Book Read Free

Sweet Temptation

Page 3

by K. C. Lynn

  I nod, since my throat starts feeling a little too tight. “Do you miss it?”

  “I miss what I lost there.”

  Gah! What the heck is wrong with me? I have a loose tongue tonight. Clearing my throat I change the subject again, quickly before he can ask anything else. “I really like it here too. It’s a nice town, and I’m glad I met Julia and Kayla.” When I still feel him stare at me with questions, I trudge on, “I guess you do too, since you and Cade decided to move here as well.”

  Thankfully this causes his questions to drop. “Actually, yeah I do. And what I love most about it, is getting to fuck with Jaxson on a regular basis,” he replies with a dirty grin.

  I chuckle and shake my head, thinking about how he’s always pokin’ Jaxson about Julia. “How’s the gym comin’ along for y’all anyways?”

  “Real good actually. We should be up and running in another two months. We’re hoping to be fully functioning by Christmas. We’re making good head-way on the renovations.”

  “That’s good to hear. Julia’s told me some about it. Sounds like it’s gonna be a real great place.”

  I feel him watch me again, which is startin’ to make me very uncomfortable. “Tell me about yourself, Cupcake.”

  “Well… my name is Grace and I hate bein’ called Cupcake.”

  Sawyer grins, “Sorry, but I can’t help it, you just remind me of a cupcake.”

  I scoff, “I’m sure I remind everyone of a cupcake now, since you shoved one into my face at the weddin’.”

  He chuckles, “Nope, that’s not why you remind me of a cupcake.” I look over at him with curiosity, “Oh yeah, then why?”

  “Because you’re as cute as a cupcake, you smell as sweet as a cupcake,” his tone drops and turns husky, “and I’ll just bet you fucking taste as good as one too.”

  Whoa. All the oxygen gets sucked out of my lungs and my heart kicks into overdrive. Damn the man is good. He knows all the right ways to flirt. He could become a professional and write a book on it.

  When I don’t say anything he moves on. “All right your turn.” When I look at him inquisitively he smirks, “What reminds you of me?”


  Yikes, hold that tongue of yours, Grace!

  “What makes you think anythin’ reminds me of you?”

  “Oh come on, there has to be something? Let me guess, sex? Orgasms?”

  Well that hits a little too close to home. I roll my eyes and hope to hide the sudden flush of my face. Suddenly something pops into my head, and I have to bite back a giggle that wants to escape. I look at his sexy face, where arrogance and humor shines bright. “You really wanna know?”

  “Yup, I really do.”

  I stare at him for another second before I say: “Have ya ever heard the song ‘I’m Sexy and I Know It’?’”

  His step falters and his smile vanishes. When he doesn’t say anything for a few seconds I start thinkin’ maybe I over-stepped, but then he throws his head back and lets out the loudest, huskiest laugh I’ve ever heard. It’s so infectious that I cover my own mouth and laugh too.

  “Okay, Cupcake, that was a fucking good one. I’ll give you that.”

  We laugh for another minute before Sawyer shoots his next question, “Favorite color?”

  “I have two: pink and yellow.”

  He assesses me. “Yeah I can see that. Mine’s blue, since I’m sure you’ve been dying to know.”

  I smile and shake my head. That would have been my guess since that was the color of his monstrous truck. The deep blue was so dark it almost appeared black until the sun hit it.

  “Favorite movie?” he asks now.

  “Mmmm, probably 27 Dresses.”

  “Never heard of it.”

  I laugh, “I’m not surprised. It’s a chick flick… Okay, my turn.”

  He looks at me in surprise, but then smiles and spreads his arms wide, “Ask away, Cupcake. I’m an open book.”

  “Favorite food?”

  “Any one of your pies.”

  I chuckle and roll my eyes, “I’m serious.”

  “I am too. That’s the best shit I’ve ever had in my mouth, and let me tell you, baby, I’ve had some real good shit in my mouth. Although… I have a feeling your own delicious taste would beat out all of it.”

  Holy Moly! I flush what I assume is a deep shade of red and am thankful it’s dark out, but apparently not dark enough. “I like making you blush, Grace.”

  I shoot my eyes away. “Yeah well, it don’t take much. So don’t let it go too much to your already over-sized head there, Evans.”

  He chuckles and I can’t help but laugh with him. I haven’t laughed this much in a long time. I’m smilin’ so much that my cheeks hurt.

  I decide, since we’re on the subject, to ask the one question I’ve been wanting to know. “Which one is your favorite?”

  “What?” he asks confused. “What pie is your favorite?”

  I look away again, feelin’ embarrassed for askin’, although I’m not sure why since it isn’t a big deal.

  “That’s a tough one, because I really like them all. But if I have to choose, the one that sticks out in my head is the one I had just the other day. It has berries and chocolate and shit in it…”

  I start laughing. “I never, ever put shit into my pies, Sawyer.” He chuckles. “You know what I mean… So? What’s it called?”

  My smile dies and my heart becomes heavy. “Missin’ my Mama Pie,” I reply softly.

  I feel him watchin’ me again. “Why did you name it that?”

  “Because I was missin’ her when I made it. It’s what pulled me out of bed at three am.” I shrug, “Whatever I’m feelin’, and what comes to my mind, is normally how I name my pies.”

  I’m startled out of my sadness when Sawyer stops abruptly; grabbing my arm he pulls me against him. I stand frozen for a second, not understanding what’s happenin’, but once my brain registers the embrace I can do nothing else but wrap my arms around his hard, warm body and take his comfort. And boy what a comfort it is. His heat envelopes me and warms me from the inside out. His delicious masculine scent penetrates my senses. My head rests against his hard chest, right over his strong and steady heartbeat. But best of all are his strong arms wrapped around me, makin’ me feel safe. A feeling I haven’t felt in three years.

  Tears sting my eyes and my throat begins to feel tight from his affection. It’s been a long time since I’ve received genuine comfort like this, well except from Mac. But this was different. Way different!

  Sawyer eventually pulls back but stays close; he cups either side of my face right under my jaw. I try really hard to keep my tears at bay, not wanting them to fall, as I stare into his dark green eyes that shine with sincerity. “I’m real fucking sorry about your mom, Grace. I want you to know that you can always call me anytime you ever need anything, doesn’t matter what time it is I’ll always come.”

  My heart swells at his kind words. “Why?”

  “Because you’re my friend, and I take care of what’s mine.”

  Without me wanting it to a tear slips free, but before it can fall down my face Sawyer catches it with his thumb. I don’t know what to say or how to take his sudden affection. I’m a little scared to accept it because I’m used to bein’ let down. But something about the way he’s lookin’ at me makes me believe him. Makes me believe that he wouldn’t let me down, and that, if I did in fact need him, he would come.

  “All right, thank you.”

  He nods, then leans down and kisses the top of my head. The simple gesture is almost enough to make me breakdown. Slinging his arm around my neck, he starts us moving again and lightens the mood by asking another question. “What’s your favorite pie?”

  I smile, thinking of my answer. “Grace’s First Kiss Pie.”

  I feel him tense next to me. “I’m not sure I want to know why it’s called that.”

  I laugh at his teasin’. “It’s exactly why it’s called that. My Mama created it,
after my first kiss, when I came home and told her all about it. It’s a graham cracker crust with raspberries, whip cream and chocolate, because it was a sweet kiss. She even made little heart shapes with the dough on the top.”

  Sawyer grunts, “Sounds like a sissy kiss to me.”

  I roll my eyes and giggle.

  Disappointment strikes deep when we turn on my street. I actually enjoyed talkin’ with Sawyer; it was nice to have company on my walk home. One of the things I like about bein’ at the diner so much is I’m always around people. Being alone gets old real fast.

  That thought makes me think about the letter I sent a week ago, that I’m hopin’ to hear back from soon.

  As we walk up to my driveway Sawyer brings me out of my depressing thoughts, “This is where you live?” I watch him assess the old house that’s still in reasonable shape.

  “Yeah it’s Mac’s. He lets me rent it for cheap. I’m pretty sure too cheap since he’s supposed to be garnishin’ it off my wages, but my checks always seem to be all the hours I work. Anytime I bring it up he gets all grumpy, so I let it drop and just appreciate it.”

  When he says nothin’ I look at him, he’s watching me again with an expression I can’t decipher. “Give me your phone,” he demands, putting his hand out.

  “Have you ever heard the word please?” I mumble, before reachin’ in my purse to grab my cell.

  He’s smiling when I hand it to him. I watch him and assume he’s entering his number in my contacts. A minute later he hands it back, “There, now you have my number and I have yours.”

  I grab the phone and see he sent himself a text. I laugh at the contact name he made himself: ‘Sexy Sawyer.’

  “You, Sawyer Evans, have the biggest ego of anyone I’ve ever met.”

  Although, I would have a big ego too if I were as beautiful as he is.

  He gives me a panty droppin’ grin. “Not ego, baby, just confidence.”

  Shaking my head I smile, “Goodbye, Sexy Sawyer. Thank you for walkin’ me home. I enjoyed talkin’ with ya.”

  Before I can walk away he grabs my arm, stopping me. When I peer up at him, his expression is serious again. “I mean it, Grace. Call me anytime and I’ll come, no matter what.”

  My throat starts to feel tight again, so I just nod my head instead of answering him and begin to walk up the front steps.

  “See you tomorrow,” he calls out at my back.

  With my hand on the doorknob, I turn around and raise my eyebrows in question at him, “How do you know if I work tomorrow or not?”

  “Because I know everything, Cupcake.” With that arrogant remark he gives me a wink and walks away, taking all his confidence and sexiness with him. It leaves me with a big, silly smile on my face.

  I can’t stop the big, dumb fucking smile that’s plastered on my face while I walk back to my truck. Oh yes, I will be seeing her tomorrow and everyday after that if I have anything to say about it. I’m left with way more questions then what I had before. It’s nothing but a mind-fuck to figure chicks out. Pleasuring them? Not a fucking problem. But understanding them is something I have no fucking clue about. But this woman makes me want to figure her out. I’m starting to realize there are many sides to her. She’s beautiful, sweet and sassy. I love that I can make her laugh because, most days, those beautiful, warm amber eyes of hers are full of pain and loneliness, which causes my chest to pull tight. When I saw her sweet- talking that homely looking dog, as if he was going to answer her back, I wanted to chuckle. But then she made that comment about family, and the sad note in her voice makes me want to fucking kill whoever put it there. Grace makes me feel shit no one else ever has. She raises every protective instinct inside of me. That chick is full of secrets, and I am going to find out every single one of them, no matter how long it takes.

  I badly wanted to kiss those sad, pouty fucking lips of hers tonight when I held her. But I know she’s not ready yet, and to be honest, I’m not sure I am either. I promised Julia I would be sure before I made that move, and I will keep that promise.

  Suddenly my phone dings with a text, pulling me from my thoughts. I grab it out of my pocket and that big, dumb fucking smile comes back full-force when I see who it’s from.

  Cupcake: Thanks again for walkin’ me home, Sexy Sawyer. Let me know when you make it to your truck so I know you got there safely. :)

  I shake my head.

  Sawyer: Cupcake, the thought is sweet but I’m a major badass. Believe me, I will make it to my truck safe and sound. But I know you just wanted an excuse to text me. Miss me already?

  My phone dings again a second later.

  Cupcake: Ha, in your dreams, Evans! Seriously, how do you manage to carry that big head of yours around?

  I chuckle; yeah she can be fucking sassy.

  Sawyer: I’ve got big shoulders, baby.

  Cupcake: *Eye roll*

  Sawyer: Sweet dreams, Cupcake; I know you will be dreaming about me.

  Anticipation kills me while I wait to see what she texts back. I start to think she’s not going to, but then a few minutes later it dings:

  Cupcake: Maybe! ;)

  I suck in a sharp breath at her response, and my dick turns to steel. Oh fuck, do I want to go back over there and make that text a reality. I get pulled from the thought when I come up to my truck and see Jenny standing by it, waiting for me.

  Fucking great! This chick is really starting to get on my damn nerves. She’s a goddamn persistent one. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about fucking her. I like to fuck, a lot and often, but Cooper warned me about her early on. And, since meeting Grace, no one interests me. Which is why I need to figure out what I want to do about that, because two months is a long fucking dry spell for me.

  Standing straight, she shoves her fake tits out when she sees me approach. “Hi, Sawyer.”

  I want to cover my ears at her screechy voice. “Hi, Jenny.”

  I’m not rude but I’m not too polite either. I’ve been nice for weeks while I’ve kept brushing her off, but she’s not taking the fucking hint.

  “Where were you just now?” she asks suspiciously.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I walked a friend of mine home.”

  “Who, Grace?”

  She sneers Grace’s name, which jacks up my irritation another notch. “Yup,” I answer as I walk around her, opening my truck door.

  “Really? That surprises me.”

  I tense and stop from getting into the truck, my annoyance turning to anger, “Oh? And why would that surprise you?”

  She scoffs like the stuck-up bitch that she is, “Come on, Sawyer, you know exactly what it means. She isn’t the kind of girl that fits in with our type. She’s pathetic; the girl doesn’t even own a car. From what I hear, Mac pretty much found her on the street and gave her a place to live.”

  I can have a pretty bad fucking temper when I’m pushed, and right now this bitch is hitting it close. Fear washes out her smug look when I slam my truck door and stalk towards her, “Be careful, Jenny. I’ve been real fucking lenient with you lately for not taking a damn hint. But if you so much as breathe an ignorant word like that about Grace again… we are going to have major fucking problems. Do you understand?”

  She swallows nervously and shrugs. “Just stating what I’ve heard. If you want to get messed up in that, that’s your choice.”

  Thankfully she stomps away, because I have never been so close to hitting a fucking chick before than I am right now. Getting in my truck I slam the door a little too harshly.

  Mac pretty much found her on the street.

  I don’t know what’s happened to Grace but I promise right fucking now, no one will be fucking with her again, or so help them…

  I still can’t believe it, after all this time, I am going to meet my father this Friday night. The phone call I received from his assistant today, asking if I would meet him at a small swanky restaurant in Charleston, was a relief and a shock. I’ve been trying to w
ork up the courage for this meeting for almost two years. I finally bit the bullet and sent him a letter a week ago, since I was too scared of his rejection in person. But he didn’t reject me; he wants to meet me…

  Mac’s coughing and wheezing brings me out of my anxious thoughts. Looking over at the clock I see it’s nine pm. “Mac, go home. Seriously I got this. Things are slow and we’re only open for another hour. I can handle this on my own.”

  I can tell he’s debating it. “I don’t like leaving you alone here at night.”

  “I’ll be fine, Sawyer is gonna be comin’ in soon and walkin’ me home, so I won’t be on my own for long.” That thought has my stomach doing somersaults. It will be the third night in a row that he’s come in after work to walk me home. And every night he leaves me with a big smile on my face and an ache between my legs that I desperately want him to take care of.

  I never thought a guy like Sawyer could be into me. Not because I think I’m ugly or anythin’, but the girls I picture Sawyer with are probably exceptionally beautiful, like he is. They stand out in a crowd and look like they belong in the movies, not someone as plain-Jane as me. I know he’s a big flirt, and it’s no secret he spends time with a lot of women. But somethin’ about the way he looks at me makes me feel like maybe he does feels differently about me. Like maybe he feels this connection just as much as I do.

  I look back at Mac again when he has another coughin’ fit and point my finger at him. “Go home and sleep. That’s an order.” I firmly mimic the words back to him that he used on me the other day.

  He grunts, “All right fine, thank you, darlin’. Call me if you need anything and I’ll come right back.”

  I wave him away, “I’ll be fine.”

  He mumbles something intangible and heads out the back door.

  Soon I’m walking back out front, with dread sinking in my stomach. Mac didn’t see the three high school guys come in and sit in the very back corner. They only ordered coffee and pie. They’re cocky little jerks, and I’m pretty sure they were drinkin’ before they came in here. All of them have the same football jackets and wear clothes that cost more than my entire wardrobe.


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