Book Read Free

Sweet Temptation

Page 27

by K. C. Lynn

  I roll my eyes, “Yes, Sawyer you’re right, because Chuckie was able to cut a perfect triangle slice from each pie.” He chuckles. “It’s not funny. Do you know how embarrassin’ it is for me to bring pies you already ate from?”

  “Oh come on. You act like I ate the whole goddamn pie, when all I did was take a sliver of each.”

  “A sliver? A sliver?” I screech in exasperation. “Sawyer, a quarter of each pie is missin’. When did you even have time to do this?”

  He shrugs, “When you were in the shower.”

  “Three huge slices of pie in twenty minutes? You are unbelievable.”

  “Whatever. You’re my woman, which means I get exclusive rights to all of you, including your fucking pies. These assholes are lucky I’m even willing to share this shit with them.”

  Staring at him in exasperation for a minute, I’m about to tell him where he can shove his exclusive rights when he looks over at me with a dirty grin.

  My irritation fades and I shake my head, biting back a smile, “What am I gonna do with you, Sawyer Evans?”

  Amusement vanishing, a hungry expression transforms his handsome face. “I have a few ideas of what you can do to me.”

  I roll my eyes, but can’t deny the minor ache that starts between my legs, something that happens often when he’s openin’ that dirty mouth of his.

  Things have been so amazing since telling each other our feelings. There’s still a lot to take care of regardin’ Miguel, but I know as long as I have Sawyer by my side I can deal with anything that gets thrown at me. I’m even starting to notice the old me comin’ back, the girl I was before Mama was taken. Happy, bold, confident and it’s all because of this incredibly sexy man sittin’ next to me.

  “Seriously, Cupcake, my dick has been hard as fuck since you walked out in that classy-ass fucking dress. I wanted to bend you over that fucking table again, and pound into you until you forgot all about the goddamn pie I ate.”

  I blush. Geez seriously? How can I still blush after eveythin’ he has done to me? Looking down, I take in the simple, yet pretty, sleeveless, baby doll, chocolate brown satin dress with cream polka dots. It flows loosely around my body, falling at mid-thigh. I wore my Grace and Lace cream-colored dress extender under it, giving the bottom edge some peek-a-boo lace.

  If Sawyer thinks this is sexy just wait till he gets a look at what’s underneath it. Suddenly an idea forms- the perfect revenge for eatin’ my pies. I better wait until we get to Julia’s first; otherwise we are liable to get into an accident.

  “Well you look pretty darn good yourself, Sexy Sawyer.” And boy does he ever. My gaze roams over every glorious inch of him. He’s wearin’ his typical kick-ass faded jeans, and a white fitted tee with a jade green Lacoste button-down shirt over top that’s been left undone; the color doing wonders for his already deep green eyes. The long sleeves are rolled a quarter of the way up, showing off his cut forearms and bronzed skin. His shaggy dirty blonde hair is messed around his ears, making my fingers itch to run through it.

  Good lord, the man is hot as hell. It just ain’t fair.

  “If you don’t stop looking at me like that, baby, I’m going to pull this bad boy over and fuck your classy-ass right here on the side of the road.”

  I quickly snatch my gaze away, hatin’ that I always get caught. Damn, I couldn’t tell that he could see me, cause of the aviators he’s sportin’. Sawyer chuckles as my face heats. I decide to change the subject and ignore his comment.

  “Is it all right, if we don’t stay too terribly late tonight? I want to stop by the hospital and spend some time with Mac. I hate that he’s spendin’ Thanksgivin’ on his own there.”

  A fresh wave of sadness hits me as soon as the words leave my mouth, but I try to shake it off. Today is about bein’ thankful, and there’s plenty I have to be thankful for: my amazin’ friends who have stuck by me through everythin’ since I moved here, Mac, for not only bein’ my angel but surviving what Miguel did to him, and most of all… for the incredible man sitting next to me.

  “Yeah, Cupcake. Don’t worry, you’ll get to see Mac tonight,” Sawyer responds, pullin’ me from my thoughts.

  “Thank you. Are you, Cade and Jaxson still gonna be gone most of the day Tuesday? Because us girls were thinkin’ of bridesmaid dress shoppin’ in Charleston that day, since Kayla doesn’t work.”

  “Yeah. We’re leaving early in the morning so we can be back that night.”

  “Where are y’all goin’ anyways? You buyin’ stuff for the gym?”

  He shifts before clearing his throat. “Just a place that’s a few hours away. We have something we need to pick up.”

  Is it me or is he nervous?

  Before I can think more about it, we’re pullin’ into Jaxson and Julia’s. As Sawyer parks in front of the house, I take my seatbelt off, put the box of pies down beside me and raise up on my knees.

  Time for payback.

  “Hey, Sexy Sawyer?”

  “Yeah, baby?” he asks distractedly, taking off his glasses.

  “I just wanted to show ya somethin’.” When he glances at me I lift my dress to my hips, displaying my cream lace panties and matching garter belt that holds up a pair of thigh high stockings.

  He sucks in a sharp breath and his eyes turn to liquid fire. I burst out laughing at his stunned expression. When he reaches for me, I quickly grab the box of pies and hop out of the truck before he can touch me.

  “Grace!” I slam my door, cutting off his desperate protest.

  He exits the truck a second later as I make my way up the front steps. “Grace! I mean it! You get the fuck back here right fucking now… Grace!” he shouts angrily under his breath, but loud enough for me to hear.

  Laughin’ hysterically I make my way up the front steps. Julia opens the door before I get the chance to knock, looking adorably beautiful in a simple maternity dress. Her tummy seems even bigger since I last saw her, just the other day.

  “Oh hi, Grace. Sorry, I thought you were Grams. Come on in.”

  “Hi, Julia.” I give her a quick hug with one arm while keepin’ the box of pies under my other. “You look so darn beautiful,” I say, givin’ her cute tummy a little rub.

  She smiles warmly, “Thanks.” She starts closing the door then swings it back open, “Sawyer, what are you doing?”

  Turning around, I see Sawyer still standing by the truck, glarin’ fire at me. Oh boy… I’m in major trouble.

  “I’ll be right in. Forgot something in my truck,” he mumbles grumpily under his breath.

  I bite back a smile, knowing exactly why he ain’t comin’ in yet. Julia shrugs then closes the door. “Come on in, everyone is in the kitchen. We’re just waiting on Cade and Grams.”

  She takes the box from me and looks at the pies. I turn red with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry, Julia. Sawyer went and ate a piece of each pie while I was in the shower. I didn’t have enough time to make more before we left.

  She laughs shaking her head, “Don’t worry about it! This is still plenty for everyone. Come on.”

  I follow her into the kitchen and see everyone sittin’ at the kitchen table that’s been beautifully set for supper. Kayla and Katelyn both rush over to hug me. “Hi. Katelyn, I’m so happy to see you. I didn’t think you could come.”

  Katelyn is another person who was so darn nice and acceptin’ of me when I moved here. She went out of her way to make me feel welcome, knowing what it’s like to move to a small town you hadn’t grown up in. She’s always givin’ me deals on my hair and waxin’ appointments, no matter how much I refuse. She knows I don’t have extra money, so she’s always askin’ for pies as payment instead. Over time she’s become more than my esthetician, she’s become my friend.

  “I know. I thought I’d be spending it with my cousin and her family. They were supposed to move in last weekend, but things have changed, and it sounds like it may be another few months. I can’t wait until you all meet her. She’s really great.”

nbsp; “If she’s anything like you then we will love her,” Julia replies kindly. Kayla and I both nod in agreement.

  “Hi, Grace,” a sweet young voice calls my attention. I look around Katelyn to see Anna walkin’ over with a warm smile.

  I got to know Anna over the course of Jaxson and Julia’s weddin’, she is probably one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met. “Anna, hi. Don’t you look as pretty as ever.”

  “Oh, thank you,” she smiles shyly, running her hands down her dress nervously.

  Looking past her, I see her boyfriend Logan sitting at the kitchen table. A scowling Jaxson sits across from him, glaring daggers at the poor kid like he’s going to murder him.

  Thankfully Logan doesn’t seem all that affected by it. “Hi, Logan, nice to see you again.”

  “You too.”

  “Jaxson! Give it a rest already!” Julia scolds.

  Jaxson grunts, but his expression softens when he looks over at his wife.

  He briefly turns his attention on me, “Happy Thanksgiving, Grace. Did you bring us pie?”

  “You bet I did. Well, the portion that Sawyer didn’t eat.” Which has me remberin’ my earlier irritation. That man is damn lucky I love his sexy butt so darn much.

  My attention swings to Cooper now, as he approaches. He surprises the heck out of me when he pulls me in a hug. “Happy Thanksgiving, Grace.”

  After a stunned second, I hug him back warmly, my throat going tight with emotion at all he’s done for me. “Happy Thankgivin’, Coop.”

  “Hey get your hands off my, Cupcake!” Sawyer boasts teasingly, walking into the kitchen.

  Rolling my eyes playfully, I move away from Cooper and start unloadin’ the pies.

  I watch Sawyer walk up to Anna. “Whoa, there’s our girl. Lookin’ good kid.” He puts her in a headlock and ruffles her hair.

  She squeals and pushes him away; quickly smoothing the mess he just made, “Why must you always mess with my hair? Don’t you know that’s a sin when it comes to us girls.”

  “Should I go mess with your boyfriend instead?” He responds with a cocky smirk. Anna glares at him, her cheeks goin’ pink with embarrassment.

  “All right, that’s enough. Leave poor Anna alone,” Julia breaks in, comin’ to her defense.

  Chuckling, Sawyer ruffles her hair once more then heads over to say his hellos to everyone else. Walking to the freezer, I throw in the ice cream pie before it can melt. As I close the door, I suck in a startled breath when I feel Sawyer press up behind me.

  He grasps my hips firmly and brings his mouth to my ear, “You’re going to fucking pay for that little stunt, Cupcake. I’m going to spank your ass red, tomorrow you will not be able to sit down without feeling it.”

  I shiver. Not from apprehension, but with arousal. Images from last night assault my mind, causing intense heat to ignite through my body. I debate on openin’ the freezer door again to cool myself off.

  “Guys, they’re here. Come help please,” Julia calls out, snapping me out of my sexual fog.

  Sawyer gives my ear a sharp nip before stepping back, and it takes everything in me to keep from moanin’ out loud at the delicious sting.

  Pulling myself together, I realize almost everyone has left the kitchen, except Katelyn, Anna and Logan.

  “What’s goin’ on?”

  Katelyn smiles knowingly, “Why don’t you go see for yourself?”

  Huh? I walk out of the kitchen to find out what’s happenin’ and stop dead in my tracks, starin’ out the open front door. “Mac?” I gasp in disbelief as Sawyer, Jaxson and Cooper carry him up the front steps in a wheelchair. Cade is just behind them, locking up his truck, clearly bein’ the one to bring him here.

  Mac looks up at me and his battered face splitting into a grin, “Well hey there, darlin’, you mind an old man joinin’ you for some turkey dinner?”

  A laugh escapes me but quickly turns into a sob as I rush over to hug him. I fall to my knees and bury my face in his chest, makin’ sure to be mindful of his injuries. “What are ya doin’ here? I thought they said another week yet in the hospital?”

  He envelopes me in a bear hug, but it lacks its usual strength. “I have to go back after supper. The sheriff here pulled some strings, and when Miss Julia invited me, I couldn’t turn down a turkey dinner. Especially one I knew my girl’s pie would be at.”

  My heart melts and I cry a little harder when he calls me his girl. “I’m so glad you could come. I was goin’ to visit you after anyways, but this is much better.”

  Wipin’ my eyes, I kiss him on the cheek then go over to hug Cooper and Julia. “Thanks y’all. This means so much to me.”

  Julia wipes her own emotional eyes. “It was my pleasure, Grace, but I’m afraid I can’t take all the credit. It was actually Sawyer’s idea to surprise you.”

  I look over at Sawyer who’s watchin’ me with a mischievous grin, lookin’ darn proud of himself. Warmth explodes through my heart, spreading right to my fingertips. I should have known it was him- the sweet, sexy, arrogant son of a gun.

  Kayla clears her throat, makin’ me realize the room has fallen silent watchin’ my and Sawyer’s exchange. “Well let’s head on into the kitchen and… and… oh hell let’s just leave these two alone for a minute.” Everyone follows her into the kitchen, leaving Sawyer and me in privacy.

  His proud grin stays in place as I slowly walk over to him. His eyes heat as they travel the length of my body, and I know he’s thinkin’ about what’s underneath it.

  Standing on my tiptoes, I wrap my arms around his neck. His come around my waist, crushing me against his hard, delectable body, and he lifts me slightly off my feet. Not bein’ able to express with words what he just did for me, I decide to show him; kissing him with everythin’ I’ve got. I feel him grow hard against my stomach as our tongues slide together in the most delicious way. I don’t know how much time passes when I pull back, needing oxygen. He keeps me against him, my feet still danglin’ off the floor.

  “I love you, Sawyer. Thank you for thinkin’ of bringin’ Mac here today. It means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

  His dark green eyes lit with emotion, he gives me a sexy grin, “Anything for my Cupcake.”

  I didn’t think it was possible to love this man anymore than I already did, but I was wrong.

  “Does this mean you forgive me for eating your pie?” he asks hopefully.

  “Oh yes, you’re completely forgiven for eating the pie. Hell, I’m gonna make you your very own special pie tomorrow. One no one else can eat but you.”

  “Good, and I want you to deliver it with nothing on but what you’re fucking wearing under here.” He slides his hand between us and travels it up the inside of my thigh, grasping one of the straps that’s clipped to my stocking.

  The small touch causes an intense throbbing to pulse between my legs. I gasp when he grazes a knuckle down the center of my damp panties.

  “Does this mean you’re not gonna spank me tonight after all?” I ask breathlessly, surprised I can even form a coherent word.

  “That depends.”


  “You,” he replies, reaching around under my dress to cup one of my ass cheeks. “Do you want me to spank this tight, fuckable ass, Grace?”

  I bite my lip to keep from moanin’ at his dirty words. “Yes, I liked it last night.”

  Growling, he slams his mouth against mine again, kissin’ me with greedy desperation. But rather too quickly, he’s removing his hand from under my dress and pulls his mouth away from mine.

  I open my eyes, wonderin’ why he stopped so suddenly when I see Julia come walkin’ in to answer the door. With lightenin’ speed I push away from him, and smooth my hands down my dress, making myself presentable. I don’t miss his cocky grin.

  Good lord, I didn’t even hear anyone knock.

  Thankfully Julia is nice enough not to acknowledge our inappropriate behavior. She swings the door open revealing Grams. “Hi, my sweet Julia,” Gra
ms says, kissing her on each of her cheeks before bending down to press one to her belly, “and how’s my great grandbaby today?”

  Julia glows with happiness, “The baby is doing great. Hungry though, the smell of turkey cooking all day has been torture.”

  Grams snickers, “I’ll bet.”

  As Julia closes the door I walk over and offer Miss Margaret my arm, “Hi, Grams, Happy Thanksgivin’.”

  She links her wrinkly arm with mine and gives me a kiss as well. “Oh, Grace, my dear. You look beautiful. How are you doing, sweetheart?”

  “I’m doin’ well. Thank you.”

  Grams’ gaze zeroes in on Sawyer and before I know it she’s draggin’ me behind her. “Sawyer, you sly devil.” She pulls his shirt forcing him to lean down, and plants a kiss on his cheek. “I hope you’ve been taking good care of our sweet Grace here.”

  Sawyer revels in her attention, “You bet I am. Don’t worry her butt has been in good hands.”

  Oh god! I can’t believe he just said that. My cheeks turn pink and I pray Grams doesn’t catch on to his innuendo.

  “Oh I’ll just bet it has,” she replies with a snicker.

  Yup, no such luck. Julia thankfully saves me from further embarrassment by linking her arm with Grams other. “All right, Grams, let’s take you into the kitchen so you can say the rest of your hellos.” I look over at her gratefully.

  As Grams begins to make her rounds, I unlink my arm and glare back at Sawyer, scoldin’ him silently for his comment. He winks, givin’ me one of his dirty grins, not carin’ in the least.

  The good lookin’ bugger.

  Walkin’ over to stand by Mac, I grab his hand, still in complete shock that he’s here. He brings my hand to his mouth, and presses a kiss to it from his busted lips.

  With emotion clogging my throat, I lean down and press another one to his cheek. “I’m so happy you’re here, Mac.”

  “Me too, darlin’.”

  After Grams finishes with Katelyn, Kayla and Anna, she makes her way over to Cade. I notice him tense, becoming uncomfortable. “Oh you!” Grams says, smackin’ his shoulder, “you should be used to this by now. Just stay still so I can plant a kiss on that handsome face of yours. My goodness, I think you’re worse than my boy Jaxson used to be.”


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