why you’ve come.”

  His body turned cold. “What do you mean?”

  “Robin did appear briefly, said she wanted to pack a few items, then left.”

  He hadn’t expected this. He should have been overjoyed that she hadn’t wanted to stay with this guy, but that also meant he didn’t know where she’d gone. “You know where she is?”


  He waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t. Though he felt stupid, he handed him his card. “If Bell—I mean, Robin, comes back, have her give me a call.”


  The moment Hawk walked out, he bet the man tore the card in two. Hawk got back in the rental and called Bella for the umpteenth time. This time the phone rang, and his heart soared. While she didn’t answer, he could trace her call.

  After pushing a few buttons, he found out her phone was in Tampa. The big question was whether or not she was there, too.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Once she arrived in Tampa, Bella decided to stay in an extended-stay hotel for a while. Before she got something more permanent, she wanted to make sure she could get a job. At least now she no longer had to look over her shoulder and wonder if Aldo would drive by and spot her. No. She’d fixed that. She’d written a letter detailing everything she saw and what Bill was doing when she spotted him in the den. She gave one copy to the real Bella Andrews in case anything happened to her, and she mailed a second copy to the Knight’s Bridge B and B. She addressed the letter to Hawk’s mom, and in big red letters on the back it said to open only in case of her death.

  Her heart cracked a little thinking about what her life would have been like had Hawk returned her affection. But what was in the past needed to stay there. The real Bella had spent the night after driving her all the way here then headed back to Miami the next day. They promised to keep in touch.

  Bella unpacked her few items before heading out for a bite to eat. Tomorrow, she’d rent a car and get some groceries. Starting her life all over again was going to take planning. But tonight, all she wanted was to take a hot bath and relax in front of the TV.

  Once she got into bed and clicked on the TV, the only shows that seemed to be airing were romances. Just what she didn’t want. The next show was set in Colorado. It was about the animals of the region and how their hunting grounds were slowly being taken away. She flipped off the set. Too much reminded her of Pleasure.

  Frustrated, she tried to sleep but had no luck. She must have gotten up ten times during the night trying to figure out what she should eat or do to get some sleep. When it was finally light, she got dressed and left. She’d done some Internet searching for jobs and found two places that appeared to fit her talents. Using an employment agency seemed the fastest way to get a job. She had an appointment at two. She’d tried to smile while she answered questions, but her heart didn’t seem to be into the process.

  “We’ll be in touch, Ms. Andrews, if anything comes in.”


  Even though it was November, the weather was warm, and she figured a day at the beach might lift her spirits. She packed up a beach towel and a book. She even rented a cabana that overlooked the ocean. While she spent most of the time reading, once she looked up and swore she spotted Hawk walking along the water’s edge. She’d blinked a few times to clear her vision, but he’d gotten too far away.

  Everything seemed to remind her of Montana and those wonderful men, but she was determined to make a go of it here.

  Back in her hotel, she repeated the ritual of taking a long bath and climbing into bed. Sleep came easier each night. She’d just gotten out of her bath on the fourth night when someone knocked on her door.

  She froze. No one knew she was here. If Aldo or Bill had followed her, they’d be in big trouble. She peeked through the eyepiece in the door. Her heart raced and her legs wobbled. Even though she wasn’t appropriately dressed, she didn’t care. She pulled open the door.

  “Hawk?” She never expected to see him again. The thousand questions she wanted to ask wouldn’t come

  “Can I come in?” He looked down the hall as if someone might walk by and see her half-naked.

  “Yes. Let me put on something.”

  “You don’t have to on my account.” At least his voice held some humor.

  “I’d feel more comfortable.”

  She ducked into the bedroom and pulled on some jeans and a T-shirt. Her fingers were so damp she barely got the zipper up. She couldn’t believe he’d come all the way to Tampa. Had he realized what an ass he’d been?

  She walked out. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Just like Hawk, he took her hand and led her over to the sofa. “We need to talk.”

  That was an understatement. “How did you find me?”

  He inhaled. “The phone you have is in my name.”

  Oh, crap. Was he here to get it back? “Let me get it.” She started to rise when he pulled her back down.

  “I don’t want it back. I meant since it’s in my name I made sure the GPS feature was enabled.”

  Her shoulders sagged. “I can’t believe I didn’t disable that. Is that how Aldo found me?”

  “I don’t know about him, but it’s how I found you.”

  Could this conversation get any more awkward? “Okay, why are you here? Didn’t you get my note?”

  He took her hand. “I came to apologize.”

  She almost laughed. “That’s rich. The great Hawk Knight apologizing.”

  “It’s just Hawk.”


  “Forget it. Aw, shit.” He pulled her to him and kissed her.

  His action stole her breath away. Confusion bombarded her. She gently pushed him away. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “To you?”

  She wanted to scream. “What do you want to tell me?” Clearly, he’d come there for a reason.

  “I love you.”

  Her mouth wouldn’t move as her heart had dropped into her stomach. She inhaled over and over again to get more oxygen to her brain. “You love me?”

  A tear dripped down her cheek, and he wiped it away with his thumb. “Yes. I should have told you when we were in bed, but I was a jerk.” He held up a finger. “I almost forgot. I arrived here three days ago, but I wanted to get this for you.” He pulled out a box and lifted the lid.


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