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A Texas Ranger's Family

Page 17

by Mae Nunn

  It had been head spinning to witness what the family had pulled together in twenty-four hours. But at the end of a hectic afternoon, everyone climbed a hillside to the arbor Percy Stabler had designed for his wife LaVerne some thirty years ago. Surrounded by loved ones, the wedding couple pledged their lives while standing beneath weathered crossbeams that had been hand-hewn by Daniel’s daddy. The solid structure somehow made the family seem complete.

  Then Dana joined them to read from Ecclesiastes, reminding everyone that a cord of three strands would not be easily broken. Their lives were entwined forever and nothing this side of heaven would separate them again.

  Erin raised her hand to Daniel’s face and traced the jaw that was every bit as solid as his faith.

  “Regrets are all in the past, my love,” she assured him. “God has plans to give the three of us a future and a hope and that begins today.”

  “My beautiful bride,” Daniel whispered where only she could hear, his voice gruff with emotion. “You have made my life complete. Without you I would never have known the love in my heart at this moment.”

  “My amazing husband,” she answered, standing on tiptoe to bring her face closer to Daniel’s. “You taught me the very meaning of love when you brought me home, trusted me with Dana, invited me back into your family.”

  “It’s where you always belonged. The circle was broken without you, Erin. But today we’re whole.”

  “Smile, y’all!” LaVerne called before flashing a camera in their faces, catching the miracle of a Texas Ranger’s family on film.

  Dear Reader,

  This is a story I have wanted to write since April 28, 2005 when a female soldier’s photograph appeared on the cover of USA TODAY. A beautiful young redhead held her prosthetic right arm and stared proudly, if unsmiling, into the camera. The caption read:

  A rocket-propelled-grenade attack in Iraq cost Lt. Dawn Halfaker her right arm.

  My recent research on Ms. Halfaker indicates she has flourished in spite of her disability. In addition to earning a Purple Heart and Bronze Star, she earned the rank of Captain before retiring to become CEO of Halfaker and Associates, providing national security services for the federal government.

  Our heroine in A Texas Ranger’s Family was my small effort to honor all our Wounded Warriors, but particularly the women who share the dangers of the front lines. It is estimated that over 100,000 individuals have been wounded in combat since the war in Iraq began. I implore you as a Christian, do not forget the men and women who stood in harm’s way to protect our freedom. Go to to learn more about how you can show your appreciation and support.

  Until we meet again, let your light shine.


  Do you see Erin as brave or cowardly for leaving her child in order to stop the cycle of violence in her life?

  Do you believe a single father can raise and relate to a daughter successfully? Why or why not? How has Daniel’s actions proved or disproved your thoughts on the subject?

  Daniel has help from Abundant Harvest Church where he and Dana are well-connected. Is there a single-parent family in your church community that reminds you of the Stablers? Have you personally reached out to that family?

  When Erin reconnects with Daniel and Dana there are sixteen years of unanswered questions between them. Could you have been as patient with Erin as Daniel and his family? Do you think Erin deserves their understanding?

  Has anyone ever come back into your life after a long, unexplained absence? How did you handle the reunion?

  Forgiveness is pivotal to the family’s ability to heal and overcome past hurts. Christ commands us to forgive others so we will be forgiven. Is there someone in your life that needs forgiveness? Why or why not?

  Erin is learning to live with a disability. How would you handle losing the use of your dominant hand? How do you deal with disabled people you encounter in your everyday life?

  How difficult will it be for Erin to transition from her dangerous, nomadic world to life in the soccer-mom suburbs? What would you do to welcome her as a new neighbor?

  LaVerne is a very special character in this story. Is she anything like your mother or your mother-in-law? If so, how?

  Like Daniel and Jake, even the best of sibling relationships can be trying at times. Was there a situation with a sister or brother that was difficult? Describe how.

  Where Daniel lived in a day-to-day world of reality and responsibility, Erin’s lifestyle allowed her to live on the go, chasing her impossible dream. Which one of them do you feel was most comfortable in their own skin? Why?

  Dana conveyed her identity confusion with Goth clothing, piercings and purple spiked hair. If your daughter or son brought Dana home for dinner, how would you react? Do you think Daniel was right to allow her the freedom to express herself in this manner? What was the most outrageous way you expressed your style as a teenager?

  God’s glory is evident in everyday life from the birth of a child to the majesty of mountains. But He also works in unexpected and mysterious ways we most need to experience His presence. Can you share a time when God moved in a miraculous way in your life?

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-3972-6


  Copyright © 2009 by Mae Nunn

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the editorial office, Steeple Hill Books, 233 Broadway, New York, NY 10279 U.S.A.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This edition published by arrangement with Steeple Hill Books.

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  *Texas Treasures

  *Texas Treasures

  *Texas Treasures

  *Texas Treasures




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