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Wolfish: Fateborne

Page 18

by G. K. DeRosa

  My hands glided over the soft leather of Hunter’s couch as I waited for him to get out of the shower. I stretched his oversized t-shirt over my legs, huddling in the soft fabric and the soothing vanilla and cedarwood scent. I hated being in Silverstalker Lair even if Tyrien was dead. It was worse now. It was as if the old bastard haunted the place, his ghost roaming the dark corridors, exerting its evil will. Hunter insisted he had to be here though, and I understood why. He was the supreme alpha now, and I couldn’t imagine what sort of responsibilities came with that. Heck, I didn’t know what in the world I was supposed to do as high alpha…

  My knee bounced up and down as all the unknowns whirled around my mind. Winning the title had been all I wanted for so long that I never considered what I’d do once I had it. It was more than revenge now. I needed to use my new power to help the wolves of Moon Valley, all of them, not just the sparkly unicorn packs.

  Yes, that was what I’d focus on.

  With everything that had happened at the arena, I hadn’t had a chance to tell Hunter about my visit from the goddess. Or had I imagined the whole thing? She’d said I’d find out my purpose, but I was still lost. Had Hunter been right? Had I lent him my power to become that dragon? Could that have been what Luna was referring to?

  Burying my head in my hands, I scrubbed my fingers over my face. Tyrien dead was all I’d ever wanted. Then why did I still feel so empty inside?

  Because Mom and Grams are still dead. The little annoying voice in my head answered. Annoying because she was right. No matter how dead Tyrien was, it would never bring back all those that had died because of him—Mom, Grams, Ransom, the aunt I never met, Connor’s mom and on and on.

  The shuffle of approaching feet tore me from the grim musings. A shock of dark hair concealed Hunter’s eyes as he crept toward me. Tossing his wild bangs back, a pair of golden irises locked on mine. My wolf awoke, her furry head butting at my ribcage. She could always tell when her mate was near.

  Hunter stole toward the couch, only low-slung sweatpants hanging from his hips, his chest bare and tiny droplets of water clinging to his tanned flesh. Oh goddess, why did he have to look so good?

  I swallowed hard as he folded down beside me, pivoting his body toward mine.

  “There’s a lot we have to talk about.” He cracked his knuckles, the snap, snap, reverberating in the silence.

  I nodded numbly. I’d tried to search the bond while he was in the shower for a hint of his emotions, but like earlier there was such a mess I couldn’t make out heads or tails. “There’s something I have to tell you too,” I blurted. He needed to know about my visit from the goddess. If whatever he had to say was bad, I had to get this out first.

  “Okay.” His brows furrowed. “Do you want to go first?”

  “Yes.” I tried to collect my thoughts. It seemed like hours ago that the goddess had made that visit. “How do I say this? Oh right, guess I should just spit it out. Luna came to me.”

  His eyes widened to the size of golden full moons. “Excuse me?”

  “Right before the final event, in the Lunar Lounge, the goddess appeared.” I shrugged as he watched me incredulously. “I mean, unless I hallucinated the whole thing.”

  “What did she say?”

  “Well, she wasn’t a she so much as a blob of energy.” I realized how ridiculous I sounded, but I continued anyway. “She said I was blessed like everyone had told us all along and that I was all the Mystics needed to survive. She said I’d understand the special power I’d been given before the next full moon.”

  “That’s tomorrow night.” His dark brow arched.

  “Yup.” I let the silence linger until it became too uncomfortable. “Could it have been the dragon?”

  “Maybe…” His lips pursed, and I wanted to smack myself because all I could think about was kissing him. “What else did she say?”

  I recounted the short visit, and he never took his eyes off me. The incredulity passed and amazement took its place. When I finally finished, I asked, “So you believe me?”

  “Of course I do. I always knew you were special, Sierra.” His hand reached for me, but he pulled it back at the last minute.

  Fear pricked at my heart. “Okay, now it’s your turn. Tell me what you wanted to say.”

  He sat back and blew out a breath. “Oh gods, Sierra, I don’t even know where to begin.”

  Emotion constricted my throat, and it took all I had to pry the words out. “Just tell me how you feel…”

  A smile split his lips, and hope soared again. “I feel incredible. It all started trickling back last night—when I was with you. It was only a hint at first, anger, mostly but by this morning, I was starting to feel like myself again. And I knew what a terrible mistake I’d made.”

  My mouth curved into a tentative smile.

  “I keep making mistakes with you, Sierra. No matter what I do, it always turns out wrong. I’m supposed to protect you, but I keep doing the opposite and I can’t do that anymore.”

  “No, you can’t,” I blurted.

  “I don’t want to cause you any more pain.” He gnawed on his lower lip.

  “Then don’t.” I reached for his leg, running my finger down his muscled thigh.

  “How can you still want me after everything? You were right, I was a coward. I thought I was protecting you, but maybe I was just scared. Scared of doing the wrong thing despite how right it felt. Because gods, Sierra, I love you. I love you more than anything.”

  My heart stopped. Tears filled my eyes as I sprang up and wrapped my arms around Hunter’s neck. “You do?” I mumbled against his lips. Tears streamed down my face as he kissed me, enveloping me in his strong arms. “You really feel it?”

  He held me out to arm’s length, his eyes locked on mine. “I do. I really feel it with every ounce of my being. It’s—it’s… I can’t even describe it.” He pressed my hand to his heart, his big one covering mine. “The void is gone. It’s filled with so much love it hurts to breathe, Sierra. It’s like I went back in time to the night at Arcane when I first realized I loved you. Only back then, it was so new, so young. Now, it’s like all the past months of being unable to love you have compounded and the depth of emotion, it’s swallowing me whole.”

  I pressed my lips to his, the surge of emotions spiking through our bond like a runaway freight train. “I’m so happy,” I whispered as salty tears mingled between us.

  “You’re sure you still want me?” he choked out. “After all the unforgiveable things I did, after what I said… about leaving?”

  I stopped and glanced up at him, then framed his weary face with my hands. “I’ll always want you, Hunter. No matter how many times you push me away for my own good, I’ll always come back for more. You’re it for me, and I knew it from the moment I first saw you. I’ll always fight for us, no matter what. But don’t you ever do something so stupid again.”

  With a wry smile, he leaned in, his forehead pressing against mine. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”

  “You must have done something right to earn the goddess’s good favor. I don’t think she’d pick just any old mate for me.”

  He chuckled, the warm sound like a caress to my torn-up insides.

  “But I’m not kidding Hunter, if you threaten to leave me again for my own good, I’ll seriously smite you down with my goddess power—whatever that may be.”

  His shoulders shook as he let out a deep belly laugh. “I swear it, Sierra. From now on, no excuses. We’re mates now, the curse has been broken and there’s nothing keeping us apart anymore.” He cupped my cheek, running his thumb against my skin. “I love you. I. Love. You.” He drew out every single word. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to say that. How much it tore me up inside to not be able to. Now, I’m free. It’s like an immoveable pressure on my chest has lifted. I want to shout it from the top of Silverstalker Lair. I love you, Sierra Wildstone, and I want everyone to know it.” He tugged me into his lap and pressed his lips to mi

  Fiery need kindled in my core as his hands moved down my back. “What if we just keep it between us for a little longer?” I nipped at his lower lip. “I want nothing more than to spend the next twenty-four hours locked in your bedroom.”

  A mischievous grin lit up his golden irises, and he leapt up, cradling me in his arms. “That can definitely be arranged.”

  We darted down the hall, the white walls blurring past. For a second, I was transported back to the first day I’d met the supreme beta, Aristaeus. How had I not known he was my Hunter?

  He kicked his bedroom door open and with two long strides found the edge of the bed. He gently lay me down, his eyes fixed on mine. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to make love to you, mate. To really make love. I hope you’re ready because we’re taking it slow, so slow…” He drew out the last word, and a wave of anticipation tightened my core.

  “I’m good with that.” My voice came out clipped and breathless.

  He parted my legs, moving between them and his fingers danced toward the hem of my tee—well, his t-shirt. He slowly tugged it up, exposing my upper thighs, then my panties. He paused and trailed a finger across my inner thigh before lowering his head and swapping it out with his tongue. The bundle of nerves at my center coiled as his tongue moved lazy circles along my panty line.

  Heat burned low in my belly as he moved up my torso devastatingly slowly. His tongue left a scorching wake across my stomach before reaching the hem of my shirt once again. Hovering over me, he drew it over my head and tossed it to the floor. His smoldering gaze raked over my naked form, and it was all I could do to keep from shuddering. He shifted, and his arousal brushed my upper thigh.

  My she-wolf went nuts, whining and clawing at my ribcage. She loved making her mate crazy, and so did I.

  Hunter’s hands moved to my breasts, and I let out a hiss as another wave of desire pummeled my core. When his mouth closed over my nipple, I bucked beneath him, my back arching uncontrollably.

  “Oh, goddess, Hunter…” I moaned as his tongue flicked my sensitive flesh.

  My hips rocked and he answered my unspoken need, gliding one hand down my torso. He slowly tugged down my panties as I squirmed beneath his touch.

  He released my swollen nipple, and I couldn’t keep the whimper from escaping. “We’re taking it slow, remember?” His warm breath ghosted over my lips.

  “Umhmm,” I murmured, releasing my hold on his back and guiding his hand a few inches below my belly button.

  He let out a devious chuckle as his fingers danced along my entrance.

  “Please…” I panted.

  As his mouth closed over my breast once again, Hunter dipped one finger inside me, and a tremor wracked my core. He began to move, and my hips rocked against his palm.

  “Slow…” he whispered against my flesh.

  “I don’t know how much longer I can wait, Hunter.” Even I heard the annoyance lacing my tone.

  He glanced up, amusement sparkling in his eyes. “Bossy, little high alpha, aren’t you?”

  I snaked my hand around the back of his neck and brought his lips to mine. Our tongues clashed, a mad dance of desire driving each touch. I’d wanted this for so long, dreamt about it for four never-ending years.

  Moving my hands down his back, I reached the waistband of his sweatpants. Sneaking my fingers beneath the soft material, Hunter groaned against my mouth as my fingers met his hard length. I shimmied his sweats down his muscled behind, taking his boxer briefs along with them.

  “Sierra,” he hissed. “Not yet.”

  I slid my hand over his dragon reveling in the feel of him. “You don’t get to have all the fun…”

  A grin split his lips before he kissed me again. With his hardness pressed against the apex of my thighs, the fevered pulse below intensified. The sweeping strokes of his tongue coupled with the friction between our bodies and the intense emotions flooding the bond was almost too much.

  I skated along the edge, so close to freefalling. Digging my fingers into his perfect glutes, I drove him against me. A moan slid through his clenched teeth, and I nearly unraveled at the sound.

  “I want you inside me—no, I need it,” I whispered against the shell of his ear. “After everything, I need it now.”

  “Agreed,” he growled as he thrusted and buried himself deep inside.

  I let out a moan as the fullness, the sense of completeness consumed me. Mate. Mate. Mate. The familiar chant reverberated across my skull. Our hips crashed against each other, every thrust driving me closer to oblivion. It was like chasing stars. Each plunge promised more, an explosion of love and passion, a supernova of pleasure. Two imperfect people becoming one. Perfect together.

  “Say it,” I breathed against his mouth as our movements reached a frantic crescendo.

  “I love you.”


  “I. Love. You. Sierra.”

  My body uncoiled, all the pent-up fear and frustration exploding in a brilliant shower of pleasure. Stars erupted across my vision, and my chest felt so full I was certain it would burst. Hunter shuddered and collapsed on top of me, a sheen of sweat glistening over his flesh as it met mine. I held him against me as the aftershocks rolled through the bond, his climax and mine echoing again and again.

  I’d never felt so happy, so complete as I did in that moment.

  Hunter’s lips brushed over mine, and I tightened my hold around his waist. “I love you too,” I whispered against his mouth. “Always and forever.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Day turned into night, and the light once again triumphed over darkness. We remained in bed, in a warm cocoon of love and desire. I couldn’t remember the last time I had nowhere to be. No one to track down, no curse to break, no trial to attend. A huge smile curled my lips unbidden.

  Hunter’s arm tightened around my waist, and he drew me closer into his side. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. I’m just happy.”

  He let out a contented sigh. “Me too.” He kissed my forehead, then nuzzled my wild hair.

  “You know, this is the first time in months that I haven’t had somewhere to rush off to in the morning.”

  “Shh… Don’t jinx it.” He rolled me on top of him and smothered my objections with another kiss.

  We’d been at it all night, and still I was insatiable. As was my mate. I could already feel him against my upper thigh, and that was all it took. I was ready too. Would it ever be enough? After everything we’d been through, I felt we deserved this, so when he pushed at my entrance, I spread my legs and took him in. Again, and again.

  We lay there, spent and inconceivably happy. I only hoped Cass’s contraceptive potion was up for the task or else we’d be in trouble. As much as I loved Hunter and wanted to bear his pups, there was so much I wanted before that.

  I never wanted this moment to end, because I knew there was still so much more we had to do. We may have defeated Tyrien, but he wasn’t the Mystics’ only enemy on the council. I’d have an uphill battle as the new high alpha; I wasn’t stupid enough to think the other members would accept me as their leader with open arms. And Hunter… who knew what he’d face as supreme alpha? Dealing with the wolves was hard enough, but now he was responsible for all the shifters in Marlwoods.

  I gulped. Would they accept him as easily as the wolves had?

  Then there was the aunt I knew nothing about and her missing daughters. Could they have survived all these years just like Braxton, Connor and me? If there was a chance they were out there, I needed to find them. Now I had all the time in the world to try.

  “What are you thinking about?” Hunter brushed his finger between my brows and booped my nose. “The vein in your forehead is doing a crazy dance.”

  I shook my head. “Nothing. It’s nothing I want to think about right now anyway.”

  “Everything’s going to work out. You’ll see.” He must have been snooping around in my thoughts.

  “Since wh
en are you the optimistic one? Where’s my dark and broody alpha?”

  He grinned, showcasing gleaming white teeth. “He died back there in the arena, the moment he was freed from the curse and the tyranny of his father.”

  A knot of guilt unfurled in my core. Despite everything, Tyrien was his father, and I’d never even asked how he was doing, how he was coping with the loss. Or the guilt.

  “Are you really okay?” I brought my hand to his cheek and ran my finger across the soft stubble. “It couldn’t have been easy…” I’d felt his struggle through the bond, the fury toward his father for everything he’d put him through, and the need to protect me. To kill him for me.

  “It wasn’t easy, Sierra, but it also wasn’t a question. You’re my mate and I messed up over and over again with you, but there was one thing I could do for you. Eradicate the threat. Tyrien never would’ve given up. I felt it through the pack link. He would’ve been relentless until you and every last Mystic was dead, and there was no way I’d let that happen.”

  I nuzzled into the crook of his neck, inhaling his familiar scent. “Thank you,” I murmured. “I don’t think I ever said it, but I should have.”

  “You never have to thank me for anything, Sierra. I’m your mate and it’s my duty to love you, care for you, and protect you until my dying day. I know you’re pretty badass yourself, but still, I have to try.”

  He coaxed a laugh out and I sat up, forcing myself to straighten. We couldn’t stay in bed forever. Eventually, we’d have to face the outside world and our new roles. As if the gods had heard me, Hunter’s phone began to buzz on the nightstand.


  “I finally turned it back on because I got tired of blocking everyone through the pack link. I’d rather have them contact me there than here.” He pointed at his temple.

  “Wait so can you hear all the shifter alphas now?”

  He nodded slowly.

  “Will I too?”

  “I’m not sure. Your powers have all been a surprise.” He glanced out the window at the mid-day sun. “But if the goddess was telling you the truth, maybe we’ll get some answers by nightfall.”


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