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Wolfish: Fateborne

Page 20

by G. K. DeRosa

  The Celestial alpha groaned. “Already the power has gone to the female’s head.”

  “Quiet, Elzariel,” Hunter barked. “I won’t stand for—”

  I rose, cutting my mate off. If these males were ever going to treat me as an equal, I couldn’t have Hunter fighting all my battles. “I would appreciate not being referred to as ‘the female’. You may call me High Alpha Sierra or nothing at all. I don’t wish to propagate Tyrien’s rumors of the Mystics’ dark powers, but I will if I have to.” My wolf growled, and deep violet luminesced across my pupils. I could feel my alpha power extending over the table as I stared down the arrogant Celestial. The male lowered his gaze, and my girl let out a triumphant howl. “As I was saying, we will continue to vote on all decisions, just as you always have. I only ask that you remain open-minded.”

  “High Alpha Sierra has a point,” said Lucien. “The other packs will be much more manageable if we allow them a seat on the council. They’re always complaining and fighting amongst themselves. This will be an excellent opportunity to quell some of that discord. I second her motion.” He shot me a fanged grin, and I had to restrain myself from hugging the Royal.

  “Third,” said Viceroy’s father, Verros. “I agree it is time.”

  “And how do you propose we choose one member from the hundreds of small packs within Moon Valley?” the alpha from the Court of Wolves asked.

  “We could let them vote.”

  “They’d never agree on one to represent them all. They’re too divided, too different.”

  “Well, maybe they get a few seats?” I offered.

  “And give up our control?” the Atlantic alpha scoffed. “I think not.”

  “There has to be a way to make it happen.” I shot them a glare, and the alphas sat back. “We just have to determine the best way to do it.”

  “Fine,” said Hunter. “I’ll give you all time to think about it and propose options on how to select the council member or members in the next meeting.”

  I let out a breath of relief as I sank back in the throne. This wouldn’t be easy, but at least there was hope. The rest of the meeting was a blur. It was the longest and most boring hour of my life, but I realized there was a lot I needed to learn about the mundane aspects of pack life. By the time it was over, my wolf was itching for a run.

  As soon as the other males cleared out, I turned to my mate. “Let’s run. Please! I need to let loose or I’m going to explode.”

  He chuckled and laced his arm around my waist. “Of course. Whatever you want, High Alpha Sierra.”

  “Oh, I like the sound of that.” I rose to my tiptoes and brushed my lips against his scruffy cheek.

  We moved silently through the dim tunnels beneath the lair. The closer we got to the exit, the quicker my feet moved, my wolf’s excitement bleeding through our connection. Hunter hauled the massive door open, and the smell and sounds of the forest blanketed my skin. I darted through the doorway, but Hunter tugged me back.

  “Wait a second, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about first.”

  “Right now?” I whined, my wolf an instant from bursting out of my skin.

  “It’ll be quick, I promise.”

  I nodded, chomping down on my lower lip to quell the anticipation.

  He took my hands and brought them between us, interlacing his fingers through mine. “I want to make our mating official. We kept putting it off for one thing or another, and I don’t want to wait anymore. That is, if you still want to?”

  My heart just about melted into a puddle at my feet. “Of course, I do. There’s nothing I want more.” I leapt up, wrapping my arms around Hunter’s neck. He snaked his arm around my waist and wrapped my legs around his hips. Spinning me in a circle, I tilted my head back as the forest blurred around us.

  By the time he released me, I was giddy and breathless. I pressed my mouth to his, savoring his warm vanilla and cedarwood scent.

  “Is tomorrow too soon?” he muttered against my lips.

  “Tomorrow is perfect.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “Sierra, I feel like you’re getting married!” Cass squealed as she clapped and bounced up and down on her tiptoes.

  I stared at my reflection, too embarrassed to admit the same thought had crossed my mind. My twentieth birthday was only a week away, but it seemed much too young for marriage. And still, for wolves, a mating ceremony was even more sacred than wedding vows. Having grown up in the human world, I was still partial to the old tradition. I figured it was only a matter of time.

  Now that Hunter and I were together, nothing else mattered.

  My eyes fixed on the simple white gown with the lace embellishments that Cass had helped me pick out, and a smile lit up my face. After years of heartache and turmoil, Hunter and I were free to be together without the burden of a curse or a tyrannical father. It still seemed too good to be true.

  And now we were going to make it official in front of all the wolves of Moon Valley. I’d peeked out the window earlier to see the throngs of people assembled below the hill. The platform had been set up just outside the entrance, and I couldn’t help my mind flying back to the opening ceremony of the Alpha Trials all those months ago.

  I moved to the window and drew back the curtain of ivy. Thousands of wolves filled the valley below. They clamored to be closest to the front, to catch a close-up view of their new supreme alpha. I was instantly transported back in time. Ransom, Cass and I standing a few yards from the platform awaiting the arrival of the supreme alpha and his son. The son I’d just discovered was my high school love.

  A whirlwind of emotions squeezed my chest.

  “You okay, girl?” Cass’s voice tore me from the past.

  “Yeah, I was just thinking about the last time we were here.”

  Her gaze lifted over my shoulder to the masses below, and she nodded in understanding. “I wish Ransom could be here too.”

  I pressed my lips together to keep the truth from slipping out. I hated keeping it from my best friend, but as Lucien said, the fewer people that knew the better. I hadn’t been able to keep it from Hunter though. I’d confessed the truth last night, not wanting to go into our mating ceremony with any secrets between us. We’d had more than our fair share in the past.

  Cass drew me into a hug, and tears filled my eyes, threatening to spill over. I was a mess today between my own emotions and Hunter’s swelling through the bond.

  My best friend released me and swept her finger under my eyes. “No crying, you’ll mess up your makeup. Besides, this is a happy day, right?”

  I nodded quickly. “The happiest.” Sure, Mom and Grams weren’t here, but I had my best friend, my friends and my pack. Even Aunt Hilda had said she would try to make it. I hadn’t seen her yet, but I couldn’t make out much of anyone in that crowd.

  Two sharp knocks at the door sent my heart up my throat.

  “Who is it?” Cass called out.

  “Your favorite wolf.” Vander’s voice seeped through the door.

  “Nope, can’t be, she’s right here.” My bestie laughed before walking toward the entrance.

  “Don’t torture the poor guy, Cass.”

  Vander stood in the doorway, so handsome in a dark gray suit. Even my best friend’s smirk faltered as her eyes scanned over every inch of him. He kissed her on the cheek, then moved toward me, and a big smile stretched across his face. “You look beautiful, Sierra.”

  “Thanks, Vander. You clean up pretty well too.”

  He shrugged, crimson tingeing his cheeks. “I tried.”

  “So how is this ceremony going to work exactly?” Cass asked. “Doesn’t the supreme alpha generally preside over the mating?”

  Vander nodded. “And in his place, the High Alpha would be next, but since our two friends are in the ceremony that wouldn’t work either.”

  I hadn’t even thought about the logistics with the short timeframe. “So who’s going to do it?”

  “I am.” A huge smil
e made the wolf even more handsome. “Hunter has appointed me supreme beta. I’ll assist him in all his duties and be involved in the daily issues involving the lesser packs.”

  Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly love my mate any more, he proved me wrong. “We need to stop calling them lesser packs.”

  “Agreed,” said Cass.

  “Well then, make sure you add it to the next council meeting’s agenda.” Vander threw me a cheeky grin.

  “I will.”

  “Okay, okay, enough shop talk.” She shooed Vander toward the door. “Tell Hunter to get ready. We’ll be down in five.”

  “He’s ready, Cass. He’s been stomping around downstairs like a caged lion for the past twenty minutes. Why do you think he sent me up here?”

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” I said as I sat on the edge of the bed and slipped into my silver heels.

  Just breathe, Sierra. Inhale. Exhale. I stood at the foot of the platform, hidden from view within the arch of the tunnel. The roar of the crowd thundered across my eardrums and heightened my pounding heartbeats. I couldn’t see Hunter from where I stood, but I could feel him. I knew he was there, just beyond my sightline.

  You’re not getting cold feet are you, mate? His smooth voice was like a balm to my frenzied thoughts.

  Nope, I shot back. Just trying to steady myself so I don’t trip on these monster heels. Don’t want to embarrass myself in front of all Moon Valley.

  You never could.

  Ha! You seem to have forgotten how we met.

  I never could.

  My fingers curled into tight little fists at my sides.

  Come on out, I want to see you. Vander said you look incredible.

  With one last fortifying breath, I forced my legs forward. The moment I stepped foot on the platform, a wave of howls and yips rained down. My lips broke into a smile as the storm of emotions from the crowd surged through the pack link. They were actually happy for us, and they weren’t scared of me, or my powers. I faced the hordes of people, in wolf and human form and the stream of support and acceptance nearly pummeled me over.

  Lifting my gaze from the masses to search the platform for my mate, a pair of smoldering golden irises met mine. My heart tapped out a frantic beat. My lungs couldn’t drag air in fast enough.

  Hunter closed the distance between us, enveloping my hand in his big one. He leaned in and whispered, “You had me worried there for a second.”

  All the anxiety melted away at his touch. “Please, you had me at hello, and you know it, Dragon Boy.”

  A deep chuckle resonated in his chest as he walked me toward the center of the platform. Vander stood under a white trellis covered in lavender flowers of all kinds, the light fragrance tingeing the air. He turned me to face him and took my free hand in his. I was smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.

  “Ready, you two?” Vander whispered.

  “I was ready the moment I set eyes on her four years ago,” Hunter responded.

  “You sure played hard to get though,” I muttered.

  “I’m never going to hear the end of it, am I?”


  He squeezed my hand before turning to Vander. “We’re ready.”

  The new supreme beta lifted his gaze to the audience. “Welcome, wolves of Moon Valley, to the mating ceremony of your supreme alpha Aristaeus Silverstalker and your High Alpha Sierra Wildstone. As we all know, the mating bond is the most sacred ritual we as wolves celebrate. It is a rite not to be taken lightly, and one that should never be broken. For we are pack creatures, and without each other we are nothing.”

  Howls rang out behind us and my wolf stirred, deep within my soul. She was more anxious than I was for this ceremony.

  Vander’s words blurred as he repeated the sacred words it felt like I’d just heard at Ransom’s mating ceremony a few weeks ago. I tried to focus on the language, but the manic staccato of my heart drowned out everything else. The only thing I could focus on were the golden orbs searing into me.

  The depth of Hunter’s emotions rocketed through me, filling me so fully I was sure I’d explode with love, happiness, devotion, admiration… It went on and on. As if he had to make up for all that time he’d lived without the full range of sentiments. But nothing was as powerful as the love I felt. It was stronger than the tallest waterfall, more profound than the deepest ocean. I was certain it would swallow me whole.

  Vander’s voice drifted to a pause, and my wandering thoughts snapped back to the present. “Now it is time for the exchange of eternal blood.”

  It’s always about blood with these supes.

  Hunter grinned as the thought crossed my mind, and Vander withdrew the dagger from his jacket. He dragged the onyx blade across Hunter’s palm and then my own with one quick swipe. Then he took our hands and pressed them together.

  And the sky went black.

  A gasp rolled through the thousands gathered as a full crimson moon appeared in the dark sky, taking the place of the sun only moments ago.

  “Blessed by the goddess.”

  “Luna blessed.”

  “Luna has blessed their union.”

  The excited mutters rang out all around us.

  I stared at Hunter, my eyes wide, but his face remained a mask of calm. “After everything we’ve been through, are you really surprised?”

  A small smile spread my lips. “I guess not.” After all, I had been visited by the goddess herself and gifted with the ability to make Mystic wolves. A little solar eclipse was nothing compared to that.

  Vander parted our hands and wiped the blood away and with it, light chased away the darkness and the sun reappeared. A slight twinge burned my ring finger, and my eyes widened as the mystical mating tattoo engraved across my flesh. A ring of crescent moons. I glanced up at Hunter to see the matching symbols etched onto his skin.

  Once completed, Vander cleared his throat and announced calmly, as if the moon hadn’t just appeared in broad daylight, “And so, it is my extreme pleasure to present to you today, our officially newly mated pair.”

  A wave of applause erupted across the valley, the clapping so loud it overpowered my ragged heartbeats. Hunter tugged me toward him, pressing me to his chest, and enveloped me in his strong arms. He tipped my chin up, and his lips captured mine. More clapping raged around us. His tongue caressed mine, sweet, loving and perfect. “I love you,” he whispered as he withdrew. “Forever.”

  The music from the orchestra boomed across the valley as dusk turned to night, the natural way this time. Unlike with the opening ceremony of the trials, our mating celebration was held in the valley for all to attend. I still had no idea how Cass managed to put all of this together in one day. Must have been magic.

  Hundreds of tables surrounded the gigantic parquet dance floor which had appeared in place of the typical stands that lined the marketplace in the center of town. Hunter and I sat at a small head table for two. Neither one of us had any family left. The thought flickered across my mind as I watched the hundreds of guests dancing. I only let it hurt for a second because the truth was that I’d found my new family in Hunter, in my pack, in my new friends.

  They sat in the table beside us, talking and laughing. Cass’s gaze diverted from Vander and landed on me. She must have felt me staring. With a quick kiss on his cheek, she jumped up and scampered over.

  “You’re practically glowing.” She threw her arms around me and gave me a hug before sinking into Hunter’s seat beside me. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

  “Well, it never would’ve happened without you. How did you pull this all together so quickly?”

  “It wasn’t as fast as it seemed. Hunter asked me to start planning a few days ago.”

  “But he only just asked me yesterday…”

  “Um, I think he was pretty convinced you’d say yes.”

  I laughed and squeezed my friend’s hand. “Well, either way, thank you. Maybe you should add party planning to your witchy repertoire.”

�I just might.” Cass glanced around the horde of partiers, and her light brows knitted. “Where is that mate of yours anyway?”

  “Making the rounds,” I muttered. “He can’t move a foot without getting peppered with questions by some pack alpha.”

  “Sucks to be a power couple.”

  “I think they’re scared of me,” I hissed. “Everyone stares and when I make eye contact, they look away and take a step back.”

  “Sierra, you’re a badass Mystic alpha she-wolf. Just give them time to get to know the real you. Then you’ll be the one desperate to get away from your loving followers.” She ticked her head up and grinned. “Speak of the wolf devil.”

  Hunter appeared at my side, looking absolutely devastating in his black tux. I’d barely had a chance to ogle him with all the wolves constantly surrounding him. Everyone wanted the new supreme alpha’s ear.

  “I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone.” Cass shot me a grin, squeezing my shoulder and darted back to her table.

  “I’m sorry,” Hunter whispered as he offered his hand. “For the rest of the night, I’m all yours.”

  “Just the night?” I countered. “I thought this mate bond was a till death do us part kind of thing.”

  He beamed at me, the lights from the surrounding torches setting his golden irises ablaze. “If you think I’d let a little thing like death tear us apart, then you’ve got much to learn, mate.” He took my hand and pulled me up, enveloping me in his arms. “I want to dance with you,” he whispered against the shell of my ear, and goose bumps exploded across my bare arms.

  The words were barely out when the lively tempo changed, and a familiar tune filled the air. The crowd on the dancefloor parted, and he led me to the center. Heat flushed my cheeks as dozens of curious gazes lanced over me. Cass was right; most of these wolves only knew me from the trials and given the Mystics’ reputation, I wasn’t surprised to feel their fear trickling through the pack link. As High Alpha, I felt everything. Hunter was trying to teach me to block it, but sometimes it seeped in despite my best efforts.


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