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John Judge

Page 8

by Michael G Franks


  One of the last meetings John and Marie were to have at their home was underway. ‘Before we proceed with this action I need you to understand that any one of you can pull out at any time during the planning but once you commit there is no going back.’ John had called his first action planning meeting. All of his lieutenants were there as was Marie and some of her nursing colleagues. For the first time, a commander from the north had joined them. ‘I cannot risk this operation once it is underway. Do I have your agreement?’ There was complete unity; no one was going to pull out of this their first real action.

  ‘What’s the job boss?’ Paul asked.

  ‘We are going to attack the Conpen at Southwark Park where about thirty young men are currently held. They are potential recruits for us and I believe they are presently guarded by five warders and are armed with Glock pistols and Tazer guns. They will not be expecting us so we will have the advantage. Apart from releasing the detainees, I want the warden’s weapons and ammunition. I would prefer not to have any bloodshed so we will go in quietly and cleanly. If we have to despatch any of them, I ask you to do it quietly and quickly. Everyone is to wear black with dark coloured ski masks. I cannot risk any of you being identified at this stage. Mal has been able to source a couple of weapons and a small amount of ammunition so we are good to go.’ John referred to a large map of London on the wall and pointed to Southwark Park. ‘That’s our target gentlemen. Paul, Derek, stop your current activity and concentrate on clearing a path from Monument to Bermondsey underground. I need to know that we can dive underground with the 30 detainees after they are released. Once the alarm is raised, all hell will be let loose above ground. I want to know whether the air is breathable, what the terrain is like and what the likely travel time is. How soon can you get this data back to me?’

  Paul looked at Derek enquiringly and said ‘I think we could do the run tonight John. It would be best if we could establish access points at night, do you agree Derek?’

  ‘Yes I do, the quicker we do this, the better. It will be especially relevant to test run it during the hours of darkness.’

  John was impressed. ‘Thanks, guys let me know as soon you’ve completed the task; I will not be able to finalise the plans until I have your report. In the meantime, let’s go through what we can decide tonight. We do not know what condition the detainees are in so, Marie and your team, can you be ready to help?’ It will mean establishing a base in the underground at Bermondsey which is the closest we can get to after the assault.’

  ‘Yes of course John. I take it the main requirements will be medical rather than clothing?’

  ‘My main concern will be that they are able to move quickly with us, clothing will not be important. As I do not want any one of us identified at this stage, I’m afraid you and your team of lovely ladies will have to disguise your beauty by wearing a very unbecoming ski mask.’

  ‘I’m sorry John, but that might be a step too far! You’re not seriously expecting us to spoil our makeup by wearing a mask?’ Marie said jokingly.

  John let the laughter and the banter settle and then continued. ‘Mal, I need a transit van by the day after tomorrow; can you do?’

  Mal smiled, ‘any particular colour?’

  ‘Any colour you like so long as it’s dark.’

  ‘I’ll let you know when I’ve got it.’

  ‘As soon as Paul and Derek have confirmed that Bermondsey is suitable as a jump off point the van will transport us by the quickest route to the tube entrance that our two guys have established. It should be out of main road sight. We will disembark and gear up when we’re in the tunnel. Masks will not be removed from that moment on until my command is given. Our return route may or may not be underground and that part of the plan will be finalised after I have the report from P and D. The Conpen is on the North West side of Southwark Park close to the main road. We will split into two groups; Terry and Mal will approach the target from the east. Mal who is to drive the van will dump it, leaving Terry to observe the target area. Derek, Paul and I will approach from the West on foot. As the two groups will initially be out of sight of each other, timing is vital. So, at 2200 hours precisely we will converge on the target. The detainees will have been fed and should be settling down for the night; the wardens will be relaxed. We can take them out one by one quietly and quickly. Avoid the use of firearms if at all possible but do not forget to strip the Stapo from whatever weapons and ammunition they have. Finally, avoid speaking to each other during this operation; use the hand signals we have all been trained in. If anything has to be said, I will say it. I will give a final briefing at the jump off point the day after tomorrow at 2000 hours. Does anyone have any questions?’

  There were no questions just an atmosphere of excitement.

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