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The Surgeon's Delimma (Wards of Avalon Book 1)

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by Brina Cary

  That was the most his father had said to him in years. Ollie was speechless. How did he respond to his father’s admission? How could he respond?

  Chapter 18

  Oliver looked at Synthia. She was so beautiful and she was his wife. She loved him. For no reason other than he was Oliver. Not Dr. Oliver Brooks. Just Oliver. “Everything is going to be ok.”

  “Oliver,” the nurse called.


  “The donor just woke up. He was asking to speak to you.”

  What? That was against policy. The donor shouldn’t know the recipient or their family. “How did he find out my name?”

  “I’m not supposed to say anything, but Dr. Montoya…”

  The jerk. He told the donor that it was for a doctor’s daughter. That’s how come the donor was willing to do it…

  “Dr. Montoya told him because of who he is… I just thought you should know… I know how much it tore you up.”

  “Who is the donor?”

  “Mr. Woods.”

  He froze. Was it the same person? Was it really Lucy Woods’ father?

  “He’s in the Recovery Room and would like to speak to you.”


  “Hi, Doc.”

  “Hi, Mr. Woods.” Oliver shuffled his feet. Why was he here? What could this man possibly want from him?

  “I just wanted to apologize.”

  Apologize? For what? Oliver was the one that killed his daughter.

  “I know you’re probably pretty surprised at this. I registered as a donor after Luce died. I had a really hard time with that and I took it out on you. You couldn’t have known about the clot. I’m sorry for how I acted. I shouldn’t have blamed you.”

  The clot was there. It was plain as day. Sure, it hadn’t shown up on the scans, but that didn’t mean that Oliver shouldn’t have expected it. “Mr. Woods, I…”

  “No. Please let me finish?”

  Oliver nodded.

  “The Registry gave Enrique my information, so he could determine if I was a match. That man has never broke a law in his entire life… except for me. He told me who the patient was. You might not have been able to save my daughter, but I could save yours.”

  Montoya? He broke HIPAA? The man that would follow the rulebook even if it told him to jump off a bridge? “I don’t understand…”

  “Enrique isn’t a bad guy. He just hasn’t had an easy life. My father helped bring him to the States when he was just a baby… My father lied to keep him here… I know you’ll understand the predicament he was in. He knew I was your daughter’s only hope. I know that right now, you’re having a hard time understanding this, but I hope one day you’ll be able to understand.”

  “Understand what?”

  “Understand that, Enrique just gave up his career, so that I could apologize to you.”

  Apologize? What did he have to apologize for? Oliver was the one that took his daughter from him. Oliver was the one that didn’t… couldn’t save Lucy.

  “I’ve followed everything you’ve done since. You’re a good man, but you took Luce’s death to heart. That was my fault. It was her time to go. Sure, I miss her every single day, but it was her time. You gave me more time with her, until there wasn’t any way to make more time. Enrique looked over her file for me. He said without you treating her, she would have died six months sooner. You gave me six months extra with my baby. You’re not God, but you did something that would have been impossible from anyone else.”

  Was it true? Had he really given him an extra six months with his daughter?

  “I just hope that I can give you more time with your daughter. Make the most of it while you can.”

  “Why are you doing this for me?”

  “Because you gave me enough time with Luce for her to do something amazing. She knew she was dying. She knew the surgery wouldn’t work.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “She left me something… Notes To Her Dad, she called it. The simplest thing in the world to some, but to me… It’s a guide to live by. She was over the moon that we were able to go see things and do things before she died… It meant more than anything to her… I just wanted to return the favor to you. To give you more time, just like you gave to Luce. It’s all I can do.”

  Oliver scrubbed at the tears trailing down his cheeks. Lucy had mentioned to him that she was writing letters to her dad just in case the surgery didn’t work, but he didn’t think much of it. Instead he had been the stereotypical detached surgeon… He had done doctor speak and ignored something that was so important to her.

  “I think it’s time you reviewed her case file, from new eyes. Sit with Enrique and let him show you what you haven’t been able to see — what grief’s clouded you from. Now, go be with your wife and daughter. She should be waking up soon.”

  Chapter 19

  Synthia stood silently in front of the door to the recovery room. The door seemed to be too much for her. Oliver sighed deeply. It was time for him to choose. He had to either let go of the past and move on or give it all up. His job at the hospital was now safe, thanks to his father. The only question left was, was his relationship with Synthia going to perish or thrive? It was his choice.

  Holding his head high, he stepped up beside her. “I’m not perfect. I make mistakes.”

  They both looked forward, through the tiny window, at Daniella. He felt Synthia’s hand take his and give it a little squeeze.

  “I promise I will do whatever it takes to protect you both. I don’t know how it happened, but somehow along the way, I fell in love with you. I hate that I don’t know how it happened and I can’t tell you the exact moment when. I wish I could. However, I think it was something to do with how you fought for Daniella no matter what. How you still argued with everyone and knew what was best for her. How you sought what was best for her.”

  Oliver felt like telling her what she meant to him was just too much. It was stripping him bare emotionally. She had to understand.

  “Ollie, I think there’s something you should know…”

  He froze, she was about to tell him how much she despised him, that she did it for the benefits, or even that she loved someone else…

  “Ollie, I fell for you the minute you sat on the hospital bed with Daniella and told her that sometimes parents fight. I never knew she heard us, but you knew just what to say to her. I was frozen with terror at all the things she must have heard, but you stepped right up. You plowed through the hard discussions. You were a rock… I can’t ever not love you for that.”

  Oliver frowned, “what does that mean?”

  “I would like for you to go in here with me. Then I would like for you to take me home and make love to me. I would like for you to share my bed every night from now on, for the rest of eternity. I love you.”

  “Because I was there for you?”

  “No, because you’re Oliver Brooks…”

  “The neurosurgeon…”

  “No, you’re Oliver Brooks, the man that loves me because I’m me and the man that I love because he’s him. You’re not a neurosurgeon to me. You’re not a wealthy man. You’re simply a man that is generous, kind, and treats me with the love that I deserve.”

  Oliver felt relief at her words. He squeezed her hand back. “When we get home, I’m going to do more than kiss you.”

  “I can’t wait. You’re such a tease, I’ve been dying.”

  He turned to her and saw that she grinned at him. Everything was going to be fine. They were going to be fine.

  Chapter 20

  Synthia stood at the doorframe waiting to be called in the church. She took a breath and smoothed down the front of her white dress. Ollie had given her everything. She lightly caressed her stomach and smiled.

  “Will you tell him tonight?”

  Her head snapped up at Ollie’s dad’s voice. “Hn? Tell him what?”

  “That you’re pregnant. You should tell him tonight. You’re already married, this is just for me.
Well, sort of for me. I always wanted a daughter. When my wife died I thought I’d never get one. Then when Frank called me and told me about how Ollie was marrying you. I was over the moon with joy. I knew it wouldn’t be long. Now, if it’s a girl I hope you’ll consider the name Tabitha, after Ollie’s mom. If it’s a boy then I hope you’ll consider Jacques Cousteau.”

  “The famous explorer?”

  “Of course! He was the whole reason Ollie went to medical school. Kid thought I didn’t know that he was obsessed with that scientist, just because I had him in boarding school. He should know better. I’m his father and I always will be.”

  “I’m glad that you and Ollie got everything aired out. I wish my own father could be here to walk me down the aisle, but you’re the next best thing.”

  “Come along then. Let’s get you to your husband before he thinks you’ve ran away with someone.”

  “I’ll tell him tonight, but I think he may have already suspected.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I caught him looking at baby websites. At the time I thought he was thinking about switching fields. Then last night I began to wonder if he knew the truth all along.”

  “Ollie always knows the truth, even if he doesn’t want to know it. It just takes him some time to realize it.”

  Synthia slipped her arm in his and they turned to walk through the door. “I think he’s going to be a terrific father.”

  “He sure will. He’s already learned what not to do.” As he winked at her, the music began to play.

  The room was filled with loved ones, family members and friends from both sides. All were rooting for them, hoping that they had a fantastic day and life full of love and happiness. She saw Jack and his current fling, a guy named Bob. She saw Enrique Montoya and Mr. Woods. She also saw her friends from what felt like her previous life. She was so happy. Her daughter was there, alive and well, tossing flowers on the carpet in front of her.

  It was hard to top this moment.

  However, as they stopped next to Ollie, his father kissed her cheek and walked away. She turned to Ollie and saw that he was emotional at seeing her. “Hi, hon. I missed you.”

  He nodded, but seemed unable to speak.

  “While I have you here, I have a surprise for you. I’m pregnant.”

  He nodded once again, but didn’t speak.


  Once again he nodded, as tears slipped down his cheeks. “I know,” he croaked out. “I’m going to be a dad.” He wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her cheek. “I’m going to be a dad.”

  “Yes, and you’re going to be a fantastic one. You know how I know this?”


  “Because you already are a fantastic one to Daniella.” She lightly caressed his cheek. “Now, Oliver Brooks, are you going to marry me again or do we need a shotgun wedding?”

  He laughed at her joke and wiped his tears away before wiping away her own. “Of course I’ll marry you. I already did, didn’t I?”

  “Then let’s get to it. Where’s Frank? Frank?”

  “I’m right here. We were just giving you two a moment. Are we ready to start?”

  “Yes,” they both shouted in unison. The entire congregation giggled in response.

  “Very well, let’s get this party on the road.”

  The End




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