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Road Trip, Volume 2

Page 7

by BA Tortuga

  “Mmm.” Did that sound come from him?

  “Yeah. You just rest now. I’ll order us some food. Then we’ll hit that hot tub, ’kay?”

  “’Kay.” Wait? Was it? Damn. He. Yeah. Food. He needed.


  “Cool. Come on, upsy-daisy.” Lifting him right up, the guy…. He had a name. What was it?



  Jack? No. Colby.

  “This is… completely out of my realm.”

  “Yeah? It’s kind of a day at the office for me.” They got settled on the bed, Colby grabbing the phone book.

  That was sort of… deflating. “So what happens next?”

  “I order food. I mean, we could get room service.” Which brought to his attention the fact that they were in a different room than they had been in before.

  “Room service. Where are we? I mean, I’m a little… lost.” There wasn’t a thing on the bed stand that would tell him where he was either. No logos. No stationery or guest book. What sort of place didn’t have a guest book? Hell, what sort of place didn’t have a room phone?

  “Oh, we’re here. Not there. Now, hamburger? Pizza? Steak?” The hotel was nice. That much was clear. Way nicer than the one they’d been in earlier.

  “Whatever is fine. I’m not a picky eater.” He headed to the window, needing to look out, to see something that gave him a reference. The man actually let him, which was kind of a relief and kind of scary, all at the same time. He heard humming behind him, and flipping through that damned phone book too. Man, they were up high, but the skyline wasn’t Dallas. That was Six Flags, Hurricane Harbor. Arlington. Okay, not too far from home. He could get a cab, even. Call some friends.

  When he glanced back to see what the cowboy was doing, he shivered a little. The man watched him like a hawk.

  “Pretty lights. Where are my clothes?” My phone. My wallet.

  “You ready to go there, Doc? Because you’re still looking a little wobbly, and that will be a hard conversation.”

  “I need to go home, Colby. This isn’t a movie.” This sort of thing only happened in movies.

  “Come sit down. I’ll keep my hands to myself.” Sure. The hands. But what about all that bare skin? Muscle. Blond fuzziness. He sat on the edge of the bed, fighting the urge to grab a pillow and just whack the living shit out of the cowboy. “Now, now, Duncan. I can see what you’re thinking, and we’ve been all civilized….” One corner of that pretty mouth kicked up, giving the smile a rakish tilt. “You can’t go home, honey.”

  “I have to. I have class.” People would notice, damn it. Miss him.

  “You do. You’re a classy dude.” Winking, Colby settled on his side, head propped on one hand. “Thing is, people want you dead. Think you are. I sent them blood and shit.”

  “But I’m not. I mean, I’m not.” Blood. Blood. His blood. Christ, his head hurt.

  “Not what? You trying to tell me you didn’t do something to piss some biggie-wows off? I mean, they paid a lot for a guy that never did nothing.” One sandy eyebrow went up, the cowboy just staring.

  “I’m trying to tell you I’m not fucking dead.” Not. Not dead at all.

  “Right. Let me put this in little words. I was hired to kill you. Now the people who want you dead think you are. Got it?” That “humor the lunatic” voice actually had him reaching for a pillow….

  It felt fucking amazing when the pillow connected. Hard.

  So he did it again.

  In fact, he did it again and again, hollering until his throat hurt and just whaling away. Colby never stopped him, just put one arm up to protect his face.

  What the fuck was he doing?

  What the fuck was he doing?

  He dropped the pillow and bolted, heading for the door, everything in him going rabbitrabbitrabbit.

  His feet slipped right out from under him when Colby hit him from behind, tackling him to the floor. “No running, Doc.”

  “No. Let me go. Let me go!” Things went bright red and vicious, panic just taking him as he fought, pulling him down into a whirlpool that sucked his good sense away and surrounded him in blankness.

  No more.

  Chapter Eleven

  MJ REACHED up with his toes, jingling the little bell hanging from the edge of the cabin. All he had to do was push a little higher into the handstand, stretch out, and….



  He lowered himself back down, legs parting, knees bending to stretch out his lower back, working with the swells that were moving the boat.



  “Is this some sort of yoga meets cat toy thing, Precious?” Sonny wandered by, pressing a cold bottle to his balls.

  “Fuck!” He jerked, almost fell over, balls trying to crawl up inside him. “Asshole! You’re just jealous.”

  “No. No, I’m not. I’m tickled, because this is all mine.” Sonny rubbed something else between his legs, something a lot warmer.

  Oh, now. That was nice. He closed his eyes, focused on spreading his legs out to the side, nice and slow, giving Sonny a show.

  “See? Just like that.” That hand pressed against him, rolling his balls, pulling them to the base of his prick. “Love your yoga, Precious.”

  “Uhn.” He wobbled a little bit, swallowing hard. Fuck, those hands.

  “Yeah. See, that’s what you need. A little stretching the right way.” Bending, Sonny kissed him, right between his thighs, licking a little.

  “D… damn. Sonny.” It was like the best kind of high, that little bit of stubble, those lips.

  “Mmm.” That man loved on him until he thought his head might explode; then Sonny gently turned him upright. He swayed some, blinking as he raised his face up for a kiss. Dude. Head rush. Fucking cool. Kissing him hard, Sonny pulled him up close, hands on his ass, hard as hell against him, ready to start the next set of exercises.

  He climbed his own favorite pole, humping and rolling against all those amazing fucking muscles.

  Biting his neck, Sonny laughed out loud for him, holding him up. No chance of letting him fall. “Better than bell ringing, Precious?”

  He chuckled and reached up, whacking the bell. “Man, this way I get both.”

  “I’ll ring your bell good, you want me to.” A slow roll of Sonny’s hips left no doubt what his redneck meant.

  “Mmm. Here, kitty, kitty.” He wanted. He really wanted.

  “Come and get it.” Carrying him to the little built-in seat, Sonny lowered them down, pulling him to straddle those hard thighs.

  He tilted Sonny’s bald head up, leaned down, and took a good, hard kiss, fucking those lips good and steady. Sonny’s hands slid behind his head, fingers gripping his hair, holding him right there so the kiss could go on and on. God love a naked redneck on a boat.

  Man, that should be on a T-shirt.

  He could wear it to introduce Sonny to Mom.

  Oh man. That would be something.

  Sonny growled a little, deepening the kiss. Right. Focus. Pulling him up with one hand under his ass, Sonny rocked them together, pushing his balls against Sonny’s cock. Oh yeah.

  Oh. Oh fuck yeah. He wanted. He leaned down, tongue dragging on that healed ink. His. “Fuck me, huh?”

  “Uh-huh.” Sonny bucked with every movement of his tongue, fingers sliding back to find his hole. “Slick?”

  “Uh. Somewhere?” Was he supposed to think?

  “Damn it, Precious, you’re supposed to pay attention.” Sonny stuck two fingers in front of his face. “Lick.”

  “How about suck?” He wrapped his lips around those thick fingers, sucking good and hard.

  “Sucking is good.” Watching him like a hawk, Sonny moaned for him, pushing up against him. When those big fingers were good and wet, Sonny pulled them away and pushed them against his ass. MJ didn’t screw around; he pushed down, groaning as the burn climbed up his spine.

  “MJ. Oh fuck yeah. Still so tight.” Those
fingers pushed right up and in, pegging his gland.

  “Sonny!” Fuck him. His eyes popped open, and the world came to a screeching fucking halt.

  “Like that?” That wild grin made him think of pirates. “Fucking love the way you move.”

  “Do it again.” He licked the corner of Sonny’s mouth.

  “This?” Sonny hit his sweet spot again and again, getting him open and ready.

  “Uhn. Uh-huh. Fuck, Sonny.” He was going to fucking explode.

  “That’s the idea.” Fingers slipping free, Sonny lifted him, then pulled him closer so that cock could push against his hole. He groaned all the way down, eyes rolling back in his head. “Oh, Christ, Precious. So damned good.” Sonny moved him up and down, got a good rhythm going.

  “Uh-huh. Better than yoga.” MJ groaned, bounced like Sonny was the world’s most muscled trampoline.

  Wait, did that make sense?

  Moaning against his neck, Sonny humped up into him, hot and hard inside him, hands like steel bands on his hips. He rode faster, thighs burning, just shaking with it.

  “More, Precious. God. More.” Bracing against the deck, Sonny pushed up into him and filled him up all the way.

  “Fuck. Fuck, I….” His body went tight as he held off, not wanting this to end, not yet.

  “Come on, MJ. I need it.” Sonny slid one hand around, grabbed MJ’s cock and tugged, working all the way up and down his shaft.

  “Need.” The second time Sonny’s fingers tugged the crown of his cock, he lost it, shooting like a tab of C-4 with a remote detonator.

  “Shit! Oh yeah.” He wasn’t the only one. Sonny came for him, deep inside, filling him with heat. He went a little goofy, head bobbing, body shivering with the aftershocks. “Did I ring your bell?” That smile felt so fine against his neck, Sonny leaning and giving him something solid to sit against.

  “You fucking know it, Sunshine. You’re my honest to God ding-a-ling.”

  “I also provide your Ding Dongs.”

  Oh. Chocolate. Yum.

  “You are my motherfucking hero.” He was well-fucked, happy, solid. Where was the goddamned chocolate?

  Chapter Twelve

  NEIL WOKE in the dark hours before dawn, feeling restless in a way he hadn’t in months. Paddy was right beside him, there was no one else in the cottage, and the weather out there was calm. He could hear the waves crashing on the beach, which usually had him sleeping like a baby.

  So what was the problem?

  Rolling to his back, Neil closed out Paddy’s sleeping stream of consciousness and focused, trying to pin down the feeling. Something stirred, like a slimy denizen of the deep, before settling just out of his grasp. Neil sighed, pushing the light sheet off his legs. Perhaps a cup of tea would do him good.

  In only a few moments his Padraic followed, blinking and mostly asleep, digging in the tiny refrigerator for the milk. A simple breakfast tea in the cup, hot water in the kettle, and Neil settled in to drink, letting Paddy lean on him.

  Paddy didn’t say a word, just touched him, petting and stroking. Those curious little thoughts bounced and lifted like the bubbles in champagne. The thought made him smile. Paddy was nothing if not effervescent. Neil kissed his cheek, humming with the pleasure.

  “Better?” Those fingers found the ink in the small of his back, tracing it without having to look.

  “I am, love.” Of course he was. Paddy was touching him. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “I always wake up when you have nightmares. I worry.” And Paddy was worried, but he wasn’t sorry, was he?

  “Mmm. It wasn’t so much a nightmare as a feeling, love. I’m a little worried myself. The last time I ignored these niggles, bad things happened.” Very bad things.

  “So, let’s go.” Paddy sounded like it was the easiest answer in the world.

  “What if I like it here?” Oh, he knew he was being stubborn for the sake of it, but he did adore their bitty cot.

  “I do too, but….” Paddy sighed, nuzzled his neck. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “No. Nor you either.” They could go to Spain. The southern coast was lovely, after all. They could see the Alhambra.

  “Wherever.” Since they’d taken Paddy from his home, he’d become quite the wanderer.

  “You constantly amaze me, love.” He grinned. “We could go to England. You would quite like Dover.”

  “Would you like that? You could have tea on demand, and everyone would sound like you.”

  “They would. It might be easier to hide for a bit.” Not that he minded the idea of Spain either. Perhaps Italy.

  “I could go anywhere, so long as we’re together.”

  “Then we’ll go to Britain. It’s easier for now, and we can blend a bit more.” He could show Paddy the amazing tea shops, perhaps get a new tattoo.

  “Oh….” Paddy groaned, snuggled closer. “Me too. Me too, Neil.”

  “Yes?” Oh, gracious. Yes, that would be lovely. Hot. They could have fish and chips, and he could introduce Paddy to the joys of Marmite.

  “Yes. Anywhere. I’ll come with you.”

  “Then we’ll go, tomorrow.” They would leave a few months’ rent on the kitchen table and slip away, run from the feeling that kept shadowing him.

  “Okay. Do you want me to pack?” The long finger slid down his stomach, the caress slow.

  “Not yet. It’s too late to leave tonight, but we should go in the dark.” He wanted one more day in their idyllic spot, wise or not.

  “Mm-hmm. Then could we…?” He received another touch, Paddy’s worry and need fluttering against him.

  “Could we? Oh, yes. In fact, I think we should.” He turned and took a kiss, letting his tongue trace Paddy’s lips. Paddy’s relief poured over him, and he ended with a lapful of excited redhead. “Hello, love.” Laughing, letting Paddy’s joy roll over him, Neil hugged him close, kissing along a line of freckles.

  “Hello, Neil. I want you.” Paddy’s fingers were curious and quick, scraping over his skin, teasing him, playing with his nipples.

  “Oh, I want you too. Can you feel it?” That was quite the silly question. Surely Paddy could feel his cock, hard between them.

  “Inside. I always do, now. I feel you.” Paddy blinked, thoughts shattering as he nibbled a sweet spot on the sweet neck.

  “Yes.” Just like Paddy was always with him, bubbling along the surface, occasionally falling deep into him. Neil took another kiss, then another, moaning a little.

  There was a moment of stillness, of quiet need, that made him ache. Then they began moving again, rocking against each other, both of them starting to pant a bit. Paddy’s fingers found his cock, rubbing nice and easy, the thumb working the tip.

  “Sweet….” That felt amazing. Made Neil feel like he could forget everything else and just eat Paddy up. After licking a line down Paddy’s neck, Neil stopped at the base of his throat and sucked hard enough to leave a bruise.

  Paddy squeezed, a low gasp filling the air.

  “Padraic.” He was still so in love with Paddy’s name.

  “You’re the only one who calls me that.”

  “You’ve never been a Rick to me.” Paddy’s old friends and coworkers might have called him that, but the ones who loved him—his mother, his siblings—had called him Paddy.

  “No. No, you’ve always heard me, even when….” Flashes of images—pain and blood, fear and a scarred blond with deadly eyes—pushed between them.

  “Even then.” No, love. No more thinking about things like that. They should think about kissing and loving and touching. He wrapped his arms around Paddy’s body, and their lips met, Paddy throwing himself into this. Pushing up with his hips, Neil rocked along, his cock sliding through Paddy’s fingers until he thought he might scream with it. “Want you, love.”

  “Uh-huh. Here? Sofa? Bed? Washing machine?”

  “Here works.” He was solidly planted. Paddy could do the most acrobatic things, and Neil could sit.

sp; Paddy nodded, lifting up a little so that pretty prick could rub against his belly. Closing his eyes, Neil shifted, letting their bodies slide together. When he opened his eyes again, Paddy was staring at him, the bright gaze speaking volumes. His cock slipped behind Paddy’s balls, the hot skin dragging along the tip. That sent a wave of pleasure up his spine, and he grabbed Paddy’s hips.

  “Again.” He smiled against Paddy’s mouth, rocking them together.

  “Uh-huh. Uh-huh.” Paddy’s groan tasted sweet.

  “Love.” Neil bucked up, pressing his prick into Paddy’s body.

  They started sharing short, heady kisses, each one making him more breathless. Squeezing, Neil pushed Paddy’s bottom, working them together, letting their skin glide on skin.

  “Need you.” Paddy’s ass went tight, thighs shaking.

  “Got me, love. Any way you need me.” When he finally reached down and grabbed Paddy’s cock, it was almost too much for both of them. Things became wild and fierce, their need ratcheting up, Paddy’s mind spinning. His own mind locked on to Paddy, and that was all he could see or think or hear.

  “Neil!” Heat sprayed against him, wet and right, Paddy’s world gone all sparkles and shine.

  Lovely. So bloody perfect. Neil moaned, coming hard, heat spilling from him as well. That was exactly what he needed. Exactly the thing that would drive the restlessness away. At least for tonight.

  “Come to bed. I’ll pack tomorrow, and we’ll leave after supper, I promise.” Paddy kissed his nose, his forehead.

  “Fair enough.” Neil helped Paddy to his feet before climbing up himself, both of them a little unsteady. “I love you, sweet. No matter what.”

  “I know, Neil. I’ll take care of you.” Something in the words made that twinge of worry sing inside him again. They had to go. Tomorrow. As soon as it was dark.

  “We’ll take care of each other.” They had to. They were all they had left in the world.

  CLOTHES. BOOKS. Tea. Clothes.

  Paddy wasn’t sure what was out there, and he wasn’t sure what was worrying Neil, but he knew it was bad.

  Knew it.


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