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BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3)

Page 6

by Ashley Black

  I was yanked high in the air. My heels dangled precariously off my toes, and clattered unceremoniously to the floor.

  Scruffed, and helpless.

  “What the fuck?” I uttered in disbelief.

  “Such a mouth on you Enchantress. I think I understand why my son likes you. I can only imagine what that dirty hole in your head gets up to.”


  An alarm exploded around me. “A bomb threat!” Someone screamed.

  “Everyone evacuate, now!”

  I didn’t have to see him to know who scruffed me.

  I felt his dark poisonous magic. The unpleasant scary as fuck sensation of his black beady eyes burning the back of my skull, cracking the bone and poking at my brain.

  Cult Leader.

  Here in the Drepreche Mode Bar.

  “Thorn!” I screamed, unthinking.

  Amid the chaos and pandemonium of everyone surging to the exit, this vile man thrust me toward a black hooded figure. “Get her on stage. I want my show. I want my pound of pain from Thornton Darko for his prize less fight. Actually, I like that song, put Nirvana on will you? That song, Heart-shaped box. I will conduct the examination of her to that song.”

  My eyes widened.

  Wait? What examination?

  The black hooded figure nodded and flung me over his broad shoulder.

  “Just get everyone out of here quickly dad.”


  Oh no!


  The Cult leaders wanna-be Warlock son.

  I struggled, thrashing, kicking out, trying to bite him as his hand slid up under my dress and palmed my ass.

  This was a fucking nightmare.

  I shivered at what Thorn had said to me earlier.

  ‘I am weak. If that cult leader were to come here now to kill you, I would not be able to do a fucking thing.’

  Cale leapt onto the stage. He landed flawlessly.

  A curtain fell behind us, muffling the din of everyone emptying the place.

  Cale sighed and slid me slowly down his body. His hands pressed firmly on the tops of my shoulders. It almost felt like he was trying to force me through the floor of the stage with that single motion. The air vibrated strangely around us.

  My terrified gaze rolled fitfully away from his red, wet, frenzied one.

  Where was Thorn? I worried. The band?

  I screamed when Cale spun me around. He thrust me into a face. My forehead cracked against a cool wet one.

  Sammy’s. He was hanging upside down. His face blood splattered, eyes wide, unseeing. His right eye had a microphone embedded in it. It was attached to the cord wrapped around his thin white neck.

  I staggered, my mouth hitting the floor.

  I made out the rest of the band. These men I barely knew. Four men who helped ‘support’ the phenomena that was Cellrager were hanging from the rafters by microphone cords. They dangled there before me, like broken dolls.

  My wide terror stuffed gaze slid to their chests. Ugly gashes scratched viciously across them and seethed with blood. Surely, they had been slashed open by some kind of animal.

  Their hearts were a glistening ruby red mess on the floor.

  I screamed again. No, no,no, no, this would kill Thorn!

  Cale’s red eyes slit in hatred as he threw me to the floor. “Thornton’s whore!” He spat in my face and leapt atop of me as I thrashed around. He secured my wrists with handcuffs that burned hot as soon as they closed around them. He ripped down my dress. Tore my bra and panties with his teeth. “Secure her ankles!” he barked at a hooded figure over his shoulder.

  I shook my head.

  “Why are you doing this?” I screamed as hot manacles pinched around my ankles.

  “My dad just wants to teach my brother a lesson. Tonight he will learn the hard way that resisting his dark destiny will help exactly no one.”


  Cult leader held up a thin white hand, black eyes narrowing on his son. “Please control your mouth Cale. We don’t talk with the lesson props, remember?”

  His black beady eyes crawled hungrily over my very naked skin. This man, who represented so much terror and woe for Thornton Darko sat in a chair vibing an odd air of serenity. He patted his lap. His long index finger scratching absently at the black cross on his right cheek. “Bring her to me, place her here. I must see what all the fuss is about with this ass that has my son so enchanted.”

  Cale snorted as he scruffed me again and draped me over his demented dad’s lap. “I’ve seen better.”

  In the seething blackness beyond the lifeless bobbing band members, I heard strange sounds begin to emanate, with intense urgency.

  A grunting.


  Low, menacing growls.

  The chinking of chains.

  “Unmuzzle the beast,” the cult leader sniggered, sounding amused. “Let it speak.”

  A spotlight revealed a raging Thornton Darko. He was tied up with silver chain to a black dramatic throne. Topless and maskless, only black jeans clad his impressive physicality now. I noticed his nose was free of the bandage, any sign that it had been chomped on by my crazed best friend - gone.

  They freed his devastating mouth from the crude silver muzzle that clamped it shut. His wide horrified gaze crawled all over me and then slid to his band members hanging from the rafters. He shook his head and as his ability to speak returned, roared senselessly.

  It was so fucking loud.

  There seemed no end to it.

  Thornton Darko was having a bad day.

  It was about to get worse.

  The look on the man’s face.

  He had just hit another level of fury. We were at demon dimension beyond hell level.

  “Who are all of you? To do this to me!” He screamed. Outraged, he ripped his huge body back and forth in protest, moving nowhere fast against his restraints.

  The cult leader smiled faintly, looking amused. “You say this as if we don’t really know you Thornton. But we do. You are the new evil my son. The new …hit. Just as soon as you embrace it.”

  “Besides!” Cale interjected. “You mindlessly slaughtered my people last night and ate of their hearts. I thought I would return you the favor by killing your band. Doesn’t feel so good now does it?”

  “Actually,” Thorn was breathing hard, his body aglow in sweat. He licked his lips. “What you have done to my band doesn’t alter how I feel about killing your people. It felt and tasted pretty fucking good. It still does.”

  Cale released a frenzied wail of “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkkkk,” and surged toward Thornton.

  The Cult Leader held up one hand, affecting an intensely bored expression. “You will not harm him.”

  The try-hard warlock came up short of Thorn, practically foaming at the mouth, angry steam pouring from his twitching nostrils. Shaking so hard it looked like he might fall over, he took a hesitant step back, his white painted face pinched in irrepressible fury.

  “Let’s get back to this ass shall we?” Cult Leader laughed harshly and gave my butt a decisive slap. The sting of it made my eyes smart with tears. I choked soundlessly.

  “I am going to examine your whore now.”

  “Stop this shit!” Thorn yelled. “Now!”

  “I will never stop Thornton,” he laughed. “If you had stuck with me. Bob would be thriving and in the best of health. As it stands son, he suffers unthinkably and will stop very soon because you are powerless to help him. You fight. But for what Thorn? For her?” He poked at my rear roughly and I was shocked when my body gave no protesting jerk in response. “For your whore?”

  Terror sped through my veins when I realized I couldn’t move.

  The cult leader pressed his hand into the small of my back. I could feel a strange power emanating there. I was still. Motionless. I tried to open my mouth. Perfect. Fucking mute.

  “Please,” Thorn’s voice cracked. “I love her.”

  Cult leader walked his finge
rs all over my ass. “Really? I see you haven’t marked her yet. She isn’t really under your protection.”

  My eyes widened. What the hell was he talking about? Marked? It sounded appalling and sexist, like I was property, a farm animal, something that could be claimed, to be owned.

  His long fingers parted my cheeks. He rubbed his index finger between them. “Such a fine piece of ass too. Seeing as you care so little for her Thornton, perhaps you won’t mind if we all take our fill of it yes? Pump this,” he whacked me hard across my trembling cheeks, “beautiful ass full of spunk.”

  “You fucking dare!” Thorn’s face tripped out on shadows, his green eyes hissed to flame.

  Ignoring Thorn’s obvious displeasure, Cult leader grunted, lifting me. He rose to his feet pushing me into the chair. He slid onto my lap facing me. My legs crushed beneath the press of his powerful thighs. “I will continue my examination,” he snarled. His hands flushed to my belly and slid up to my breasts. He thumbed the right nipple and sighed when it pebbled beneath the pad of his vile finger. Then squeezed the other. “Fucking beautiful.” His breath turned ragged and I was aware of the blood rushing into his organ straining now against his pants.

  Oh God, no.

  His beady eyes popped wide when his hands slid from my breasts to wrap around my neck.

  The raven necklace. It was the first time he had seen it, I realized.

  “What is this Thorn?” he recoiled from me scruffing me by the back of the neck as he advanced on Thorn and dropped me to my knees. “What have you done, son?”


  “You bound yourself to her? Are you fucking crazy? You will die.”

  Thorn would not look at the cult leader who screamed hysterically in his unmoving face.

  The incensed man snapped his body backwards and drove a boot into my side. I whimpered and managed to roll away from him. Feeling had returned.

  “Fucking greedy little whore. How dare you do this to my son? You tricked him into binding himself to you. To giving over his power.”

  “She did nothing,” Thorn still would not look up. “And stop calling me son. What I did was arrogant and stupid. A terrible miscalculation on my part.”

  Thornton Darko sounded devastated.

  “Let’s move on to the next part of the lesson,” Cult Leader huffed in disgust. “Bag them, take them to the field.”

  This ‘part of the lesson’ obviously held some significance for Thorn, for his gaze finally snapped to the Cult Leaders.

  “No,” he roared. “No. You will not do that. Whip me fucking senseless like you used to …Snake Father. You know you want to. Put your dick in my mouth you sick, twisted fuck. How long has it been? You always liked doing it in front of others yeah? You loved turning me into a fucking spectacle to get off on. So do these things instead. Livestream it to fucking facebook. Destroy me. Your son fucked my band. You may as well finish off its leader, because Cellrager is no more. Anything but …,” his mesmerizing eyes burned brighter. “That,” he finished softly.

  I had been trying to stand, but Thorn’s words had me on my knees and a dampness was on my cheeks as I realized I was crying for him.

  All I could see in my mind was that little black haired boy in the documentaries, taken under what did Thorn call him? Snake Father’s misguided wing, and sexually abused in front of … people.

  If he was inviting that upon himself, my terror of what lay ahead of us ‘in the field’ had just gone into overdrive.

  “Thorn,” I murmured, reaching for him, I wanted to touch him. I wanted to hold this man in my arms and numb out his pain.

  Cale flashed a triumphant smile, winking at me, and pulled a hessian bag down over Thorn’s head.

  “You are going to get reallllll fucked up whore,” Snake Father licked my ear, his rancid breath rushing into my gaping mouth.

  I intended to respond with something truly bad ass, something resembling the perfect wrath I wanted to exact on his rancid colon for all the hell he had put my rock star through.

  Blackness stole my words. It suffocated my vision. I smelt sulfur and cloves. My reality spun, and pissed itself.

  The Field

  I awoke to my world tilting wildly into an upside down hell.

  My tiny soul and fractured heart fell out the top of my head.

  My wrists were crossed over one another, bound and dangling down a plank of black painted wood that was being shoved into a burned patch of grass in a field.

  I was aware of the cool night air brushing over my very naked bits. The burn of the rope on my ankles. My legs stretched impossibly wide in a V at the apex of the cross. I was wide open. I didn’t want to think about why.

  I blinked, dazed by the surge of terror.

  I saw Thorn.

  He too was bound to a black cross. It reminded me of the prop from his ill-fated music video in Mexico City.

  The black jeans he had been wearing had been pulled down to his ankles.

  He had a half on and it was growing, but not from arousal.

  I flinched.

  He was bleeding from his cock. There was a black glistening fucked up pool of blood between his legs.

  His balls.

  Bloody welts.


  My eyes filled with hot tears of rage.

  “You sick twisted fuck,” I uttered, astonished staring aghast at Snake Father.

  The vile man was running a long grey tongue along a belt. The one he had just used on Thorn.

  He sighed happily, lashes fluttering as an expression of ecstasy claimed his ugly face. He continued to indulgently lick the belt clean of Thorn’s cock blood. He deftly pulled the now clean belt through the loops of his black trousers.

  He wiped his mouth on the back of his wrist. His black eyes grinned at Thorn. “I am going to take the ass you haven’t claimed yet, son. You don’t have enough power to stop me. You never will, to truly protect those love. You need me. You stubborn, prideful little prick. After tonight, if you don’t deal with her, we will. We are going to fucking kill her Thorn before she kills you. This is the end of tonight’s lesson.”

  Snake Father strode toward me, a leer cracking his thin pale lips. He started unzipping his pants.

  Hell no.

  I shook my head. There must be something I could do with my new-found awareness of my powers. I closed my eyes, desperately trying to locate the energy drift, the traces of my subtle influences and energies.

  “Don’t touch my Elena!”

  Thorn’s voice was like thunder.

  On the horizon, a screech.

  I ignored it momentarily, feeling my lips part, a warmness flooded into my belly. I had found something. Yes, I could control arousal, amplify it, but I could also make it work in the opposite manner.

  I felt the energy of Snake Father. The ugly dark pulsating vibration of his stiffening organ being pulled from his pants.

  I smiled.

  It was a bit, forgive the pun, cock sure of me, but damn if Thorn and I were going down, I was going to humiliate the leader of this fucked up and misguided cult.

  More screeching. My gaze travelled up.

  Ravens. A black seething cluster of them exploding through the trees.

  Hope swelled inside my chest at the sight.


  They attacked Thorn.

  I saw them viciously swoop and peck, their claws ripping his skin apart.

  The rest of the black hooded figures milling around the spectacle laughed, pointing.

  Shit, shit, shit, why in hell were they doing that? What the fuck had gotten into them?

  “See Thorn?” Snake Father snarled. “You are already in the process of becoming your dark destiny. Not even your prized animal companions recognize you as their Raven King. You are an evil not even they can abide Son.”

  “Thorn!” I screamed helplessly.

  The ravens were feral.

  They engulfed the man.

  I only saw his emerald eyes through the franti
c mass. They were flame bright and wide with terror.

  Blood started splattering up across their sleek black wings.

  I took a deep breath.

  I wanted to reach out to them, to compel them to help him. Enchant them. Impress my will over theirs.

  But I had hold of the Snake Father’s sexual energy and I couldn’t afford to drop the thread yet. Not when I was so new at this. Well at deliberately doing it in any case.

  I noticed Cale. The other black hooded figures pressed closer.

  “Come on dad, we’re ready for the show,” Cale’s black lips lengthened in a truly unpleasant smile.

  I shivered.

  Fuck them all to hell.

  I closed my eyes, licking my lips.

  I started with focusing on Snake Father’s balls.

  His uttered a small hiss of dismay.

  I had shoved the things so far up inside of him I was pretty sure he was going to cough them up.

  He coughed.

  I licked my lips in anticipation.

  His eyes bulged. “What?” he croaked.

  His hand drifted to his cock. “What are you doing to me whore?”

  He staggered toward me and pulled my ass cheeks apart with a violence that almost made me drop his energy thread.

  I held on tight.

  Tears were smarting my eyes from the pressure.

  Sweet Jesus.

  He was whimpering softly at the expulsion of his balls.

  I saw his erect cock bobbing between his legs.

  I pulled on the energy and imagined scrunching it up into a small ball of pain.

  He recoiled from me.

  I was grinning now. I couldn’t help myself. This felt too damned good.

  The horror in his black eyes. His mouth fell open in a wide pointless ‘O.’

  “Dad? What is with your dick?”

  I peeked a look at my handiwork and was well pleased.

  Yay me, I inwardly celebrated.

  His cock was a limp, shriveled up slug.

  “Fucking whore!” Snake Father screamed. “What have you done to me?”

  “It’s so cute,” I teased. “So snug bunched up like that. Soft and defenseless. It could get hurt, you should put that pathetic thing away.”


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