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Page 11

by Shaw Montgomery

  He rose silently and gracefully. His muscular body shouldn’t have moved that smoothly, but it was like water rising from the floor. Submission and kneeling clearly weren’t new, but men were. I couldn’t deny how arousing it was. It was ridiculous and old-fashioned, but I loved the idea that I was the first man he was sharing himself with.

  Reece walked slowly to the chair, finally meeting my eyes as I reached out to take his hand. There was no hesitation in him as he climbed onto my lap. He just curled into me and sighed, his first words coming out quiet and low. “I like this.”

  Reece would’ve squished the average woman if he tried to sit on her, even if he was on the shorter side. Not that I was going to bring up his past, not yet at least. “I’m glad. I like holding you like this too.”

  He was calmer, and his voice came out with more strength. “I’m sorry they made you uncomfortable, but I’m not sorry to have a chance to clear up some things with you.”

  A low laugh escaped, and I wrapped my hands around his smooth body. “I’d have preferred finding another way to handle things.”

  Reece nodded. “If you haven’t guessed yet, I’m submissive and bi.”

  “Good to know. I was assuming that when I found you beautifully naked and displayed on my floor.” I wasn’t that much of a moron.

  He made a low sound almost like a laugh, but I wasn’t sure. “You need softer carpet.”

  “We’ll have to see about getting something nicer for you.” I let one hand move down to caress his knees, ignoring his cock until I knew exactly what we were doing.

  He nodded and curled in tighter to me, his hands starting to absently caress my chest. “They said you’re a Dom, and that you’re interested in me.”

  “Yes.” I wasn’t sure exactly what else to say, but I knew he was looking for more. “I noticed you the first time I saw you. Those big brown eyes looking up at me so intently.”

  That time, the sound came out more clearly— definitely laughter. “You were hot. And a little bit frightening—but still hot.”

  Smiling, I started caressing lower down his legs, wishing so much of his body wasn’t hidden against me. “I was just a little frustrated. The previous applicants were beyond insane.”

  “And you were expecting me to be the same way.”

  It wasn’t a question, but I answered anyway. “I knew you would turn right around and walk away from the crazy man. But you just stood there like it was nothing. I was a bit worried you were in shock or had lost your marbles.”

  I could hear the smile in his voice, but his face was still turned down, tucked against my body. “Maybe a little, but it was more of a case of no blood in my brain at that moment. It was all much farther south.”

  Chuckling, I kissed the top of his head, no longer able to resist. He sighed, and his left hand reached up to wrap around my neck, holding me, but not pulling me down. “I had a very similar reaction, which only made me more frustrated because you didn’t give any indication if you were gay or straight. And considering you’re bi, that makes more sense.”

  Humor was laced through Reece’s voice. “I don’t have that much experience with guys, and even less when it comes to male dominants. I wasn’t even sure how to ask if you were a Dom.” Then he shrugged. “Or if you’d think I was insane.”

  I thought it was probably a reasonable fear. “And then there’s the whole roommate part. I’m going to be honest and say that I really don’t want to have to look for a new roommate. You’re hot and sexy and looked incredible kneeling for me, but if you’re going to turn into a psycho if things don’t work out, I’d like to know now so I can start preparing for it.”

  I was being honest, but Reece just started to laugh. When he finally caught his breath, his head came up. “So if I understand this right, you’re not saying my being nuts would be a deal breaker, you’d just like some notice?”

  “Yes.” Considering how attracted I was to him and how perfectly he curled into me, I wasn’t going to hold my breath thinking we could keep our hands off each other.

  His smile widened and he shook his head. “I’m not nuts. I’m not going to plan on things falling apart, whatever it is we finally end up doing, but I’d like to think that I could function as a reasonable grown-up. At least, until I found a new place to live. If it gets bad quick, no matter whose fault it is, there are some corporate apartments I could use until finding something else was possible.”

  Corporate apartments. Work.

  “Why didn’t you say you worked for Leashes and Lace?” I didn’t really understand that part.

  “When you first started talking about everything, I was really surprised, and I wasn’t sure if you’d believe me. Saying it in my head, it almost sounded like I was making fun of you or something.” He shrugged, looking slightly sheepish. “You just came right out and said it. Telling you that I magically worked for a company that sold that kind of stuff seemed like a terrible idea. Then bringing it up later always felt random.”

  Okay, so there was a possibility that it could have gone wrong that first day. “I can see that. I was a little bit—”

  “Hostile?” Reece broke in, smiling. “Aggressive? An ass?”

  “Someone seems to be in need of a punishment.” The firm look I gave him made him blush, but he didn’t seem worried. “I might have to put you over my knee.”

  “That, um, that wouldn’t exactly be a punishment.” His blush only deepened, but he didn’t look away.

  “It would be if I didn’t let you come.”

  His gaze turned decidedly wicked. “Um, that might be a problem too.”

  Things were looking better and better. “Then I might have to get creative when I need to remind you to behave.”

  His words came out slightly breathy. “You make ‘creative’ sound very wicked.”

  I had to grin. “Thank you.”

  Reece shook his head and curled back into my arms. “This is okay? I mean…” There was a short pause before he found the words or the courage to say the words. “I like this. It’s what I want. I want to be your submissive, as long as we click on limits and things, but what about you?”

  “Yes. We’re going to discuss limits and safewords, and I’m going to grill you on everything you’re curious about.” Reece groaned, making me smile. “Maybe if you’re very good, and I know you’re being honest with what you want, then I’ll reward you.”

  Reece stilled. “What kind of reward?”

  Curiosity was clear in his voice, so I kept going. “How far have you gone with a man?”

  He stiffened. “Kissing. And…” Embarrassment crept into his voice. “And I was jerked off once.”

  There was more to the story than I was getting, because he was reacting more nervously than I’d have expected, considering he’d been calmly naked when I’d walked in. “Did you like it?”

  Had something happened that he hadn’t wanted?

  “Yes.” His firm voice soothed some of my worries.

  “You’re going to have to tell me why it makes you uneasy.” I pulled him tighter against me and let him take his time. I wasn’t going to back down, though, not unless it was something he safeworded over, and even then we’d have to figure out some way for him to get the point across.

  Finally, Reece sighed. “I was still fairly new to submission and my…my Dominant at the time took me to a club. It was there that…my Dominant helped me to realize that I wasn’t just straight like I’d assumed.”

  It was so carefully and neutrally worded, I wasn’t sure how to progress with the conversation. “Did you like and agree to everything that happened?”

  He seemed surprised at the question. “Yes. I had my safewords.”

  “Then why is this so awkward for you, Bear?”


  “With those big brown eyes and that startled, quiet expression when I first saw you, you reminded me of a teddy bear.” One I wanted to spank and do wicked things to, so maybe not the conventional bear. Still cuddly an
d sweet, though.

  “Great.” I could hear the smile in Reece’s voice. “Some guys get boy or lover or sweetie…I get a toy. And not even a naughty one at that.”

  “So you want me to call you Dildo? Or say ‘Nipple Clamps, kneel’? I can try, but I’m not sure that would come naturally.” By the time I was done, Reece was in stitches, and I was having a hard time keeping a straight face.

  “If those are my only options, then I think I’ll stick with Bear.”

  “How about…Pet?” I let the hand that had been caressing from his knee to his ankle start moving higher up his leg, making it clear I was taking the touches in a naughtier direction. As my fingers started teasing at the sensitive crease between his leg and groin, I grinned. “Do you like that?”

  His breathing hitched, and he made a low needy sound. He was going to be beautiful when he completely surrendered. Watching him fight not to squirm as I stroked the crease, I couldn’t help but imagine how he would look when he was even more aroused. “Reece?”

  “Yes?” He seemed so lost in thought, or just the sensation, I wasn’t sure if he’d heard my question. But he’d been in the lifestyle long enough that some sort of respectful title should have been included in his question. Reaching up, I quickly gave one nipple a pinch.

  It was light enough that I wasn’t worried, since his list of preferences included spankings, but he knew right away what he’d done. “I’m sorry, Sir. Yes, Sir.”

  Making slow circles around the tender bud, I nodded. “Good boy. Do you remember the question, or do I need to repeat it?”

  He took a shaky breath and shook his head. “I like…Pet.”

  My sweet boy was easily distracted. That would be fun. “Very good.” I let my nail brush over the tip, and he whimpered. “Do you like that, Reece? Do you like having your nipples played with?”

  He forced the answer out, and it was more of a moan than a word. “Yes, thank you.”

  So incredible.

  “I’m glad. I think I’m going to like playing with your nipples. Have you ever come just by having someone play with them?” I wasn’t going to pretend he hadn’t been with other people. There was no point in reinventing the wheel when a simple question would do.

  His head came up, and he gave me a long look. Trying to decide if answering could backfire, possibly. Finally, he shook his head. “I’ve gotten close, but I’ve never come that way, Sir.”

  I gently pinched the tip and slowly rolled it between my fingers, loving the way he gasped and arched. “I think we could train you to come on command when I play with your nipples.” Tugging the tip out just enough to make him squirm, I nodded. “Yes, Pet, you’d look so sexy orgasming just by me playing with your sensitive buds.”

  It wasn’t a question, and he seemed to realize that because he just let the pleasure wash over him without responding. “I think this is a good reward for my boy. What do you think, Pet?”

  “Yes, Sir. Oh…” He’d almost gotten himself under control—until I switched nipples. I couldn't have him thinking, not yet at least. I still had questions.

  “Good boy.” He blushed faintly but didn’t hide how turned on he was, or how much he was enjoying my touch. Reece had been wary and more than a little nervous when I’d walked in, but once he’d made his decision, he didn’t seem to question what he wanted.

  “Do you like having your nipples sucked and teased?” His moan let me know I was on the right track, so I kept going. “I could put clamps on them and torture them while you squirmed and begged. Would you like that, Pet?”

  Reece gasped but didn’t actually manage to get words out, so I pressed him some more. “Do you want my mouth on these little buds?”

  “Please…yes…Sir…” Watching as he desperately tried to get the words out between the waves of pleasure that seemed to be coursing through him was addicting.

  “Good boy.” Switching back over to his other nipple, I gave him a second to catch his breath. “The other day you said you were ready to start dating again. I didn’t realize it at the time, but you meant you were ready to look for a Master or Mistress, weren’t you?”

  Through labored breathing, Reece nodded. “Yes, I was trying to see if you would understand.”

  “There was something about the way you said it, but I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Chase away a functional roommate who didn’t mind what I wore? Hell, no.

  “I thought you might be a Dom after that time in your room, but I wasn’t sure. You never mentioned subs or anything that sounded like a BDSM club.” He shrugged casually and curled into me.

  “In my defense, I had roommates sneak out in the middle of the night when they realized I was gay. I wasn’t going to spring something like that on someone unless I had to.”

  Reece laughed. “You had terrible luck.”

  “You have no idea. One of the applicants right before you, actually, started to cry and said crazy things like ‘all the good apartments are gay.’”

  He lifted his head, smiling. “You’re kidding.”

  “No, I was expecting you to be just as insane as the rest.” Reaching up, I cupped his face. “Having someone as perfect as you dropped in my lap never occurred to me.”

  He blushed sweetly and looked down. “Me neither.”

  Running my fingers along his jaw and down his neck, I watched the little wiggles and squirms and made a mental note of all his sensitive spots. I was an overachiever by nature, and I was going to discover every single one.

  Reece’s breath caught in his throat as I finally got close to his nipples, but disappointment was clear in his pout when I bypassed the sensitive buds and drew imaginary lines on his chest. “Have you ever had a man’s mouth wrapped around your cock?”

  His eyes widened in surprise, but he slowly nodded. Connecting the dots, I started to speak again. “The same Mistress who had someone jerk you off at the club?”

  Reece gave a little noise and slowly nodded, clearly reluctant to answer. It was time to figure out what was making him so hesitant. “Why does telling me about that upset you, Pet?”

  Leaning close, I gave in and tenderly kissed Reece on the forehead. He sighed, letting his head rest on me again, and closed his eyes. “I had several guys lose their shit when they realized I was bi. Like they could catch cooties or something from me.”

  “I’m not delusional enough to think that you haven’t had experiences with other people. And considering the fact that you’re understanding with what I like, I’d be ridiculous if I didn’t extend you the same courtesy.” Way to be a hypocrite if I wasn’t. Here, understand what I like, but I’m going to get totally freaked out by your desires.

  He gave a low chuckle and slowly lifted his head. “You’d be surprised by the number of people who don’t think that way.”

  I kissed his head again. “Well, we’ve cleared that up, but my question has still not been answered.” Lifting one eyebrow I waited, not so patiently.

  He looked slightly sheepish. “Yes, she let him, um, suck on my cock. I wasn’t allowed to come, though.”

  Trying to pick up on the verbal and nonverbal clues, I took a moment to think. “So you were at a club or party, and she had permission to give you to other people?”

  He blushed and seemed relieved that the question was very matter-of-fact. Nodding, he watched my reaction. “Yes.”

  “Did you like that, or did you just do it because she wanted to and it wasn’t outside of your limits?” There was a big difference.

  “Because she wanted it to begin with, but once I was there and got over the shock, I liked it.” With every piece he shared, he got more confident in admitting what he wanted. And, I hoped, was starting to believe I wasn’t going to run away.

  It’d been a while since I’d gone to a club, but I wasn’t averse to exploring different things. Letting my hand start to move again, I caressed the muscles of his chest and abs, watching as he started to move again. “We’ll have to talk about limits for that, then. I like the
idea of putting you on display and making you nervous, but there are some things I’m not going to share.”

  He blushed a vivid red, clearly understanding what I was hinting at, and nodded. My fingers continued to head lower, and he slowly relaxed his legs, letting me see the erection straining away from his body. “Beautiful, sexy boy. You look even more perfect than I’d pictured.”

  Running the pads of my fingers over his muscles, I slowly inched closer and closer to his dick. He fought the urge to squirm, but it was clear what he desired. “Tell me what you wanted. Tell me what you fantasized about trying, Pet. If I think you’re being honest with me, I might give you your reward sooner.”

  He let out a frustrated moan, and I could see the battle inside him. He wanted to submit, and he wanted more, that was obvious, but it was also difficult because things had changed drastically for us in a very short span of time.

  Caressing his abs and going back to teasing the sensitive crease, I loved the way he writhed and chased the pleasure. When the words finally came out, they were tinged with need, but the embarrassment that had felt so wrong before was gone. He might still be nervous, but he didn’t seem to be bothered by fears of my reaction.

  “I like being edged and sucked off but not allowed to come.”

  “Good boy.” I inched my hand closer to his cock, rewarding the answer with a new touch. “I’m going to love getting you all wound up and then making you wait. I can keep you frustrated and needy all weekend, making my sexy boy stay naked and hard for me. Would you like that?”

  We both knew the answer to that, but his nod and needy whimper let me get closer to his reward. Running my fingers through the coarse hair that surrounded the base of his dick, I loved the desperate little sounds that escaped him.

  “Tell me more, Pet. What else did you want?”

  When my fingers skimmed around the root of his cock, barely touching him, he gasped out the next fantasy, willing to tell me anything to get the touch he craved. “I want to suck your cock. I want to feel it slide in my mouth and deep in my throat.”


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