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Wild Lust [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6]

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by Jane Jamison

  Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6

  Wild Lust

  Charlize Newman left her sister behind with two men who can turn into werewolves. Determined to save her sister, Charlie returns to Forever, ready to do whatever it takes to get Shannon home—whether Shannon likes it or not.

  Twin brothers Blane and Reese Rawlins have met their mate and their match in Charlie. Before they can get her to love them back, they have to keep her from shooting her sister’s mates.

  Reese is the tough guy while Blane is the smooth talker of Charlie’s dreams. But when they get in the way of saving her sister, she doesn’t care how great they are in the sack.

  Just as the men think they’ve tamed their future mate, she ends up playing catnip for a werecat. They come to her aid, exposing their werewolf sides.

  Will Charlie love her new mates? Or will she shoot her way back to Boston?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Vampires/Werewolves, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 44,536 words


  Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6

  Jane Jamison


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Jane Jamison

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-242-6

  First E-book Publication: September 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Charlize Newman pushed her sunglasses back up the bridge of her nose and studied the people walking into Milly’s Coffee Spot. They didn’t look unusual, but she couldn’t forget what she’d seen the last time she’d come to Forever, Texas. Who knew what they were underneath the disguise of their human forms?

  The image of her sister Shannon standing in front of two large wolves hadn’t faded in the months since she’d had to leave her sister behind. Yet the term “wolves” wasn’t an accurate description. The beasts she’d seen were too large, and their limbs were longer than a regular wolf’s legs. But the real difference between them and the wolves mankind knew was the intelligence she’d seen in their amber eyes. Their eyes had sparkled with a strange mix of animal and human knowledge.

  Even now, she had a hard time believing what they really were. They were werewolves. She’d seen them when she’d rescued—or rather, tried to rescue—her sister from the vampire Deacon Slater’s house. Her mind was still playing catch up with what her eyes had told her was real. But when Shannon had refused to go with her, had even vowed that she loved the men who had changed into werewolves, Charlie hadn’t had any option except to leave her sister behind. At least until she could figure out how to get Shannon to come home with her.

  She’d called Shannon every week since that horrible day, and Shannon had always sounded happy, thrilled to be living with the two men she loved. Yet, although her sister sounded sincere, Charlie made it clear that she could always come home. Did she want to leave Forever if only for a visit? All Shannon had to do was say the word, and she’d get there as soon as possible.

  But Shannon had always refused. Instead, she’d kept the conversation light and easy with questions about their parents’ activities and Charlie’s work.

  Although confused at Shannon’s readiness to accept werewolves as lovers, she wouldn’t give up on her sister. After all, it wasn’t because Shannon was staying with two men. She could live with as many men as she wanted, as far as Charlie was concerned. But with werewolves?

  What would life be like sharing a home with werewolves? Exciting, maybe, but dangerous, too. She’d already lost one sister to drugs, and she’d be damned if she’d lose her other sister to the supernatural men that had somehow captured her sister’s heart and mind.

  She should’ve acted sooner, but Charlie hadn’t wanted to force her sister to come home with her. Had, in fact, given her five months to make that choice on her own. With each passing month, however, the knot in Charlie’s stomach grew tighter. What if she’d already waited too long? What if her sister wound up pregnant? Was that even possible? Who knew what could happen between a human and her werewolf lovers?

  When Shannon called her and invited her back to Forever, asking her to put aside her objections about the Holms men long enough to really get to know them, Charlie was thrown. At first she couldn’t believe her sister, and she’d refused. What did she think she’d do? Sit down and make chitchat at the dinner table with a couple of werewolves? But then Charlie had started wondering. Was the invitation sincere? Or was it Shannon’s way of letting her sister know she was in trouble and needed help? Or worse, could they be setting a trap for the one person—as far as she knew—who knew what they really were?

  Possible trap or not, she couldn’t wait any longer. If Shannon still refused to leave, she might have to drag her home kicking and screaming as she
wished she’d done with Christine. If she had, maybe her youngest sister would still be alive.

  Three days later, she’d packed her bag and flown to Dallas. In Dallas, she’d rented a pickup, bought a rifle and ammo, then headed to Forever. Too bad she hadn’t been able to find silver bullets.

  She hadn’t told Shannon that she was coming to Forever. If she did, Shannon’s men might guess what she had planned, and she’d lose the element of surprise. She wanted to fly under the radar for a day or so and gather as much information as she could before they realized she was in town. If they found out too soon, she could always say she was there to accept Shannon’s invitation then come up with another plan.

  Charlie grabbed the water bottle in the cup holder, twisted the lid off, and took a big gulp. Why did she have such a difficult time accepting that they were werewolves? Was it so much harder to believe in werewolves than in the vampire they’d thought had murdered her youngest sister, Christine?

  Shannon had come to Forever determined to put a stake deep in Deacon Slater’s undead body. Instead, she’d found out that Slater wasn’t the vampire who’d drained their sister dry. Slater was, in fact, the one who’d exterminated the killer vampire. Shannon had explained during one of their first phone conversations how she and Charlie had been misled by the killer vampire’s family into believing Slater was guilty. Thankfully, their attempt to frame Slater had failed.

  She closed her eyes and tried to keep the image of her sister’s cold, lifeless body from invading her thoughts. Christine’s only wound was a bite on her neck, a bite that was unlike any animal’s bite. Two puncture holes with no other wounds in sight had marred her pale skin. It was such a stereotypical vampire wound that it almost made Charlie laugh. But the death of her sister was anything but funny.

  What had happened to her life? She and her sisters had grown up as privileged children, living in the wealthiest part of Boston, with parents who felt more at home managing their global business than going to PTA meetings and soccer matches. The girls had flourished even without their parents’ attention and love.

  All three sisters had been groomed to help run the family business. Charlie had accepted that as her fate, but Shannon had rebelled, claiming a life apart from her family by working in a used car dealership. She’d hated the family business and wanted nothing to do with it.

  Christine’s life had taken a tragic turn when she’d gotten involved with the wrong crowd during her first year of college. They’d introduced her to drinking and drugs. From that moment, her life had spiraled out of control until she’d found herself in Dallas, willing to take drugs from any stranger on the street. Her luck ran out for good when she’d followed a supposed dealer into a back alley. But the stranger was even worse than a dealer. He’d drained her body and left her to rot beside a Dumpster.

  Some people believed in fate or destiny or whatever they wanted to call it. Charlie was willing to believe in fate, but she had a difficult time letting go of the idea that she had the ultimate control over her life. Especially since fate had a way of kicking a person when they least expected it.

  She’d had her life planned out. She’d work in the family business and one day prove worthy of becoming the CEO. At least that was her plan until that awful day when the authorities had called to say Christine was dead from “suspicious circumstances.”

  Charlie snorted at the idea. “Suspicious circumstances” was the police department’s way of not having to admit that they didn’t have a clue who’d killed Christine.

  The shock of her sister being a drug addict wasn’t nearly as hard to come to grips with as the fact that her sister had been drained dry by a real undead creature of the night. And yet, she’d still stayed in Boston, taking care of business and doing what her parents expected of her.

  Charlie slumped in the seat of the rented pickup and tugged the baseball cap down to cover more of her face. She didn’t expect anyone to recognize her, but she didn’t want to take any chances. After leaving Shannon, she’d vowed to come back more prepared to take on the creatures that had somehow captured her sister’s mind and heart.

  She ignored the sickening feeling in her stomach and checked the map she’d made of Forever and the nearby town of Shatland. The landlord who’d rented the small one-bedroom house located between the two towns had drawn a map for her, but she wasn’t sure how accurate it was. Something about the man had made her jumpy. Listening to her gut, she’d paid him a month’s rent in advance just to keep from having to see him again anytime soon.

  The house was simple, with only the barest of furnishings, but it was clean and had a window air conditioner that roared to life every ten minutes. The reject from a garbage dump would spew out semicool air then sputter and threaten to die for several minutes before starting the cycle all over again. But the place provided her with shelter, a shower, and a lumpy bed. It suited her needs, since she wasn’t planning on staying long. As soon as she could either convince or, if necessary, force Shannon to leave with her, she’d get out of town as fast as she could.

  She ran her finger along the map, noting the area between the rental house and Forever. The vampire Deacon Slater’s house was outside of Shatland, but she knew her sister wasn’t there. Shannon had gone on and on about Daniel and Anderson Holms as well as their ranch, going into a detailed description of the white two-story home with a wraparound porch. But as Charlie soon found out, white two-story houses with wraparound porches were plentiful in the area.

  She could still hear the excitement in Shannon’s voice as she told her sister how she loved helping the men with the horses and cattle. She’d talked the men into building a chicken pen for ten chickens and one rooster that she planned on adding to the livestock.

  The ranch was called Moonbeam Ranch. Charlie thought it sounded like a name a ten-year-old girl would choose, but Shannon went on to explain how many of the ranches in the area had the word “moon” in their names. There was even a local dance bar called The Moonstone Bar.

  Her finger skimmed over the names of the ranches she’d already managed to locate. Moonlight Ranch wasn’t far away, along with Moonstruck Ranch. Another large ranch was called Lonesome Range Ranch.

  She circled the area that she planned on scoping out next. Although she could’ve asked where Moonbeam Ranch was, she didn’t want to risk anyone alerting the Holms cousins or even Shannon that she was in town. She wanted to catch her sister alone, giving her a better chance of convincing her to come back to Boston.

  Charlie blew out a frustrated breath. She’d waited as long as she could without drawing attention to herself, but now she was out of time and needed to get moving. If things kept going the way they had so far, it’d take a lot longer than she’d hoped to find her sister.

  A loud noise jolted her out of her reverie to find a very large and very handsome man standing in front of the pickup, his hand flat on the hood. He stared at her, his lips curved in a smile that hinted at secrets only he knew. His blue eyes sucked the air from her and made it hard to think straight.

  “Are you planning on sitting here all day?”

  She felt the heat from her blush spread through her cheeks and was glad she had sunglasses on. At least he couldn’t see the embarrassment of getting caught in her eyes. She straightened up, grasped the steering wheel, and put on an expressionless mask.

  Those glacial blue eyes dove into her, and she would’ve sworn that he could touch her very soul. Or, if the sudden heat between her legs was any indication, that he could touch her pussy. She clenched the muscles between her legs, refusing to let her libido take charge. Still, how long had it been since she’d had a man, especially a man who looked like him, between her legs, behind her ass, or anywhere else on her body?

  He had to be at least six feet, if not another couple of inches taller. His blond hair was swept back from his rugged face to feather the broad expanse of his shoulders. He could have held the weight of the world on his shoulders and never had another thought about
it. His square jaw reminded her of the heroes with strong jaws that always saved the day in the adventure movies she loved. The denim shirt he wore couldn’t hide the muscles in his tree-size arms while his chest stretched the limits of the buttons. The wide shoulders slid down to a lean waist that made her ache to pull the shirt out of his faded jeans and skim her hands over what had to be a human sculpture come to life.

  Her pussy may have awakened her sexual awareness, but her whole body was in on the game now. She hummed with a yearning that was almost overwhelming. What would happen if she let herself go and actually touched him?

  “Did you hear me?”

  She blinked, suddenly aware that he required an answer from her.

  “What did you say?”

  He regarded her, the slight smile growing a bit wider. “I asked if you were planning on sitting here all day?”

  She licked her lips then held her breath as she realized what she’d done. Hell, why not just ask him to hop in the back of the pickup and ride your ass?

  “Uh, is there a problem?”

  He appeared amused, as though he’d sensed what she’d been thinking. “Nope. No problem at all. Other than the fact that folks around here know when someone’s watching us.” He tilted his head to one side and narrowed his eyes. “Or should I say spying on us?”

  Shit. So much for keeping a low profile.

  He twisted his head to glance down the street, then nodded at a man taking long strides toward them. She squinted, not because of any direct light but because of the appearance of the other man.


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